#include "FileData.h" #include "AudioManager.h" #include "CollectionSystemManager.h" #include "FileFilterIndex.h" #include "FileSorts.h" #include "Log.h" #include "platform.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include "Util.h" #include "VolumeControl.h" #include "Window.h" #include #include #include namespace fs = boost::filesystem; FileData::FileData(FileType type, const fs::path& path, SystemEnvironmentData* envData, SystemData* system) : mType(type), mPath(path), mSystem(system), mEnvData(envData), mSourceFileData(NULL), mParent(NULL), metadata(type == GAME ? GAME_METADATA : FOLDER_METADATA) // metadata is REALLY set in the constructor! { // metadata needs at least a name field (since that's what getName() will return) if(metadata.get("name").empty()) metadata.set("name", getDisplayName()); mSystemName = system->getName(); } FileData::~FileData() { if(mParent) mParent->removeChild(this); if(mType == GAME) mSystem->getIndex()->removeFromIndex(this); mChildren.clear(); } std::string FileData::getDisplayName() const { std::string stem = mPath.stem().generic_string(); if(mSystem && mSystem->hasPlatformId(PlatformIds::ARCADE) || mSystem->hasPlatformId(PlatformIds::NEOGEO)) stem = PlatformIds::getCleanMameName(stem.c_str()); return stem; } std::string FileData::getCleanName() const { return removeParenthesis(this->getDisplayName()); } const std::string FileData::getThumbnailPath() const { std::string thumbnail = metadata.get("thumbnail"); // no thumbnail, try image if(thumbnail.empty()) { thumbnail = metadata.get("image"); // no image, try to use local image if(thumbnail.empty()) { const char* extList[2] = { ".png", ".jpg" }; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(thumbnail.empty()) { std::string path = mEnvData->mStartPath + "/images/" + getDisplayName() + "-image" + extList[i]; if(boost::filesystem::exists(path)) thumbnail = path; } } } } return thumbnail; } const std::string& FileData::getName() { return metadata.get("name"); } const std::vector& FileData::getChildrenListToDisplay() { FileFilterIndex* idx = CollectionSystemManager::get()->getSystemToView(mSystem)->getIndex(); if (idx->isFiltered()) { mFilteredChildren.clear(); for(auto it = mChildren.cbegin(); it != mChildren.cend(); it++) { if (idx->showFile((*it))) { mFilteredChildren.push_back(*it); } } return mFilteredChildren; } else { return mChildren; } } const std::string FileData::getVideoPath() const { std::string video = metadata.get("video"); // no video, try to use local video if(video.empty()) { std::string path = mEnvData->mStartPath + "/images/" + getDisplayName() + "-video.mp4"; if(boost::filesystem::exists(path)) video = path; } return video; } const std::string FileData::getMarqueePath() const { std::string marquee = metadata.get("marquee"); // no marquee, try to use local marquee if(marquee.empty()) { const char* extList[2] = { ".png", ".jpg" }; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(marquee.empty()) { std::string path = mEnvData->mStartPath + "/images/" + getDisplayName() + "-marquee" + extList[i]; if(boost::filesystem::exists(path)) marquee = path; } } } return marquee; } const std::string FileData::getImagePath() const { std::string image = metadata.get("image"); // no image, try to use local image if(image.empty()) { const char* extList[2] = { ".png", ".jpg" }; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(image.empty()) { std::string path = mEnvData->mStartPath + "/images/" + getDisplayName() + "-image" + extList[i]; if(boost::filesystem::exists(path)) image = path; } } } return image; } std::vector FileData::getFilesRecursive(unsigned int typeMask, bool displayedOnly) const { std::vector out; FileFilterIndex* idx = mSystem->getIndex(); for(auto it = mChildren.cbegin(); it != mChildren.cend(); it++) { if((*it)->getType() & typeMask) { if (!displayedOnly || !idx->isFiltered() || idx->showFile(*it)) out.push_back(*it); } if((*it)->getChildren().size() > 0) { std::vector subchildren = (*it)->getFilesRecursive(typeMask, displayedOnly); out.insert(out.cend(), subchildren.cbegin(), subchildren.cend()); } } return out; } std::string FileData::getKey() { return