#include "rapidjson/reader.h" #include "rapidjson/document.h" #include <iostream> RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH #ifdef __GNUC__ RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) #endif // This example demonstrates JSON token-by-token parsing with an API that is // more direct; you don't need to design your logic around a handler object and // callbacks. Instead, you retrieve values from the JSON stream by calling // GetInt(), GetDouble(), GetString() and GetBool(), traverse into structures // by calling EnterObject() and EnterArray(), and skip over unwanted data by // calling SkipValue(). When you know your JSON's structure, this can be quite // convenient. // // If you aren't sure of what's next in the JSON data, you can use PeekType() and // PeekValue() to look ahead to the next object before reading it. // // If you call the wrong retrieval method--e.g. GetInt when the next JSON token is // not an int, EnterObject or EnterArray when there isn't actually an object or array // to read--the stream parsing will end immediately and no more data will be delivered. // // After calling EnterObject, you retrieve keys via NextObjectKey() and values via // the normal getters. When NextObjectKey() returns null, you have exited the // object, or you can call SkipObject() to skip to the end of the object // immediately. If you fetch the entire object (i.e. NextObjectKey() returned null), // you should not call SkipObject(). // // After calling EnterArray(), you must alternate between calling NextArrayValue() // to see if the array has more data, and then retrieving values via the normal // getters. You can call SkipArray() to skip to the end of the array immediately. // If you fetch the entire array (i.e. NextArrayValue() returned null), // you should not call SkipArray(). // // This parser uses in-situ strings, so the JSON buffer will be altered during the // parse. using namespace rapidjson; class LookaheadParserHandler { public: bool Null() { st_ = kHasNull; v_.SetNull(); return true; } bool Bool(bool b) { st_ = kHasBool; v_.SetBool(b); return true; } bool Int(int i) { st_ = kHasNumber; v_.SetInt(i); return true; } bool Uint(unsigned u) { st_ = kHasNumber; v_.SetUint(u); return true; } bool Int64(int64_t i) { st_ = kHasNumber; v_.SetInt64(i); return true; } bool Uint64(uint64_t u) { st_ = kHasNumber; v_.SetUint64(u); return true; } bool Double(double d) { st_ = kHasNumber; v_.SetDouble(d); return true; } bool RawNumber(const char*, SizeType, bool) { return false; } bool String(const char* str, SizeType length, bool) { st_ = kHasString; v_.SetString(str, length); return true; } bool StartObject() { st_ = kEnteringObject; return true; } bool Key(const char* str, SizeType length, bool) { st_ = kHasKey; v_.SetString(str, length); return true; } bool EndObject(SizeType) { st_ = kExitingObject; return true; } bool StartArray() { st_ = kEnteringArray; return true; } bool EndArray(SizeType) { st_ = kExitingArray; return true; } protected: LookaheadParserHandler(char* str); void ParseNext(); protected: enum LookaheadParsingState { kInit, kError, kHasNull, kHasBool, kHasNumber, kHasString, kHasKey, kEnteringObject, kExitingObject, kEnteringArray, kExitingArray }; Value v_; LookaheadParsingState st_; Reader r_; InsituStringStream ss_; static const int parseFlags = kParseDefaultFlags | kParseInsituFlag; }; LookaheadParserHandler::LookaheadParserHandler(char* str) : v_(), st_(kInit), r_(), ss_(str) { r_.IterativeParseInit(); ParseNext(); } void LookaheadParserHandler::ParseNext() { if (r_.HasParseError()) { st_ = kError; return; } r_.IterativeParseNext<parseFlags>(ss_, *this); } class LookaheadParser : protected LookaheadParserHandler { public: LookaheadParser(char* str) : LookaheadParserHandler(str) {} bool EnterObject(); bool EnterArray(); const char* NextObjectKey(); bool NextArrayValue(); int GetInt(); double GetDouble(); const char* GetString(); bool GetBool(); void GetNull(); void SkipObject(); void SkipArray(); void SkipValue(); Value* PeekValue(); int PeekType(); // returns a rapidjson::Type, or -1 for no value (at end of object/array) bool IsValid() { return st_ != kError; } protected: void SkipOut(int depth); }; bool LookaheadParser::EnterObject() { if (st_ != kEnteringObject) { st_ = kError; return false; } ParseNext(); return true; } bool LookaheadParser::EnterArray() { if (st_ != kEnteringArray) { st_ = kError; return false; } ParseNext(); return true; } const char* LookaheadParser::NextObjectKey() { if (st_ == kHasKey) { const char* result = v_.GetString(); ParseNext(); return result; } if (st_ != kExitingObject) { st_ = kError; return 0; } ParseNext(); return 0; } bool LookaheadParser::NextArrayValue() { if (st_ == kExitingArray) { ParseNext(); return false; } if (st_ == kError || st_ == kExitingObject || st_ == kHasKey) { st_ = kError; return false; } return true; } int LookaheadParser::GetInt() { if (st_ != kHasNumber || !v_.IsInt()) { st_ = kError; return 0; } int result = v_.GetInt(); ParseNext(); return result; } double LookaheadParser::GetDouble() { if (st_ != kHasNumber) { st_ = kError; return 0.; } double result = v_.GetDouble(); ParseNext(); return result; } bool LookaheadParser::GetBool() { if (st_ != kHasBool) { st_ = kError; return false; } bool result = v_.GetBool(); ParseNext(); return result; } void LookaheadParser::GetNull() { if (st_ != kHasNull) { st_ = kError; return; } ParseNext(); } const char* LookaheadParser::GetString() { if (st_ != kHasString) { st_ = kError; return 0; } const char* result = v_.GetString(); ParseNext(); return result; } void LookaheadParser::SkipOut(int depth) { do { if (st_ == kEnteringArray || st_ == kEnteringObject) { ++depth; } else if (st_ == kExitingArray || st_ == kExitingObject) { --depth; } else if (st_ == kError) { return; } ParseNext(); } while (depth > 0); } void LookaheadParser::SkipValue() { SkipOut(0); } void LookaheadParser::SkipArray() { SkipOut(1); } void LookaheadParser::SkipObject() { SkipOut(1); } Value* LookaheadParser::PeekValue() { if (st_ >= kHasNull && st_ <= kHasKey) { return &v_; } return 0; } int LookaheadParser::PeekType() { if (st_ >= kHasNull && st_ <= kHasKey) { return v_.GetType(); } if (st_ == kEnteringArray) { return kArrayType; } if (st_ == kEnteringObject) { return kObjectType; } return -1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main() { using namespace std; char json[] = " { \"hello\" : \"world\", \"t\" : true , \"f\" : false, \"n\": null," "\"i\":123, \"pi\": 3.1416, \"a\":[-1, 2, 3, 4, \"array\", []], \"skipArrays\":[1, 2, [[[3]]]], " "\"skipObject\":{ \"i\":0, \"t\":true, \"n\":null, \"d\":123.45 }, " "\"skipNested\":[[[[{\"\":0}, {\"\":[-9.87]}]]], [], []], " "\"skipString\":\"zzz\", \"reachedEnd\":null, \"t\":true }"; LookaheadParser r(json); RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(r.PeekType() == kObjectType); r.EnterObject(); while (const char* key = r.NextObjectKey()) { if (0 == strcmp(key, "hello")) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(r.PeekType() == kStringType); cout << key << ":" << r.GetString() << endl; } else if (0 == strcmp(key, "t") || 0 == strcmp(key, "f")) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(r.PeekType() == kTrueType || r.PeekType() == kFalseType); cout << key << ":" << r.GetBool() << endl; continue; } else if (0 == strcmp(key, "n")) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(r.PeekType() == kNullType); r.GetNull(); cout << key << endl; continue; } else if (0 == strcmp(key, "pi")) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(r.PeekType() == kNumberType); cout << key << ":" << r.GetDouble() << endl; continue; } else if (0 == strcmp(key, "a")) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(r.PeekType() == kArrayType); r.EnterArray(); cout << key << ":[ "; while (r.NextArrayValue()) { if (r.PeekType() == kNumberType) { cout << r.GetDouble() << " "; } else if (r.PeekType() == kStringType) { cout << r.GetString() << " "; } else { r.SkipArray(); break; } } cout << "]" << endl; } else { cout << key << ":skipped" << endl; r.SkipValue(); } } return 0; } RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP