#include "GuiTheme.h" #include "../MathExp.h" #include #include "GuiImage.h" #include GuiTheme::GuiTheme(std::string path) { if(!path.empty()) readXML(path); } GuiTheme::~GuiTheme() { deleteComponents(); } void GuiTheme::deleteComponents() { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponentVector.size(); i++) { delete mComponentVector.at(i); } mComponentVector.clear(); clearChildren(); } void GuiTheme::readXML(std::string path) { deleteComponents(); mPath = path; if(path.empty()) return; std::cout << "Loading theme \"" << path << "\"...\n"; pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(path.c_str()); if(!result) { std::cerr << "Error parsing theme \"" << path << "\"!\n"; std::cerr << " " << result.description() << "\n"; return; } pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("theme"); for(pugi::xml_node data = root.child("component"); data; data = data.next_sibling("component")) { createElement(data, this); } std::cout << "Finished parsing theme.\n"; } GuiComponent* GuiTheme::createElement(pugi::xml_node data, GuiComponent* parent) { std::string type = data.child("type").text().get(); if(type == "image") { std::string path = expandPath(data.child("path").text().get()); if(!boost::filesystem::exists(path)) { std::cerr << "Error - theme image \"" << path << "\" does not exist.\n"; return NULL; } std::string pos = data.child("pos").text().get(); std::string dim = data.child("dim").text().get(); //split position and dimension information size_t posSplit = pos.find(' '); std::string posX = pos.substr(0, posSplit); std::string posY = pos.substr(posSplit + 1, pos.length() - posSplit - 1); size_t dimSplit = dim.find(' '); std::string dimW = dim.substr(0, dimSplit); std::string dimH = dim.substr(dimSplit + 1, dim.length() - dimSplit - 1); std::cout << "image, x: " << posX << " y: " << posY << " w: " << dimW << " h: " << dimH << "\n"; //resolve to pixels from percentages/variables int x = resolveExp(posX) * Renderer::getScreenWidth(); int y = resolveExp(posY) * Renderer::getScreenHeight(); int w = resolveExp(dimW) * Renderer::getScreenWidth(); int h = resolveExp(dimH) * Renderer::getScreenHeight(); std::cout << "w: " << w << "px, h: " << h << "px\n"; GuiComponent* comp = new GuiImage(x, y, path, w, h, true); parent->addChild(comp); mComponentVector.push_back(comp); return comp; } std::cerr << "Type \"" << type << "\" unknown!\n"; return NULL; } std::string GuiTheme::expandPath(std::string path) { if(path[0] == '~') path = getenv("HOME") + path.substr(1, path.length() - 1); else if(path[0] == '.') path = boost::filesystem::path(mPath).parent_path().string() + path.substr(1, path.length() - 1); return path; } float GuiTheme::resolveExp(std::string str) { MathExp exp; exp.setExpression(str); //set variables exp.setVariable("headerHeight", Renderer::getFontHeight(Renderer::LARGE) / Renderer::getScreenHeight()); return exp.eval(); }