// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // EmulationStation Desktop Edition // FileSystemUtil.cpp // // Low-level filesystem functions. // Resolve relative paths, resolve symlinks, create directories, // remove files etc. // #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) && \ !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) #define _DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE #endif #include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h" #include "Log.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <sys/stat.h> #if defined(_WIN64) #include <Windows.h> #include <direct.h> #if defined(_MSC_VER) // MSVC compiler. #define stat64 _stat64 #define S_ISREG(x) (((x)&S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) #define S_ISDIR(x) (((x)&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) #endif #else #include <dirent.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif // For Unix systems, set the install prefix as defined via CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when CMake was run. // If not defined, the default prefix '/usr' will be used on Linux, '/usr/pkg' on NetBSD and // '/usr/local' on FreeBSD and OpenBSD. This fallback should not be required though unless the // build environment is broken. #if defined(__unix__) #if defined(ES_INSTALL_PREFIX) std::string installPrefix = ES_INSTALL_PREFIX; #else #if defined(__linux__) std::string installPrefix = "/usr"; #elif defined(__NetBSD__) std::string installPrefix = "/usr/pkg"; #else std::string installPrefix = "/usr/local"; #endif #endif #endif namespace Utils { namespace FileSystem { static std::string homePath = ""; static std::string exePath = ""; StringList getDirContent(const std::string& path, const bool recursive) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); StringList contentList; // Only parse the directory, if it's a directory. if (isDirectory(genericPath)) { #if defined(_WIN64) WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData; std::wstring wildcard = Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath) + L"/*"; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileW(wildcard.c_str(), &findData); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Loop over all files in the directory. do { std::string name = Utils::String::wideStringToString(findData.cFileName); // Ignore "." and ".." if ((name != ".") && (name != "..")) { std::string fullName(getGenericPath(genericPath + "/" + name)); contentList.push_back(fullName); if (recursive && isDirectory(fullName)) { contentList.sort(); contentList.merge(getDirContent(fullName, true)); } } } while (FindNextFileW(hFind, &findData)); FindClose(hFind); } #else DIR* dir = opendir(genericPath.c_str()); if (dir != nullptr) { struct dirent* entry; // Loop over all files in the directory. while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != nullptr) { std::string name(entry->d_name); // Ignore "." and ".." if ((name != ".") && (name != "..")) { std::string fullName(getGenericPath(genericPath + "/" + name)); contentList.push_back(fullName); if (recursive && isDirectory(fullName)) { contentList.sort(); contentList.merge(getDirContent(fullName, true)); } } } closedir(dir); } #endif } contentList.sort(); return contentList; } StringList getPathList(const std::string& path) { StringList pathList; std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); size_t start = 0; size_t end = 0; // Split at '/' while ((end = genericPath.find("/", start)) != std::string::npos) { if (end != start) pathList.push_back(std::string(genericPath, start, end - start)); start = end + 1; } // Add last folder / file to pathList. if (start != genericPath.size()) pathList.push_back(std::string(genericPath, start, genericPath.size() - start)); return pathList; } void setHomePath(const std::string& path) { // Set home path. homePath = getGenericPath(path); } std::string getHomePath() { // Only construct the homepath once. if (homePath.length()) return homePath; #if defined(_WIN64) // On Windows we need to check HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH. if (!homePath.length()) { std::wstring envHomeDrive; std::wstring envHomePath; #if defined(_MSC_VER) // MSVC compiler. wchar_t* buffer; if (!_wdupenv_s(&buffer, nullptr, L"HOMEDRIVE")) envHomeDrive = buffer; if (!