// // CollectionSystemManager.cpp // // Manages collections of the following two types: // 1) Automatically populated (All games, Favorites and Recent/Last Played) // 2) Custom/user-created (could be any number of these) // // The automatic collections are basically virtual systems that have no // gamelist.xml files and that only exist in memory during the program session. // SystemData sets up the basic data structures and CollectionSystemManager // populates and manages the collections. // // The custom collections have simple data files which are just lists of ROM files. // // In addition to this, CollectionSystemManager also handles some logic for // normal systems such as adding and removing favorite games, including triggering // the required re-sort and refresh of the gamelists. // #include "CollectionSystemManager.h" #include "guis/GuiInfoPopup.h" #include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" #include "views/gamelist/IGameListView.h" #include "views/ViewController.h" #include "FileData.h" #include "FileFilterIndex.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include "ThemeData.h" #include <pugixml.hpp> #include <fstream> std::string myCollectionsName = "collections"; #define LAST_PLAYED_MAX 50 // Handles the getting, initialization, deinitialization, // saving and deletion of a CollectionSystemManager instance. CollectionSystemManager* CollectionSystemManager::sInstance = nullptr; CollectionSystemManager::CollectionSystemManager(Window* window) : mWindow(window) { CollectionSystemDecl systemDecls[] = { // Type Name Long name Theme folder isCustom { AUTO_ALL_GAMES, "all", "all games", "auto-allgames", false }, { AUTO_LAST_PLAYED, "recent", "last played", "auto-lastplayed", false }, { AUTO_FAVORITES, "favorites", "favorites", "auto-favorites", false }, { CUSTOM_COLLECTION, myCollectionsName, "collections", "custom-collections", true } }; // Create a map of the collections. std::vector<CollectionSystemDecl> tempSystemDecl = std::vector<CollectionSystemDecl> (systemDecls, systemDecls + sizeof(systemDecls) / sizeof(systemDecls[0])); for (std::vector<CollectionSystemDecl>::const_iterator it = tempSystemDecl.cbegin(); it != tempSystemDecl.cend(); ++it ) mCollectionSystemDeclsIndex[(*it).name] = (*it); // Setup the standard environment. mCollectionEnvData = new SystemEnvironmentData; mCollectionEnvData->mStartPath = ""; std::vector<std::string> exts; mCollectionEnvData->mSearchExtensions = exts; mCollectionEnvData->mLaunchCommand = ""; std::vector<PlatformIds::PlatformId> allPlatformIds; allPlatformIds.push_back(PlatformIds::PLATFORM_IGNORE); mCollectionEnvData->mPlatformIds = allPlatformIds; std::string path = getCollectionsFolder(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(path); mIsEditingCustom = false; mEditingCollection = "Favorites"; mEditingCollectionSystemData = nullptr; mCustomCollectionsBundle = nullptr; } CollectionSystemManager::~CollectionSystemManager() { assert(sInstance == this); // Don't attempt to remove any collections if no systems exist. if (SystemData::sSystemVector.size() > 0) removeCollectionsFromDisplayedSystems(); // Iterate the map. for (std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemData>::const_iterator it = mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cbegin(); it != mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cend() ; it++) { if (it->second.isPopulated) saveCustomCollection(it->second.system); delete it->second.system; } sInstance = nullptr; } CollectionSystemManager* CollectionSystemManager::get() { assert(sInstance); return sInstance; } void CollectionSystemManager::init(Window* window) { assert(!sInstance); sInstance = new CollectionSystemManager(window); } void CollectionSystemManager::deinit() { if (sInstance) delete sInstance; } void CollectionSystemManager::saveCustomCollection(SystemData* sys) { const std::string rompath = FileData::getROMDirectory(); std::string name = sys->getName(); std::unordered_map<std::string, FileData*> games = sys->getRootFolder()->getChildrenByFilename(); bool found = mCustomCollectionSystemsData.find(name) != mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cend(); if (found) { CollectionSystemData sysData = mCustomCollectionSystemsData.at(name); if (sysData.needsSave) { std::ofstream configFile; configFile.open(getCustomCollectionConfigPath(name)); for (std::unordered_map<std::string, FileData*>::const_iterator iter = games.cbegin(); iter != games.cend(); ++iter) { std::string path = iter->first; // If the ROM path of the game begins with the path from the setting // ROMDirectory (or the default ROM directory), then replace it with %ROMPATH%. if (path.find(rompath) == 0) path.replace(0, rompath.size(), "%ROMPATH%/"); configFile << path << std::endl; } configFile.close(); } } else { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't find collection to save! " << name; } } // Functions below to load all collections into memory, and to enable the active ones. // Load all collection