// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // ViewController.cpp // // Handles overall system navigation including animations and transitions. // Creates the gamelist views and handles refresh and reloads of these when needed // (for example when metadata has been changed or when a list sorting has taken place). // Initiates the launching of games, calling FileData to do the actual launch. // Displays a dialog when there are no games found on startup. // #include "views/ViewController.h" #include "ApplicationUpdater.h" #include "CollectionSystemsManager.h" #include "FileFilterIndex.h" #include "InputManager.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Scripting.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include "SystemView.h" #include "UIModeController.h" #include "Window.h" #include "animations/Animation.h" #include "animations/LambdaAnimation.h" #include "animations/MoveCameraAnimation.h" #include "guis/GuiApplicationUpdater.h" #include "guis/GuiMenu.h" #include "guis/GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup.h" #include "guis/GuiTextEditPopup.h" #include "views/GamelistView.h" #include "views/SystemView.h" ViewController::ViewController() noexcept : mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()} , mNoGamesMessageBox {nullptr} , mCurrentView {nullptr} , mPreviousView {nullptr} , mSkipView {nullptr} , mLastTransitionAnim {ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT} , mGameToLaunch {nullptr} , mCamera {Renderer::getIdentity()} , mSystemViewTransition {false} , mWrappedViews {false} , mFadeOpacity {0} , mCancelledTransition {false} , mNextSystem {false} { mState.viewing = ViewMode::NOTHING; mState.previouslyViewed = ViewMode::NOTHING; } ViewController* ViewController::getInstance() { static ViewController instance; return &instance; } void ViewController::setMenuColors() { if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("MenuColorScheme") == "light") { mMenuColorFrame = 0xEFEFEFFF; mMenuColorFrameLaunchScreen = 0xDFDFDFFF; mMenuColorFrameBusyComponent = 0xFFFFFFFF; mMenuColorPanelDimmed = 0x00000009; mMenuColorTitle = 0x555555FF; mMenuColorPrimary = 0x777777FF; mMenuColorSecondary = 0x888888FF; mMenuColorTertiary = 0x666666FF; mMenuColorRed = 0x992222FF; mMenuColorGreen = 0x449944FF; mMenuColorBlue = 0x222299FF; mMenuColorSelector = 0xFFFFFFFF; mMenuColorSeparators = 0xC6C7C6FF; mMenuColorBusyComponent = 0xB8B8B8FF; mMenuColorScrollIndicators = 0x888888FF; mMenuColorPopupText = 0x444444FF; mMenuColorButtonFocused = 0x777777FF; mMenuColorButtonTextFocused = 0xFFFFFFFF; mMenuColorButtonTextUnfocused = 0x777777FF; mMenuColorButtonFlatFocused = 0x878787FF; mMenuColorButtonFlatUnfocused = 0xDADADAFF; mMenuColorKeyboardModifier = 0xF26767FF; mMenuColorKeyboardCursorFocused = 0x777777FF; mMenuColorKeyboardCursorUnfocused = 0xC7C7C7FF; mMenuColorKeyboardText = 0x77777700; mMenuColorTextInputFrameFocused = 0xFFFFFFFF; mMenuColorTextInputFrameUnfocused = 0xFFFFFFFF; mMenuColorSliderKnobDisabled = 0xC9C9C9FF; mMenuColorDateTimeEditMarker = 0x00000022; mMenuColorDetectDeviceHeld = 0x44444400; } else { mMenuColorFrame = 0x191919FF; mMenuColorFrameLaunchScreen = 0x121212FF; mMenuColorFrameBusyComponent = 0x090909FF; mMenuColorPanelDimmed = 0x00000024; mMenuColorTitle = 0x909090FF; mMenuColorPrimary = 0x808080FF; mMenuColorSecondary = 0x939393FF; mMenuColorTertiary = 0x909090FF; mMenuColorRed = 0xCA3E3EFF; mMenuColorGreen = 0x449944FF; mMenuColorBlue = 0x4757ddff; mMenuColorSelector = 0x000000FF; mMenuColorSeparators = 0x303030FF; mMenuColorBusyComponent = 0x888888FF; mMenuColorScrollIndicators = 0x707070FF; mMenuColorPopupText = 0xBBBBBBFF; mMenuColorButtonFocused = 0x050505FF; mMenuColorButtonTextFocused = 0xAFAFAFFF; mMenuColorButtonTextUnfocused = 0x808080FF; mMenuColorButtonFlatFocused = 0x090909FF; mMenuColorButtonFlatUnfocused = 0x242424FF; mMenuColorKeyboardModifier = 0xC62F2FFF; mMenuColorKeyboardCursorFocused = 0xAAAAAAFF; mMenuColorKeyboardCursorUnfocused = 0x666666FF; mMenuColorKeyboardText = 0x92929200; mMenuColorTextInputFrameFocused = 0x090909FF; mMenuColorTextInputFrameUnfocused = 0x242424FF; mMenuColorSliderKnobDisabled = 0x393939FF; mMenuColorDateTimeEditMarker = 0xFFFFFF22; mMenuColorDetectDeviceHeld = 0x99999900; } } void ViewController::legacyAppDataDialog() { const std::string upgradeMessage { "AS OF ES-DE 3.0 THE APPLICATION DATA DIRECTORY HAS CHANGED FROM \".emulationstation\" " "to \"ES-DE\"\nPLEASE RENAME YOUR CURRENT DATA DIRECTORY:\n" + #if defined(_WIN64) Utils::String::replace(Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory(), "/", "\\") + "\nTO THE FOLLOWING:\n" + Utils::String::replace( Utils::FileSystem::getParent(Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory()), "/", "\\") + "\\ES-DE" }; #else Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "\nTO THE FOLLOWING:\n" + Utils::FileSystem::getParent(Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory()) + "/ES-DE" }; #endif mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( HelpStyle(), upgradeMessage.c_str(), "OK", [] {}, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.85f : 0.55f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } void ViewController::migratedAppDataFilesDialog() { const std::string message {"SETTINGS HAVE BEEN MIGRATED FROM A LEGACY APPLICATION DATA " "DIRECTORY STRUCTURE, YOU NEED TO RESTART ES-DE TO APPLY " "THE CONFIGURATION"}; mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( HelpStyle(), message.c_str(), "QUIT", [] { SDL_Event quit {}; quit.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&quit); }, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.65f : 0.55f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } void ViewController::unsafeUpgradeDialog() { const std::string upgradeMessage { "IT SEEMS AS IF AN UNSAFE UPGRADE HAS BEEN MADE, POSSIBLY BY " "UNPACKING THE NEW RELEASE ON TOP OF THE OLD ONE? THIS MAY CAUSE " "VARIOUS PROBLEMS, SOME OF WHICH MAY NOT BE APPARENT IMMEDIATELY. " "MAKE SURE TO ALWAYS FOLLOW THE UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE " "README.TXT FILE THAT CAN BE FOUND IN THE ES-DE DIRECTORY."}; mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( HelpStyle(), upgradeMessage.c_str(), "OK", [] {}, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.85f : 0.55f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } void ViewController::invalidSystemsFileDialog() { const std::string errorMessage {"COULDN'T PARSE THE SYSTEMS CONFIGURATION FILE. " "IF YOU HAVE A CUSTOMIZED es_systems.xml FILE, THEN " "SOMETHING IS LIKELY WRONG WITH YOUR XML SYNTAX. " "IF YOU DON'T HAVE A CUSTOM SYSTEMS FILE, THEN THE " "ES-DE INSTALLATION IS BROKEN. SEE THE APPLICATION " "LOG FILE es_log.txt FOR ADDITIONAL INFO"}; mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( HelpStyle(), errorMessage.c_str(), "QUIT", [] { SDL_Event quit {}; quit.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&quit); }, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.85f : 0.55f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } void ViewController::noGamesDialog() { #if defined(__ANDROID__) mNoGamesErrorMessage = "NO GAME FILES WERE FOUND, PLEASE PLACE YOUR GAMES IN " "THE CONFIGURED ROM DIRECTORY. OPTIONALLY THE ROM " "DIRECTORY STRUCTURE CAN BE GENERATED WHICH WILL " "CREATE A TEXT FILE FOR EACH SYSTEM PROVIDING SOME " "INFORMATION SUCH AS THE SUPPORTED FILE EXTENSIONS.\n" "THIS IS THE CURRENTLY CONFIGURED ROM DIRECTORY:\n"; #else mNoGamesErrorMessage = "NO GAME WERE FOUND. PLEASE PLACE YOUR GAMES IN " "THE RETRODECK ROM DIRECTORY LOCATED IN:\n"; #endif #if defined(_WIN64) mRomDirectory = Utils::String::replace(FileData::getROMDirectory(), "/", "\\"); #else mRomDirectory = FileData::getROMDirectory(); #endif #if defined(__ANDROID__) mNoGamesMessageBox = new GuiMsgBox( HelpStyle(), mNoGamesErrorMessage + mRomDirectory, #else mNoGamesMessageBox = new GuiMsgBox( HelpStyle(), mNoGamesErrorMessage + mRomDirectory, "QUIT", [] { SDL_Event quit {}; quit.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&quit); }, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.90f : 0.62f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio()))); #endif mWindow->pushGui(mNoGamesMessageBox); } void ViewController::invalidAlternativeEmulatorDialog() { cancelViewTransitions(); mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox(getHelpStyle(), "AT LEAST ONE OF YOUR SYSTEMS HAS AN\n" "INVALID ALTERNATIVE EMULATOR CONFIGURED\n" "WITH NO MATCHING ENTRY IN THE SYSTEMS\n" "CONFIGURATION FILE, PLEASE REVIEW YOUR\n" "SETUP USING THE 'ALTERNATIVE EMULATORS'\n" "INTERFACE IN THE 'OTHER SETTINGS' MENU", "OK", nullptr, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true)); } void ViewController::updateAvailableDialog() { cancelViewTransitions(); std::string results {ApplicationUpdater::getInstance().getResultsString()}; ApplicationUpdater::Package package {ApplicationUpdater::getInstance().getPackageInfo()}; if (package.name != "") { LOG(LogDebug) << "ViewController::updateAvailableDialog(): Package filename \"" << package.filename << "\""; LOG(LogDebug) << "ViewController::updateAvailableDialog(): Package url \"" << package.url << "\""; LOG(LogDebug) << "ViewController::updateAvailableDialog(): Package md5 \"" << package.md5 << "\""; mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), results, "UPDATE", [this, package] { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiApplicationUpdater()); if (package.name != "LinuxAppImage" && package.name != "LinuxSteamDeckAppImage") { std::string upgradeMessage; if (package.name == "WindowsPortable") { upgradeMessage = "THE APPLICATION UPDATER WILL DOWNLOAD THE LATEST PORTABLE WINDOWS " "RELEASE FOR YOU, BUT YOU WILL NEED TO MANUALLY PERFORM THE UPGRADE. " "SEE THE README.TXT FILE INSIDE THE DOWNLOADED ZIP FILE FOR " "INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THIS IS ACCOMPLISHED. AS IS ALSO DESCRIBED IN " "THAT DOCUMENT, NEVER UNPACK A NEW RELEASE ON TOP OF AN OLD " "INSTALLATION AS THAT MAY COMPLETELY BREAK THE APPLICATION."; } else if (package.name == "WindowsInstaller") { upgradeMessage = "THE APPLICATION UPDATER WILL DOWNLOAD THE LATEST WINDOWS INSTALLER " "RELEASE FOR YOU, BUT YOU WILL NEED TO MANUALLY RUN IT TO PERFORM " "THE UPGRADE. WHEN DOING THIS, MAKE SURE THAT YOU ANSWER YES TO THE " "QUESTION OF WHETHER TO UNINSTALL THE OLD VERSION, OR YOU MAY " "END UP WITH A BROKEN SETUP."; } else if (package.name == "macOSApple" || package.name == "macOSIntel") { upgradeMessage = "THE APPLICATION UPDATER WILL DOWNLOAD THE LATEST RELEASE FOR " "YOU, BUT YOU WILL NEED TO MANUALLY INSTALL THE DMG FILE TO PERFORM " "THE UPGRADE."; } mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), upgradeMessage.c_str(), "OK", [] {}, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.85f : 0.535f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } }, "CANCEL", [] { HttpReq::cleanupCurlMulti(); return; }, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.70f : 0.45f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } else { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox(getHelpStyle(), results, "OK", nullptr, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true, true, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.70f : 0.45f * (1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio())))); } } void ViewController::goToStart(bool playTransition) { // Needed to avoid segfaults during emergency shutdown. if (mRenderer->getSDLWindow() == nullptr) return; // If the system view does not exist, then create it. We do this here as it would // otherwise not be done if jumping directly into a specific game system on startup. if (!mSystemListView) getSystemListView(); // If a specific system is requested, go directly to its game list. auto requestedSystem = Settings::getInstance()->getString("StartupSystem"); if (requestedSystem != "") { for (auto it = SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(); // Line break. it != SystemData::sSystemVector.cend(); ++it) { if ((*it)->getName() == requestedSystem) { goToGamelist(*it); if (!playTransition) cancelViewTransitions(); return; } } // Requested system doesn't exist. Settings::getInstance()->setString("StartupSystem", ""); } // Get the first system entry. goToSystemView(getSystemListView()->getFirstSystem(), false); } void ViewController::ReloadAndGoToStart() { mWindow->renderSplashScreen(Window::SplashScreenState::RELOADING, 0.0f); reloadAll(); if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::GAMELIST) { goToSystemView(SystemData::sSystemVector.front(), false); goToSystem(SystemData::sSystemVector.front(), false); } else { goToSystem(SystemData::sSystemVector.front(), false); } } bool ViewController::isCameraMoving() { if (mCurrentView) { if (mCamera[3].x - -mCurrentView->getPosition().x != 0.0f || mCamera[3].y - -mCurrentView->getPosition().y != 0.0f) return true; } return false; } void ViewController::cancelViewTransitions() { if (mLastTransitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::SLIDE) { if (isCameraMoving()) { mCamera[3].x = -mCurrentView->getPosition().x; mCamera[3].y = -mCurrentView->getPosition().y; stopAllAnimations(); } // mSkipView is used when skipping through the gamelists in quick succession. // Without this, the game video (or static image) would not get rendered during // the slide transition animation. else if (mSkipView) { mSkipView.reset(); mSkipView = nullptr; } } else if (mLastTransitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::FADE) { if (isAnimationPlaying(0)) { finishAnimation(0); mCancelledTransition = true; mFadeOpacity = 0; mWindow->invalidateCachedBackground(); } } } void ViewController::stopScrolling() { if (mRenderer->getSDLWindow() == nullptr) return; mSystemListView->stopScrolling(); mCurrentView->stopListScrolling(); if (mSystemListView->isSystemAnimationPlaying(0)) mSystemListView->finishSystemAnimation(0); } int ViewController::getSystemId(SystemData* system) { std::vector<SystemData*>& sysVec {SystemData::sSystemVector}; return static_cast<int>(std::find(sysVec.cbegin(), sysVec.cend(), system) - sysVec.cbegin()); } void ViewController::restoreViewPosition() { if (mPreviousView) { glm::vec3 restorePosition {mPreviousView->getPosition()}; restorePosition.x = mWrapPreviousPositionX; mPreviousView->setPosition(restorePosition); mWrapPreviousPositionX = 0; mWrappedViews = false; } } void ViewController::goToSystemView(SystemData* system, bool playTransition) { bool applicationStartup {false}; if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::NOTHING) applicationStartup = true; // Restore the X position for the view, if it was previously moved. if (mWrappedViews) restoreViewPosition(); if (mPreviousView) { mPreviousView.reset(); mPreviousView = nullptr; } if (mCurrentView != nullptr) mCurrentView->onTransition(); mPreviousView = mCurrentView; if (system->isGroupedCustomCollection()) system = system->getRootFolder()->getParent()->getSystem(); mState.previouslyViewed = mState.viewing; mState.viewing = ViewMode::SYSTEM_SELECT; mState.system = system; mSystemViewTransition = true; auto systemList = getSystemListView(); systemList->setPosition(getSystemId(system) * Renderer::getScreenWidth(), systemList->getPosition().y); systemList->goToSystem(system, false); mCurrentView = systemList; mCurrentView->onShow(); // Application startup animation. if (applicationStartup) { const ViewTransitionAnimation transitionAnim {static_cast<ViewTransitionAnimation>( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("TransitionsStartupToSystem"))}; mCamera = glm::translate(mCamera, glm::round(-mCurrentView->getPosition())); if (transitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::SLIDE) { if (getSystemListView()->getPrimaryType() == SystemView::PrimaryType::CAROUSEL) { if (getSystemListView()->getCarouselType() == CarouselComponent<SystemData*>::CarouselType::HORIZONTAL || getSystemListView()->getCarouselType() == CarouselComponent<SystemData*>::CarouselType::HORIZONTAL_WHEEL) mCamera[3].y += Renderer::getScreenHeight(); else mCamera[3].x -= Renderer::getScreenWidth(); } else if (getSystemListView()->getPrimaryType() == SystemView::PrimaryType::TEXTLIST || getSystemListView()->getPrimaryType() == SystemView::PrimaryType::GRID) { mCamera[3].y += Renderer::getScreenHeight(); } updateHelpPrompts(); } else if (transitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::FADE) { if (getSystemListView()->getPrimaryType() == SystemView::PrimaryType::CAROUSEL) { if (getSystemListView()->getCarouselType() == CarouselComponent<SystemData*>::CarouselType::HORIZONTAL || getSystemListView()->getCarouselType() == CarouselComponent<SystemData*>::CarouselType::HORIZONTAL_WHEEL) mCamera[3].y += Renderer::getScreenHeight(); else mCamera[3].x += Renderer::getScreenWidth(); } else if (getSystemListView()->getPrimaryType() == SystemView::PrimaryType::TEXTLIST || getSystemListView()->getPrimaryType() == SystemView::PrimaryType::GRID) { mCamera[3].y += Renderer::getScreenHeight(); } } else { updateHelpPrompts(); } } if (applicationStartup) playViewTransition(ViewTransition::STARTUP_TO_SYSTEM); else if (playTransition) playViewTransition(ViewTransition::GAMELIST_TO_SYSTEM); else playViewTransition(ViewTransition::GAMELIST_TO_SYSTEM, true); } void ViewController::goToSystem(SystemData* system, bool animate) { mSystemListView->goToSystem(system, animate); } void ViewController::goToNextGamelist() { assert(mState.viewing == ViewMode::GAMELIST); SystemData* system {getState().getSystem()}; assert(system); NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(QUICKSYSSELECTSOUND); mNextSystem = true; goToGamelist(system->getNext()); } void ViewController::goToPrevGamelist() { assert(mState.viewing == ViewMode::GAMELIST); SystemData* system {getState().getSystem()}; assert(system); NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(QUICKSYSSELECTSOUND); mNextSystem = false; goToGamelist(system->getPrev()); } void ViewController::goToGamelist(SystemData* system) { bool wrapFirstToLast {false}; bool wrapLastToFirst {false}; bool slideTransitions {false}; bool fadeTransitions {false}; if (mCurrentView != nullptr) mCurrentView->onTransition(); ViewTransition transitionType; ViewTransitionAnimation transitionAnim; if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::SYSTEM_SELECT) { transitionType = ViewTransition::SYSTEM_TO_GAMELIST; transitionAnim = static_cast<ViewTransitionAnimation>( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("TransitionsSystemToGamelist")); } else if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::NOTHING) { transitionType = ViewTransition::STARTUP_TO_GAMELIST; transitionAnim = static_cast<ViewTransitionAnimation>( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("TransitionsStartupToGamelist")); } else { transitionType = ViewTransition::GAMELIST_TO_GAMELIST; transitionAnim = static_cast<ViewTransitionAnimation>( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("TransitionsGamelistToGamelist")); } if (transitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::SLIDE) slideTransitions = true; if (transitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::FADE) fadeTransitions = true; // Restore the X position for the view, if it was previously moved. if (mWrappedViews) restoreViewPosition(); if (mPreviousView && fadeTransitions && isAnimationPlaying(0)) mPreviousView->onHide(); if (mPreviousView) { mSkipView = mPreviousView; mPreviousView.reset(); mPreviousView = nullptr; } else if (!mPreviousView && mState.viewing == ViewMode::GAMELIST) { // This is needed as otherwise the static image would not get rendered during the // first Slide transition when coming from the System view. mSkipView = getGamelistView(system); } if (mState.viewing != ViewMode::SYSTEM_SELECT) { mPreviousView = mCurrentView; mSystemViewTransition = false; } else { mSystemViewTransition = true; } // Find if we're wrapping around the first and last systems, which requires the gamelist // to be moved in order to avoid weird camera movements. This is only needed for the // slide transition style. if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::GAMELIST && SystemData::sSystemVector.size() > 1 && slideTransitions) { if (SystemData::sSystemVector.front() == mState.getSystem()) { if (SystemData::sSystemVector.back() == system) wrapFirstToLast = true; } else if (SystemData::sSystemVector.back() == mState.getSystem()) { if (SystemData::sSystemVector.front() == system) wrapLastToFirst = true; } } // Stop any scrolling, animations and camera movements. if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::SYSTEM_SELECT) { mSystemListView->stopScrolling(); if (mSystemListView->isSystemAnimationPlaying(0)) mSystemListView->finishSystemAnimation(0); } if (slideTransitions || (!fadeTransitions && mLastTransitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::FADE)) cancelViewTransitions(); if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::SYSTEM_SELECT) { // Move the system list. auto sysList = getSystemListView(); float offsetX {sysList->getPosition().x}; int sysId {getSystemId(system)}; sysList->setPosition(sysId * Renderer::getScreenWidth(), sysList->getPosition().y); offsetX = sysList->getPosition().x - offsetX; mCamera[3].x -= offsetX; } // If we are wrapping around, either from the first to last system, or the other way // around, we need to temporarily move the gamelist view location so that the camera // movements will be correct. This is accomplished by simply offsetting the X position // with the position of the first or last system plus the screen width. if (wrapFirstToLast) { glm::vec3 currentPosition {mCurrentView->getPosition()}; mWrapPreviousPositionX = currentPosition.x; float offsetX {getGamelistView(system)->getPosition().x}; // This is needed to move the camera in the correct direction if there are only two systems. if (SystemData::sSystemVector.size() == 2 && mNextSystem) offsetX -= Renderer::getScreenWidth(); else offsetX += Renderer::getScreenWidth(); currentPosition.x = offsetX; mCurrentView->setPosition(currentPosition); mCamera[3].x -= offsetX; mWrappedViews = true; } else if (wrapLastToFirst) { glm::vec3 currentPosition {mCurrentView->getPosition()}; mWrapPreviousPositionX = currentPosition.x; float offsetX {getGamelistView(system)->getPosition().x}; if (SystemData::sSystemVector.size() == 2 && !mNextSystem) offsetX += Renderer::getScreenWidth(); else offsetX -= Renderer::getScreenWidth(); currentPosition.x = offsetX; mCurrentView->setPosition(currentPosition); mCamera[3].x = -offsetX; mWrappedViews = true; } mCurrentView = getGamelistView(system); mCurrentView->finishAnimation(0); // Application startup animation, if starting in a gamelist rather than in the system view. if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::NOTHING) { if (mLastTransitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::FADE) cancelViewTransitions(); mCamera = glm::translate(mCamera, glm::round(-mCurrentView->getPosition())); if (transitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::SLIDE) { mCamera[3].y -= Renderer::getScreenHeight(); updateHelpPrompts(); } else if (transitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::FADE) { mCamera[3].y += Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 2.0f; } else { updateHelpPrompts(); } } mState.previouslyViewed = mState.viewing; mState.viewing = ViewMode::GAMELIST; mState.system = system; if (mCurrentView) mCurrentView->onShow(); playViewTransition(transitionType); } void ViewController::playViewTransition(ViewTransition transitionType, bool instant) { mCancelledTransition = false; glm::vec3 target {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; if (mCurrentView) target = mCurrentView->getPosition(); // No need to animate, we're not going anywhere (probably due to goToNextGamelist() // or goToPrevGamelist() being called when there's only 1 system). if (target == static_cast<glm::vec3>(-mCamera[3]) && !isAnimationPlaying(0)) return; ViewTransitionAnimation transitionAnim {ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT}; if (transitionType == ViewTransition::SYSTEM_TO_SYSTEM) transitionAnim = static_cast<ViewTransitionAnimation>( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("TransitionsSystemToSystem")); else if (transitionType == ViewTransition::SYSTEM_TO_GAMELIST) transitionAnim = static_cast<ViewTransitionAnimation>( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("TransitionsSystemToGamelist")); else if (transitionType == ViewTransition::GAMELIST_TO_GAMELIST) transitionAnim = static_cast<ViewTransitionAnimation>( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("TransitionsGamelistToGamelist")); else if (transitionType == ViewTransition::GAMELIST_TO_SYSTEM) transitionAnim = static_cast<ViewTransitionAnimation>( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("TransitionsGamelistToSystem")); else if (transitionType == ViewTransition::STARTUP_TO_SYSTEM) transitionAnim = static_cast<ViewTransitionAnimation>( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("TransitionsStartupToSystem")); else transitionAnim = static_cast<ViewTransitionAnimation>( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("TransitionsStartupToGamelist")); mLastTransitionAnim = transitionAnim; if (instant || transitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::INSTANT) { setAnimation(new LambdaAnimation( [this, target](float /*t*/) { this->mCamera[3].x = -target.x; this->mCamera[3].y = -target.y; this->mCamera[3].z = -target.z; if (mPreviousView) mPreviousView->onHide(); }, 1)); updateHelpPrompts(); } else if (transitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::FADE) { // Stop whatever's currently playing, leaving mFadeOpacity wherever it is. cancelAnimation(0); auto fadeFunc = [this](float t) { // The flag mCancelledTransition is required only when cancelViewTransitions() // cancels the animation, and it's only needed for the Fade transitions. // Without this, a (much shorter) fade transition would still play as // finishedCallback is calling this function. if (!mCancelledTransition) mFadeOpacity = glm::mix(0.0f, 1.0f, t); }; auto fadeCallback = [this]() { if (mPreviousView) mPreviousView->onHide(); }; const static int FADE_DURATION {120}; // Fade in/out time. const static int FADE_WAIT {200}; // Time to wait between in/out. setAnimation(new LambdaAnimation(fadeFunc, FADE_DURATION), 0, [this, fadeFunc, fadeCallback, target] { this->mCamera[3].x = -target.x; this->mCamera[3].y = -target.y; this->mCamera[3].z = -target.z; updateHelpPrompts(); setAnimation(new LambdaAnimation(fadeFunc, FADE_DURATION), FADE_WAIT, fadeCallback, true); }); // Fast-forward animation if we're partially faded. if (target == static_cast<glm::vec3>(-mCamera[3])) { // Not changing screens, so cancel the first half entirely. advanceAnimation(0, FADE_DURATION); advanceAnimation(0, FADE_WAIT); advanceAnimation(0, FADE_DURATION - static_cast<int>(mFadeOpacity * FADE_DURATION)); } else { advanceAnimation(0, static_cast<int>(mFadeOpacity * FADE_DURATION)); } } else if (transitionAnim == ViewTransitionAnimation::SLIDE) { auto slideCallback = [this]() { if (mSkipView) { mSkipView->onHide(); mSkipView.reset(); mSkipView = nullptr; } else if (mPreviousView) { mPreviousView->onHide(); } }; setAnimation(new MoveCameraAnimation(mCamera, target), 0, slideCallback); updateHelpPrompts(); // Update help prompts immediately. } } void ViewController::onFileChanged(FileData* file, bool reloadGamelist) { auto it = mGamelistViews.find(file->getSystem()); if (it != mGamelistViews.cend()) it->second->onFileChanged(file, reloadGamelist); } void ViewController::launch(FileData* game) { if (game->getType() != GAME) { LOG(LogError) << "Tried to launch something that isn't a game"; return; } // Disable text scrolling and stop any Lottie animations. These will be enabled again in // FileData upon returning from the game. mWindow->setAllowTextScrolling(false); mWindow->setAllowFileAnimation(false); stopAnimation(1); // Make sure the fade in isn't still playing. mWindow->stopInfoPopup(); // Make sure we disable any existing info popup. int duration {0}; std::string durationString {Settings::getInstance()->getString("LaunchScreenDuration")}; if (durationString == "disabled") { // If the game launch screen has been set as disabled, show a simple info popup // notification instead. mWindow->queueInfoPopup( "LAUNCHING GAME '" + Utils::String::toUpper(game->metadata.get("name") + "'"), 10000); duration = 1700; } else if (durationString == "brief") { duration = 1700; } else if (durationString == "long") { duration = 4500; } else { // Normal duration. duration = 3000; } if (durationString != "disabled") mWindow->displayLaunchScreen(game->getSourceFileData()); NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(LAUNCHSOUND); // This is just a dummy animation in order for the launch screen or notification popup // to be displayed briefly, and for the navigation sound playing to be able to complete. // During this time period, all user input is blocked. setAnimation(new LambdaAnimation([](float t) {}, duration), 0, [this, game] { game->launchGame(); // If the launch screen is disabled then this will do nothing. mWindow->closeLaunchScreen(); onFileChanged(game, true); // This is a workaround so that any keys or button presses used for exiting the emulator // are not captured upon returning. setAnimation(new LambdaAnimation([](float t) {}, 1), 0, [this] { mWindow->setBlockInput(false); }); }); } void ViewController::removeGamelistView(SystemData* system) { auto exists = mGamelistViews.find(system); if (exists != mGamelistViews.cend()) { exists->second.reset(); mGamelistViews.erase(system); } } std::shared_ptr<GamelistView> ViewController::getGamelistView(SystemData* system) { // If we have already created an entry for this system, then return that one. auto exists = mGamelistViews.find(system); if (exists != mGamelistViews.cend()) return exists->second; system->getIndex()->setKidModeFilters(); // If there's no entry, then create it and return it. std::shared_ptr<GamelistView> view; if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ThemeVariantTriggers")) { const auto overrides = system->getTheme()->getCurrentThemeSelectedVariantOverrides(); if (!overrides.empty()) { ThemeTriggers::TriggerType noVideosTriggerType {ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE}; ThemeTriggers::TriggerType noMediaTriggerType {ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE}; const std::vector<FileData*> files { system->getRootFolder()->getFilesRecursive(GAME | FOLDER)}; if (overrides.find(ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NO_VIDEOS) != overrides.end()) { noVideosTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NO_VIDEOS; for (auto it = files.cbegin(); it != files.cend(); ++it) { if (!(*it)->getVideoPath().empty()) { noVideosTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; break; } } } if (overrides.find(ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NO_MEDIA) != overrides.end()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NO_MEDIA; for (auto imageType : overrides.at(ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NO_MEDIA).second) { for (auto it = files.cbegin(); it != files.cend(); ++it) { if (imageType == "miximage") { if (!(*it)->getMiximagePath().empty()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; goto BREAK; } } else if (imageType == "marquee") { if (!(*it)->getMarqueePath().empty()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; goto BREAK; } } else if (imageType == "screenshot") { if (!(*it)->getScreenshotPath().empty()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; goto BREAK; } } else if (imageType == "titlescreen") { if (!(*it)->getTitleScreenPath().empty()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; goto BREAK; } } else if (imageType == "cover") { if (!(*it)->getCoverPath().empty()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; goto BREAK; } } else if (imageType == "backcover") { if (!(*it)->getBackCoverPath().empty()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; goto BREAK; } } else if (imageType == "3dbox") { if (!(*it)->get3DBoxPath().empty()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; goto BREAK; } } else if (imageType == "physicalmedia") { if (!(*it)->getPhysicalMediaPath().empty()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; goto BREAK; } } else if (imageType == "fanart") { if (!(*it)->getFanArtPath().empty()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; goto BREAK; } } else if (imageType == "video") { if (!(*it)->getVideoPath().empty()) { noMediaTriggerType = ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE; goto BREAK; } } } } } BREAK: // noMedia takes precedence over the noVideos trigger. if (noMediaTriggerType == ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NO_MEDIA) system->loadTheme(noMediaTriggerType); else system->loadTheme(noVideosTriggerType); } } view = std::shared_ptr<GamelistView>(new GamelistView(system->getRootFolder())); view->setTheme(system->getTheme()); std::vector<SystemData*>& sysVec {SystemData::sSystemVector}; int id {static_cast<int>(std::find(sysVec.cbegin(), sysVec.cend(), system) - sysVec.cbegin())}; view->setPosition(id * Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 2.0f); addChild(view.get()); mGamelistViews[system] = view; return view; } std::shared_ptr<SystemView> ViewController::getSystemListView() { // If we have already created a system view entry, then return it. if (mSystemListView) return mSystemListView; mSystemListView = std::shared_ptr<SystemView>(new SystemView); addChild(mSystemListView.get()); mSystemListView->setPosition(0, Renderer::getScreenHeight()); return mSystemListView; } bool ViewController::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { // If using the %RUNINBACKGROUND% variable in a launch command or if enabling the // RunInBackground setting, ES-DE will run in the background while a game is launched. // If we're in this state and then register some input, it means that the user is back in ES-DE. // Therefore unset the game launch flag and update all the GUI components. This will re-enable // the video player and scrolling of game names and game descriptions as well as letting the // screensaver start on schedule. On Android the onResume() method will call the native onResume // function which will perform the same steps as shown below (on Android we always keep running // when launching games). #if !defined(__ANDROID__) if (mWindow->getGameLaunchedState()) { mWindow->setAllowTextScrolling(true); mWindow->setAllowFileAnimation(true); mWindow->setLaunchedGame(false); // Filter out the "a" button so the game is not restarted if there was such a button press // queued when leaving the game. if (config->isMappedTo("a", input) && input.value != 0) return true; // Trigger the game-end event. auto& eventParams = mWindow->getGameEndEventParams(); if (eventParams.size() == 5) { Scripting::fireEvent(eventParams[0], eventParams[1], eventParams[2], eventParams[3], eventParams[4]); eventParams.clear(); } } #endif // Open the main menu. if (!