#include "ThemeData.h" #include "Renderer.h" #include "resources/Font.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "resources/TextureResource.h" #include "Log.h" #include "pugiXML/pugixml.hpp" #include std::map< std::string, std::map > ThemeData::sElementMap = boost::assign::map_list_of ("image", boost::assign::map_list_of ("pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR) ("size", NORMALIZED_PAIR) ("origin", NORMALIZED_PAIR) ("path", PATH) ("tile", BOOLEAN)) ("text", boost::assign::map_list_of ("pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR) ("size", NORMALIZED_PAIR) ("text", STRING) ("color", COLOR) ("fontPath", PATH) ("fontSize", FLOAT) ("center", BOOLEAN)) ("textlist", boost::assign::map_list_of ("pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR) ("size", NORMALIZED_PAIR) ("selectorColor", COLOR) ("selectedColor", COLOR) ("primaryColor", COLOR) ("secondaryColor", COLOR) ("fontPath", PATH) ("fontSize", FLOAT)) ("sound", boost::assign::map_list_of ("path", PATH)); namespace fs = boost::filesystem; #define MINIMUM_THEME_VERSION 3 #define CURRENT_THEME_VERSION 3 // helper unsigned int getHexColor(const char* str) { ThemeException error; if(!str) throw error << "Empty color"; size_t len = strlen(str); if(len != 6 && len != 8) throw error << "Invalid color (bad length, \"" << str << "\" - must be 6 or 8)"; unsigned int val; std::stringstream ss; ss << str; ss >> std::hex >> val; if(len == 6) val = (val << 8) | 0xFF; return val; } // helper std::string resolvePath(const char* in, const fs::path& relative) { if(!in || in[0] == '\0') return in; fs::path relPath = relative.parent_path(); boost::filesystem::path path(in); // we use boost filesystem here instead of just string checks because // some directories could theoretically start with ~ or . if(*path.begin() == "~") { path = getHomePath() + (in + 1); }else if(*path.begin() == ".") { path = relPath / (in + 1); } return path.generic_string(); } ThemeData::ThemeData() { mVersion = 0; } void ThemeData::loadFile(const std::string& path) { mPaths.push_back(path); ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); if(!fs::exists(path)) throw error << "File does not exist!"; mVersion = 0; mViews.clear(); pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result res = doc.load_file(path.c_str()); if(!res) throw error << "XML parsing error: \n " << res.description(); pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("theme"); if(!root) throw error << "Missing tag!"; // parse version mVersion = root.child("version").text().as_float(-404); if(mVersion == -404) throw error << " tag missing!\n It's either out of date or you need to add " << CURRENT_THEME_VERSION << " inside your tag."; if(mVersion < MINIMUM_THEME_VERSION) throw error << "Theme is version " << mVersion << ". Minimum supported version is " << MINIMUM_THEME_VERSION << "."; parseIncludes(root); parseViews(root); } void ThemeData::parseIncludes(const pugi::xml_node& root) { ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); for(pugi::xml_node node = root.child("include"); node; node = node.next_sibling("include")) { const char* relPath = node.text().get(); std::string path = resolvePath(relPath, mPaths.back()); if(!ResourceManager::getInstance()->fileExists(path)) throw error << "Included file \"" << relPath << "\" not found! (resolved to \"" << path << "\")"; error << " from included file \"" << relPath << "\":\n "; mPaths.push_back(path); pugi::xml_document includeDoc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = includeDoc.load_file(path.c_str()); if(!result) throw error << "Error parsing file: \n " << result.description(); pugi::xml_node root = includeDoc.child("theme"); if(!root) throw error << "Missing tag!"; parseIncludes(root); parseViews(root); mPaths.pop_back(); } } void ThemeData::parseViews(const pugi::xml_node& root) { ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); pugi::xml_node common = root.find_child_by_attribute("view", "name", "common"); // parse views for(pugi::xml_node node = root.child("view"); node; node = node.next_sibling("view")) { if(!node.attribute("name")) throw error << "View