#include "components/TextEditComponent.h" #include "resources/Font.h" #include "Renderer.h" #include "StringUtil.h" #define TEXT_PADDING_HORIZ 10 #define TEXT_PADDING_VERT 2 #define CURSOR_REPEAT_START_DELAY 500 #define CURSOR_REPEAT_SPEED 28 // lower is faster TextEditComponent::TextEditComponent(Window* window) : GuiComponent(window), mBox(window, ":/textinput_ninepatch.png"), mFocused(false), mScrollOffset(0.0f, 0.0f), mCursor(0), mEditing(false), mFont(Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM, FONT_PATH_LIGHT)), mCursorRepeatDir(0) { addChild(&mBox); onFocusLost(); setSize(4096, mFont->getHeight() + TEXT_PADDING_VERT); } void TextEditComponent::onFocusGained() { mFocused = true; mBox.setImagePath(":/textinput_ninepatch_active.png"); } void TextEditComponent::onFocusLost() { mFocused = false; mBox.setImagePath(":/textinput_ninepatch.png"); } void TextEditComponent::onSizeChanged() { mBox.fitTo(mSize, Vector3f::Zero(), Vector2f(-34, -32 - TEXT_PADDING_VERT)); onTextChanged(); // wrap point probably changed } void TextEditComponent::setValue(const std::string& val) { mText = val; onTextChanged(); } std::string TextEditComponent::getValue() const { return mText; } void TextEditComponent::textInput(const char* text) { if(mEditing) { mCursorRepeatDir = 0; if(text[0] == '\b') { if(mCursor > 0) { size_t newCursor = StringUtil::prevCursor(mText, mCursor); mText.erase(mText.begin() + newCursor, mText.begin() + mCursor); mCursor = newCursor; } }else{ mText.insert(mCursor, text); mCursor += strlen(text); } } onTextChanged(); onCursorChanged(); } void TextEditComponent::startEditing() { SDL_StartTextInput(); mEditing = true; updateHelpPrompts(); } void TextEditComponent::stopEditing() { SDL_StopTextInput(); mEditing = false; updateHelpPrompts(); } bool TextEditComponent::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { bool const cursor_left = (config->getDeviceId() != DEVICE_KEYBOARD && config->isMappedTo("left", input)) || (config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.id == SDLK_LEFT); bool const cursor_right = (config->getDeviceId() != DEVICE_KEYBOARD && config->isMappedTo("right", input)) || (config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.id == SDLK_RIGHT); if(input.value == 0) { if(cursor_left || cursor_right) mCursorRepeatDir = 0; return false; } if((config->isMappedTo("a", input) || (config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.id == SDLK_RETURN)) && mFocused && !mEditing) { startEditing(); return true; } if(mEditing) { if(config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.id == SDLK_RETURN) { if(isMultiline()) { textInput("\n"); }else{ stopEditing(); } return true; } if((config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.id == SDLK_ESCAPE) || (config->getDeviceId() != DEVICE_KEYBOARD && config->isMappedTo("b", input))) { stopEditing(); return true; } if(config->getDeviceId() != DEVICE_KEYBOARD && config->isMappedTo("up", input)) { // TODO }else if(config->getDeviceId() != DEVICE_KEYBOARD && config->isMappedTo("down", input)) { // TODO }else if(cursor_left || cursor_right) { mCursorRepeatDir = cursor_left ? -1 : 1; mCursorRepeatTimer = -(CURSOR_REPEAT_START_DELAY - CURSOR_REPEAT_SPEED); moveCursor(mCursorRepeatDir); } else if(config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD) { switch(input.id) { case SDLK_HOME: setCursor(0); break; case SDLK_END: setCursor(std::string::npos); break; case SDLK_DELETE: if(mCursor < mText.length()) { // Fake as Backspace one char to the right moveCursor(1); textInput("\b"); } break; } } //consume all input when editing text return true; } return false; } void TextEditComponent::update(int