getFileName(); } FileData* FileData::getSourceFileData() { return this; } void FileData::addChild(FileData* file) { assert(mType == FOLDER); assert(file->getParent() == NULL); const std::string key = file->getKey(); if (mChildrenByFilename.find(key) == mChildrenByFilename.cend()) { mChildrenByFilename[key] = file; mChildren.push_back(file); file->mParent = this; } } void FileData::removeChild(FileData* file) { assert(mType == FOLDER); assert(file->getParent() == this); mChildrenByFilename.erase(file->getKey()); for(auto it = mChildren.cbegin(); it != mChildren.cend(); it++) { if(*it == file) { file->mParent = NULL; mChildren.erase(it); return; } } // File somehow wasn't in our children. assert(false); } void FileData::sort(ComparisonFunction& comparator, bool ascending) { std::stable_sort(mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end(), comparator); for(auto it = mChildren.cbegin(); it != mChildren.cend(); it++) { if((*it)->getChildren().size() > 0) (*it)->sort(comparator, ascending); } if(!ascending) std::reverse(mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end()); } void FileData::sort(const SortType& type) { sort(*type.comparisonFunction, type.ascending); } void FileData::launchGame(Window* window) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Attempting to launch game..."; AudioManager::getInstance()->deinit(); VolumeControl::getInstance()->deinit(); window->deinit(); std::string command = mEnvData->mLaunchCommand; const std::string rom = escapePath(getPath()); const std::string basename = getPath().stem().string(); const std::string rom_raw = fs::path(getPath()).make_preferred().string(); command = strreplace(command, "%ROM%", rom); command = strreplace(command, "%BASENAME%", basename); command = strreplace(command, "%ROM_RAW%", rom_raw); LOG(LogInfo) << " " << command; int exitCode = runSystemCommand(command); if(exitCode != 0) { LOG(LogWarning) << "...launch terminated with nonzero exit code " << exitCode << "!"; } window->init(); VolumeControl::getInstance()->init(); window->normalizeNextUpdate(); //update number of times the game has been launched FileData* gameToUpdate = getSourceFileData(); int timesPlayed = gameToUpdate->metadata.getInt("playcount") + 1; gameToUpdate->metadata.set("playcount", std::to_string(static_cast(timesPlayed))); //update last played time boost::posix_time::ptime time = boost::posix_time::second_clock::universal_time(); gameToUpdate->metadata.setTime("lastplayed", time); CollectionSystemManager::get()->refreshCollectionSystems(gameToUpdate); } CollectionFileData::CollectionFileData(FileData* file, SystemData* system) : FileData(file->getSourceFileData()->getType(), file->getSourceFileData()->getPath(), file->getSourceFileData()->getSystemEnvData(), system) { // we use this constructor to create a clone of the filedata, and change its system mSourceFileData = file->getSourceFileData(); refreshMetadata(); mParent = NULL; metadata = mSourceFileData->metadata; mSystemName = mSourceFileData->getSystem()->getName(); } CollectionFileData::~CollectionFileData() { // need to remove collection file data at the collection object destructor if(mParent) mParent->removeChild(this); mParent = NULL; } std::string CollectionFileData::getKey() { return getFullPath(); } FileData* CollectionFileData::getSourceFileData() { return mSourceFileData; } void CollectionFileData::refreshMetadata() { metadata = mSourceFileData->metadata; mDirty = true; } const std::string& CollectionFileData::getName() { if (mDirty) { mCollectionFileName = removeParenthesis(mSourceFileData->metadata.get("name")); boost::trim(mCollectionFileName); mCollectionFileName += " [" + strToUpper(mSourceFileData->getSystem()->getName()) + "]"; mDirty = false; } return mCollectionFileName; } // returns Sort Type based on a string description FileData::SortType getSortTypeFromString(std::string desc) { std::vector SortTypes = FileSorts::SortTypes; // find it for(unsigned int i = 0; i < FileSorts::SortTypes.size(); i++) { const FileData::SortType& sort = FileSorts::SortTypes.at(i); if(sort.description == desc) { return sort; } } // if not found default to name, ascending return FileSorts::SortTypes.at(0); }