// // VideoVlcComponent.cpp // // Video playing using libVLC. // #include "components/VideoVlcComponent.h" #include "renderers/Renderer.h" #include "resources/TextureResource.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" #include "PowerSaver.h" #include "Settings.h" #if defined(__APPLE__) #include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h" #endif #include #include #include #if defined(_WIN64) #include #include #endif libvlc_instance_t* VideoVlcComponent::mVLC = nullptr; // VLC prepares to render a video frame. static void* lock(void* data, void** p_pixels) { struct VideoContext* c = (struct VideoContext*)data; SDL_LockMutex(c->mutex); SDL_LockSurface(c->surface); *p_pixels = c->surface->pixels; return nullptr; // Picture identifier, not needed here. } // VLC just rendered a video frame. static void unlock(void* data, void* /*id*/, void *const* /*p_pixels*/) { struct VideoContext* c = (struct VideoContext*)data; SDL_UnlockSurface(c->surface); SDL_UnlockMutex(c->mutex); } // VLC wants to display a video frame. static void display(void* /*data*/, void* /*id*/) { // Data to be displayed. } VideoVlcComponent::VideoVlcComponent(Window* window, std::string subtitles) : VideoComponent(window), mMediaPlayer(nullptr) { memset(&mContext, 0, sizeof(mContext)); // Get an empty texture for rendering the video. mTexture = TextureResource::get(""); // Make sure VLC has been initialized. setupVLC(subtitles); } VideoVlcComponent::~VideoVlcComponent() { stopVideo(); } void VideoVlcComponent::setResize(float width, float height) { mTargetSize = Vector2f(width, height); mTargetIsMax = false; mStaticImage.setResize(width, height); resize(); } void VideoVlcComponent::setMaxSize(float width, float height) { mTargetSize = Vector2f(width, height); mTargetIsMax = true; mStaticImage.setMaxSize(width, height); resize(); } void VideoVlcComponent::resize() { if (!mTexture) return; const Vector2f textureSize((float)mVideoWidth, (float)mVideoHeight); if (textureSize == Vector2f::Zero()) return; // SVG rasterization is determined by height and rasterization is done in terms of pixels. // If rounding is off enough in the rasterization step (for images with extreme aspect // ratios), it can cause cutoff when the aspect ratio breaks. // So we always make sure the resultant height is an integer to make sure cutoff doesn't // happen, and scale width from that (you'll see this scattered throughout the function). // This is probably not the best way, so if you're familiar with this problem and have a // better solution, please make a pull request! if (mTargetIsMax) { mSize = textureSize; Vector2f resizeScale((mTargetSize.x() / mSize.x()), (mTargetSize.y() / mSize.y())); if (resizeScale.x() < resizeScale.y()) { mSize[0] *= resizeScale.x(); mSize[1] *= resizeScale.x(); } else { mSize[0] *= resizeScale.y(); mSize[1] *= resizeScale.y(); } // For SVG rasterization, always calculate width from rounded height (see comment above). mSize[1] = Math::round(mSize[1]); mSize[0] = (mSize[1] / textureSize.y()) * textureSize.x(); } else { // If both components are set, we just stretch. // If no components are set, we don't resize at all. mSize = mTargetSize == Vector2f::Zero() ? textureSize : mTargetSize; // If only one component is set, we resize in a way that maintains aspect ratio. // For SVG rasterization, we always calculate width from rounded height (see comment above). if (!mTargetSize.x() && mTargetSize.y()) { mSize[1] = Math::round(mTargetSize.y()); mSize[0] = (mSize.y() / textureSize.y()) * textureSize.x(); } else if (mTargetSize.x() && !mTargetSize.y()) { mSize[1] = Math::round((mTargetSize.x() / textureSize.x()) * textureSize.y()); mSize[0] = (mSize.y() / textureSize.y()) * textureSize.x(); } } // mSize.y() should already be rounded. mTexture->rasterizeAt((size_t)Math::round(mSize.x()), (size_t)Math::round(mSize.y())); onSizeChanged(); } void VideoVlcComponent::render(const Transform4x4f& parentTrans) { if (!isVisible()) return; VideoComponent::render(parentTrans); Transform4x4f trans = parentTrans * getTransform(); GuiComponent::renderChildren(trans); Renderer::setMatrix(trans); if (mIsPlaying && mContext.valid) { const unsigned int fadeIn = (unsigned int)(Math::clamp(0.0f, mFadeIn, 1.0f) * 255.0f); const unsigned int color = Renderer::convertColor((fadeIn << 24) | (fadeIn << 16) | (fadeIn << 8) | 255); Renderer::Vertex vertices[4]; vertices[0] = { { 0.0f , 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f }, color }; vertices[1] = { { 0.0f , mSize.y() }, { 0.0f, 1.0f }, color }; vertices[2] = { { mSize.x(), 0.0f }, { 1.0f, 0.0f }, color }; vertices[3] = { { mSize.x(), mSize.y() }, { 1.0f, 1.0f }, color }; // Round vertices. for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) vertices[i].pos.round(); // Build a texture for the video frame. mTexture->initFromPixels((unsigned char*)mContext.surface->pixels, mContext.surface->w, mContext.surface->h); mTexture->bind(); // Render