// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // GuiOrphanedDataCleanup.cpp // // Removes orphaned game media, gamelist.xml entries and custom collections entries. // #include "guis/GuiOrphanedDataCleanup.h" #include "CollectionSystemsManager.h" #include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h" #include "utils/LocalizationUtil.h" #include "utils/PlatformUtil.h" #include "views/ViewController.h" #include <SDL2/SDL.h> #include <pugixml.hpp> GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::GuiOrphanedDataCleanup(std::function<void()> reloadCallback) : mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()} , mBackground {":/graphics/frame.svg"} , mGrid {glm::ivec2 {4, 11}} , mReloadCallback {reloadCallback} , mCursorPos {0} , mMediaTypes {"3dboxes", "backcovers", "covers", "fanart", "manuals", "marquees", "miximages", "physicalmedia", "screenshots", "titlescreens", "videos"} , mIsProcessing {false} , mStopProcessing {false} , mCompleted {false} , mFailed {false} , mNeedsReloading {false} , mProcessedCount {0} , mHasCustomCollections {false} , mCaseSensitiveFilesystem {true} , mCleanupType {CleanupType::MEDIA} { // Make sure we always have a single trailing directory separator for the media directory. mMediaDirectory = FileData::getMediaDirectory(); mMediaDirectory.erase(std::find_if(mMediaDirectory.rbegin(), mMediaDirectory.rend(), [](char c) { return c != '/'; }) .base(), mMediaDirectory.end()); mMediaDirectory.erase(std::find_if(mMediaDirectory.rbegin(), mMediaDirectory.rend(), [](char c) { return c != '\\'; }) .base(), mMediaDirectory.end()); #if defined(_WIN64) mMediaDirectory.append("\\"); #else mMediaDirectory.append("/"); #endif addChild(&mBackground); addChild(&mGrid); #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__ANDROID__) // Although macOS may have filesystem case-sensitivity enabled it's rare and in worst case // this will just leave some extra media files on the filesystem. mCaseSensitiveFilesystem = false; #endif mMediaDescription = _("THIS WILL REMOVE ALL MEDIA FILES WHERE NO MATCHING GAME FILES CAN BE FOUND. " "THESE FILES WILL BE MOVED TO A CLEANUP FOLDER INSIDE YOUR GAME MEDIA " "DIRECTORY. YOU CAN MANUALLY DELETE THIS FOLDER WHEN YOU ARE SURE IT'S NO " "LONGER NEEDED."); mGamelistDescription = _( "THIS WILL REMOVE ALL ENTRIES FROM YOUR GAMELIST XML FILES WHERE NO MATCHING " "GAME FILES CAN BE FOUND. BACKUPS OF THE ORIGINAL FILES WILL BE SAVED TO A CLEANUP FOLDER " "INSIDE YOUR GAMELISTS DIRECTORY. YOU CAN MANUALLY DELETE THIS FOLDER WHEN YOU ARE SURE " "IT'S NO LONGER NEEDED."); mCollectionsDescription = _( "THIS WILL REMOVE ALL ENTRIES FROM YOUR CUSTOM COLLECTIONS CONFIGURATION FILES WHERE NO " "MATCHING GAME FILES CAN BE FOUND. BACKUPS OF THE ORIGINAL FILES WILL BE SAVED TO A " "CLEANUP FOLDER INSIDE YOUR COLLECTIONS DIRECTORY. ONLY CURRENTLY ENABLED COLLECTIONS WILL " "BE PROCESSED."); // Stop any ongoing custom collections editing. if (CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->isEditing()) CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->exitEditMode(); for (auto& collection : CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->getCustomCollectionSystems()) { if (collection.second.isEnabled) mHasCustomCollections = true; } // Set up grid. mTitle = std::make_shared<TextComponent>( _("ORPHANED DATA CLEANUP"), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE * Utils::Localization::sMenuTitleScaleFactor), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_CENTER); mGrid.setEntry(mTitle, glm::ivec2 {0, 0}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_NONE); mStatus = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(_("NOT STARTED"), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM), mMenuColorPrimary, ALIGN_CENTER); mGrid.setEntry(mStatus, glm::ivec2 {0, 1}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_NONE); // Spacer row with bottom border. mGrid.setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(), glm::ivec2 {0, 2}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_BOTTOM); mDescriptionHeader = std::make_shared<TextComponent>( _("DESCRIPTION:"), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MINI), mMenuColorPrimary, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mDescriptionHeader, glm::ivec2 {1, 3}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {2, 1}); mDescription = std::make_shared<TextComponent>( mMediaDescription, Font::get(mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio() < 1.6f ? FONT_SIZE_SMALL : FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM), mMenuColorPrimary, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_TOP); mDescription->setNoSizeUpdate(true); mGrid.setEntry(mDescription, glm::ivec2 {1, 4}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {2, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_NONE, GridFlags::UPDATE_ALWAYS, glm::ivec2 {0, 1}); mEntryCountHeader = std::make_shared<TextComponent>( _("TOTAL ENTRIES