# Modern-DE Theme for Emulationstation Desktop Edition

The modern theme is a new theme for ES-DE that supports most latest features such as badges and controllers. The theme
is meant to offer a modern look for ES-DE. The theme is designed with theme variants in mind (v1.3).

We support 8 variants:

- 4:3 dark
- 4:3 light
- 16:9 dark
- 16:9 light
- 16:10 dark
- 16:10 light
- 21:9 dark
- 21:9 light

The variant that is to be used can be selected by changing line 14 of `theme.xml`. This will be made accessible through
the user interface in future updates, specifically v1.3:


# Based on

The theme is based on '[es-theme-switch](https://github.com/lilbud/es-theme-switch)' by lilbud.

# Changes

The following changes to the theme are made:

- support for 4:3, 16:9, 21:9 resolutions
- graphics for all ES-DE supported systems
- placeholder styling for unknown systems
- badges icons (broken, favorite, etc...)
- controller icons
- new font
- restyled rightmost metadata panel
- new rating icons

# Pictures
