/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef LOTTIEITEM_H #define LOTTIEITEM_H #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include "lottiekeypath.h" #include "lottiefiltermodel.h" #include "rlottie.h" #include "rlottiecommon.h" #include "varenaalloc.h" #include "vdrawable.h" #include "vmatrix.h" #include "vpainter.h" #include "vpath.h" #include "vpathmesure.h" #include "vpoint.h" V_USE_NAMESPACE namespace rlottie { namespace internal { template <class T> class VSpan { public: using reference = T &; using pointer = T *; using const_pointer = T const *; using const_reference = T const &; using index_type = size_t; using iterator = pointer; using const_iterator = const_pointer; VSpan() = default; VSpan(pointer data, index_type size) : _data(data), _size(size) {} constexpr pointer data() const noexcept { return _data; } constexpr index_type size() const noexcept { return _size; } constexpr bool empty() const noexcept { return size() == 0; } constexpr iterator begin() const noexcept { return data(); } constexpr iterator end() const noexcept { return data() + size(); } constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return data(); } constexpr const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return data() + size(); } constexpr reference operator[](index_type idx) const { return *(data() + idx); } private: pointer _data{nullptr}; index_type _size{0}; }; namespace renderer { using DrawableList = VSpan<VDrawable *>; enum class DirtyFlagBit : uint8_t { None = 0x00, Matrix = 0x01, Alpha = 0x02, All = (Matrix | Alpha) }; typedef vFlag<DirtyFlagBit> DirtyFlag; class SurfaceCache { public: SurfaceCache() { mCache.reserve(10); } VBitmap make_surface( size_t width, size_t height, VBitmap::Format format = VBitmap::Format::ARGB32_Premultiplied) { if (mCache.empty()) return {width, height, format}; auto surface = mCache.back(); surface.reset(width, height, format); mCache.pop_back(); return surface; } void release_surface(VBitmap &surface) { mCache.push_back(surface); } private: std::vector<VBitmap> mCache; }; class Drawable final : public VDrawable { public: void sync(); public: std::unique_ptr<LOTNode> mCNode{nullptr}; ~Drawable() noexcept { if (mCNode && mCNode->mGradient.stopPtr) free(mCNode->mGradient.stopPtr); } }; struct CApiData { CApiData(); LOTLayerNode mLayer; std::vector<LOTMask> mMasks; std::vector<LOTLayerNode *> mLayers; std::vector<LOTNode *> mCNodeList; }; class Clipper { public: explicit Clipper(VSize size) : mSize(size) {} void update(const VMatrix &matrix); void preprocess(const VRect &clip); VRle rle(const VRle &mask); public: VSize mSize; VPath mPath; VRle mMaskedRle; VRasterizer mRasterizer; bool mRasterRequest{false}; }; class Mask { public: explicit Mask(model::Mask *data) : mData(data) {} void update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag); model::Mask::Mode maskMode() const { return mData->mMode; } VRle rle(); void preprocess(const VRect &clip); bool inverted() const { return mData->mInv; } public: model::Mask *mData{nullptr}; VPath mLocalPath; VPath mFinalPath; VRasterizer mRasterizer; float mCombinedAlpha{0}; bool mRasterRequest{false}; }; /* * Handels mask property of a layer item */ class LayerMask { public: explicit LayerMask(model::Layer *layerData); void update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag); bool isStatic() const { return mStatic; } VRle maskRle(const VRect &clipRect); void preprocess(const VRect &clip); public: std::vector<Mask> mMasks; VRle mRle; bool mStatic{true}; bool mDirty{true}; }; class Layer; class Composition { public: explicit Composition(std::shared_ptr<model::Composition> composition); bool update(int frameNo, const VSize &size, bool keepAspectRatio); VSize size() const { return mViewSize; } void buildRenderTree(); const LOTLayerNode *renderTree() const; bool render(const rlottie::Surface &surface); void setValue(const std::string &keypath, LOTVariant &value); private: SurfaceCache mSurfaceCache; VBitmap mSurface; VMatrix mScaleMatrix; VSize mViewSize; std::shared_ptr<model::Composition> mModel; Layer * mRootLayer{nullptr}; VArenaAlloc mAllocator{2048}; int mCurFrameNo; bool mKeepAspectRatio{true}; }; class Layer { public: virtual ~Layer() = default; Layer &operator=(Layer &&) noexcept = delete; Layer(model::Layer *layerData); int id() const { return mLayerData->id(); } int parentId() const { return mLayerData->parentId(); } void setParentLayer(Layer *parent) { mParentLayer = parent; } void setComplexContent(bool value) { mComplexContent = value; } bool complexContent() const { return mComplexContent; } virtual void update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha); VMatrix matrix(int frameNo) const; void preprocess(const VRect &clip); virtual DrawableList renderList() { return {}; } virtual void render(VPainter *painter, const VRle &mask, const VRle &matteRle, SurfaceCache &cache); bool hasMatte() { if (mLayerData->mMatteType == model::MatteType::None) return false; return true; } model::MatteType matteType() const { return mLayerData->mMatteType; } bool