(UIModeController::getInstance()->isUIModeKid() && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("EnableMenuKidMode")) && config->isMappedTo("start", input) && input.value != 0 && mCurrentView != nullptr) { // If we don't stop the scrolling here, it will continue to // run after closing the menu. if (mSystemListView->isScrolling()) mSystemListView->stopScrolling(); // Finish the animation too, so that it doesn't continue // to play when we've closed the menu. if (mSystemListView->isSystemAnimationPlaying(0)) mSystemListView->finishSystemAnimation(0); // Stop the gamelist scrolling as well as it would otherwise continue to run after // closing the menu. mCurrentView->stopListScrolling(); // Pause all videos as they would otherwise continue to play beneath the menu. mCurrentView->pauseViewVideos(); mCurrentView->stopGamelistFadeAnimations(); mWindow->setAllowTextScrolling(false); mWindow->setAllowFileAnimation(false); // Finally, if the camera is currently moving, reset its position. cancelViewTransitions(); mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMenu); return true; } if (!mWindow->isScreensaverActive()) { mWindow->setAllowTextScrolling(true); mWindow->setAllowFileAnimation(true); } // Check if UI mode has changed due to passphrase completion. if (UIModeController::getInstance()->listen(config, input)) return true; if (mCurrentView) return mCurrentView->input(config, input); return false; } void ViewController::update(int deltaTime) { if (mWindow->getChangedTheme()) cancelViewTransitions(); if (mCurrentView) mCurrentView->update(deltaTime); updateSelf(deltaTime); if (mGameToLaunch) { launch(mGameToLaunch); mGameToLaunch = nullptr; } } void ViewController::render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) { glm::mat4 trans {mCamera * parentTrans}; glm::mat4 transInverse {glm::inverse(trans)}; // Camera position, position + size. const glm::vec3 viewStart {transInverse[3]}; const glm::vec3 viewEnd {std::fabs(trans[3].x) + Renderer::getScreenWidth(), std::fabs(trans[3].y) + Renderer::getScreenHeight(), 0.0f}; // Keep track of UI mode changes. UIModeController::getInstance()->monitorUIMode(); // Render the system view if it's the currently displayed view, or if we're in the progress // of transitioning to or from this view. if (mSystemListView == mCurrentView || (mSystemViewTransition && isCameraMoving())) getSystemListView()->render(trans); auto gamelistRenderFunc = [trans, viewStart, viewEnd](auto it) { const glm::vec3 guiStart {it->second->getPosition()}; const glm::vec3 guiEnd {it->second->getPosition() + glm::vec3 {it->second->getSize().x, it->second->getSize().y, 0.0f}}; if (guiEnd.x >= viewStart.x && guiEnd.y >= viewStart.y && guiStart.x <= viewEnd.x && guiStart.y <= viewEnd.y) it->second->render(trans); }; // Draw the gamelists. In the same manner as for the system view, limit the rendering only // to what needs to be drawn. for (auto it = mGamelistViews.cbegin(); it != mGamelistViews.cend(); ++it) { if (it->second == mPreviousView && isCameraMoving()) gamelistRenderFunc(it); } // Always render the currently selected system last so that any stationary elements will get // correctly rendered on top. for (auto it = mGamelistViews.cbegin(); it != mGamelistViews.cend(); ++it) { if (it->second == mCurrentView) gamelistRenderFunc(it); } if (mWindow->peekGui() == this) mWindow->renderHelpPromptsEarly(); // Fade out. if (mFadeOpacity) { unsigned int fadeColor {0x00000000 | static_cast<unsigned int>(mFadeOpacity * 255.0f)}; mRenderer->setMatrix(parentTrans); mRenderer->drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight(), fadeColor, fadeColor); } } void ViewController::preload() { const unsigned int systemCount {static_cast<unsigned int>(SystemData::sSystemVector.size())}; // This reduces the amount of texture pop-in when loading theme extras. if (!SystemData::sSystemVector.empty()) getSystemListView(); const bool splashScreen {Settings::getInstance()->getBool("SplashScreen")}; float loadedSystems {0.0f}; unsigned int lastTime {0}; unsigned int accumulator {0}; SDL_Event event {}; for (auto it = SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(); // Line break. it != SystemData::sSystemVector.cend(); ++it) { // Poll events so that the OS doesn't think the application is hanging on startup, // this is required as the main application loop hasn't started yet. while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { InputManager::getInstance().parseEvent(event); if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { SystemData::sStartupExitSignal = true; return; } }; const std::string entryType {(*it)->isCustomCollection() ? "custom collection" : "system"}; LOG(LogDebug) << "ViewController::preload(): Populating gamelist for " << entryType << " \"" << (*it)->getName() << "\""; if (splashScreen) { const unsigned int curTime {SDL_GetTicks()}; accumulator += curTime - lastTime; lastTime = curTime; ++loadedSystems; // This prevents Renderer::swapBuffers() from being called excessively which // could lead to significantly longer application startup times. if (accumulator > 20) { accumulator = 0; const float progress { glm::mix(0.5f, 1.0f, loadedSystems / static_cast<float>(systemCount))}; mWindow->renderSplashScreen(Window::SplashScreenState::POPULATING, progress); lastTime += SDL_GetTicks() - curTime; } } (*it)->getIndex()->resetFilters(); getGamelistView(*it)->preloadGamelist(); } if (splashScreen && SystemData::sSystemVector.size() > 0) Window::getInstance()->renderSplashScreen(Window::SplashScreenState::POPULATING, 1.0f); // Short delay so that the full progress bar is always visible before proceeding. SDL_Delay(100); if (SystemData::sSystemVector.size() > 0) ThemeData::setThemeTransitions(); // Load navigation sounds, either from the theme if it supports it, or otherwise from // the bundled fallback sound files. bool themeSoundSupport {false}; for (auto system : SystemData::sSystemVector) { if (!themeSoundSupport && system->getTheme()->hasView("all")) { NavigationSounds::getInstance().loadThemeNavigationSounds(system->getTheme().get()); themeSoundSupport = true; } if (system->getRootFolder()->getName() == "recent") { CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->trimCollectionCount(system->getRootFolder(), LAST_PLAYED_MAX); } } if (!SystemData::sSystemVector.empty() && !themeSoundSupport) NavigationSounds::getInstance().loadThemeNavigationSounds(nullptr); } void