REMOVED:"), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), mMenuColorPrimary, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mEntryCountHeader, glm::ivec2 {1, 6}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mEntryCount = std::make_shared<TextComponent>("0", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), mMenuColorPrimary, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mEntryCount, glm::ivec2 {2, 6}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mSystemProcessingHeader = std::make_shared<TextComponent>( _("LAST PROCESSED SYSTEM:"), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), mMenuColorPrimary, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mSystemProcessingHeader, glm::ivec2 {1, 7}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mSystemProcessing = std::make_shared<TextComponent>("", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), mMenuColorPrimary, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mSystemProcessing, glm::ivec2 {2, 7}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mErrorHeader = std::make_shared<TextComponent>( _("LAST ERROR MESSAGE:"), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), mMenuColorPrimary, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mErrorHeader, glm::ivec2 {1, 8}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); mError = std::make_shared<TextComponent>("", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), mMenuColorRed, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mError, glm::ivec2 {2, 8}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Spacer row. mGrid.setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(), glm::ivec2 {1, 9}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {2, 1}); // Buttons. std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ButtonComponent>> buttons; mButton1 = std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(_("MEDIA"), _("start processing"), [this]() { if (mIsProcessing && mStopProcessing) return; if (mIsProcessing) { mStopProcessing = true; return; } if (mThread) { mThread->join(); mThread.reset(); } mProcessedCount = 0; mCurrentSystem = ""; mCleanupType = CleanupType::MEDIA; mIsProcessing = true; mCompleted = false; mFailed = false; mStopProcessing = false; mErrorMessage = ""; mError->setValue(""); mEntryCount->setValue("0"); mStatus->setValue(_("RUNNING MEDIA CLEANUP")); mButton1->setText(_("STOP"), _("stop processing"), true, false); mThread = std::make_unique<std::thread>(&GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupMediaFiles, this); }); buttons.push_back(mButton1); mButton2 = std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(_("GAMELISTS"), _("start processing"), [this]() { if (mIsProcessing && mStopProcessing) return; if (mIsProcessing) { mStopProcessing = true; return; } if (mThread) { mThread->join(); mThread.reset(); } mProcessedCount = 0; mCurrentSystem = ""; mCleanupType = CleanupType::GAMELISTS; mIsProcessing = true; mCompleted = false; mFailed = false; mStopProcessing = false; mErrorMessage = ""; mError->setValue(""); mEntryCount->setValue("0"); mStatus->setValue(_("RUNNING GAMELISTS CLEANUP")); mButton2->setText(_("STOP"), _("stop processing"), true, false); // Write any gamelist.xml changes before proceeding with the cleanup. if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("SaveGamelistsMode") == "on exit") { for (auto system : SystemData::sSystemVector) system->writeMetaData(); } mThread = std::make_unique<std::thread>(&GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupGamelists, this); }); buttons.push_back(mButton2); mButton3 = std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(_("COLLECTIONS"), _("start processing"), [this]() { if (mIsProcessing && mStopProcessing) return; if (mIsProcessing) { mStopProcessing = true; return; } if (!mHasCustomCollections) { mStatus->setValue(_("COLLECTIONS CLEANUP FAILED")); mError->setValue(_("There are no enabled custom collections")); mEntryCount->setValue("0"); mSystemProcessing->setValue(""); return; } if (mThread) { mThread->join(); mThread.reset(); } mProcessedCount = 0; mCurrentSystem = ""; mCleanupType = CleanupType::COLLECTIONS; mIsProcessing = true; mCompleted = false; mFailed = false; mStopProcessing = false; mErrorMessage = ""; mError->setValue(""); mEntryCount->setValue("0"); mStatus->setValue(_("RUNNING COLLECTIONS CLEANUP")); mButton3->setText(_("STOP"), _("stop processing"), true, false); mThread = std::make_unique<std::thread>(&GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupCollections, this); }); buttons.push_back(mButton3); mButton4 = std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(_("CLOSE"), _("close"), [this]() { if (mIsProcessing) { mStopProcessing = true; if (mThread) { mThread->join(); mThread.reset(); } } else if (mNeedsReloading) { ViewController::getInstance()->rescanROMDirectory(); mReloadCallback(); } else { delete this; } }); buttons.push_back(mButton4); mButtons = MenuComponent::makeButtonGrid(buttons); mGrid.setEntry(mButtons, glm::ivec2 {0, 10}, true, false, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_TOP); // Limit the width of the GUI on ultrawide monitors. The 1.778 aspect ratio value is // the 16:9 reference. const float aspectValue {1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio()}; // Some additional size adjustments are required for different aspect ratios. float multiplierY; if (mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio() <= 1.0f) multiplierY = 10.0f; else if (mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio() < 1.6f) multiplierY = 8.0f; else multiplierY = 8.7f; const float width {glm::clamp(0.81f * aspectValue, 0.40f, (mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio() < 1.6f ? 