systems. void CollectionSystemManager::loadCollectionSystems() { initAutoCollectionSystems(); CollectionSystemDecl decl = mCollectionSystemDeclsIndex[myCollectionsName]; mCustomCollectionsBundle = createNewCollectionEntry(decl.name, decl, false); // We will also load custom systems here. initCustomCollectionSystems(); if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("CollectionSystemsAuto") != "" || Settings::getInstance()->getString("CollectionSystemsCustom") != "") { // Now see which ones are enabled. loadEnabledListFromSettings(); // Add to the main System Vector, and create Views as needed. updateSystemsList(); } } // Load settings. void CollectionSystemManager::loadEnabledListFromSettings() { // We parse the auto collection settings list. std::vector<std::string> autoSelected = Utils::String::commaStringToVector( Settings::getInstance()->getString("CollectionSystemsAuto"), true); // Iterate the map. for (std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemData>::iterator it = mAutoCollectionSystemsData.begin(); it != mAutoCollectionSystemsData.end() ; it++ ) { it->second.isEnabled = (std::find(autoSelected.cbegin(), autoSelected.cend(), it->first) != autoSelected.cend()); } mHasEnabledCustomCollection = false; // Parse the custom collection settings list. std::vector<std::string> customSelected = Utils::String::commaStringToVector( Settings::getInstance()->getString("CollectionSystemsCustom"), true); // Iterate the map. for (std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemData>::iterator it = mCustomCollectionSystemsData.begin(); it != mCustomCollectionSystemsData.end() ; it++ ) { it->second.isEnabled = (std::find(customSelected.cbegin(), customSelected.cend(), it->first) != customSelected.cend()); if (it->second.isEnabled) mHasEnabledCustomCollection = true; } } // Update enabled system list in System View. void CollectionSystemManager::updateSystemsList() { // Remove all collection systems. removeCollectionsFromDisplayedSystems(); // Add custom enabled collections. addEnabledCollectionsToDisplayedSystems(&mCustomCollectionSystemsData); // Don't sort bundled collections unless at least one collection is enabled. if (!mIsEditingCustom && mHasEnabledCustomCollection) { // Sort the bundled custom collections. if (mCustomCollectionsBundle->getRootFolder()->getChildren().size() > 0) { mCustomCollectionsBundle->getRootFolder()->sort(getSortTypeFromString( mCustomCollectionsBundle->getRootFolder()->getSortTypeString()), Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavFirstCustom")); SystemData::sSystemVector.push_back(mCustomCollectionsBundle); } } // Add auto enabled collections. addEnabledCollectionsToDisplayedSystems(&mAutoCollectionSystemsData); // Create views for collections, before reload. for (auto sysIt = SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(); sysIt != SystemData::sSystemVector.cend(); sysIt++) { if ((*sysIt)->isCollection()) ViewController::get()->getGameListView((*sysIt)); } // If we were editing a custom collection, and it's no longer enabled, exit edit mode. if (mIsEditingCustom && !mEditingCollectionSystemData->isEnabled) { exitEditMode(); } } // Functions below to manage collection files related to a source FileData. // Update all collection files related to the source file. void CollectionSystemManager::refreshCollectionSystems(FileData* file) { if (!file->getSystem()->isGameSystem() || file->getType() != GAME) return; // If not a collection but rather a real system, then pretend to be a // collection in order to be properly processed by updateCollectionSystem(). // It's seemingly a bit strange, but without rewriting a lot of code for how // systems and collections are handled, it's likely the best approach. if (!file->getSystem()->isCollection()) { CollectionSystemData realSys; realSys.system = file->getSystem(); realSys.isEnabled = true; realSys.isPopulated = true; realSys.needsSave = false; realSys.decl.isCustom = false; updateCollectionSystem(file, realSys); } std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemData> allCollections; allCollections.insert(mAutoCollectionSystemsData.cbegin(), mAutoCollectionSystemsData.cend()); allCollections.insert(mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cbegin(), mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cend()); for (auto sysDataIt = allCollections.cbegin(); sysDataIt != allCollections.cend(); sysDataIt++) { if (sysDataIt->second.isEnabled) updateCollectionSystem(file, sysDataIt->second); } } void CollectionSystemManager::updateCollectionSystem(FileData* file, CollectionSystemData sysData) { if (sysData.isPopulated) { // Collection files use the full path as key, to avoid clashes. std::string key = file->getFullPath(); SystemData* curSys = sysData.system; bool mFavoritesSorting = false; // Read the applicable favorite sorting setting depending on whether the // system is a custom collection or not. if (sysData.decl.isCustom) mFavoritesSorting = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavFirstCustom"); else