#include "GuiComponent.h" #include "animations/Animation.h" #include "animations/AnimationController.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Renderer.h" #include "ThemeData.h" #include "Window.h" GuiComponent::GuiComponent(Window* window) : mWindow(window), mParent(NULL), mOpacity(255), mPosition(Vector3f::Zero()), mOrigin(Vector2f::Zero()), mRotationOrigin(0.5, 0.5), mSize(Vector2f::Zero()), mTransform(Transform4x4f::Identity()), mIsProcessing(false) { for(unsigned char i = 0; i < MAX_ANIMATIONS; i++) mAnimationMap[i] = NULL; } GuiComponent::~GuiComponent() { mWindow->removeGui(this); cancelAllAnimations(); if(mParent) mParent->removeChild(this); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) getChild(i)->setParent(NULL); } bool GuiComponent::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { if(getChild(i)->input(config, input)) return true; } return false; } void GuiComponent::updateSelf(int deltaTime) { for(unsigned char i = 0; i < MAX_ANIMATIONS; i++) advanceAnimation(i, deltaTime); } void GuiComponent::updateChildren(int deltaTime) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { getChild(i)->update(deltaTime); } } void GuiComponent::update(int deltaTime) { updateSelf(deltaTime); updateChildren(deltaTime); } void GuiComponent::render(const Transform4x4f& parentTrans) { Transform4x4f trans = parentTrans * getTransform(); renderChildren(trans); } void GuiComponent::renderChildren(const Transform4x4f& transform) const { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { getChild(i)->render(transform); } } Vector3f GuiComponent::getPosition() const { return mPosition; } void GuiComponent::setPosition(float x, float y, float z) { mPosition = Vector3f(x, y, z); onPositionChanged(); } Vector2f GuiComponent::getOrigin() const { return mOrigin; } void GuiComponent::setOrigin(float x, float y) { mOrigin = Vector2f(x, y); onOriginChanged(); } Vector2f GuiComponent::getRotationOrigin() const { return mRotationOrigin; } void GuiComponent::setRotationOrigin(float x, float y) { mRotationOrigin = Vector2f(x, y); } Vector2f GuiComponent::getSize() const { return mSize; } void GuiComponent::setSize(float w, float h) { mSize = Vector2f(w, h); onSizeChanged(); } float GuiComponent::getRotation() const { return mRotation; } void GuiComponent::setRotation(float rotation) { mRotation = rotation; } float GuiComponent::getScale() const { return mScale; } void GuiComponent::setScale(float scale) { mScale = scale; } float GuiComponent::getZIndex() const { return mZIndex; } void GuiComponent::setZIndex(float z) { mZIndex = z; } float GuiComponent::getDefaultZIndex() const { return mDefaultZIndex; } void GuiComponent::setDefaultZIndex(float z) { mDefaultZIndex = z; } Vector2f GuiComponent::getCenter() const { return Vector2f(mPosition.x() - (getSize().x() * mOrigin.x()) + getSize().x() / 2, mPosition.y() - (getSize().y() * mOrigin.y()) + getSize().y() / 2); } //Children stuff. void GuiComponent::addChild(GuiComponent* cmp) { mChildren.push_back(cmp); if(cmp->getParent()) cmp->getParent()->removeChild(cmp); cmp->setParent(this); } void GuiComponent::removeChild(GuiComponent* cmp) { if(!cmp->getParent()) return; if(cmp->getParent() != this) { LOG(LogError) << "Tried to remove child from incorrect parent!"; } cmp->setParent(NULL); for(auto i = mChildren.cbegin(); i != mChildren.cend(); i++) { if(*i == cmp) { mChildren.erase(i); return; } } } void GuiComponent::clearChildren() { mChildren.clear(); } void GuiComponent::sortChildren() { std::stable_sort(mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end(), [](GuiComponent* a, GuiComponent* b) { return b->getZIndex() > a->getZIndex(); }); } unsigned int GuiComponent::getChildCount() const { return (int)mChildren.size(); } GuiComponent* GuiComponent::getChild(unsigned int i) const { return mChildren.at(i); } void GuiComponent::setParent(GuiComponent* parent) { mParent = parent; } GuiComponent* GuiComponent::getParent() const { return mParent; } unsigned char GuiComponent::getOpacity() const { return mOpacity; } void GuiComponent::setOpacity(unsigned char opacity) { mOpacity = opacity; for(auto it = mChildren.cbegin(); it != mChildren.cend(); it++) { (*it)->setOpacity(opacity); } } const Transform4x4f& GuiComponent::getTransform() { mTransform = Transform4x4f::Identity(); mTransform.translate(mPosition); if (mScale != 1.0) { mTransform.scale(mScale); } if (mRotation != 0.0) { // Calculate offset as difference between origin and rotation origin Vector2f rotationSize = getRotationSize(); float xOff = (mOrigin.x() - mRotationOrigin.x()) * rotationSize.x(); float yOff = (mOrigin.y() - mRotationOrigin.y()) * rotationSize.y(); // transform to offset point if (xOff != 0.0 || yOff != 0.0) mTransform.translate(Vector3f(xOff * -1, yOff * -1, 0.0f)); // apply rotation