it. Renderer::drawTriangleStrips(&vertices[0], 4); } else { VideoComponent::renderSnapshot(parentTrans); } } void VideoVlcComponent::setupContext() { if (!mContext.valid) { // Create an RGBA surface to render the video into. mContext.surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, (int)mVideoWidth, (int)mVideoHeight, 32, 0xff000000, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff); mContext.mutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); mContext.valid = true; resize(); } } void VideoVlcComponent::freeContext() { if (mContext.valid) { SDL_FreeSurface(mContext.surface); SDL_DestroyMutex(mContext.mutex); mContext.valid = false; } } void VideoVlcComponent::setupVLC(std::string subtitles) { // If VLC hasn't been initialised yet then do it now. if (!mVLC) { const char** args; const char* newargs[] = { "--quiet", "--sub-file", subtitles.c_str() }; const char* singleargs[] = { "--quiet" }; int argslen = 0; if (!subtitles.empty()) { argslen = sizeof(newargs) / sizeof(newargs[0]); args = newargs; } else { argslen = sizeof(singleargs) / sizeof(singleargs[0]); args = singleargs; } #if defined(__APPLE__) // It's required to set the VLC_PLUGIN_PATH variable on macOS, or the libVLC // initialization will fail (with no error message). std::string vlcPluginPath = Utils::FileSystem::getExePath() + "/plugins"; if (Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(vlcPluginPath)) setenv("VLC_PLUGIN_PATH", vlcPluginPath.c_str(), 1); else setenv("VLC_PLUGIN_PATH", "/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/", 1); #endif mVLC = libvlc_new(argslen, args); } } void VideoVlcComponent::handleLooping() { if (mIsPlaying && mMediaPlayer) { libvlc_state_t state = libvlc_media_player_get_state(mMediaPlayer); if (state == libvlc_Ended) { libvlc_media_player_set_media(mMediaPlayer, mMedia); if ((!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("GamelistVideoAudio") && !mScreensaverMode) || (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScreenSaverVideoAudio") && mScreensaverMode)) libvlc_audio_set_mute(mMediaPlayer, 1); libvlc_media_player_play(mMediaPlayer); } } } void VideoVlcComponent::pauseVideo() { // If a game has been launched and the flag to pause the video has been // set, then rewind and pause. if (!mPause || !mMediaPlayer) return; if (libvlc_media_player_get_state(mMediaPlayer) == libvlc_Playing) { libvlc_media_player_set_position(mMediaPlayer, 0.0f); libvlc_media_player_pause(mMediaPlayer); } } void VideoVlcComponent::startVideo() { if (!mIsPlaying) { mVideoWidth = 0; mVideoHeight = 0; #ifdef _WIN64 std::string path(Utils::String::replace(mVideoPath, "/", "\\")); #else std::string path(mVideoPath); #endif // Make sure we have a video path. if (mVLC && (path.size() > 0)) { // Set the video that we are going to be playing so we don't attempt to restart it. mPlayingVideoPath = mVideoPath; // Open the media. mMedia = libvlc_media_new_path(mVLC, path.c_str()); if (mMedia) { unsigned track_count; int parseResult; libvlc_event_t vlcEvent; // Asynchronous media parsing. libvlc_event_attach(libvlc_media_event_manager( mMedia), libvlc_MediaParsedChanged, VlcMediaParseCallback, 0); parseResult = libvlc_media_parse_with_options(mMedia, libvlc_media_parse_local, -1); if (!parseResult) { // Wait for a maximum of 1 second for the media parsing. for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if (libvlc_media_get_parsed_status(mMedia)) break; SDL_Delay(5); }; } libvlc_media_track_t** tracks; track_count = libvlc_media_tracks_get(mMedia, &tracks); for (unsigned track = 0; track < track_count; ++track) { if (tracks[track]->i_type == libvlc_track_video) { mVideoWidth = tracks[track]->video->i_width; mVideoHeight = tracks[track]->video->i_height; break; } } libvlc_media_tracks_release(tracks, track_count); // Make sure we found a valid video track. if ((mVideoWidth > 0) && (mVideoHeight > 0)) { PowerSaver::pause(); setupContext(); // Setup the media player. mMediaPlayer = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(mMedia); if ((!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("GamelistVideoAudio") && !mScreensaverMode) || (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScreenSaverVideoAudio") && mScreensaverMode)) libvlc_audio_set_mute(mMediaPlayer, 1); libvlc_media_player_play(mMediaPlayer); libvlc_video_set_callbacks(mMediaPlayer, lock, unlock, display, (void*)&mContext); libvlc_video_set_format(mMediaPlayer, "RGBA", (int)mVideoWidth, (int)mVideoHeight, (int)mVideoWidth * 4); // Update the playing state. mIsPlaying = true; mFadeIn = 0.0f; } } } } } void VideoVlcComponent::stopVideo() { mIsPlaying = false; mStartDelayed = false; mPause = false; // Release the media player so it stops calling back to us. if (mMediaPlayer) { libvlc_media_player_stop(mMediaPlayer); libvlc_media_player_release(mMediaPlayer); libvlc_media_release(mMedia); mMediaPlayer = nullptr; freeContext(); PowerSaver::resume(); } }