visible() const; virtual void buildLayerNode(); LOTLayerNode & clayer() { return mCApiData->mLayer; } std::vector<LOTLayerNode *> &clayers() { return mCApiData->mLayers; } std::vector<LOTMask> & cmasks() { return mCApiData->mMasks; } std::vector<LOTNode *> & cnodes() { return mCApiData->mCNodeList; } const char * name() const { return mLayerData->name(); } virtual bool resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value); protected: virtual void preprocessStage(const VRect &clip) = 0; virtual void updateContent() = 0; inline VMatrix combinedMatrix() const { return mCombinedMatrix; } inline int frameNo() const { return mFrameNo; } inline float combinedAlpha() const { return mCombinedAlpha; } inline bool isStatic() const { return mLayerData->isStatic(); } float opacity(int frameNo) const { return mLayerData->opacity(frameNo); } inline DirtyFlag flag() const { return mDirtyFlag; } bool skipRendering() const { return (!visible() || vIsZero(combinedAlpha())); } protected: std::unique_ptr<LayerMask> mLayerMask; model::Layer * mLayerData{nullptr}; Layer * mParentLayer{nullptr}; VMatrix mCombinedMatrix; float mCombinedAlpha{0.0}; int mFrameNo{-1}; DirtyFlag mDirtyFlag{DirtyFlagBit::All}; bool mComplexContent{false}; std::unique_ptr<CApiData> mCApiData; }; class CompLayer final : public Layer { public: explicit CompLayer(model::Layer *layerData, VArenaAlloc *allocator); void render(VPainter *painter, const VRle &mask, const VRle &matteRle, SurfaceCache &cache) final; void buildLayerNode() final; bool resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) override; protected: void preprocessStage(const VRect &clip) final; void updateContent() final; private: void renderHelper(VPainter *painter, const VRle &mask, const VRle &matteRle, SurfaceCache &cache); void renderMatteLayer(VPainter *painter, const VRle &inheritMask, const VRle &matteRle, Layer *layer, Layer *src, SurfaceCache &cache); private: std::vector<Layer *> mLayers; std::unique_ptr<Clipper> mClipper; }; class SolidLayer final : public Layer { public: explicit SolidLayer(model::Layer *layerData); void buildLayerNode() final; DrawableList renderList() final; protected: void preprocessStage(const VRect &clip) final; void updateContent() final; private: Drawable mRenderNode; VPath mPath; VDrawable *mDrawableList{nullptr}; // to work with the Span api }; class Group; class ShapeLayer final : public Layer { public: explicit ShapeLayer(model::Layer *layerData, VArenaAlloc *allocator); DrawableList renderList() final; void buildLayerNode() final; bool resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) override; void render(VPainter *painter, const VRle &mask, const VRle &matteRle, SurfaceCache &cache) final; protected: void preprocessStage(const VRect &clip) final; void updateContent() final; std::vector<VDrawable *> mDrawableList; Group * mRoot{nullptr}; }; class NullLayer final : public Layer { public: explicit NullLayer(model::Layer *layerData); protected: void preprocessStage(const VRect &) final {} void updateContent() final; }; class ImageLayer final : public Layer { public: explicit ImageLayer(model::Layer *layerData); void buildLayerNode() final; DrawableList renderList() final; protected: void preprocessStage(const VRect &clip) final; void updateContent() final; private: Drawable mRenderNode; VTexture mTexture; VPath mPath; VDrawable *mDrawableList{nullptr}; // to work with the Span api }; class Object { public: enum class Type : uint8_t { Unknown, Group, Shape, Paint, Trim }; virtual ~Object() = default; Object & operator=(Object &&) noexcept = delete; virtual void update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag) = 0; virtual void renderList(std::vector<VDrawable *> &) {} virtual bool resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &, uint32_t, LOTVariant &) { return false; } virtual Object::Type type() const { return Object::Type::Unknown; } }; class Shape; class Group : public Object { public: Group() = default; explicit Group(model::Group *data, VArenaAlloc *allocator); void addChildren(model::Group *data, VArenaAlloc *allocator); void update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag) override; void applyTrim(); void processTrimItems(std::vector<Shape *> &list); void processPaintItems(std::vector<Shape *> &list); void renderList(std::vector<VDrawable *> &list) override; Object::Type type() const final { return Object::Type::Group; } const VMatrix &matrix() const { return mMatrix; } const char * name() const { static const char *TAG = "__"; return mModel.hasModel() ? mModel.name() : TAG; } bool resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) override; protected: std::vector<Object *> mContents; VMatrix mMatrix; private: model::Filter<model::Group> mModel; }; class Shape : public Object { public: Shape(bool staticPath) : mStaticPath(staticPath) {} void update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag) final; Object::Type type() const final { return Object::Type::Shape; } bool dirty() const { return mDirtyPath; } const VPath &localPath() const { return