#include "GuiMenu.h" #include #include #include "../Log.h" #include "../SystemData.h" #include "GuiGameList.h" #include "../Settings.h" #include "GuiSettingsMenu.h" GuiMenu::GuiMenu(Window* window, GuiGameList* parent) : GuiComponent(window) { mParent = parent; std::shared_ptr font = Font::get(*mWindow->getResourceManager(), Font::getDefaultPath(), FONT_SIZE_LARGE); mList = new TextListComponent(mWindow, 0.0f, font->getHeight() + 2.0f, font); mList->setSelectedTextColor(0x0000FFFF); populateList(); } GuiMenu::~GuiMenu() { delete mList; } bool GuiMenu::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { mList->input(config, input); if(config->isMappedTo("menu", input) && input.value != 0) { delete this; return true; } if(config->isMappedTo("a", input) && input.value != 0) { executeCommand(mList->getSelectedObject()); return true; } return false; } void GuiMenu::executeCommand(std::string command) { if(command == "exit") { //push SDL quit event SDL_Event* event = new SDL_Event(); event->type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(event); }else if(command == "es_reload") { //reload the game list SystemData::loadConfig(SystemData::getConfigPath(), false); mParent->setSystemId(0); }else if(command == "es_settings") { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiSettingsMenu(mWindow)); delete this; }else{ if(system(command.c_str()) != 0) { LOG(LogWarning) << "(warning: command terminated with nonzero result!)"; } } } void GuiMenu::populateList() { mList->clear(); //if you want to add your own commands to the menu, here is where you need to change! //commands added here are called with system() when selected (so are executed as shell commands) //the method is GuiList::addObject(std::string displayString, std::string commandString, unsigned int displayHexColor); //the list will automatically adjust as items are added to it, this should be the only area you need to change //if you want to do something special within ES, override your command in the executeComand() method mList->addObject("Settings", "es_settings", 0x0000FFFF); mList->addObject("Restart", "sudo shutdown -r now", 0x0000FFFF); mList->addObject("Shutdown", "sudo shutdown -h now", 0x0000FFFF); mList->addObject("Reload", "es_reload", 0x0000FFFF); if(!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DONTSHOWEXIT")) mList->addObject("Exit", "exit", 0xFF0000FF); //a special case; pushes an SDL quit event to the event stack instead of being called by system() } void GuiMenu::update(int deltaTime) { mList->update(deltaTime); } void GuiMenu::render(const Eigen::Affine3f& parentTrans) { Eigen::Affine3f trans = parentTrans; Renderer::setMatrix(trans); Renderer::drawRect(Renderer::getScreenWidth() / 4, 0, Renderer::getScreenWidth() / 2, Renderer::getScreenHeight(), 0x999999); mList->render(trans); }