0.97f : 0.9f)) * mRenderer->getScreenWidth()}; setSize(width, mTitle->getSize().y + (FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM * 1.5f * multiplierY) + mButtons->getSize().y); setPosition((mRenderer->getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, (mRenderer->getScreenHeight() - mSize.y) / 2.0f); setPosition((mRenderer->getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, std::round(mRenderer->getScreenHeight() * 0.1f)); mBusyAnim.setSize(mSize); mBusyAnim.setText(_("PROCESSING")); mBusyAnim.onSizeChanged(); } GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::~GuiOrphanedDataCleanup() { mStopProcessing = true; if (mThread) mThread->join(); } void GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupMediaFiles() { LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup: Starting cleanup of game media"; const std::time_t currentTime { std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(std::chrono::system_clock::now())}; int systemCounter {0}; for (auto system : SystemData::sSystemVector) { if (system->isCollection()) continue; if (mStopProcessing) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Stop signal received, aborting..."; break; } const std::string currentSystem {system->getFullName() + " (" + system->getName() + ")"}; LOG(LogInfo) << "Processing system \"" << currentSystem << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mCurrentSystem = currentSystem; } if (system->getFlattenFolders()) { LOG(LogError) << "A flatten.txt file was found, skipping system \"" << currentSystem << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = Utils::String::format( _("A flatten.txt file was found, skipping \"%s\""), currentSystem.c_str()); } continue; } ++systemCounter; std::vector<std::string> systemFilesRelative; for (auto& systemFile : system->getRootFolder()->getFilesRecursive(GAME | FOLDER)) { std::string fileEntry {systemFile->getPath()}; // Check that game entries are not directories as this may be the case when using the // directories interpreted as files functionality. if (systemFile->getType() == GAME && !Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(fileEntry)) { // If the file has an extension, then remove it. const size_t separatorPos {fileEntry.find_last_of('/')}; if (fileEntry.substr(separatorPos).find_last_of('.') != std::string::npos) fileEntry = fileEntry.substr(0, fileEntry.find_last_of('.')); } if (mCaseSensitiveFilesystem) { systemFilesRelative.emplace_back( fileEntry.substr(system->getSystemEnvData()->mStartPath.length() + 1)); } else { systemFilesRelative.emplace_back(Utils::String::toUpper( fileEntry.substr(system->getSystemEnvData()->mStartPath.length() + 1))); } } std::vector<std::string> cleanupFiles; const std::string systemMediaDir {mMediaDirectory + system->getName()}; for (auto& mediaType : mMediaTypes) { const std::string mediaTypeDir {systemMediaDir + "/" + mediaType}; const Utils::FileSystem::StringList& dirContent { Utils::FileSystem::getDirContent(mediaTypeDir, true)}; for (auto& mediaFile : dirContent) { if (Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(mediaFile)) continue; std::string relativePath; if (mCaseSensitiveFilesystem) { relativePath = mediaFile.substr(mediaTypeDir.length() + 1); } else { relativePath = Utils::String::toUpper(mediaFile.substr(mediaTypeDir.length() + 1)); } relativePath = relativePath.substr(0, relativePath.find_last_of('.')); if (std::find(systemFilesRelative.cbegin(), systemFilesRelative.cend(), relativePath) == systemFilesRelative.end()) { cleanupFiles.emplace_back(mediaFile); #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Found orphaned media file \"" << Utils::String::replace(mediaFile, "/", "\\") << "\""; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Found orphaned media file \"" << mediaFile << "\""; #endif } } } int systemProcessedCount {0}; if (cleanupFiles.size() > 0) { struct tm tm; std::string dateString(20, '\0'); #if defined(_WIN64) localtime_s(&tm, ¤tTime); std::strftime(&dateString[0], 20, "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S", &tm); #else std::strftime(&dateString[0], 20, "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S", localtime_r(¤tTime, &tm)); #endif dateString.erase(dateString.find('\0')); const std::string targetDirectory {mMediaDirectory + "CLEANUP/" + dateString + "/"}; #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Moving orphaned files to \"" << Utils::String::replace(targetDirectory, "/", "\\") + system->getName() << "\\\""; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Moving orphaned files to \"" << targetDirectory + system->getName() << "/\""; #endif for (auto& file : cleanupFiles) { const std::string fileDirectory { targetDirectory + Utils::FileSystem::getParent(file.substr(mMediaDirectory.length()))}; const std::string fileName {Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(file)}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(fileDirectory) && !Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(fileDirectory)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't create target directory \"" << fileDirectory << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't create target directory, permission problems?"); } mFailed = true; mIsProcessing = false; return; } if (Utils::FileSystem::renameFile(file, fileDirectory + "/" + fileName, false)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't move file \"" << file << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't move media file, permission problems?"); } mFailed = true; mIsProcessing = false; return; } ++mProcessedCount; ++systemProcessedCount; } } int directoryDeleteCounter {0}; const Utils::FileSystem::StringList& emptyDirCheck { Utils::FileSystem::getDirContent(systemMediaDir, true)}; for (auto& entry : emptyDirCheck) { if (!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(entry)) continue; std::string path {entry}; while (path != systemMediaDir) { if (Utils::FileSystem::getDirContent(path).size() == 0) { #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Deleting empty directory \"" << Utils::String::replace(path, "/", "\\") << "\""; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Deleting empty directory \"" << path << "\""; #endif if (Utils::FileSystem::removeDirectory(path, false)) ++directoryDeleteCounter; path = Utils::FileSystem::getParent(path); } else { break; } } } LOG(LogInfo) << "Removed " << systemProcessedCount << " file" << (systemProcessedCount == 1 ? " " : "s ") << "and " << directoryDeleteCounter << (directoryDeleteCounter == 1 ? " directory " : " directories ") << "for system \"" << currentSystem << "\""; SDL_Delay(500); } mIsProcessing = false; mCompleted = true; LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup: Completed cleanup of game media, processed " << systemCounter << (systemCounter == 1 ? " system" : " systems") << ", removed " << mProcessedCount << (mProcessedCount == 1 ? " file" : " files"); } void GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupGamelists() { LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup: Starting cleanup of gamelist.xml files"; if (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ShowHiddenGames")) { LOG(LogWarning) << "The \"Show hidden games\" setting is disabled, this may lead to some orphaned " "folder entries not getting purged"; } const std::time_t currentTime { std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(std::chrono::system_clock::now())}; int systemCounter {0}; for (auto system : SystemData::sSystemVector) { if (system->isCollection()) continue; if (mStopProcessing) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Stop signal received, aborting..."; break; } const std::string currentSystem {system->getFullName() + " (" + system->getName() + ")"}; LOG(LogInfo) << "Processing system \"" << currentSystem << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mCurrentSystem = currentSystem; } if (system->getFlattenFolders()) { LOG(LogError) << "A flatten.txt file was found, skipping system \"" << currentSystem << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = Utils::String::format( _("A flatten.txt file was found, skipping \"%s\""), currentSystem.c_str()); } continue; } ++systemCounter; const std::string gamelistFile {system->getGamelistPath(false)}; if (gamelistFile == "") { LOG(LogInfo) << "System \"" << currentSystem << "\" does not have a gamelist.xml file"; SDL_Delay(500); continue; } pugi::xml_document sourceDoc; #if defined(_WIN64) const pugi::xml_parse_result& fileContents { sourceDoc.load_file(Utils::String::stringToWideString(gamelistFile).c_str())}; #else const pugi::xml_parse_result& fileContents {sourceDoc.load_file(gamelistFile.c_str())}; #endif if (!fileContents) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't parse file \"" << gamelistFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = Utils::String::format( _("Couldn't parse gamelist.xml file for \"%s\""), system->getName().c_str()); } SDL_Delay(500); continue; } #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupGamelists(): Parsing file \"" << Utils::String::replace(gamelistFile, "/", "\\") << "\""; #else LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupGamelists(): Parsing file \"" << gamelistFile << "\""; #endif const pugi::xml_node& alternativeEmulator {sourceDoc.child("alternativeEmulator")}; if (alternativeEmulator) { LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupGamelists(): Found