/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "rlottie.h" #include "rlottie_capi.h" #include "vdebug.h" using namespace rlottie; extern void lottie_init_impl(); extern void lottie_shutdown_impl(); extern "C" { #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> struct Lottie_Animation_S { std::unique_ptr<Animation> mAnimation; std::future<Surface> mRenderTask; uint32_t *mBufferRef; LOTMarkerList *mMarkerList; }; static uint32_t _lottie_lib_ref_count = 0; RLOTTIE_API void lottie_init(void) { if (_lottie_lib_ref_count > 0) { _lottie_lib_ref_count++; return; } lottie_init_impl(); _lottie_lib_ref_count = 1; } RLOTTIE_API void lottie_shutdown(void) { if (_lottie_lib_ref_count <= 0) { // lottie_init() is not called before lottie_shutdown() // or multiple shutdown is getting called. return; } _lottie_lib_ref_count--; if (_lottie_lib_ref_count == 0) { lottie_shutdown_impl(); } } RLOTTIE_API Lottie_Animation_S *lottie_animation_from_file(const char *path) { if (auto animation = Animation::loadFromFile(path) ) { Lottie_Animation_S *handle = new Lottie_Animation_S(); handle->mAnimation = std::move(animation); return handle; } else { return nullptr; } } RLOTTIE_API Lottie_Animation_S *lottie_animation_from_data(const char *data, const char *key, const char *resourcePath) { if (auto animation = Animation::loadFromData(data, key, resourcePath) ) { Lottie_Animation_S *handle = new Lottie_Animation_S(); handle->mAnimation = std::move(animation); return handle; } else { return nullptr; } } RLOTTIE_API void lottie_animation_destroy(Lottie_Animation_S *animation) { if (animation) { if (animation->mMarkerList) { for(size_t i = 0; i < animation->mMarkerList->size; i++) { if (animation->mMarkerList->ptr[i].name) free(animation->mMarkerList->ptr[i].name); } delete[] animation->mMarkerList->ptr; delete animation->mMarkerList; } if (animation->mRenderTask.valid()) { animation->mRenderTask.get(); } animation->mAnimation = nullptr; delete animation; } } RLOTTIE_API void lottie_animation_get_size(const Lottie_Animation_S *animation, size_t *width, size_t *height) { if (!animation) return; animation->mAnimation->size(*width, *height); } RLOTTIE_API double lottie_animation_get_duration(const Lottie_Animation_S *animation) { if (!animation) return 0; return animation->mAnimation->duration(); } RLOTTIE_API size_t lottie_animation_get_totalframe(const Lottie_Animation_S *animation) { if (!animation) return 0; return animation->mAnimation->totalFrame(); } RLOTTIE_API double lottie_animation_get_framerate(const Lottie_Animation_S *animation) { if (!animation) return 0; return animation->mAnimation->frameRate(); } RLOTTIE_API const LOTLayerNode * lottie_animation_render_tree(Lottie_Animation_S *animation, size_t frame_num, size_t width, size_t height) { if (!animation) return nullptr; return animation->mAnimation->renderTree(frame_num, width, height); } RLOTTIE_API size_t lottie_animation_get_frame_at_pos(const Lottie_Animation_S *animation, float pos) { if (!animation) return 0; return animation->mAnimation->frameAtPos(pos); } RLOTTIE_API void lottie_animation_render(Lottie_Animation_S *animation, size_t frame_number, uint32_t *buffer, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bytes_per_line) { if (!animation) return; rlottie::Surface surface(buffer, width, height, bytes_per_line); animation->mAnimation->renderSync(frame_number, surface); } RLOTTIE_API void lottie_animation_render_async(Lottie_Animation_S *animation, size_t frame_number, uint32_t *buffer, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bytes_per_line) { if (!animation) return; rlottie::Surface surface(buffer, width, height, bytes_per_line); animation->mRenderTask = animation->mAnimation->render(frame_number, surface); animation->mBufferRef = buffer; } RLOTTIE_API uint32_t * lottie_animation_render_flush(Lottie_Animation_S *animation) { if (!animation) return nullptr; if (animation->mRenderTask.valid()) { animation->mRenderTask.get(); } return