ViewController::reloadGamelistView(GamelistView* view, bool reloadTheme) { for (auto it = mGamelistViews.cbegin(); it != mGamelistViews.cend(); ++it) { if (it->second.get() == view) { bool isCurrent {mCurrentView == it->second}; SystemData* system {it->first}; FileData* cursor {view->getCursor()}; // Retain the cursor history for the view. std::vector<FileData*> cursorHistoryTemp; it->second->copyCursorHistory(cursorHistoryTemp); mGamelistViews.erase(it); if (isCurrent) mCurrentView = nullptr; if (reloadTheme) system->loadTheme(ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE); system->getIndex()->setKidModeFilters(); std::shared_ptr<GamelistView> newView {getGamelistView(system)}; // Make sure we don't attempt to set the cursor to a nonexistent entry. auto children = system->getRootFolder()->getChildrenRecursive(); if (std::find(children.cbegin(), children.cend(), cursor) != children.cend()) newView->setCursor(cursor); if (isCurrent) mCurrentView = newView; newView->populateCursorHistory(cursorHistoryTemp); // This is required to get the game count updated if the favorite metadata value has // been changed for any game that is part of a custom collection. if (system->isCollection() && system->getName() == "collections") { std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> gameCount {0, 0}; system->getRootFolder()->countGames(gameCount); } updateHelpPrompts(); break; } } // If using the %RUNINBACKGROUND% variable in a launch command or if enabling the // RunInBackground setting, ES-DE will run in the background while a game is launched. // If this flag has been set, then update all the GUI components. This will block the // video player, prevent scrolling of game names and game descriptions and prevent the // screensaver from starting on schedule. if (mWindow->getGameLaunchedState()) mWindow->setLaunchedGame(true); // Redisplay the current view. if (mCurrentView) mCurrentView->onShow(); } void ViewController::reloadAll() { if (mRenderer->getSDLWindow() == nullptr) return; cancelViewTransitions(); // Clear all GamelistViews. std::map<SystemData*, FileData*> cursorMap; for (auto it = mGamelistViews.cbegin(); it != mGamelistViews.cend(); ++it) { if (std::find(SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(), SystemData::sSystemVector.cend(), (*it).first) != SystemData::sSystemVector.cend()) cursorMap[it->first] = it->second->getCursor(); } mGamelistViews.clear(); mCurrentView = nullptr; // Load themes, create GamelistViews and reset filters. for (auto it = cursorMap.cbegin(); it != cursorMap.cend(); ++it) { it->first->loadTheme(ThemeTriggers::TriggerType::NONE); it->first->getIndex()->resetFilters(); } ThemeData::setThemeTransitions(); // Rebuild SystemListView. mSystemListView.reset(); getSystemListView(); // Restore cursor positions for all systems. for (auto it = cursorMap.cbegin(); it != cursorMap.cend(); ++it) { const std::string entryType {(*it).first->isCustomCollection() ? "custom collection" : "system"}; LOG(LogDebug) << "ViewController::reloadAll(): Populating gamelist for " << entryType << " \"" << (*it).first->getName() << "\""; getGamelistView(it->first)->setCursor(it->second); } // Update mCurrentView since the pointers changed. if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::GAMELIST) { mCurrentView = getGamelistView(mState.getSystem()); } else if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::SYSTEM_SELECT) { SystemData* system {mState.getSystem()}; mSystemListView->goToSystem(system, false); mCurrentView = mSystemListView; mCamera[3].x = 0.0f; } else { goToSystemView(SystemData::sSystemVector.front(), false); } // Load navigation sounds, either from the theme if it supports it, or otherwise from // the bundled fallback sound files. NavigationSounds::getInstance().deinit(); bool themeSoundSupport {false}; for (SystemData* system : SystemData::sSystemVector) { if (system->getTheme()->hasView("all")) { NavigationSounds::getInstance().loadThemeNavigationSounds(system->getTheme().get()); themeSoundSupport = true; break; } } if (!SystemData::sSystemVector.empty() && !themeSoundSupport) NavigationSounds::getInstance().loadThemeNavigationSounds(nullptr); ThemeData::themeLoadedLogOutput(); mCurrentView->onShow(); updateHelpPrompts(); } void ViewController::rescanROMDirectory() { mWindow->setBlockInput(true); resetCamera(); mState.viewing = ViewMode::NOTHING; mGamelistViews.clear(); mSystemListView.reset(); mCurrentView.reset(); mPreviousView.reset(); mSkipView.reset(); mWindow->renderSplashScreen(Window::SplashScreenState::SCANNING, 0.0f); CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->deinit(false); SystemData::loadConfig(); if (SystemData::sStartupExitSignal) { SDL_Event quit {}; quit.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&quit); return; } if (SystemData::sSystemVector.empty()) { // It's possible that there are no longer any games. mWindow->setBlockInput(false); mWindow->invalidateCachedBackground(); noGamesDialog(); } else { preload(); if (SystemData::sStartupExitSignal) { SDL_Event quit {}; quit.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&quit); return; } mWindow->setBlockInput(false); goToStart(false); } } std::vector<HelpPrompt> ViewController::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector<HelpPrompt> prompts; if (!mCurrentView) return prompts; prompts = mCurrentView->getHelpPrompts(); if (!(UIModeController::getInstance()->isUIModeKid() && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("EnableMenuKidMode"))) prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("start", "menu")); return prompts; } HelpStyle ViewController::getHelpStyle() { if (!mCurrentView) return GuiComponent::getHelpStyle(); return mCurrentView->getHelpStyle(); } HelpStyle ViewController::getViewHelpStyle() { if (mState.viewing == ViewMode::GAMELIST) return getGamelistView(mState.getSystem())->getHelpStyle(); else return getSystemListView()->getHelpStyle(); }