mTemp; } void finalPath(VPath &result); void updatePath(const VPath &path) { mTemp = path; mDirtyPath = true; } bool staticPath() const { return mStaticPath; } void setParent(Group *parent) { mParent = parent; } Group *parent() const { return mParent; } protected: virtual void updatePath(VPath &path, int frameNo) = 0; virtual bool hasChanged(int prevFrame, int curFrame) = 0; private: bool hasChanged(int frameNo) { int prevFrame = mFrameNo; mFrameNo = frameNo; if (prevFrame == -1) return true; if (mStaticPath || (prevFrame == frameNo)) return false; return hasChanged(prevFrame, frameNo); } Group *mParent{nullptr}; VPath mLocalPath; VPath mTemp; int mFrameNo{-1}; bool mDirtyPath{true}; bool mStaticPath; }; class Rect final : public Shape { public: explicit Rect(model::Rect *data); protected: void updatePath(VPath &path, int frameNo) final; model::Rect *mData{nullptr}; bool hasChanged(int prevFrame, int curFrame) final { return (mData->mPos.changed(prevFrame, curFrame) || mData->mSize.changed(prevFrame, curFrame) || mData->roundnessChanged(prevFrame, curFrame)); } }; class Ellipse final : public Shape { public: explicit Ellipse(model::Ellipse *data); private: void updatePath(VPath &path, int frameNo) final; model::Ellipse *mData{nullptr}; bool hasChanged(int prevFrame, int curFrame) final { return (mData->mPos.changed(prevFrame, curFrame) || mData->mSize.changed(prevFrame, curFrame)); } }; class Path final : public Shape { public: explicit Path(model::Path *data); private: void updatePath(VPath &path, int frameNo) final; model::Path *mData{nullptr}; bool hasChanged(int prevFrame, int curFrame) final { return mData->mShape.changed(prevFrame, curFrame); } }; class Polystar final : public Shape { public: explicit Polystar(model::Polystar *data); private: void updatePath(VPath &path, int frameNo) final; model::Polystar *mData{nullptr}; bool hasChanged(int prevFrame, int curFrame) final { return (mData->mPos.changed(prevFrame, curFrame) || mData->mPointCount.changed(prevFrame, curFrame) || mData->mInnerRadius.changed(prevFrame, curFrame) || mData->mOuterRadius.changed(prevFrame, curFrame) || mData->mInnerRoundness.changed(prevFrame, curFrame) || mData->mOuterRoundness.changed(prevFrame, curFrame) || mData->mRotation.changed(prevFrame, curFrame)); } }; class Paint : public Object { public: Paint(bool staticContent); void addPathItems(std::vector<Shape *> &list, size_t startOffset); void update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag) override; void renderList(std::vector<VDrawable *> &list) final; Object::Type type() const final { return Object::Type::Paint; } protected: virtual bool updateContent(int frameNo, const VMatrix &matrix, float alpha) = 0; private: void updateRenderNode(); protected: std::vector<Shape *> mPathItems; Drawable mDrawable; VPath mPath; DirtyFlag mFlag; bool mStaticContent; bool mRenderNodeUpdate{true}; bool mContentToRender{true}; }; class Fill final : public Paint { public: explicit Fill(model::Fill *data); protected: bool updateContent(int frameNo, const VMatrix &matrix, float alpha) final; bool resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) final; private: model::Filter<model::Fill> mModel; }; class GradientFill final : public Paint { public: explicit GradientFill(model::GradientFill *data); protected: bool updateContent(int frameNo, const VMatrix &matrix, float alpha) final; private: model::GradientFill * mData{nullptr}; std::unique_ptr<VGradient> mGradient; }; class Stroke : public Paint { public: explicit Stroke(model::Stroke *data); protected: bool updateContent(int frameNo, const VMatrix &matrix, float alpha) final; bool resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) final; private: model::Filter<model::Stroke> mModel; }; class GradientStroke final : public Paint { public: explicit GradientStroke(model::GradientStroke *data); protected: bool updateContent(int frameNo, const VMatrix &matrix, float alpha) final; private: model::GradientStroke * mData{nullptr}; std::unique_ptr<VGradient> mGradient; }; class Trim final : public Object { public: explicit Trim(model::Trim *data) : mData(data) {} void update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag) final; Object::Type type() const final { return Object::Type::Trim; } void update(); void addPathItems(std::vector<Shape *> &list, size_t startOffset); private: bool pathDirty() const { for (auto &i : mPathItems) { if (i->dirty()) return true; } return false; } struct Cache { int mFrameNo{-1}; model::Trim::Segment mSegment{}; }; Cache mCache; std::vector<Shape *> mPathItems; model::Trim * mData{nullptr}; VPathMesure mPathMesure; bool mDirty{true}; }; class Repeater final : public Group { public: explicit Repeater(model::Repeater *data, VArenaAlloc *allocator); void update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag) final; void renderList(std::vector<VDrawable *> &list) final; private: model::Repeater *mRepeaterData{nullptr}; bool mHidden{false}; int mCopies{0}; }; } // namespace renderer } // namespace internal } // namespace rlottie #endif // LOTTIEITEM_H