animation->mBufferRef; } RLOTTIE_API void lottie_animation_property_override(Lottie_Animation_S *animation, const Lottie_Animation_Property type, const char *keypath, ...) { va_list prop; va_start(prop, keypath); const int arg_count = [type](){ switch (type) { case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_FILLCOLOR: case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_STROKECOLOR: return 3; case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_FILLOPACITY: case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_STROKEOPACITY: case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_STROKEWIDTH: case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_TR_ROTATION: return 1; case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_TR_POSITION: case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_TR_SCALE: return 2; default: return 0; } }(); double v[3] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < arg_count ; i++) { v[i] = va_arg(prop, double); } va_end(prop); switch(type) { case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_FILLCOLOR: { double r = v[0]; double g = v[1]; double b = v[2]; if (r > 1 || r < 0 || g > 1 || g < 0 || b > 1 || b < 0) break; animation->mAnimation->setValue<rlottie::Property::FillColor>(keypath, rlottie::Color(r, g, b)); break; } case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_FILLOPACITY: { double opacity = v[0]; if (opacity > 100 || opacity < 0) break; animation->mAnimation->setValue<rlottie::Property::FillOpacity>(keypath, (float)opacity); break; } case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_STROKECOLOR: { double r = v[0]; double g = v[1]; double b = v[2]; if (r > 1 || r < 0 || g > 1 || g < 0 || b > 1 || b < 0) break; animation->mAnimation->setValue<rlottie::Property::StrokeColor>(keypath, rlottie::Color(r, g, b)); break; } case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_STROKEOPACITY: { double opacity = v[0]; if (opacity > 100 || opacity < 0) break; animation->mAnimation->setValue<rlottie::Property::StrokeOpacity>(keypath, (float)opacity); break; } case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_STROKEWIDTH: { double width = v[0]; if (width < 0) break; animation->mAnimation->setValue<rlottie::Property::StrokeWidth>(keypath, (float)width); break; } case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_TR_POSITION: { double x = v[0]; double y = v[1]; animation->mAnimation->setValue<rlottie::Property::TrPosition>(keypath, rlottie::Point((float)x, (float)y)); break; } case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_TR_SCALE: { double w = v[0]; double h = v[1]; animation->mAnimation->setValue<rlottie::Property::TrScale>(keypath, rlottie::Size((float)w, (float)h)); break; } case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_TR_ROTATION: { double r = v[0]; animation->mAnimation->setValue<rlottie::Property::TrRotation>(keypath, (float)r); break; } case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_TR_ANCHOR: case LOTTIE_ANIMATION_PROPERTY_TR_OPACITY: //@TODO handle propery update. break; } } RLOTTIE_API const LOTMarkerList* lottie_animation_get_markerlist(Lottie_Animation_S *animation) { if (!animation) return nullptr; auto markers = animation->mAnimation->markers(); if (markers.size() == 0) return nullptr; if (animation->mMarkerList) return (const LOTMarkerList*)animation->mMarkerList; animation->mMarkerList = new LOTMarkerList(); animation->mMarkerList->size = markers.size(); animation->mMarkerList->ptr = new LOTMarker[markers.size()](); for(size_t i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) { animation->mMarkerList->ptr[i].name = strdup(std::get<0>(markers[i]).c_str()); animation->mMarkerList->ptr[i].startframe= std::get<1>(markers[i]); animation->mMarkerList->ptr[i].endframe= std::get<2>(markers[i]); } return (const LOTMarkerList*)animation->mMarkerList; } RLOTTIE_API void lottie_configure_model_cache_size(size_t cacheSize) { rlottie::configureModelCacheSize(cacheSize); } }