#!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # EmulationStation Desktop Edition # Windows_dependencies_setup_MinGW.sh # # Downloads and prepares the external dependencies for building in-tree. # If the directories already exist they will be removed and the libraries will be downloaded again. # # This script needs to run from the root of the repository. # if [ ! -f .clang-format ]; then echo "You need to run this script from the root of the repository." exit fi echo -e "Setting up dependencies in the ./external directory..." cd external echo -e "\nSetting up curl" rm -rf curl* curl -O https://curl.se/windows/dl-8.1.2_3/curl-8.1.2_3-win64-mingw.zip unzip curl-8.1.2_3-win64-mingw.zip if [ ! -d curl-8.1.2_3-win64-mingw ]; then echo "curl directory is missing, aborting." exit fi # Needed due to some kind of file system race condition that sometimes occurs on Windows. sleep 3 mv curl-8.1.2_3-win64-mingw curl cp -p curl/bin/libcurl-x64.dll .. echo -e "\nSetting up GLEW" rm -rf glew* curl -LO https://sourceforge.net/projects/glew/files/glew/2.1.0/glew-2.1.0.zip unzip glew-2.1.0.zip if [ ! -d glew-2.1.0 ]; then echo "GLEW directory is missing, aborting." exit fi sleep 3 mv glew-2.1.0 glew echo -e "\nSetting up FreeType" rm -rf freetype git clone https://github.com/freetype/freetype.git if [ ! -d freetype ]; then echo "FreeType directory is missing, aborting." exit fi cd freetype git checkout VER-2-13-0 mkdir build cd .. echo -e "\nSetting up FreeImage" rm -rf FreeImage* curl -LO https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/freeimage/Binary%20Distribution/3.18.0/FreeImage3180Win32Win64.zip unzip FreeImage3180Win32Win64.zip if [ ! -d FreeImage ]; then echo "FreeImage directory is missing, aborting." exit fi cp -p FreeImage/Dist/x64/FreeImage.dll .. echo -e "\nSetting up libgit2" rm -rf libgit2 git clone https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2.git if [ ! -d libgit2 ]; then echo "libgit2 directory is missing, aborting." exit fi cd libgit2 git checkout v1.6.4 mkdir build cd .. echo -e "\nSetting up Poppler" rm -rf [pP]oppler* curl -JO https://gitlab.com/es-de/emulationstation-de/-/package_files/83268133/download unzip Poppler_Windows_MinGW_23.06.0-1.zip if [ ! -d poppler ]; then echo "Poppler directory is missing, aborting." exit fi cp -p poppler/Library/bin/*.dll ../es-pdf-converter echo -e "\nSetting up pugixml" rm -rf pugixml git clone https://github.com/zeux/pugixml.git if [ ! -d pugixml ]; then echo "pugixml directory is missing, aborting." exit fi cd pugixml git checkout v1.13 cd .. echo -e "\nSetting up SDL" rm -rf SDL2* curl -O https://libsdl.org/release/SDL2-devel-2.28.3-mingw.tar.gz tar xvzf SDL2-devel-2.28.3-mingw.tar.gz if [ ! -d SDL2-2.28.3 ]; then echo "SDL directory is missing, aborting." exit fi sleep 3 mv SDL2-2.28.3 SDL2 mv SDL2/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/SDL2 SDL2/ cp -p SDL2/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/libSDL2main.a .. cp -p SDL2/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/SDL2.dll .. echo -e "\nSetting up FFmpeg" rm -rf ffmpeg* # This package should be available for download for two years. curl -LO https://github.com/BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds/releases/download/autobuild-2023-05-31-12-47/ffmpeg-n6.0-22-g549430e14d-win64-gpl-shared-6.0.zip unzip ffmpeg-n6.0-22-g549430e14d-win64-gpl-shared-6.0.zip if [ ! -d ffmpeg-n6.0-22-g549430e14d-win64-gpl-shared-6.0 ]; then echo "FFmpeg directory is missing, aborting." exit fi sleep 3 mv ffmpeg-n6.0-22-g549430e14d-win64-gpl-shared-6.0 ffmpeg cp -p ffmpeg/bin/avcodec-60.dll .. cp -p ffmpeg/bin/avfilter-9.dll .. cp -p ffmpeg/bin/avformat-60.dll .. cp -p ffmpeg/bin/avutil-58.dll .. cp -p ffmpeg/bin/postproc-57.dll .. cp -p ffmpeg/bin/swresample-4.dll .. cp -p ffmpeg/bin/swscale-7.dll .. echo -e "\nSetting up OpenSSL" if [ ! -f /c/Program\ Files/OpenSSL-Win64/libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll ]; then curl -O https://slproweb.com/download/Win64OpenSSL_Light-1_1_1m.exe # Run the installer. ./Win64OpenSSL_Light-1_1_1m.exe fi # Return to the root of the repository. cd .. cp -p /c/Program\ Files/OpenSSL-Win64/libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll . cp -p /c/Program\ Files/OpenSSL-Win64/libssl-1_1-x64.dll . echo -e "\nCopying DLL files from Windows\System32" cp /c/Windows/System32/vcomp140.dll . echo echo "Done setting up all dependencies."