//  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
//  EmulationStation Desktop Edition
//  GuiComponent.h
//  Basic GUI component handling such as placement, rotation, Z-order, rendering and animation.


#include "math/Misc.h"
#include "math/Transform4x4f.h"
#include "HelpPrompt.h"
#include "HelpStyle.h"
#include "InputConfig.h"

#include <functional>
#include <memory>

#define DEFAULT_TEXTCOLOR 0x777777FF

class Animation;
class AnimationController;
class Font;
class InputConfig;
class ThemeData;
class Window;

class GuiComponent
    GuiComponent(Window* window);
    virtual ~GuiComponent();

    virtual void textInput(const std::string& text);

    // Called when input is received.
    // Return true if the input is consumed, false if
    // it should continue to be passed to other children.
    virtual bool input(InputConfig* config, Input input);

    // Called when time passes.
    // Default implementation calls updateSelf(deltaTime) and updateChildren(deltaTime).
    // So you should probably call GuiComponent::update(deltaTime) at some point (or at
    // least updateSelf so animations work).
    virtual void update(int deltaTime);

    // Called when it's time to render.
    // By default, just calls renderChildren(parentTrans * getTransform()).
    // You probably want to override this like so:
    // 1. Calculate the new transform that your control will draw at with
    //    Transform4x4f t = parentTrans * getTransform().
    // 2. Set the renderer to use that new transform as the model matrix
    //    Renderer::setMatrix(t);
    // 3. Draw your component.
    // 4. Tell your children to render, based on your component's transform - renderChildren(t).
    virtual void render(const Transform4x4f& parentTrans);

    Vector3f getPosition() const;
    inline void setPosition(const Vector3f& offset)
            { setPosition(offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z()); }
    void setPosition(float x, float y, float z = 0.0f);
    virtual void onPositionChanged() {};

    // Sets the origin as a percentage of this image.
    // (e.g. (0, 0) is top left, (0.5, 0.5) is the center.)
    Vector2f getOrigin() const;
    void setOrigin(float originX, float originY);
    inline void setOrigin(Vector2f origin) { setOrigin(origin.x(), origin.y()); }
    virtual void onOriginChanged() {};

    // Sets the rotation origin as a percentage of this image.
    // (e.g. (0, 0) is top left, (0.5, 0.5) is the center.)
    Vector2f getRotationOrigin() const;
    void setRotationOrigin(float originX, float originY);
    inline void setRotationOrigin(Vector2f origin)
            { setRotationOrigin(origin.x(), origin.y()); }

    virtual Vector2f getSize() const;
    inline void setSize(const Vector2f& size) { setSize(size.x(), size.y()); }
    void setSize(float w, float h);
    virtual void setResize(float width, float height) {};
    virtual void onSizeChanged() {};

    virtual Vector2f getRotationSize() const { return getSize(); };

    float getRotation() const;
    void setRotation(float rotation);
    inline void setRotationDegrees(float rotation) {
            setRotation(static_cast<float>(ES_DEG_TO_RAD(rotation))); }

    float getScale() const;
    void setScale(float scale);

    float getZIndex() const;
    void setZIndex(float zIndex);

    float getDefaultZIndex() const;
    void setDefaultZIndex(float zIndex);

    bool isVisible() const;
    void setVisible(bool visible);

    // Returns the center point of the image (takes origin into account).
    Vector2f getCenter() const;

    void setParent(GuiComponent* parent);
    GuiComponent* getParent() const;

    void addChild(GuiComponent* cmp);
    void removeChild(GuiComponent* cmp);
    void clearChildren();
    void sortChildren();
    unsigned int getChildCount() const;
    int getChildIndex() const;
    GuiComponent* getChild(unsigned int i) const;