an alternativeEmulator tag "; } const pugi::xml_node& sourceRoot {sourceDoc.child("gameList")}; if (!sourceRoot) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't find a gameList tag in \"" << gamelistFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = Utils::String::format(_("Couldn't find a gamelist tag in file for \"%s\""), system->getName().c_str()); } SDL_Delay(500); continue; } const std::string tempFile {Utils::FileSystem::getParent(gamelistFile) + "/gamelist.xml_CLEANUP.tmp"}; if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(tempFile)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Found existing temporary file \"" << tempFile << "\", deleting it"; if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(tempFile)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't remove temporary file \"" << tempFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't delete temporary gamelist file, permission problems?"); } mFailed = true; mIsProcessing = false; return; } } const std::string startPath {system->getSystemEnvData()->mStartPath}; int removeCount {0}; pugi::xml_document targetDoc; pugi::xml_node targetRoot; bool saveFailure {false}; if (alternativeEmulator) { targetDoc.prepend_copy(alternativeEmulator); if (!targetDoc.save_file(tempFile.c_str())) saveFailure = true; } if (!saveFailure) { targetRoot = targetDoc.append_child("gameList"); if (!targetDoc.save_file(tempFile.c_str())) saveFailure = true; } if (saveFailure) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't write to temporary file \"" << tempFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't write to temporary gamelist file, permission problems?"); } // If we couldn't write to the file this will probably fail as well. Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(tempFile); mFailed = true; mIsProcessing = false; return; } const std::vector<std::string> knownTags {"game", "folder"}; const std::vector<std::string>& extensions {system->getSystemEnvData()->mSearchExtensions}; // Step through every game and folder element so that the order of entries will remain // in the target gamelist.xml file. for (auto it = sourceRoot.begin(); it != sourceRoot.end(); ++it) { const std::string tag {(*it).name()}; if (tag == knownTags[0] || tag == knownTags[1]) { const std::string path {(*it).child("path").text().get()}; if (path == "") { LOG(LogInfo) << "Found invalid " << tag << " entry with missing path tag"; ++removeCount; } else if (path.substr(0, 2) != "./") { LOG(LogInfo) << "Found invalid " << tag << " entry \"" << path << "\""; ++removeCount; } else if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(startPath + "/" + path)) { if (tag == "game") { // Remove entries with extensions not defined in es_systems.xml. if (std::find(extensions.cbegin(), extensions.cend(), Utils::FileSystem::getExtension(path)) != extensions.cend()) { targetRoot.append_copy((*it)); } else { LOG(LogInfo) << "Found orphaned " << tag << " entry \"" << path << "\""; ++removeCount; } } else if (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ShowHiddenGames")) { // Don't remove entries for existing folders if not displaying hidden games. targetRoot.append_copy((*it)); } else { bool folderExists {false}; for (auto child : system->getRootFolder()->getChildrenRecursive()) { if (child->getType() == FOLDER && child->getPath() == system->getRootFolder()->getPath() + path.substr(1)) { folderExists = true; break; } } if (folderExists) { targetRoot.append_copy((*it)); } else { LOG(LogInfo) << "Found orphaned " << tag << " entry \"" << path << "\""; ++removeCount; } } } else { LOG(LogInfo) << "Found orphaned " << tag << " entry \"" << path << "\""; ++removeCount; } } else { LOG(LogInfo) << "Retaining unknown tag \"" << tag << "\""; targetRoot.append_copy((*it)); } } if (!targetDoc.save_file(tempFile.c_str())) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't write to temporary file \"" << tempFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't write to temporary gamelist file, permission problems?"); } Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(tempFile); mFailed = true; mIsProcessing = false; return; } if (removeCount > 0) { struct tm tm; std::string dateString(20, '\0'); #if defined(_WIN64) localtime_s(&tm, ¤tTime); std::strftime(&dateString[0], 20, "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S", &tm); #else std::strftime(&dateString[0], 20, "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S", localtime_r(¤tTime, &tm)); #endif dateString.erase(dateString.find('\0')); const std::string targetDirectory { Utils::FileSystem::getParent( Utils::FileSystem::getParent(system->getGamelistPath(false))) + "/CLEANUP/" + dateString + "/" + system->getName()}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(targetDirectory) && !Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(targetDirectory)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't create backup directory \"" << targetDirectory << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't create backup directory, permission problems?"); } mFailed = true; } if (!mFailed) { #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Moving old gamelist.xml file to \"" << Utils::String::replace(targetDirectory, "/", "\\") << "\\\""; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Moving old gamelist.xml file to \"" << targetDirectory << "/\""; #endif if (Utils::FileSystem::renameFile(gamelistFile, targetDirectory + "/gamelist.xml", true)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't move file \"" << gamelistFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't move old gamelist file, permission problems?"); } mFailed = true; } else if (Utils::FileSystem::renameFile(tempFile, gamelistFile, true)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't move file \"" << tempFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't move temporary gamelist file, permission problems?"); } mFailed = true; // Attempt to move back the old gamelist.xml file. Utils::FileSystem::renameFile(targetDirectory + "/gamelist.xml", gamelistFile, true); } if (!mFailed) mNeedsReloading = true; } } LOG(LogInfo) << "Removed " << removeCount << (removeCount == 1 ? " entry " : " entries ") << "for system \"" << currentSystem << "\""; if (!mFailed) mProcessedCount += removeCount; if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(tempFile) && !Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(tempFile)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't remove temporary file \"" << tempFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't delete temporary gamelist file, permission problems?"); } mFailed = true; } SDL_Delay(500); if (mFailed) break; } if (!mFailed) { mCompleted = true; LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup: Completed cleanup of gamelist.xml files, processed " << systemCounter << (systemCounter == 1 ? " system" : " systems") << ", removed " << mProcessedCount << (mProcessedCount == 1 ? " entry" : " entries"); } mIsProcessing = false; } void GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupCollections() { LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup: Starting cleanup of custom collections configuration files"; const std::time_t currentTime { std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(std::chrono::system_clock::now())}; int systemCounter {0}; for (auto& collection : CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->getCustomCollectionSystems()) { if (!collection.second.isEnabled) continue; if (mStopProcessing) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Stop signal received, aborting..."; break; } ++systemCounter; const std::string collectionName {collection.second.system->getName()}; LOG(LogInfo) << "Processing collection system \"" << collectionName << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mCurrentSystem = collectionName; } const std::string collectionFile { CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->getCustomCollectionConfigPath(collectionName)}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(collectionFile)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't find custom collection configuration file \"" << collectionFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't find custom collection configuration file"); } mFailed = true; mIsProcessing = false; return; } #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupCollections(): Parsing file \"" << Utils::String::replace(collectionFile, "/", "\\") << "\""; #else LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::cleanupCollections(): Parsing file \"" << collectionFile << "\""; #endif // Get configuration for this custom collection. std::vector<std::string> validEntries; int removeCount {0}; std::ifstream configFileSource; #if defined(_WIN64) configFileSource.open(Utils::String::stringToWideString(collectionFile).c_str()); #else configFileSource.open(collectionFile); #endif if (!configFileSource.good()) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't open custom collection configuration file \"" << collectionFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't open custom collection configuration file"); } mFailed = true; mIsProcessing = false; return; } for (std::string gameKey; getline(configFileSource, gameKey);) { // If there is a %ROMPATH% variable set for the game, expand it. By doing this // it's possible to use either absolute ROM paths in the collection files or using // the path variable. The absolute ROM paths are only used for backward compatibility // with old custom collections. All custom collections saved by ES-DE will use the // %ROMPATH% variable instead. std::string expandedKey { Utils::String::replace(gameKey, "%ROMPATH%", FileData::getROMDirectory())}; expandedKey = Utils::String::replace(expandedKey, "//", "/"); if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(expandedKey)) { validEntries.emplace_back(gameKey); } else { LOG(LogInfo) << "Found orphaned collection entry \"" << gameKey << "\""; ++removeCount; } } if (configFileSource.is_open()) configFileSource.close(); const std::string tempFile {collectionFile + "_CLEANUP.tmp"}; if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(tempFile)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Found existing temporary file \"" << tempFile << "\", deleting it"; if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(tempFile)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't remove temporary file"; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't delete temporary collection file, permission problems?"); } mFailed = true; mIsProcessing = false; return; } } if (removeCount > 0) { struct tm tm; std::string dateString(20, '\0'); #if defined(_WIN64) localtime_s(&tm, ¤tTime); std::strftime(&dateString[0], 20, "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S", &tm); #else std::strftime(&dateString[0], 20, "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S", localtime_r(¤tTime, &tm)); #endif dateString.erase(dateString.find('\0')); const std::string targetDirectory {Utils::FileSystem::getParent(collectionFile) + "/CLEANUP/" + dateString + "/"}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(targetDirectory) && !Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(targetDirectory)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't create backup directory \"" << targetDirectory << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't create backup directory, permission problems?"); } mFailed = true; mIsProcessing = false; return; } else { std::ofstream configFileTarget; #if defined(_WIN64) configFileTarget.open(Utils::String::stringToWideString(tempFile).c_str(), std::ios::binary); #else configFileTarget.open(tempFile, std::ios::binary); #endif if (!configFileTarget.good()) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't write to temporary collection configuration file \"" << tempFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't write to temporary collection configuration file"); } mFailed = true; mIsProcessing = false; return; } for (auto& entry : validEntries) configFileTarget << entry << std::endl; if (configFileTarget.is_open()) configFileTarget.close(); #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Moving old \"" << Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(collectionFile) << "\" file to \"" << Utils::String::replace(targetDirectory, "/", "\\") << "\""; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Moving old \"" << Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(collectionFile) << "\" file to \"" << targetDirectory << "\""; #endif if (Utils::FileSystem::renameFile( collectionFile, targetDirectory + "/" + Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(collectionFile), true)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't move file \"" << collectionFile << "\" to backup directory"; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't move old collection file, permission problems?"); } // Attempt to move back the old collection file. Utils::FileSystem::renameFile( targetDirectory + Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(collectionFile), collectionFile, false); mFailed = true; } else if (Utils::FileSystem::renameFile(tempFile, collectionFile, true)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't move file \"" << tempFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't move temporary collection file, permission problems?"); } // Attempt to move back the old collection file. Utils::FileSystem::renameFile( targetDirectory + Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(collectionFile), collectionFile, true); mFailed = true; } if (!mFailed) mNeedsReloading = true; } } LOG(LogInfo) << "Removed " << removeCount << (removeCount == 1 ? " entry " : " entries ") << "from collection system \"" << collectionName << "\""; if (!mFailed) mProcessedCount += removeCount; if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(tempFile) && !Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(tempFile)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't remove temporary file \"" << tempFile << "\""; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mErrorMessage = _("Couldn't delete temporary collection file, permission problems?"); } mFailed = true; } SDL_Delay(500); if (mFailed) return; } mIsProcessing = false; mCompleted = true; LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiOrphanedDataCleanup: Completed cleanup of custom collections configuration " "files, processed " << systemCounter << (systemCounter == 1 ? " system" : " systems") << ", removed " << mProcessedCount << (mProcessedCount == 1 ? " entry" : " entries"); } void GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::update(int deltaTime) { if (mIsProcessing) { mBusyAnim.update(deltaTime); if (mEntryCount->getValue() != std::to_string(mProcessedCount)) mEntryCount->setValue(std::to_string(mProcessedCount)); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; if (mSystemProcessing->getValue() != mCurrentSystem) mSystemProcessing->setValue(mCurrentSystem); if (mError->getValue() != mErrorMessage) mError->setValue(mErrorMessage); } else if (mCompleted) { std::string message; if (mCleanupType == CleanupType::MEDIA) { mButton1->setText(_("MEDIA"), _("start processing")); if (mStopProcessing) message = _("ABORTED MEDIA CLEANUP"); else message = _("COMPLETED MEDIA CLEANUP"); } else if (mCleanupType == CleanupType::GAMELISTS) { mButton2->setText(_("GAMELISTS"), _("start processing")); if (mStopProcessing) message = _("ABORTED GAMELIST CLEANUP"); else message = _("COMPLETED GAMELIST CLEANUP"); } else { mButton3->setText(_("COLLECTIONS"), _("start processing")); if (mStopProcessing) message = _("ABORTED COLLECTIONS CLEANUP"); else message = _("COMPLETED COLLECTIONS CLEANUP"); } mStatus->setValue(message); if (mError->getValue() != mErrorMessage) mError->setValue(mErrorMessage); mCompleted = false; } else if (mFailed) { std::string message; if (mCleanupType == CleanupType::MEDIA) { mButton1->setText(_("MEDIA"), _("start processing")); message.append(_("MEDIA CLEANUP FAILED")); } else if (mCleanupType == CleanupType::GAMELISTS) { mButton2->setText(_("GAMELISTS"), _("start processing")); message.append(_("GAMELISTS CLEANUP FAILED")); } else { mButton3->setText(_("COLLECTIONS"), _("start processing")); message.append(_("COLLECTIONS CLEANUP FAILED")); } mStatus->setValue(message); { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock {mMutex}; mError->setValue(mErrorMessage); } mFailed = false; } } void GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) { glm::mat4 trans {parentTrans * getTransform()}; renderChildren(trans); if (mIsProcessing) mBusyAnim.render(trans); } void GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::onSizeChanged() { const float screenSize {mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? mRenderer->getScreenWidth() : mRenderer->getScreenHeight()}; float descSizeY; float col1Size; // Some additional size adjustments are required for different aspect ratios. if (mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio() <= 1.0f) { descSizeY = 12.0f; col1Size = 0.36f; } else if (mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio() < 1.6f) { descSizeY = 9.2f; col1Size = 0.28f; } else { descSizeY = 8.9f; col1Size = 0.25f; } mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(0, (mTitle->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + screenSize * 0.2f) / mSize.y / 2.0f); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(1, (mStatus->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + 2.0f) / mSize.y, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(2, (mStatus->getFont()->getLetterHeight() * 0.5f) / mSize.y, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc( 3, (mDescriptionHeader->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + screenSize * 0.2f) / mSize.y / 4.0f); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(4, (mDescription->getFont()->getLetterHeight() * descSizeY) / mSize.y); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(5, (mStatus->getFont()->getLetterHeight() * 0.3f) / mSize.y); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc( 6, (mEntryCountHeader->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + screenSize * 0.2f) / mSize.y / 4.0f); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc( 7, (mSystemProcessingHeader->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + screenSize * 0.2f) / mSize.y / 4.0f); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(8, (mErrorHeader->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + screenSize * 0.2f) / mSize.y / 4.0f); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(10, mButtons->getSize().y / mSize.y); mGrid.setColWidthPerc(0, 0.01f); mGrid.setColWidthPerc(1, col1Size); mGrid.setColWidthPerc(3, 0.01f); mGrid.setSize(mSize); mBackground.fitTo(mSize); } bool GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { if (mIsProcessing && input.value && (config->isMappedLike("left", input) || config->isMappedLike("right", input))) return true; if (input.value && (config->isMappedLike("left", input) || config->isMappedLike("right", input))) { const int prevCursorPos {mCursorPos}; if (config->isMappedLike("left", input)) { if (mCursorPos > 0) --mCursorPos; } else if (config->isMappedLike("right", input)) { if (mCursorPos < 3) ++mCursorPos; } if (mCursorPos != prevCursorPos) { if (mCursorPos == 0) { mDescription->setValue(mMediaDescription); } else if (mCursorPos == 1) { mDescription->setValue(mGamelistDescription); } else if (mCursorPos == 2) { mDescription->setValue(mCollectionsDescription); } else if (mCursorPos == 3) { mDescription->setValue( mNeedsReloading ? _("THE APPLICATION WILL RELOAD WHEN CLOSING THIS UTILITY.") : ""); } } } return GuiComponent::input(config, input); } std::vector<HelpPrompt> GuiOrphanedDataCleanup::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector<HelpPrompt> prompts {mGrid.getHelpPrompts()}; if (mIsProcessing) { prompts.pop_back(); prompts.pop_back(); } return prompts; }