// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // EmulationStation Desktop Edition // OptionListComponent.h // // Provides a list of option components. // Supports various types using templates. // #ifndef ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_OPTION_LIST_COMPONENT_H #define ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_OPTION_LIST_COMPONENT_H #define CHECKED_PATH ":/graphics/checkbox_checked.svg" #define UNCHECKED_PATH ":/graphics/checkbox_unchecked.svg" #include "GuiComponent.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Window.h" #include // Used to display a list of options. // Can select one or multiple options. // if !multiSelect // * <- curEntry -> // Always // * press a -> open full list. template class OptionListComponent : public GuiComponent { public: OptionListComponent( Window* window, const HelpStyle& helpstyle, const std::string& name, bool multiSelect = false) : GuiComponent(window), mHelpStyle(helpstyle), mMultiSelect(multiSelect), mName(name), mText(window), mLeftArrow(window), mRightArrow(window) { auto font = Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM, FONT_PATH_LIGHT); mText.setFont(font); mText.setColor(0x777777FF); mText.setHorizontalAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER); addChild(&mText); mLeftArrow.setResize(0, mText.getFont()->getLetterHeight()); mRightArrow.setResize(0, mText.getFont()->getLetterHeight()); if (mMultiSelect) { mRightArrow.setImage(":/graphics/arrow.svg"); addChild(&mRightArrow); } else { mLeftArrow.setImage(":/graphics/option_arrow.svg"); mLeftArrow.setFlipX(true); addChild(&mLeftArrow); mRightArrow.setImage(":/graphics/option_arrow.svg"); addChild(&mRightArrow); } setSize(mLeftArrow.getSize().x() + mRightArrow.getSize().x(), font->getHeight()); } // Handles positioning/resizing of text and arrows. void onSizeChanged() override { mLeftArrow.setResize(0, mText.getFont()->getLetterHeight()); mRightArrow.setResize(0, mText.getFont()->getLetterHeight()); if (mSize.x() < (mLeftArrow.getSize().x() + mRightArrow.getSize().x())) { LOG(LogWarning) << "OptionListComponent too narrow"; } mText.setSize(mSize.x() - mLeftArrow.getSize().x() - mRightArrow.getSize().x(), mText.getFont()->getHeight()); // Position. mLeftArrow.setPosition(0, (mSize.y() - mLeftArrow.getSize().y()) / 2); mText.setPosition(mLeftArrow.getPosition().x() + mLeftArrow.getSize().x(), (mSize.y() - mText.getSize().y()) / 2); mRightArrow.setPosition(mText.getPosition().x() + mText.getSize().x(), (mSize.y() - mRightArrow.getSize().y()) / 2); } bool input(InputConfig* config, Input input) override { if (input.value != 0) { if (config->isMappedTo("a", input)) { // Ignore input if the component has been disabled. if (!mEnabled) return true; open(); return true; } if (!mMultiSelect) { if (config->isMappedLike("left", input)) { // Ignore input if the component has been disabled. if (!mEnabled) return true; // Move selection to previous. unsigned int i = getSelectedId(); int next = static_cast(i) - 1; if (next < 0) next += static_cast(mEntries.size()); mEntries.at(i).selected = false; mEntries.at(next).selected = true; onSelectedChanged(); return true; } else if (config->isMappedLike("right", input)) { // Ignore input if the component has been disabled. if (!mEnabled) return true; // Move selection to next. unsigned int i = getSelectedId(); int next = (i + 1) % mEntries.size(); mEntries.at(i).selected = false; mEntries.at(next).selected = true; onSelectedChanged(); return true; } } } return GuiComponent::input(config, input); } std::vector getSelectedObjects() { std::vector ret; for (auto it = mEntries.cbegin(); it != mEntries.cend(); it++) { if (it->selected) ret.push_back(it->object); } return ret; } T getSelected() { assert(mMultiSelect == false); auto selected = getSelectedObjects(); assert(selected.size() == 1); return selected.at(0); } void add(const std::string& name, const T& obj, bool selected) { OptionListData e; e.name = name; e.object = obj; e.selected = selected; mEntries.push_back(e); onSelectedChanged(); } bool selectEntry(unsigned int entry) { if (entry > mEntries.size()) { return false; } else { mEntries.at(entry).selected = true; onSelectedChanged(); return true; } } bool unselectEntry(unsigned int entry) { if (entry > mEntries.size()) { return false; } else { mEntries.at(entry).selected = false; onSelectedChanged(); return true; } } void selectAll() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mEntries.size(); i++) mEntries.at(i).selected = true; onSelectedChanged(); } void selectNone() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mEntries.size(); i++) mEntries.at(i).selected = false; onSelectedChanged(); } void sortEntriesByName() { std::sort(std::begin(mEntries), std::end(mEntries), [](OptionListData a, OptionListData b) { return a.name < b.name; }); } unsigned int getSelectedId() { assert(mMultiSelect == false); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mEntries.size(); i++) { if (mEntries.at(i).selected) return i; } LOG(LogWarning) << "OptionListComponent::getSelectedId() - " "no selected element found, defaulting to 0"; return 0; } HelpStyle getHelpStyle() override { return mHelpStyle; }; private: struct OptionListData { std::string name; T object; bool selected; }; HelpStyle mHelpStyle; void open() { mWindow->pushGui(new OptionListPopup(mWindow, getHelpStyle(), this, mName)); } void onSelectedChanged() { if (mMultiSelect) { // Display the selected entry. std::stringstream ss; ss << getSelectedObjects().size() << " SELECTED"; mText.setText(ss.str()); mText.setSize(0, mText.getSize().y()); setSize(mText.getSize().x() + mRightArrow.getSize().x() + 24 * Renderer::getScreenWidthModifier(), mText.getSize().y()); if (mParent) // Hack since there's no "on child size changed" callback. mParent->onSizeChanged(); } else { // Display the selected entry and left/right option arrows. for (auto it = mEntries.cbegin(); it != mEntries.cend(); it++) { if (it->selected) { mText.setText(Utils::String::toUpper(it->name)); mText.setSize(0, mText.getSize().y()); setSize(mText.getSize().x() + mLeftArrow.getSize().x() + mRightArrow.getSize().x() + 24 * Renderer::getScreenWidthModifier(), mText.getSize().y()); if (mParent) // Hack since there's no "on child size changed" callback. mParent->onSizeChanged(); break; } } } } std::vector getHelpPrompts() override { std::vector prompts; if (!mMultiSelect) prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("left/right", "change value")); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", "select")); return prompts; } bool mMultiSelect; std::string mName; TextComponent mText; ImageComponent mLeftArrow; ImageComponent mRightArrow; std::vector mEntries; // Subclass to OptionListComponent. class OptionListPopup : public GuiComponent { public: OptionListPopup( Window* window, const HelpStyle& helpstyle, OptionListComponent* parent, const std::string& title) : GuiComponent(window), mHelpStyle(helpstyle), mMenu(window, title.c_str()), mParent(parent) { auto font = Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM); ComponentListRow row; // For selecting all/none. std::vector checkboxes; for (auto it = mParent->mEntries.begin(); it != mParent->mEntries.end(); it++) { row.elements.clear(); row.addElement(std::make_shared (mWindow, Utils::String::toUpper(it->name), font, 0x777777FF), true); OptionListData& e = *it; if (mParent->mMultiSelect) { // Add checkbox. auto checkbox = std::make_shared(mWindow); checkbox->setImage(it->selected ? CHECKED_PATH : UNCHECKED_PATH); checkbox->setResize(0, font->getLetterHeight()); row.addElement(checkbox, false); // Input handler. // Update checkbox state and selected value. row.makeAcceptInputHandler([this, &e, checkbox] { e.selected = !e.selected; checkbox->setImage(e.selected ? CHECKED_PATH : UNCHECKED_PATH); mParent->onSelectedChanged(); }); // For selecting all/none. checkboxes.push_back(checkbox.get()); } else { // Input handler for non-multiselect. // Update selected value and close. row.makeAcceptInputHandler([this, &e] { mParent->mEntries.at(mParent->getSelectedId()).selected = false; e.selected = true; mParent->onSelectedChanged(); delete this; }); } // Also set cursor to this row if we're not multi-select and this row is selected. mMenu.addRow(row, (!mParent->mMultiSelect && it->selected)); } mMenu.addButton("BACK", "back", [this] { delete this; }); if (mParent->mMultiSelect) { mMenu.addButton("SELECT ALL", "select all", [this, checkboxes] { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mParent->mEntries.size(); i++) { mParent->mEntries.at(i).selected = true; checkboxes.at(i)->setImage(CHECKED_PATH); } mParent->onSelectedChanged(); }); mMenu.addButton("SELECT NONE", "select none", [this, checkboxes] { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mParent->mEntries.size(); i++) { mParent->mEntries.at(i).selected = false; checkboxes.at(i)->setImage(UNCHECKED_PATH); } mParent->onSelectedChanged(); }); } mMenu.setPosition((Renderer::getScreenWidth() - mMenu.getSize().x()) / 2.0f, Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.13f); addChild(&mMenu); } bool input(InputConfig* config, Input input) override { if (config->isMappedTo("b", input) && input.value != 0) { delete this; return true; } return GuiComponent::input(config, input); } std::vector getHelpPrompts() override { auto prompts = mMenu.getHelpPrompts(); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", "select")); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("b", "back")); return prompts; } HelpStyle getHelpStyle() override { return mHelpStyle; }; private: MenuComponent mMenu; OptionListComponent* mParent; HelpStyle mHelpStyle; }; }; #endif // ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_OPTION_LIST_COMPONENT_H