    // Animation will be automatically deleted when it completes or is stopped.
    bool isAnimationPlaying(unsigned char slot) const;
    bool isAnimationReversed(unsigned char slot) const;
    int getAnimationTime(unsigned char slot) const;
    void setAnimation(Animation* animation, int delay = 0,
            std::function<void()> finishedCallback = nullptr,
            bool reverse = false, unsigned char slot = 0);
    bool stopAnimation(unsigned char slot);
    // Like stopAnimation, but doesn't call finishedCallback - only removes the animation, leaving
    // things in their current state. Returns true if successful (an animation was in this slot).
    bool cancelAnimation(unsigned char slot);
    // Calls update(1.f) and finishedCallback, then deletes the animation - basically skips
    // to the end.  Returns true if successful (an animation was in this slot).
    bool finishAnimation(unsigned char slot);
    // Returns true if successful (an animation was in this slot).
    bool advanceAnimation(unsigned char slot, unsigned int time);
    void stopAllAnimations();
    void cancelAllAnimations();

    virtual bool isListScrolling() { return false; };
    virtual void stopListScrolling() {};
    virtual unsigned char getOpacity() const;
    virtual void setOpacity(unsigned char opacity);
    virtual unsigned int getColor() const;
    virtual unsigned int getColorShift() const;
    virtual void setColor(unsigned int color);
    virtual float getSaturation() const;
    virtual void setSaturation(float saturation);
    virtual void setColorShift(unsigned int color);
    virtual void setOriginalColor(unsigned int color) { mColorOriginalValue = color; };
    virtual void setChangedColor(unsigned int color) { mColorChangedValue = color; };

    // These functions are used to enable and disable options in menus, i.e. switches and similar.
    virtual bool getEnabled() { return mEnabled; };
    virtual void setEnabled(bool state) { mEnabled = state; };

    const Transform4x4f& getTransform();

    virtual std::string getValue() const;
    virtual void setValue(const std::string& value);

    virtual std::string getHiddenValue() const;
    virtual void setHiddenValue(const std::string& value);

    // Used to set the parameters for ScrollableContainer.
    virtual void setScrollParameters(float, float, int, float) {};

    virtual void onFocusGained() {};
    virtual void onFocusLost() {};

    virtual void onShow();
    virtual void onHide();
    virtual void onPauseVideo();
    virtual void onUnpauseVideo();
    virtual bool isVideoPaused() { return false; };

    virtual void onScreensaverActivate();
    virtual void onScreensaverDeactivate();
    virtual void onGameLaunchedActivate();
    virtual void onGameLaunchedDeactivate();
    virtual void topWindow(bool isTop);

    // Default implementation just handles <pos> and <size> tags as normalized float pairs.
    // You probably want to keep this behavior for any derived classes as well as add your own.
    virtual void applyTheme(const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme,
            const std::string& view, const std::string& element, unsigned int properties);

    // Returns a list of help prompts.
    virtual std::vector<HelpPrompt> getHelpPrompts() { return std::vector<HelpPrompt>(); };

    // Called whenever help prompts change.
    void updateHelpPrompts();

    virtual HelpStyle getHelpStyle();

    // Returns true if the component is busy doing background processing (e.g. HTTP downloads).
    bool isProcessing() const;

    const static unsigned char MAX_ANIMATIONS = 4;

    void renderChildren(const Transform4x4f& transform) const;
    void updateSelf(int deltaTime); // Updates animations.
    void updateChildren(int deltaTime); // Updates animations.

    unsigned char mOpacity;
    unsigned int mColor;
    float mSaturation;
    unsigned char mColorOpacity;
    unsigned int mColorShift;
    unsigned int mColorShiftEnd;
    unsigned int mColorOriginalValue;
    unsigned int mColorChangedValue;

    Window* mWindow;

    GuiComponent* mParent;
    std::vector<GuiComponent*> mChildren;

    Vector3f mPosition;
    Vector2f mOrigin;
    Vector2f mRotationOrigin;
    Vector2f mSize;

    float mRotation = 0.0;
    float mScale = 1.0;

    float mDefaultZIndex = 0;
    float mZIndex = 0;

    bool mIsProcessing;
    bool mVisible;
    bool mEnabled;

    // Don't access this directly! Use getTransform()!
    Transform4x4f mTransform;
    AnimationController* mAnimationMap[MAX_ANIMATIONS];