mFavoritesSorting = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavoritesFirst"); const std::unordered_map<std::string, FileData*>&children = curSys->getRootFolder()->getChildrenByFilename(); bool found = children.find(key) != children.cend(); FileData* rootFolder = curSys->getRootFolder(); FileFilterIndex* fileIndex = curSys->getIndex(); std::string name = curSys->getName(); if (found) { // If we found it, we need to update it. FileData* collectionEntry = children.at(key); // Remove it from the index, so we can re-index the metadata after refreshing. fileIndex->removeFromIndex(collectionEntry); collectionEntry->refreshMetadata(); // Found it, and we are removing it. if (name == "favorites" && file->metadata.get("favorite") == "false") { // Need to check if it is still marked as favorite, if not remove it. ViewController::get()-> getGameListView(curSys).get()->remove(collectionEntry, false); } else { // Re-index with new metadata. fileIndex->addToIndex(collectionEntry); ViewController::get()->onFileChanged(collectionEntry, FILE_METADATA_CHANGED); } } else { // We didn't find it here - we need to check if we should add it. if (name == "recent" && file->metadata.get("playcount") > "0" && includeFileInAutoCollections(file) || name == "favorites" && file->metadata.get("favorite") == "true") { CollectionFileData* newGame = new CollectionFileData(file, curSys); rootFolder->addChild(newGame); fileIndex->addToIndex(newGame); ViewController::get()->onFileChanged(file, FILE_METADATA_CHANGED); ViewController::get()-> getGameListView(curSys)->onFileChanged(newGame, FILE_METADATA_CHANGED); } } if (name == "recent") { rootFolder->sort(getSortTypeFromString("last played, descending")); } else if (sysData.decl.isCustom && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("UseCustomCollectionsSystem")) { rootFolder->sort(getSortTypeFromString(rootFolder->getSortTypeString()), mFavoritesSorting); } // If the game doesn't exist in the current system and it's a custom // collection, then skip the sorting. else if (sysData.decl.isCustom && children.find(file->getFullPath()) != children.cend()) { rootFolder->sort(getSortTypeFromString(rootFolder->getSortTypeString()), mFavoritesSorting); } else if (!sysData.decl.isCustom) { rootFolder->sort(getSortTypeFromString(rootFolder->getSortTypeString()), mFavoritesSorting); } if (name == "recent") { trimCollectionCount(rootFolder, LAST_PLAYED_MAX); ViewController::get()->onFileChanged(rootFolder, FILE_METADATA_CHANGED); // Select the first row of the gamelist (the game just played). IGameListView* gameList = ViewController::get()->getGameListView(getSystemToView(sysData.system)).get(); gameList->setCursor(gameList->getFirstEntry()); } else { ViewController::get()->onFileChanged(rootFolder, FILE_SORTED); // If it's a custom collection and the setting to group the collections is // enabled, we may have to update the parent instead. // However it may not necessarily be so if some collections are themed and // some are not, so we always need to check whether a parent exists. if (sysData.decl.isCustom && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("UseCustomCollectionsSystem")) { // In case of a returned null pointer, we know there is no parent. if (rootFolder->getParent() == nullptr) ViewController::get()->onFileChanged(rootFolder, FILE_METADATA_CHANGED); else ViewController::get()->onFileChanged( rootFolder->getParent(), FILE_METADATA_CHANGED); } } } } void CollectionSystemManager::trimCollectionCount(FileData* rootFolder, int limit) { SystemData* curSys = rootFolder->getSystem(); while ((int)rootFolder->getChildrenListToDisplay().size() > limit) { CollectionFileData* gameToRemove = (CollectionFileData*)rootFolder->getChildrenListToDisplay().back(); ViewController::get()->getGameListView(curSys).get()->remove(gameToRemove, false); } } // Delete all collection files from collection systems related to the source file. void CollectionSystemManager::deleteCollectionFiles(FileData* file) { // Collection files use the full path as key, to avoid clashes. std::string key = file->getFullPath(); // Find games in collection systems. std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemData> allCollections; allCollections.insert(mAutoCollectionSystemsData.cbegin(), mAutoCollectionSystemsData.cend()); allCollections.insert(mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cbegin(), mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cend()); for (auto sysDataIt = allCollections.begin(); sysDataIt != allCollections.end(); sysDataIt++) { if (sysDataIt->second.isPopulated) { const std::unordered_map<std::string, FileData*>& children = (sysDataIt->second.system)->getRootFolder()->getChildrenByFilename(); bool found = children.find(key) != children.cend(); if (found) { sysDataIt->second.needsSave = true; FileData* collectionEntry = children.at(key); SystemData* systemViewToUpdate = getSystemToView(sysDataIt->second.system); ViewController::get()->getGameListView(systemViewToUpdate).get()-> remove(collectionEntry, false); } } } } // Return