#!/usr/bin/bash # # mame_create_index_files.sh # EmulationStation MAME index files creation. # # As input, this script takes the MAME driver information XML file from the official # MAME release and generates the files mamebioses.xml, mamedevices.xml and mamenames.xml. # # There is not much error checking going on here, this script is not intended to be # used by the end user. # # xmlstarlet must be installed or this script will fail. # # Download the driver file from here: # https://www.mamedev.org/release.php # It's enough to download the driver information, not the complete emulator. # # This script is intended to only be used on Linux systems. # # Leon Styhre # 2020-06-16 # if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: ./mame_create_index_files.sh <MAME driver file>" echo "For example:" echo "./mame_create_index_files.sh mame0221.xml" exit fi if [ ! -f $1 ]; then echo "Can't find MAME driver file" $1 exit fi MAME_XML_FILE=$1 MAMEBIOSFILE=mamebioses.xml MAMEDEVICEFILE=mamedevices.xml MAMENAMEFILE=mamenames.xml echo "<!-- Last updated with information from MAME driver file" $1 "-->" > $MAMEBIOSFILE for bios in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "/mame/machine[@isbios=\"yes\"]" -v "@name" \ -n $MAME_XML_FILE); do echo "<bios>"${bios}"</bios>" >> $MAMEBIOSFILE done echo "<!-- Last updated with information from MAME driver file" $1 "-->" > $MAMEDEVICEFILE for device in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "/mame/machine[@isdevice=\"yes\"][rom]" \ -v "@name" -n $MAME_XML_FILE); do echo "<device>"${device}"</device>" >> $MAMEDEVICEFILE done echo "<!-- Generated from MAME driver file" $1 "-->" > $MAMENAMEFILE xmlstarlet sel -t -m "/mame/machine[not(@isbios=\"yes\")][not(@isdevice=\"yes\")][rom]" \ -v "@name" -o " " -v description -n $MAME_XML_FILE | \ awk '{ print "<mamename>" $1 "</mamename>"; print $1=""; print "<realname>" $0 "</realname>"}' | \ sed s/"realname> "/"realname>"/g | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' | \ sed s/"<mamename"/"<game>\n\t<mamename"/g | sed s/"<realname"/"\t<realname"/g | sed s/"<\/realname>"/"<\/realname>\n<\/game>"/g >> $MAMENAMEFILE