_wdupenv_s(&buffer, nullptr, L"HOMEPATH")) envHomePath = buffer; #else envHomeDrive = _wgetenv(L"HOMEDRIVE"); envHomePath = _wgetenv(L"HOMEPATH"); #endif if (envHomeDrive.length() && envHomePath.length()) homePath = getGenericPath(Utils::String::wideStringToString(envHomeDrive) + "/" + Utils::String::wideStringToString(envHomePath)); } #else if (!homePath.length()) { std::string envHome = getenv("HOME"); if (envHome.length()) homePath = getGenericPath(envHome); } #endif // No homepath found, fall back to current working directory. if (!homePath.length()) homePath = getCWDPath(); return homePath; } std::string getCWDPath() { // Return current working directory. #if defined(_WIN64) wchar_t tempWide[512]; return (_wgetcwd(tempWide, 512) ? getGenericPath(Utils::String::wideStringToString(tempWide)) : ""); #else char temp[512]; return (getcwd(temp, 512) ? getGenericPath(temp) : ""); #endif } std::string getPathToBinary(const std::string& executable) { #if defined(_WIN64) return ""; #else std::string pathVariable = std::string(getenv("PATH")); std::vector<std::string> pathList = Utils::String::delimitedStringToVector(pathVariable, ":"); std::string pathTest; for (auto it = pathList.cbegin(); it != pathList.cend(); ++it) { pathTest = it->c_str() + ("/" + executable); if (exists(pathTest)) return it->c_str(); } return ""; #endif } void setExePath(const std::string& path) { constexpr int pathMax = 32767; #if defined(_WIN64) std::wstring result(pathMax, 0); if (GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, &result[0], pathMax) != 0) exePath = Utils::String::wideStringToString(result); #else std::string result(pathMax, 0); if (readlink("/proc/self/exe", &result[0], pathMax) != -1) exePath = result; #endif exePath = getCanonicalPath(exePath); // Fallback to argv[0] if everything else fails. if (exePath.empty()) exePath = getCanonicalPath(path); if (isRegularFile(exePath)) exePath = getParent(exePath); } std::string getExePath() { // Return executable path. return exePath; } std::string getProgramDataPath() { #if defined(__unix__) return installPrefix + "/share/emulationstation"; #else return ""; #endif } std::string getPreferredPath(const std::string& path) { std::string preferredPath = path; #if defined(_WIN64) size_t offset = std::string::npos; // Convert '/' to '\\' while ((offset = preferredPath.find('/')) != std::string::npos) preferredPath.replace(offset, 1, "\\"); #endif return preferredPath; } std::string getGenericPath(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = path; size_t offset = std::string::npos; // Remove "\\\\?\\" if ((genericPath.find("\\\\?\\")) == 0) genericPath.erase(0, 4); // Convert '\\' to '/' while ((offset = genericPath.find('\\')) != std::string::npos) genericPath.replace(offset, 1, "/"); // Remove double '/' while ((offset = genericPath.find("//")) != std::string::npos) genericPath.erase(offset, 1); // Remove trailing '/' when the path is more than a simple '/' while (genericPath.length() > 1 && ((offset = genericPath.find_last_of('/')) == (genericPath.length() - 1))) genericPath.erase(offset, 1); return genericPath; } std::string getEscapedPath(const std::string& path) { std::string escapedPath = getGenericPath(path); #if defined(_WIN64) // Windows escapes stuff by just putting everything in quotes. return '"' + getPreferredPath(escapedPath) + '"'; #else // Insert a backslash before most characters that would mess up a bash path. const char* invalidChars = "\\ '\"!$^&*(){}[]?;<>"; const char* invalidChar = invalidChars; while (*invalidChar) { size_t start = 0; size_t offset = 0; while ((offset = escapedPath.find(*invalidChar, start)) != std::string::npos) { start = offset + 1; if ((offset == 0) || (escapedPath[offset - 1] != '\\')) { escapedPath.insert(offset, 1, '\\'); ++start; } } ++invalidChar; } return escapedPath; #endif } std::string getCanonicalPath(const std::string& path) { // Hack for builtin resources. if ((path[0] == ':') && (path[1] == '/')) return path; std::string canonicalPath = exists(path) ? getAbsolutePath(path) : getGenericPath(path); // Cleanup path. bool scan = true; while (scan) { StringList pathList = getPathList(canonicalPath); canonicalPath.clear(); scan = false; for (StringList::const_iterator it = pathList.cbegin(); it != pathList.cend(); ++it) { // Ignore empty. if ((*it).empty()) continue; // Remove "/./" if ((*it) == ".") continue; // Resolve "/../" if ((*it) == "..") { canonicalPath = getParent(canonicalPath); continue; } #if defined(_WIN64) // Append folder to path. canonicalPath += (canonicalPath.size() == 0) ? (*it) : ("/" + (*it)); #else // Append folder to path. canonicalPath += ("/" + (*it)); #endif if (isSymlink(canonicalPath)) { std::string resolved = resolveSymlink(canonicalPath); if (resolved.empty()) return ""; if (isAbsolute(resolved)) canonicalPath = resolved; else canonicalPath = getParent(canonicalPath) + "/" + resolved; for (++it; it != pathList.cend(); ++it) canonicalPath += (canonicalPath.size() == 0) ? (*it) : ("/" + (*it)); scan = true; break; } } } return canonicalPath; } std::string getAbsolutePath(const std::string& path, const std::string& base) { std::string absolutePath = getGenericPath(path); std::string baseVar = isAbsolute(base) ? getGenericPath(base) : getAbsolutePath(base); return isAbsolute(absolutePath) ? absolutePath : getGenericPath(baseVar + "/" + absolutePath); } std::string getParent(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); size_t offset = std::string::npos; // Find last '/' and erase it. if ((offset = genericPath.find_last_of('/')) != std::string::npos) return genericPath.erase(offset); // No parent found. return genericPath; } std::string getFileName(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); size_t offset = std::string::npos; // Find last '/' and return the filename. if ((offset = genericPath.find_last_of('/')) != std::string::npos) return ((genericPath[offset + 1] == 0) ? "." : std::string(genericPath, offset + 1)); // No '/' found, entire path is a filename. return genericPath; } std::string getStem(const std::string& path) { std::string fileName = getFileName(path); size_t offset = std::string::npos; // Empty fileName. if (fileName == ".") return fileName; if (!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(path)) { // Find last '.' and erase the extension. if ((offset = fileName.find_last_of('.')) != std::string::npos) return fileName.erase(offset); } // No '.' found, filename has no extension. return fileName; } std::string getExtension(const std::string& path) { std::string fileName = getFileName(path); size_t offset = std::string::npos; // Empty fileName. if (fileName == ".") return fileName; // Find last '.' and return the extension. if ((offset = fileName.find_last_of('.')) != std::string::npos) return std::string(fileName, offset); // No '.' found, filename has no extension. return "."; } std::string expandHomePath(const std::string& path) { // Expand home path if ~ is used. std::string expandedPath = path; expandedPath = Utils::String::replace(path, "~", Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath()); return expandedPath; } std::string resolveRelativePath(const std::string& path, const std::string& relativeTo, const bool allowHome) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); std::string relativeToVar = isDirectory(relativeTo) ? getGenericPath(relativeTo) : getParent(relativeTo); // Nothing to resolve. if (!genericPath.length()) return genericPath; // Replace '.' with relativeToVar. if ((genericPath[0] == '.') && (genericPath[1] == '/')) return (relativeToVar + &(genericPath[1])); // Replace '~' with homePath. if (allowHome && (genericPath[0] == '~') && (genericPath[1] == '/')) return (getHomePath() + &(genericPath[1])); // Nothing to resolve. return genericPath; } std::string createRelativePath(const std::string& path, const std::string& relativeTo, const bool allowHome) { bool contains = false; std::string relativePath = removeCommonPath(path, relativeTo, contains); if (contains) return ("./" + relativePath); if (allowHome) { relativePath = removeCommonPath(path, getHomePath(), contains); if (contains) return ("~/" + relativePath); } return relativePath; } std::string removeCommonPath(const std::string& path, const std::string& commonArg, bool& contains) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); std::string common = isDirectory(commonArg) ? getGenericPath(commonArg) : getParent(commonArg); if (genericPath.find(common) == 0) { contains = true; return genericPath.substr(common.length() + 1); } contains = false; return genericPath; } std::string resolveSymlink(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); std::string resolved; #if