missing \"name\" attribute!"; const char* viewKey = node.attribute("name").as_string(); ThemeView& view = mViews.insert(std::make_pair(viewKey, ThemeView())).first->second; // load common first if(common && node != common) parseView(common, view); parseView(node, view); } } void ThemeData::parseView(const pugi::xml_node& root, ThemeView& view) { ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); for(pugi::xml_node node = root.first_child(); node; node = node.next_sibling()) { if(!node.attribute("name")) throw error << "Element of type \"" << node.name() << "\" missing \"name\" attribute!"; auto elemTypeIt = sElementMap.find(node.name()); if(elemTypeIt == sElementMap.end()) throw error << "Unknown element of type \"" << node.name() << "\"!"; const char* elemKey = node.attribute("name").as_string(); parseElement(node, elemTypeIt->second, view.elements.insert(std::make_pair(elemKey, ThemeElement())).first->second); } } void ThemeData::parseElement(const pugi::xml_node& root, const std::map& typeMap, ThemeElement& element) { ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); element.type = root.name(); element.extra = root.attribute("extra").as_bool(false); for(pugi::xml_node node = root.first_child(); node; node = node.next_sibling()) { auto typeIt = typeMap.find(node.name()); if(typeIt == typeMap.end()) throw error << "Unknown property type \"" << node.name() << "\" (for element of type " << root.name() << ")."; switch(typeIt->second) { case NORMALIZED_PAIR: { std::string str = std::string(node.text().as_string()); size_t divider = str.find(' '); if(divider == std::string::npos) throw error << "invalid normalized pair (\"" << str.c_str() << "\")"; std::string first = str.substr(0, divider); std::string second = str.substr(divider, std::string::npos); Eigen::Vector2f val(atof(first.c_str()), atof(second.c_str())); element.properties[node.name()] = val; break; } case STRING: element.properties[node.name()] = std::string(node.text().as_string()); break; case PATH: { std::string path = resolvePath(node.text().as_string(), mPaths.back().string()); if(!ResourceManager::getInstance()->fileExists(path)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << " Warning " << error.msg; // "from theme yadda yadda, included file yadda yadda ss << "could not find file \"" << node.text().get() << "\" "; if(node.text().get() != path) ss << "(which resolved to \"" << path << "\") "; LOG(LogWarning) << ss.str(); } element.properties[node.name()] = path; break; } case COLOR: element.properties[node.name()] = getHexColor(node.text().as_string()); break; case FLOAT: element.properties[node.name()] = node.text().as_float(); break; case BOOLEAN: element.properties[node.name()] = node.text().as_bool(); break; default: throw error << "Unknown ElementPropertyType for " << root.attribute("name").as_string() << " property " << node.name(); } } } ThemeData::ThemeView::~ThemeView() { for(auto it = mExtras.begin(); it != mExtras.end(); it++) delete *it; } const ThemeData::ThemeElement* ThemeData::getElement(const std::string& view, const std::string& element, const std::string& expectedType) const { auto viewIt = mViews.find(view); if(viewIt == mViews.end()) { // also check common if the view never existed to begin with viewIt = mViews.find("common"); if(viewIt == mViews.end()) return NULL; } auto elemIt = viewIt->second.elements.find(element); if(elemIt == viewIt->second.elements.end()) return NULL; if(elemIt->second.type != expectedType && !expectedType.empty()) { LOG(LogWarning) << " requested mismatched theme type for [" << view << "." << element << "] - expected \"" << expectedType << "\", got \"" << elemIt->second.type << "\""; return NULL; } return &elemIt->second; } void ThemeData::playSound(const std::string& elementName) { const ThemeElement* elem = getElement("common", elementName, "sound"); if(!elem) return; if(elem->has("path")) { const std::string path = elem->get("path"); auto cacheIt = mSoundCache.find(path); if(cacheIt != mSoundCache.end()) { cacheIt->second->play(); return; } std::shared_ptr sound = std::shared_ptr(new Sound(path)); sound->play(); mSoundCache[path] = sound; } }