/// @ref gtc_matrix_access
/// @file glm/gtc/matrix_access.hpp
/// @see core (dependence)
/// @defgroup gtc_matrix_access GLM_GTC_matrix_access
/// @ingroup gtc
/// Include <glm/gtc/matrix_access.hpp> to use the features of this extension.
/// Defines functions to access rows or columns of a matrix easily.

#pragma once

// Dependency:
#include "../detail/setup.hpp"

#	pragma message("GLM: GLM_GTC_matrix_access extension included")

namespace glm
	/// @addtogroup gtc_matrix_access
	/// @{

	/// Get a specific row of a matrix.
	/// @see gtc_matrix_access
	template<typename genType>
	GLM_FUNC_DECL typename genType::row_type row(
		genType const& m,
		length_t index);

	/// Set a specific row to a matrix.
	/// @see gtc_matrix_access
	template<typename genType>
	GLM_FUNC_DECL genType row(
		genType const& m,
		length_t index,
		typename genType::row_type const& x);

	/// Get a specific column of a matrix.
	/// @see gtc_matrix_access
	template<typename genType>
	GLM_FUNC_DECL typename genType::col_type column(
		genType const& m,
		length_t index);

	/// Set a specific column to a matrix.
	/// @see gtc_matrix_access
	template<typename genType>
	GLM_FUNC_DECL genType column(
		genType const& m,
		length_t index,
		typename genType::col_type const& x);

	/// @}
}//namespace glm

#include "matrix_access.inl"