defined(_WIN64) std::wstring resolvedW; HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath).c_str(), FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, 0); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { resolvedW.resize( GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(hFile, nullptr, 0, FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED) + 1); if (GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(hFile, const_cast<LPWSTR>(resolvedW.data()), static_cast<DWORD>(resolvedW.size()), FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED) > 0) { resolvedW.resize(resolvedW.size() - 1); resolved = getGenericPath(Utils::String::wideStringToString(resolvedW)); } CloseHandle(hFile); } #else struct stat info; // Check if lstat succeeded. if (lstat(genericPath.c_str(), &info) == 0) { resolved.resize(info.st_size); if (readlink(genericPath.c_str(), const_cast<char*>(resolved.data()), resolved.size()) > 0) resolved = getGenericPath(resolved); } #endif return resolved; } bool copyFile(const std::string& sourcePath, const std::string& destinationPath, bool overwrite) { if (!exists(sourcePath)) { LOG(LogError) << "Can't copy file, source file does not exist:"; LOG(LogError) << sourcePath; return true; } if (isDirectory(destinationPath)) { LOG(LogError) << "Destination file is actually a directory:"; LOG(LogError) << destinationPath; return true; } if (!overwrite && exists(destinationPath)) { LOG(LogError) << "Destination file exists and the overwrite flag " "has not been set"; return true; } #if defined(_WIN64) std::ifstream sourceFile(Utils::String::stringToWideString(sourcePath).c_str(), std::ios::binary); #else std::ifstream sourceFile(sourcePath, std::ios::binary); #endif if (sourceFile.fail()) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't read from source file \"" << sourcePath << "\", permission problems?"; sourceFile.close(); return true; } #if defined(_WIN64) std::ofstream targetFile(Utils::String::stringToWideString(destinationPath).c_str(), std::ios::binary); #else std::ofstream targetFile(destinationPath, std::ios::binary); #endif if (targetFile.fail()) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't write to target file \"" << destinationPath << "\", permission problems?"; targetFile.close(); return true; } targetFile << sourceFile.rdbuf(); sourceFile.close(); targetFile.close(); return false; } bool renameFile(const std::string& sourcePath, const std::string& destinationPath, bool overwrite) { // Don't print any error message for a missing source file as Log will use this // function when initializing the logging. It would always generate an error in // case it's the first application start (as an old log file would then not exist). if (!exists(sourcePath)) { return true; } if (isDirectory(destinationPath)) { LOG(LogError) << "Destination file is actually a directory:"; LOG(LogError) << destinationPath; return true; } if (!overwrite && exists(destinationPath)) { LOG(LogError) << "Destination file exists and the overwrite flag has not been set"; return true; } #if defined(_WIN64) _wrename(Utils::String::stringToWideString(sourcePath).c_str(), Utils::String::stringToWideString(destinationPath).c_str()); #else std::rename(sourcePath.c_str(), destinationPath.c_str()); #endif return false; } bool removeFile(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); // Don't remove if it doesn't exists. if (!exists(genericPath)) return true; #if defined(_WIN64) if (_wunlink(Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath).c_str()) != 0) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't delete file, permission problems?"; LOG(LogError) << genericPath; return true; } else { return false; } #else if (unlink(genericPath.c_str()) != 0) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't delete file, permission problems?"; LOG(LogError) << genericPath; return true; } else { return false; } return (unlink(genericPath.c_str()) == 0); #endif } bool removeDirectory(const std::string& path) { if (getDirContent(path).size() != 0) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't delete directory as it's not empty"; LOG(LogError) << path; return false; } if (isSymlink(path)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't delete directory as it's actually a symlink"; LOG(LogError) << path; return