whether the current theme is compatible with Automatic or Custom Collections. bool CollectionSystemManager::isThemeGenericCollectionCompatible(bool genericCustomCollections) { std::vector<std::string> cfgSys = getCollectionThemeFolders(genericCustomCollections); for (auto sysIt = cfgSys.cbegin(); sysIt != cfgSys.cend(); sysIt++) { if (!themeFolderExists(*sysIt)) return false; } return true; } bool CollectionSystemManager::isThemeCustomCollectionCompatible( std::vector<std::string> stringVector) { if (isThemeGenericCollectionCompatible(true)) return true; // Get theme path. auto themeSets = ThemeData::getThemeSets(); auto set = themeSets.find(Settings::getInstance()->getString("ThemeSet")); if (set != themeSets.cend()) { std::string defaultThemeFilePath = set->second.path + "/theme.xml"; if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(defaultThemeFilePath)) return true; } for (auto sysIt = stringVector.cbegin(); sysIt != stringVector.cend(); sysIt++) { if (!themeFolderExists(*sysIt)) return false; } return true; } std::string CollectionSystemManager::getValidNewCollectionName(std::string inName, int index) { std::string name = inName; if (index == 0) { size_t remove = std::string::npos; // Get valid name. while ((remove = name.find_first_not_of( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-[]() ")) != std::string::npos) name.erase(remove, 1); } else { name += " (" + std::to_string(index) + ")"; } if (name == "") { name = "New Collection"; } if (name != inName) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Had to change name, from: " << inName << " to: " << name; } // Get used systems from es_systems.cfg. std::vector<std::string> systemsInUse = getSystemsFromConfig(); // Get folders assigned to custom collections. std::vector<std::string> autoSys = getCollectionThemeFolders(false); // Get folder assigned to custom collections. std::vector<std::string> customSys = getCollectionThemeFolders(true); // Get folders assigned to user collections. std::vector<std::string> userSys = getUserCollectionThemeFolders(); // Add them all to the list of systems in use. systemsInUse.insert(systemsInUse.cend(), autoSys.cbegin(), autoSys.cend()); systemsInUse.insert(systemsInUse.cend(), customSys.cbegin(), customSys.cend()); systemsInUse.insert(systemsInUse.cend(), userSys.cbegin(), userSys.cend()); for (auto sysIt = systemsInUse.cbegin(); sysIt != systemsInUse.cend(); sysIt++) { if (*sysIt == name) { if (index > 0) name = name.substr(0, name.size()-4); return getValidNewCollectionName(name, index+1); } } // If it matches one of the custom collections reserved names then return it. if (mCollectionSystemDeclsIndex.find(name) != mCollectionSystemDeclsIndex.cend()) return getValidNewCollectionName(name, index+1); return name; } void CollectionSystemManager::setEditMode(std::string collectionName) { if (mCustomCollectionSystemsData.find(collectionName) == mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cend()) { LOG(LogError) << "Tried to edit a non-existing collection: " << collectionName; return; } mIsEditingCustom = true; mEditingCollection = collectionName; CollectionSystemData* sysData = &(mCustomCollectionSystemsData.at(mEditingCollection)); if (!sysData->isPopulated) { populateCustomCollection(sysData); } // If it's bundled, this needs to be the bundle system. mEditingCollectionSystemData = sysData; GuiInfoPopup* s = new GuiInfoPopup(mWindow, "Editing the '" + Utils::String::toUpper(collectionName) + "' Collection. Add/remove games with Y.", 10000); mWindow->setInfoPopup(s); } void CollectionSystemManager::exitEditMode() { GuiInfoPopup* s = new GuiInfoPopup(mWindow, "Finished editing the '" + mEditingCollection + "' Collection.", 4000); mWindow->setInfoPopup(s); mIsEditingCustom = false; mEditingCollection = "Favorites"; mEditingCollectionSystemData->system->onMetaDataSavePoint(); } // Add or remove a game from a specific collection. bool CollectionSystemManager::toggleGameInCollection(FileData* file) { if (file->getType() == GAME) { GuiInfoPopup* s; bool adding = true; std::string name = file->getName(); std::string sysName = mEditingCollection; if (mIsEditingCustom) { SystemData* sysData = mEditingCollectionSystemData->system; mEditingCollectionSystemData->needsSave = true; if (!mEditingCollectionSystemData->isPopulated) populateCustomCollection(mEditingCollectionSystemData); std::string key = file->getFullPath(); FileData* rootFolder = sysData->getRootFolder(); const std::unordered_map<std::string, FileData*>& children = rootFolder->getChildrenByFilename(); bool found = children.find(key) != children.cend(); FileFilterIndex* fileIndex = sysData->getIndex(); std::string name = sysData->getName(); SystemData* systemViewToUpdate = getSystemToView(sysData); if (found) { adding = false; // If we found it, we need to remove it. FileData* collectionEntry = children.at(key); // Remove from index. fileIndex->removeFromIndex(collectionEntry); // Remove from bundle