deltaTime) { updateCursorRepeat(deltaTime); GuiComponent::update(deltaTime); } void TextEditComponent::updateCursorRepeat(int deltaTime) { if(mCursorRepeatDir == 0) return; mCursorRepeatTimer += deltaTime; while(mCursorRepeatTimer >= CURSOR_REPEAT_SPEED) { moveCursor(mCursorRepeatDir); mCursorRepeatTimer -= CURSOR_REPEAT_SPEED; } } void TextEditComponent::moveCursor(int amt) { mCursor = StringUtil::moveCursor(mText, mCursor, amt); onCursorChanged(); } void TextEditComponent::setCursor(size_t pos) { if(pos == std::string::npos) mCursor = mText.length(); else mCursor = (int)pos; moveCursor(0); } void TextEditComponent::onTextChanged() { std::string wrappedText = (isMultiline() ? mFont->wrapText(mText, getTextAreaSize().x()) : mText); mTextCache = std::unique_ptr(mFont->buildTextCache(wrappedText, 0, 0, 0x77777700 | getOpacity())); if(mCursor > (int)mText.length()) mCursor = mText.length(); } void TextEditComponent::onCursorChanged() { if(isMultiline()) { Vector2f textSize = mFont->getWrappedTextCursorOffset(mText, getTextAreaSize().x(), mCursor); if(mScrollOffset.y() + getTextAreaSize().y() < textSize.y() + mFont->getHeight()) //need to scroll down? { mScrollOffset[1] = textSize.y() - getTextAreaSize().y() + mFont->getHeight(); }else if(mScrollOffset.y() > textSize.y()) //need to scroll up? { mScrollOffset[1] = textSize.y(); } }else{ Vector2f cursorPos = mFont->sizeText(mText.substr(0, mCursor)); if(mScrollOffset.x() + getTextAreaSize().x() < cursorPos.x()) { mScrollOffset[0] = cursorPos.x() - getTextAreaSize().x(); }else if(mScrollOffset.x() > cursorPos.x()) { mScrollOffset[0] = cursorPos.x(); } } } void TextEditComponent::render(const Transform4x4f& parentTrans) { Transform4x4f trans = getTransform() * parentTrans; renderChildren(trans); // text + cursor rendering // offset into our "text area" (padding) trans.translation() += Vector3f(getTextAreaPos().x(), getTextAreaPos().y(), 0); Vector2i clipPos((int)trans.translation().x(), (int)trans.translation().y()); Vector3f dimScaled = trans * Vector3f(getTextAreaSize().x(), getTextAreaSize().y(), 0); // use "text area" size for clipping Vector2i clipDim((int)dimScaled.x() - trans.translation().x(), (int)dimScaled.y() - trans.translation().y()); Renderer::pushClipRect(clipPos, clipDim); trans.translate(Vector3f(-mScrollOffset.x(), -mScrollOffset.y(), 0)); trans.round(); Renderer::setMatrix(trans); if(mTextCache) { mFont->renderTextCache(mTextCache.get()); } // pop the clip early to allow the cursor to be drawn outside of the "text area" Renderer::popClipRect(); // draw cursor if(mEditing) { Vector2f cursorPos; if(isMultiline()) { cursorPos = mFont->getWrappedTextCursorOffset(mText, getTextAreaSize().x(), mCursor); }else{ cursorPos = mFont->sizeText(mText.substr(0, mCursor)); cursorPos[1] = 0; } float cursorHeight = mFont->getHeight() * 0.8f; Renderer::drawRect(cursorPos.x(), cursorPos.y() + (mFont->getHeight() - cursorHeight) / 2, 2.0f, cursorHeight, 0x000000FF); } } bool TextEditComponent::isMultiline() { return (getSize().y() > mFont->getHeight() * 1.25f); } Vector2f TextEditComponent::getTextAreaPos() const { return Vector2f(TEXT_PADDING_HORIZ / 2.0f, TEXT_PADDING_VERT / 2.0f); } Vector2f TextEditComponent::getTextAreaSize() const { return Vector2f(mSize.x() - TEXT_PADDING_HORIZ, mSize.y() - TEXT_PADDING_VERT); } std::vector TextEditComponent::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector prompts; if(mEditing) { prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("up/down/left/right", "move cursor")); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("b", "stop editing")); }else{ prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", "edit")); } return prompts; }