false; } #if defined(_WIN64) if (_wrmdir(Utils::String::stringToWideString(path).c_str()) != 0) { #else if (rmdir(path.c_str()) != 0) { #endif LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't delete directory, permission problems?"; LOG(LogError) << path; return false; } return true; } // namespace FileSystem bool createDirectory(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); if (exists(genericPath)) return true; #if defined(_WIN64) if (_wmkdir(Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath).c_str()) == 0) return true; #else if (mkdir(genericPath.c_str(), 0755) == 0) return true; #endif // Failed to create directory, try to create the parent. std::string parent = getParent(genericPath); // Only try to create parent if it's not identical to genericPath. if (parent != genericPath) createDirectory(parent); // Try to create directory again now that the parent should exist. #if defined(_WIN64) return (_wmkdir(Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath).c_str()) == 0); #else return (mkdir(genericPath.c_str(), 0755) == 0); #endif } bool exists(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) struct stat info; return (stat(genericPath.c_str(), &info) == 0); #elif defined(_WIN64) struct _stat64 info; return (_wstat64(Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath).c_str(), &info) == 0); #else struct stat64 info; return (stat64(genericPath.c_str(), &info) == 0); #endif } bool driveExists(const std::string& path) { #if defined(_WIN64) std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); // Try to add a dot or a backslash and a dot depending on how the drive // letter was defined by the user. if (genericPath.length() == 2 && genericPath.at(1) == ':') genericPath += "\\."; else if (genericPath.length() == 3 && genericPath.at(1) == ':') genericPath += "."; struct _stat64 info; return (_wstat64(Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath).c_str(), &info) == 0); #else return false; #endif } bool isAbsolute(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); #if defined(_WIN64) return ((genericPath.size() > 1) && (genericPath[1] == ':')); #else return ((genericPath.size() > 0) && (genericPath[0] == '/')); #endif } bool isRegularFile(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) struct stat info; if (stat(genericPath.c_str(), &info) != 0) return false; #elif defined(_WIN64) struct stat64 info; if (_wstat64(Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath).c_str(), &info) != 0) return false; #else struct stat64 info; if (stat64(genericPath.c_str(), &info) != 0) return false; #endif // Check for S_IFREG attribute. return (S_ISREG(info.st_mode)); } bool isDirectory(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) struct stat info; if (stat(genericPath.c_str(), &info) != 0) return false; #elif defined(_WIN64) struct stat64 info; if (_wstat64(Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath).c_str(), &info) != 0) return false; #else struct stat64 info; if (stat64(genericPath.c_str(), &info) != 0) return false; #endif // Check for S_IFDIR attribute. return (S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)); } bool isSymlink(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); #if defined(_WIN64) // Check for symlink attribute. const DWORD Attributes = GetFileAttributesW(Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath).c_str()); if ((Attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)) return true; #else #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) struct stat info; if (lstat(genericPath.c_str(), &info) != 0) return false; #else struct stat64 info; if (lstat64(genericPath.c_str(), &info) != 0) return false; #endif // Check for S_IFLNK attribute. return (S_ISLNK(info.st_mode)); #endif // Not a symlink. return false; } bool isHidden(const std::string& path) { std::string genericPath = getGenericPath(path); #if defined(_WIN64) // Check for hidden attribute. const DWORD Attributes = GetFileAttributesW(Utils::String::stringToWideString(genericPath).c_str()); if ((Attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)) return true; #endif // Filenames starting with . are hidden in Linux, but // we do this check for windows as well. if (getFileName(genericPath)[0] == '.') return true; return false; } } // namespace FileSystem } // namespace Utils