// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // EmulationStation Desktop Edition // FlexboxComponent.cpp // // Flexbox layout component. // #define DEFAULT_DIRECTION "row" #define DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT "left" #define DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_LINE 4 #define DEFAULT_LINES 2 #define DEFAULT_ITEM_PLACEMENT "center" #define DEFAULT_MARGIN_X std::roundf(0.01f * Renderer::getScreenWidth()) #define DEFAULT_MARGIN_Y std::roundf(0.01f * Renderer::getScreenHeight()) #include "components/FlexboxComponent.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "ThemeData.h" FlexboxComponent::FlexboxComponent(Window* window, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, ImageComponent>>& images) : GuiComponent{window} , mImages(images) , mDirection{DEFAULT_DIRECTION} , mAlignment{DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT} , mItemsPerLine{DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_LINE} , mLines{DEFAULT_LINES} , mItemPlacement{DEFAULT_ITEM_PLACEMENT} , mItemMargin{glm::vec2{DEFAULT_MARGIN_X, DEFAULT_MARGIN_Y}} , mLayoutValid{false} { } void FlexboxComponent::render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) { if (!isVisible()) return; if (!mLayoutValid) computeLayout(); glm::mat4 trans{parentTrans * getTransform()}; Renderer::setMatrix(trans); if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DebugImage")) Renderer::drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, mSize.x, mSize.y, 0xFF000033, 0xFF000033); for (auto& image : mImages) { if (mOpacity == 255) { image.second.render(trans); } else { image.second.setOpacity(mOpacity); image.second.render(trans); image.second.setOpacity(255); } } } void FlexboxComponent::computeLayout() { // Start placing items in the top-left. float anchorX{0.0f}; float anchorY{0.0f}; // Translation directions when placing items. glm::vec2 directionLine{1, 0}; glm::vec2 directionRow{0, 1}; // Change direction. if (mDirection == "column") { directionLine = {0, 1}; directionRow = {1, 0}; } // If we're not clamping itemMargin to a reasonable value, all kinds of weird rendering // issues could occur. mItemMargin.x = glm::clamp(mItemMargin.x, 0.0f, mSize.x / 2.0f); mItemMargin.y = glm::clamp(mItemMargin.y, 0.0f, mSize.y / 2.0f); // Also keep the size within reason. mSize.x = glm::clamp(mSize.x, static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenWidth()) * 0.03f, static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenWidth())); mSize.y = glm::clamp(mSize.y, static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenHeight()) * 0.03f, static_cast<float>(Renderer::getScreenHeight())); // Compute maximum image dimensions. glm::vec2 grid; if (mDirection == "row") grid = {mItemsPerLine, mLines}; else grid = {mLines, mItemsPerLine}; glm::vec2 maxItemSize{(mSize + mItemMargin - grid * mItemMargin) / grid}; maxItemSize.x = floorf(maxItemSize.x); maxItemSize.y = floorf(maxItemSize.y); if (grid.x * grid.y < static_cast<float>(mImages.size())) { LOG(LogWarning) << "FlexboxComponent: Invalid theme configuration, the number of badges " "exceeds the product of <lines> times <itemsPerLine>"; } glm::vec2 sizeChange{0.0f, 0.0f}; // Set final image dimensions. for (auto& image : mImages) { if (!image.second.isVisible()) continue; auto oldSize{image.second.getSize()}; if (oldSize.x == 0) oldSize.x = maxItemSize.x; glm::vec2 sizeMaxX{maxItemSize.x, oldSize.y * (maxItemSize.x / oldSize.x)}; glm::vec2 sizeMaxY{oldSize.x * (maxItemSize.y / oldSize.y), maxItemSize.y}; glm::vec2 newSize; if (sizeMaxX.y > maxItemSize.y) newSize = sizeMaxY; else if (sizeMaxY.x > maxItemSize.x) newSize = sizeMaxX; else newSize = sizeMaxX.x * sizeMaxX.y >= sizeMaxY.x * sizeMaxY.y ? sizeMaxX : sizeMaxY; if (image.second.getSize() != newSize) image.second.setResize(newSize.x, newSize.y); // In case maxItemSize needs to be updated. if (newSize.x != sizeChange.x) sizeChange.x = newSize.x; if (newSize.y != sizeChange.y) sizeChange.y = newSize.y; } if (maxItemSize.x != sizeChange.x) maxItemSize.x = sizeChange.x; if (maxItemSize.y != sizeChange.y) maxItemSize.y = sizeChange.y; // Pre-compute layout parameters. float anchorXStart{anchorX}; float anchorYStart{anchorY}; int i = 0; // Iterate through the images. for (auto& image : mImages) { if (!image.second.isVisible()) continue; auto size{image.second.getSize()}; // Top-left anchor position. float x{anchorX}; float y{anchorY}; // Apply alignment. if (mItemPlacement == "end") { x += directionLine.x == 0 ? (maxItemSize.x - size.x) : 0; y += directionLine.y == 0 ? (maxItemSize.y - size.y) : 0; } else if (mItemPlacement == "center") { x += directionLine.x == 0 ? (maxItemSize.x - size.x) / 2 : 0; y += directionLine.y == 0 ? (maxItemSize.y - size.y) / 2 : 0; } else if (mItemPlacement == "stretch" && mDirection == "row") { image.second.setSize(image.second.getSize().x, maxItemSize.y); } // TODO: Doesn't work correctly. // Apply overall container alignment. if (mAlignment == "right") x += (mSize.x - size.x * grid.x) - mItemMargin.x; // Store final item position. image.second.setPosition(x, y); // Translate anchor. if ((i++ + 1) % std::max(1, static_cast<int>(mItemsPerLine)) != 0) { // Translate on same line. anchorX += (size.x + mItemMargin.x) * static_cast<float>(directionLine.x); anchorY += (size.y + mItemMargin.y) * static_cast<float>(directionLine.y); } else { // Translate to first position of next line. if (directionRow.x == 0) { anchorY += size.y + mItemMargin.y; anchorX = anchorXStart; } else { anchorX += size.x + mItemMargin.x; anchorY = anchorYStart; } } } mLayoutValid = true; }