transform mTransform.rotateZ(mRotation); // Tranform back to original point if (xOff != 0.0 || yOff != 0.0) mTransform.translate(Vector3f(xOff, yOff, 0.0f)); } mTransform.translate(Vector3f(mOrigin.x() * mSize.x() * -1, mOrigin.y() * mSize.y() * -1, 0.0f)); return mTransform; } void GuiComponent::setValue(const std::string& /*value*/) { } std::string GuiComponent::getValue() const { return ""; } void GuiComponent::textInput(const char* text) { for(auto iter = mChildren.cbegin(); iter != mChildren.cend(); iter++) { (*iter)->textInput(text); } } void GuiComponent::setAnimation(Animation* anim, int delay, std::function finishedCallback, bool reverse, unsigned char slot) { assert(slot < MAX_ANIMATIONS); AnimationController* oldAnim = mAnimationMap[slot]; mAnimationMap[slot] = new AnimationController(anim, delay, finishedCallback, reverse); if(oldAnim) delete oldAnim; } bool GuiComponent::stopAnimation(unsigned char slot) { assert(slot < MAX_ANIMATIONS); if(mAnimationMap[slot]) { delete mAnimationMap[slot]; mAnimationMap[slot] = NULL; return true; }else{ return false; } } bool GuiComponent::cancelAnimation(unsigned char slot) { assert(slot < MAX_ANIMATIONS); if(mAnimationMap[slot]) { mAnimationMap[slot]->removeFinishedCallback(); delete mAnimationMap[slot]; mAnimationMap[slot] = NULL; return true; }else{ return false; } } bool GuiComponent::finishAnimation(unsigned char slot) { assert(slot < MAX_ANIMATIONS); if(mAnimationMap[slot]) { // skip to animation's end const bool done = mAnimationMap[slot]->update(mAnimationMap[slot]->getAnimation()->getDuration() - mAnimationMap[slot]->getTime()); assert(done); delete mAnimationMap[slot]; // will also call finishedCallback mAnimationMap[slot] = NULL; return true; }else{ return false; } } bool GuiComponent::advanceAnimation(unsigned char slot, unsigned int time) { assert(slot < MAX_ANIMATIONS); AnimationController* anim = mAnimationMap[slot]; if(anim) { bool done = anim->update(time); if(done) { mAnimationMap[slot] = NULL; delete anim; } return true; }else{ return false; } } void GuiComponent::stopAllAnimations() { for(unsigned char i = 0; i < MAX_ANIMATIONS; i++) stopAnimation(i); } void GuiComponent::cancelAllAnimations() { for(unsigned char i = 0; i < MAX_ANIMATIONS; i++) cancelAnimation(i); } bool GuiComponent::isAnimationPlaying(unsigned char slot) const { return mAnimationMap[slot] != NULL; } bool GuiComponent::isAnimationReversed(unsigned char slot) const { assert(mAnimationMap[slot] != NULL); return mAnimationMap[slot]->isReversed(); } int GuiComponent::getAnimationTime(unsigned char slot) const { assert(mAnimationMap[slot] != NULL); return mAnimationMap[slot]->getTime(); } void GuiComponent::applyTheme(const std::shared_ptr& theme, const std::string& view, const std::string& element, unsigned int properties) { Vector2f scale = getParent() ? getParent()->getSize() : Vector2f((float)Renderer::getScreenWidth(), (float)Renderer::getScreenHeight()); const ThemeData::ThemeElement* elem = theme->getElement(view, element, ""); if(!elem) return; using namespace ThemeFlags; if(properties & POSITION && elem->has("pos")) { Vector2f denormalized = elem->get("pos") * scale; setPosition(Vector3f(denormalized.x(), denormalized.y(), 0)); } if(properties & ThemeFlags::SIZE && elem->has("size")) setSize(elem->get("size") * scale); // position + size also implies origin if((properties & ORIGIN || (properties & POSITION && properties & ThemeFlags::SIZE)) && elem->has("origin")) setOrigin(elem->get("origin")); if(properties & ThemeFlags::ROTATION) { if(elem->has("rotation")) setRotationDegrees(elem->get("rotation")); if(elem->has("rotationOrigin")) setRotationOrigin(elem->get("rotationOrigin")); } if(properties & ThemeFlags::Z_INDEX && elem->has("zIndex")) setZIndex(elem->get("zIndex")); else setZIndex(getDefaultZIndex()); } void GuiComponent::updateHelpPrompts() { if(getParent()) { getParent()->updateHelpPrompts(); return; } std::vector prompts = getHelpPrompts(); if(mWindow->peekGui() == this) mWindow->setHelpPrompts(prompts, getHelpStyle()); } HelpStyle GuiComponent::getHelpStyle() { return HelpStyle(); } bool GuiComponent::isProcessing() const { return mIsProcessing; } void GuiComponent::onShow() { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) getChild(i)->onShow(); } void GuiComponent::onHide() { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) getChild(i)->onHide(); } void GuiComponent::onScreenSaverActivate() { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) getChild(i)->onScreenSaverActivate(); } void GuiComponent::onScreenSaverDeactivate() { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) getChild(i)->onScreenSaverDeactivate(); } void GuiComponent::topWindow(bool isTop) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) getChild(i)->topWindow(isTop); }