index as well, if needed. if (systemViewToUpdate != sysData) systemViewToUpdate->getIndex()->removeFromIndex(collectionEntry); ViewController::get()->getGameListView(systemViewToUpdate).get()-> remove(collectionEntry, false); } else { // We didn't find it here, so we should add it. CollectionFileData* newGame = new CollectionFileData(file, sysData); rootFolder->addChild(newGame); fileIndex->addToIndex(newGame); ViewController::get()->getGameListView(systemViewToUpdate)-> onFileChanged(newGame, FILE_METADATA_CHANGED); if (name == "recent") rootFolder->sort(getSortTypeFromString("last played, descending")); else rootFolder->sort(getSortTypeFromString(rootFolder->getSortTypeString()), Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavFirstCustom")); ViewController::get()->onFileChanged(systemViewToUpdate-> getRootFolder(), FILE_SORTED); // Add to bundle index as well, if needed. if (systemViewToUpdate != sysData) systemViewToUpdate->getIndex()->addToIndex(newGame); } updateCollectionFolderMetadata(sysData); } else { file->getSourceFileData()->getSystem()->getIndex()->removeFromIndex(file); MetaDataList* md = &file->getSourceFileData()->metadata; std::string value = md->get("favorite"); if (value == "false") { md->set("favorite", "true"); } else { adding = false; md->set("favorite", "false"); } file->getSourceFileData()->getSystem()->getIndex()->addToIndex(file); file->getSourceFileData()->getSystem()->onMetaDataSavePoint(); refreshCollectionSystems(file->getSourceFileData()); } if (adding) s = new GuiInfoPopup(mWindow, "Added '" + Utils::String::removeParenthesis(name) + "' to '" + Utils::String::toUpper(sysName) + "'", 4000); else s = new GuiInfoPopup(mWindow, "Removed '" + Utils::String::removeParenthesis(name) + "' from '" + Utils::String::toUpper(sysName) + "'", 4000); mWindow->setInfoPopup(s); return true; } return false; } SystemData* CollectionSystemManager::getSystemToView(SystemData* sys) { SystemData* systemToView = sys; FileData* rootFolder = sys->getRootFolder(); FileData* bundleRootFolder = mCustomCollectionsBundle->getRootFolder(); const std::unordered_map<std::string, FileData*>& bundleChildren = bundleRootFolder->getChildrenByFilename(); // Is the rootFolder bundled in the "My Collections" system? bool sysFoundInBundle = bundleChildren.find(rootFolder->getKey()) != bundleChildren.cend(); if (sysFoundInBundle && sys->isCollection()) systemToView = mCustomCollectionsBundle; return systemToView; } // Functions below to Handle loading of collection systems, creating empty ones, // and populating on demand. // Loads Automatic Collection systems (All, Favorites, Last Played). void CollectionSystemManager::initAutoCollectionSystems() { for (std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemDecl>::const_iterator it = mCollectionSystemDeclsIndex.cbegin(); it != mCollectionSystemDeclsIndex.cend() ; it++ ) { CollectionSystemDecl sysDecl = it->second; if (!sysDecl.isCustom) createNewCollectionEntry(sysDecl.name, sysDecl); } } // This may come in handy if at any point in time in the future we want to // automatically generate metadata for a folder. void CollectionSystemManager::updateCollectionFolderMetadata(SystemData* sys) { FileData* rootFolder = sys->getRootFolder(); std::string desc = "This collection is empty."; std::string rating = "0"; std::string players = "1"; std::string releasedate = "N/A"; std::string developer = "None"; std::string genre = "None"; std::string video = ""; std::string thumbnail = ""; std::string image = ""; std::unordered_map<std::string, FileData*> games = rootFolder->getChildrenByFilename(); if (games.size() > 0) { std::string games_list = ""; int games_counter = 0; for (std::unordered_map<std::string, FileData*>::const_iterator iter = games.cbegin(); iter != games.cend(); ++iter) { games_counter++; FileData* file = iter->second; std::string new_rating = file->metadata.get("rating"); std::string new_releasedate = file->metadata.get("releasedate"); std::string new_developer = file->metadata.get("developer"); std::string new_genre = file->metadata.get("genre"); std::string new_players = file->metadata.get("players"); rating = (new_rating > rating ? (new_rating != "" ? new_rating : rating) : rating); players = (new_players > players ? (new_players != "" ? new_players : players) : players); releasedate = (new_releasedate < releasedate ? (new_releasedate != "" ? new_releasedate : releasedate) : releasedate); developer = (developer == "None" ? new_developer : (new_developer != developer ? "Various" : new_developer)); genre = (genre == "None" ? new_genre : (new_genre != genre ? "Various" : new_genre)); switch (games_counter) { case 2: case 3: games_list += ", "; case 1: games_list += "'" + file->getName() + "'"; break; case 4: games_list += " among other titles."; } } desc = "This collection contains " + std::to_string(games_counter) + " games, including " + games_list; FileData* randomGame = sys->getRandomGame(); video = randomGame->getVideoPath(); thumbnail = randomGame->getThumbnailPath(); image = randomGame->getImagePath(); } rootFolder->metadata.set("desc", desc); rootFolder->metadata.set("rating", rating); rootFolder->metadata.set("players", players); rootFolder->metadata.set("genre", genre); rootFolder->metadata.set("releasedate", releasedate); rootFolder->metadata.set("developer", developer); rootFolder->metadata.set("video", video); rootFolder->metadata.set("thumbnail", thumbnail); rootFolder->metadata.set("image", image); } void CollectionSystemManager::initCustomCollectionSystems() { std::vector<std::string> systems = getCollectionsFromConfigFolder(); for (auto nameIt = systems.cbegin(); nameIt != systems.cend(); nameIt++) { addNewCustomCollection(*nameIt); } } SystemData* CollectionSystemManager::getAllGamesCollection() { CollectionSystemData* allSysData = &mAutoCollectionSystemsData["all"]; if (!allSysData->isPopulated) populateAutoCollection(allSysData); return allSysData->system; } SystemData* CollectionSystemManager::addNewCustomCollection(std::string name) { CollectionSystemDecl decl = mCollectionSystemDeclsIndex[myCollectionsName]; decl.themeFolder = name; decl.name = name; decl.longName = name; return createNewCollectionEntry(name, decl); } // Create a new empty collection system based on the name and declaration. SystemData* CollectionSystemManager::createNewCollectionEntry( std::string name, CollectionSystemDecl sysDecl, bool index) { SystemData* newSys = new SystemData( name, sysDecl.longName, mCollectionEnvData, sysDecl.themeFolder, true); CollectionSystemData newCollectionData; newCollectionData.system = newSys; newCollectionData.decl = sysDecl; newCollectionData.isEnabled = false; newCollectionData.isPopulated = false; newCollectionData.needsSave = false; if (index) { if (!sysDecl.isCustom) mAutoCollectionSystemsData[name] = newCollectionData; else mCustomCollectionSystemsData[name] = newCollectionData; } return newSys; } // Populate an automatic collection system. void CollectionSystemManager::populateAutoCollection(CollectionSystemData* sysData) { SystemData* newSys = sysData->system; CollectionSystemDecl sysDecl = sysData->decl; FileData* rootFolder = newSys->getRootFolder(); FileFilterIndex* index = newSys->getIndex(); for (auto sysIt = SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(); sysIt != SystemData::sSystemVector.cend(); sysIt++) { // We won't iterate all collections. if ((*sysIt)->isGameSystem() && !(*sysIt)->isCollection()) { std::vector<FileData*> files = (*sysIt)->getRootFolder()->getFilesRecursive(GAME); for (auto gameIt = files.cbegin(); gameIt != files.cend(); gameIt++) { bool include = includeFileInAutoCollections((*gameIt)); switch (sysDecl.type) { case AUTO_LAST_PLAYED: include = include && (*gameIt)->metadata.get("playcount") > "0"; break; case AUTO_FAVORITES: // We may still want to add files we don't // want in auto collections in "favorites" include = (*gameIt)->metadata.get("favorite") == "true"; break; default: break; } if (include) { CollectionFileData* newGame = new CollectionFileData(*gameIt, newSys); rootFolder->addChild(newGame); index->addToIndex(newGame); } } } } if (rootFolder->getName() == "recent") rootFolder->sort(getSortTypeFromString("last played, descending")); else rootFolder->sort(getSortTypeFromString(rootFolder->getSortTypeString()), Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavoritesFirst")); if (sysDecl.type == AUTO_LAST_PLAYED) trimCollectionCount(rootFolder, LAST_PLAYED_MAX); sysData->isPopulated = true; } // Populate a custom collection system void CollectionSystemManager::populateCustomCollection(CollectionSystemData* sysData) { SystemData* newSys = sysData->system; sysData->isPopulated = true; CollectionSystemDecl sysDecl = sysData->decl; std::string path = getCustomCollectionConfigPath(newSys->getName()); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Couldn't find custom collection config file at " << path; return; } LOG(LogInfo) << "Loading custom collection config file at " << path; FileData* rootFolder = newSys->getRootFolder(); FileFilterIndex* index = newSys->getIndex(); // Get configuration for this custom collection. std::ifstream input(path); // Get all files map. std::unordered_map<std::string,FileData*> allFilesMap = getAllGamesCollection()->getRootFolder()->getChildrenByFilename(); // Get the ROM directory, either as configured in es_settings.cfg, or if no value // is set there, then use the default hardcoded path. const std::string rompath = FileData::getROMDirectory(); // Iterate list of files in the config file. for (std::string gameKey; getline(input, gameKey); ) { // If there is a %ROMPATH% variable set for the game, expand it. By doing this // it's possible to use either absolute ROM paths in the collection files or using // the path variable. The absolute ROM paths are only used for backward compatibility // with old custom collections. All custom collections saved by EmulationStation-DE // will use the %ROMPATH% variable instead. gameKey = Utils::String::replace(gameKey, "%ROMPATH%", rompath); gameKey = Utils::String::replace(gameKey, "//", "/"); std::unordered_map<std::string,FileData*>::const_iterator it = allFilesMap.find(gameKey); if (it != allFilesMap.cend()) { CollectionFileData* newGame = new CollectionFileData(it->second, newSys); rootFolder->addChild(newGame); index->addToIndex(newGame); } else { LOG(LogInfo) << "Couldn't find game referenced at '" << gameKey << "' for system config '" << path << "'"; } } updateCollectionFolderMetadata(newSys); } // Functions below to handle System View removal and insertion of collections. void CollectionSystemManager::removeCollectionsFromDisplayedSystems() { // Remove all collection Systems. for (auto sysIt = SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(); sysIt != SystemData::sSystemVector.cend(); ) { if ((*sysIt)->isCollection()) sysIt = SystemData::sSystemVector.erase(sysIt); else sysIt++; } // Remove all custom collections in bundle. // This should not delete the objects from memory! FileData* customRoot = mCustomCollectionsBundle->getRootFolder(); std::vector<FileData*> mChildren = customRoot->getChildren(); for (auto it = mChildren.cbegin(); it != mChildren.cend(); it++) { customRoot->removeChild(*it); } // Clear index. mCustomCollectionsBundle->getIndex()->resetIndex(); // Remove view so it's re-created as needed. ViewController::get()->removeGameListView(mCustomCollectionsBundle); } void CollectionSystemManager::addEnabledCollectionsToDisplayedSystems( std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemData>* colSystemData) { // Add auto enabled collections. for (std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemData>::iterator it = colSystemData->begin() ; it != colSystemData->end() ; it++ ) { if (it->second.isEnabled) { // Check if populated, otherwise populate. if (!it->second.isPopulated) { if (it->second.decl.isCustom) populateCustomCollection(&(it->second)); else populateAutoCollection(&(it->second)); } // Check if it has its own view. if (!it->second.decl.isCustom || themeFolderExists(it->first) || !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("UseCustomCollectionsSystem")) { // Theme folder exists, or we chose not to bundle it under the // custom-collections system. So we need to create a view. SystemData::sSystemVector.push_back(it->second.system); // If this is a non-bundled custom collection, then sort it. if (it->second.decl.isCustom == true) { FileData* rootFolder = it->second.system->getRootFolder(); rootFolder->sort(getSortTypeFromString(rootFolder->getSortTypeString()), Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavFirstCustom")); // Jump to the first row of the game list, assuming it's not empty. IGameListView* gameList = ViewController::get()-> getGameListView((it->second.system)).get(); if (!gameList->getCursor()->isPlaceHolder()) { gameList->setCursor(gameList->getFirstEntry()); } } } else { FileData* newSysRootFolder = it->second.system->getRootFolder(); mCustomCollectionsBundle->getRootFolder()->addChild(newSysRootFolder); mCustomCollectionsBundle->getIndex()->importIndex(it->second.system->getIndex()); } } } } // Auxiliary functions below to get available custom collection possibilities. std::vector<std::string> CollectionSystemManager::getSystemsFromConfig() { std::vector<std::string> systems; std::string path = SystemData::getConfigPath(false); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) return systems; pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result res = doc.load_file(path.c_str()); if (!res) return systems; // Actually read the file. pugi::xml_node systemList = doc.child("systemList"); if (!systemList) return systems; for (pugi::xml_node system = systemList.child("system"); system; system = system.next_sibling("system")) { // Theme folder. std::string themeFolder = system.child("theme").text().get(); systems.push_back(themeFolder); } std::sort(systems.begin(), systems.end()); return systems; } // Get all folders from the current theme path. std::vector<std::string> CollectionSystemManager::getSystemsFromTheme() { std::vector<std::string> systems; auto themeSets = ThemeData::getThemeSets(); if (themeSets.empty()) return systems; // No theme sets available. std::map<std::string, ThemeSet>::const_iterator set = themeSets.find(Settings::getInstance()->getString("ThemeSet")); if (set == themeSets.cend()) { // Currently selected theme set is missing, so just pick the first available set. set = themeSets.cbegin(); Settings::getInstance()->setString("ThemeSet", set->first); } std::string themePath = set->second.path; if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(themePath)) { Utils::FileSystem::stringList dirContent = Utils::FileSystem::getDirContent(themePath); for (Utils::FileSystem::stringList::const_iterator it = dirContent.cbegin(); it != dirContent.cend(); ++it) { if (Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(*it)) { // ... here you have a directory. std::string folder = *it; folder = folder.substr(themePath.size()+1); if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(set->second.getThemePath(folder))) systems.push_back(folder); } } } std::sort(systems.begin(), systems.end()); return systems; } // Return the unused folders from current theme path. std::vector<std::string> CollectionSystemManager::getUnusedSystemsFromTheme() { // Get used systems in es_systems.cfg. std::vector<std::string> systemsInUse = getSystemsFromConfig(); // Get available folders in theme. std::vector<std::string> themeSys = getSystemsFromTheme(); // Get folders assigned to custom collections. std::vector<std::string> autoSys = getCollectionThemeFolders(false); // Get folder assigned to custom collections. std::vector<std::string> customSys = getCollectionThemeFolders(true); // Get folders assigned to user collections. std::vector<std::string> userSys = getUserCollectionThemeFolders(); // Add them all to the list of systems in use. systemsInUse.insert(systemsInUse.cend(), autoSys.cbegin(), autoSys.cend()); systemsInUse.insert(systemsInUse.cend(), customSys.cbegin(), customSys.cend()); systemsInUse.insert(systemsInUse.cend(), userSys.cbegin(), userSys.cend()); for (auto sysIt = themeSys.cbegin(); sysIt != themeSys.cend(); ) { if (std::find(systemsInUse.cbegin(), systemsInUse.cend(), *sysIt) != systemsInUse.cend()) sysIt = themeSys.erase(sysIt); else sysIt++; } return themeSys; } // Return which collection config files exist in the user folder. std::vector<std::string> CollectionSystemManager::getCollectionsFromConfigFolder() { std::vector<std::string> systems; std::string configPath = getCollectionsFolder(); if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(configPath)) { Utils::FileSystem::stringList dirContent = Utils::FileSystem::getDirContent(configPath); for (Utils::FileSystem::stringList::const_iterator it = dirContent.cbegin(); it != dirContent.cend(); ++it) { if (Utils::FileSystem::isRegularFile(*it)) { // It's a file. std::string filename = Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(*it); // Need to confirm filename matches config format. if (filename != "custom-.cfg" && Utils::String::startsWith( filename, "custom-") && Utils::String::endsWith(filename, ".cfg")) { filename = filename.substr(7, filename.size()-11); systems.push_back(filename); } else { LOG(LogInfo) << "Found non-collection config file in collections folder: " << filename; } } } } return systems; } // Return the theme folders for automatic collections (All, Favorites, Last Played) // or a generic custom collections folder. std::vector<std::string> CollectionSystemManager::getCollectionThemeFolders(bool custom) { std::vector<std::string> systems; for (std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemDecl>::const_iterator it = mCollectionSystemDeclsIndex.cbegin(); it != mCollectionSystemDeclsIndex.cend() ; it++ ) { CollectionSystemDecl sysDecl = it->second; if (sysDecl.isCustom == custom) systems.push_back(sysDecl.themeFolder); } return systems; } // Return the theme folders in use for the user-defined custom collections. std::vector<std::string> CollectionSystemManager::getUserCollectionThemeFolders() { std::vector<std::string> systems; for (std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemData>::const_iterator it = mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cbegin(); it != mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cend() ; it++ ) systems.push_back(it->second.decl.themeFolder); return systems; } // Return whether a specific folder exists in the theme. bool CollectionSystemManager::themeFolderExists(std::string folder) { std::vector<std::string> themeSys = getSystemsFromTheme(); return std::find(themeSys.cbegin(), themeSys.cend(), folder) != themeSys.cend(); } bool CollectionSystemManager::includeFileInAutoCollections(FileData* file) { // We exclude non-game files from collections (i.e. "kodi", entries from non-game systems). // If/when there are more in the future, maybe this can be a more complex method, with a // proper list, but for now a simple string comparison is more performant. return file->getName() != "kodi" && file->getSystem()->isGameSystem(); } std::string getCustomCollectionConfigPath(std::string collectionName) { return getCollectionsFolder() + "/custom-" + collectionName + ".cfg"; } std::string getCollectionsFolder() { return Utils::FileSystem::getGenericPath(Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() + "/.emulationstation/collections"); } bool systemSort(SystemData* sys1, SystemData* sys2) { std::string name1 = Utils::String::toUpper(sys1->getName()); std::string name2 = Utils::String::toUpper(sys2->getName()); return name1.compare(name2) < 0; } // Return whether the system is a custom collection. bool CollectionSystemManager::getIsCustomCollection(SystemData* system) { // Iterate the map. for (std::map<std::string, CollectionSystemData>::const_iterator it = mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cbegin(); it != mCustomCollectionSystemsData.cend() ; it++) { if (it->second.system == system) return true; } return false; }