// // Renderer.cpp // // General rendering functions. // #include "renderers/Renderer.h" #include "math/Transform4x4f.h" #include "math/Vector2i.h" #include "Shader_GL21.h" #include "resources/ResourceManager.h" #include "ImageIO.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Settings.h" #include #include namespace Renderer { static std::stack clipStack; static SDL_Window* sdlWindow = nullptr; static int windowWidth = 0; static int windowHeight = 0; static int screenWidth = 0; static int screenHeight = 0; static int screenOffsetX = 0; static int screenOffsetY = 0; static int screenRotate = 0; static bool initialCursorState = 1; static void setIcon() { size_t width = 0; size_t height = 0; ResourceData resData = ResourceManager::getInstance()-> getFileData(":/graphics/window_icon_256.png"); std::vector rawData = ImageIO::loadFromMemoryRGBA32(resData.ptr.get(), resData.length, width, height); if (!rawData.empty()) { ImageIO::flipPixelsVert(rawData.data(), width, height); #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN unsigned int rmask = 0xFF000000; unsigned int gmask = 0x00FF0000; unsigned int bmask = 0x0000FF00; unsigned int amask = 0x000000FF; #else unsigned int rmask = 0x000000FF; unsigned int gmask = 0x0000FF00; unsigned int bmask = 0x00FF0000; unsigned int amask = 0xFF000000; #endif // Try creating SDL surface from logo data. SDL_Surface* logoSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom((void*)rawData.data(), (int)width, (int)height, 32, (int)(width * 4), rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); if (logoSurface != nullptr) { SDL_SetWindowIcon(sdlWindow, logoSurface); SDL_FreeSurface(logoSurface); } } } static bool createWindow() { LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating window..."; if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't initialize SDL: " << SDL_GetError() << "."; return false; } initialCursorState = (SDL_ShowCursor(0) != 0); SDL_DisplayMode dispMode; SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, &dispMode); windowWidth = Settings::getInstance()->getInt("WindowWidth") ? Settings::getInstance()->getInt("WindowWidth") : dispMode.w; windowHeight = Settings::getInstance()->getInt("WindowHeight") ? Settings::getInstance()->getInt("WindowHeight") : dispMode.h; screenWidth = Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenWidth") ? Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenWidth") : windowWidth; screenHeight = Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenHeight") ? Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenHeight") : windowHeight; screenOffsetX = Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenOffsetX") ? Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenOffsetX") : 0; screenOffsetY = Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenOffsetY") ? Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenOffsetY") : 0; screenRotate = Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenRotate") ? Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenRotate") : 0; // Prevent ES window from minimizing when switching windows (when launching // games or when manually switching windows using task switcher). SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS, "0"); #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__unix__) bool userResolution = false; // Check if the user has changed the resolution from the command line. if (windowWidth != dispMode.w || windowHeight != dispMode.h) userResolution = true; // Not sure if this could be a useful setting for some users. // SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MAC_FULLSCREEN_SPACES, "0"); #endif setupWindow(); unsigned int windowFlags; #if defined(_WIN64) // For Windows, always set the mode to windowed, as full screen mode seems to // behave quite erratic. There may be a proper fix for this, but for now windowed // mode seems to behave well and it's almost completely seamless, especially with // a hidden taskbar. windowFlags = getWindowFlags(); #elif defined(__APPLE__) // This seems to be the only full window mode that somehow works on macOS as a real // fullscreen mode will do lots of weird stuff like preventing window switching // or refusing to let emulators run at all. SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP almost // works, but it "shuffles" windows when starting the emulator and won't return // properly when the game has exited. With the current mode, the top menu is visible // and hides that part of the ES window. Also, the splash screen is not displayed // until the point where ES has almost completely finished loading. I'm not sure // if anything can be done to improve these things as it's quite obvious that // Apple has shipped a broken and/or dysfunctional window manager with their // operating system. if (!userResolution) windowFlags = SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS | SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI | getWindowFlags(); else // If the user has changed the resolution from the command line, then add a // border to the window. windowFlags = SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI | getWindowFlags(); #else if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("Windowed")) { windowFlags = getWindowFlags(); } else if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("FullscreenMode") == "borderless") { if(!userResolution) windowFlags = SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS | SDL_WINDOW_ALWAYS_ON_TOP | getWindowFlags(); else // If the user has changed the resolution from the command line, then add a // border to the window and don't make it stay on top. windowFlags = getWindowFlags(); } else { windowFlags = SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN | getWindowFlags(); } #endif if ((sdlWindow = SDL_CreateWindow("EmulationStation", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, windowWidth, windowHeight, windowFlags)) == nullptr) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't create SDL window. " << SDL_GetError(); return false; } LOG(LogInfo) << "Setting up OpenGL..."; if (!createContext()) return false; setIcon(); setSwapInterval(); #if defined(USE_OPENGL_21) LOG(LogInfo) << "Loading shaders..."; std::vector shaderFiles; shaderFiles.push_back(":/shaders/glsl/desaturate.glsl"); shaderFiles.push_back(":/shaders/glsl/blur_horizontal.glsl"); shaderFiles.push_back(":/shaders/glsl/blur_vertical.glsl"); shaderFiles.push_back(":/shaders/glsl/scanlines.glsl"); for (auto it = shaderFiles.cbegin(); it != shaderFiles.cend(); it++) { Shader* loadShader = new Shader(); loadShader->loadShaderFile(*it, GL_VERTEX_SHADER); loadShader->loadShaderFile(*it, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); if (!loadShader->createProgram()) { LOG(LogError) << "Could not create shader program."; return false; } sShaderProgramVector.push_back(loadShader); } #endif return true; } static void destroyWindow() { #if defined(USE_OPENGL_21) for (auto it = sShaderProgramVector.cbegin(); it != sShaderProgramVector.cend(); it++) { delete *it; } #endif destroyContext(); SDL_DestroyWindow(sdlWindow); sdlWindow = nullptr; SDL_ShowCursor(initialCursorState); SDL_Quit(); } bool init() { if (!createWindow()) return false; Transform4x4f projection = Transform4x4f::Identity(); Rect viewport = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); switch (screenRotate) { case 0: { viewport.x = screenOffsetX; viewport.y = screenOffsetY; viewport.w = screenWidth; viewport.h = screenHeight; projection.orthoProjection(0, screenWidth, screenHeight, 0, -1.0, 1.0); } break; case 1: { viewport.x = windowWidth - screenOffsetY - screenHeight; viewport.y = screenOffsetX; viewport.w = screenHeight; viewport.h = screenWidth; projection.orthoProjection(0, screenHeight, screenWidth, 0, -1.0, 1.0); projection.rotate((float)ES_DEG_TO_RAD(90), {0, 0, 1}); projection.translate({0, screenHeight * -1.0f, 0}); } break; case 2: { viewport.x = windowWidth - screenOffsetX - screenWidth; viewport.y = windowHeight - screenOffsetY - screenHeight; viewport.w = screenWidth; viewport.h = screenHeight; projection.orthoProjection(0, screenWidth, screenHeight, 0, -1.0, 1.0); projection.rotate((float)ES_DEG_TO_RAD(180), {0, 0, 1}); projection.translate({screenWidth * -1.0f, screenHeight * -1.0f, 0}); } break; case 3: { viewport.x = screenOffsetY; viewport.y = windowHeight - screenOffsetX - screenWidth; viewport.w = screenHeight; viewport.h = screenWidth; projection.orthoProjection(0, screenHeight, screenWidth, 0, -1.0, 1.0); projection.rotate((float)ES_DEG_TO_RAD(270), {0, 0, 1}); projection.translate({screenWidth * -1.0f, 0, 0}); } break; } setViewport(viewport); setProjection(projection); swapBuffers(); return true; } void deinit() { destroyWindow(); } void pushClipRect(const Vector2i& _pos, const Vector2i& _size) { Rect box(_pos.x(), _pos.y(), _size.x(), _size.y()); if (box.w == 0) box.w = screenWidth - box.x; if (box.h == 0) box.h = screenHeight - box.y; switch (screenRotate) { case 0: { box = Rect(screenOffsetX + box.x, screenOffsetY + box.y, box.w, box.h); } break; case 1: { box = Rect(windowWidth - screenOffsetY - box.y - box.h, screenOffsetX + box.x, box.h, box.w); } break; case 2: { box = Rect(windowWidth - screenOffsetX - box.x - box.w, windowHeight - screenOffsetY - box.y - box.h, box.w, box.h); } break; case 3: { box = Rect(screenOffsetY + box.y, windowHeight - screenOffsetX - box.x - box.w, box.h, box.w); } break; } // Make sure the box fits within clipStack.top(), and clip further accordingly. if (clipStack.size()) { const Rect& top = clipStack.top(); if ( top.x > box.x) box.x = top.x; if ( top.y > box.y) box.y = top.y; if ((top.x + top.w) < (box.x + box.w)) box.w = (top.x + top.w) - box.x; if ((top.y + top.h) < (box.y + box.h)) box.h = (top.y + top.h) - box.y; } if (box.w < 0) box.w = 0; if (box.h < 0) box.h = 0; clipStack.push(box); setScissor(box); } void popClipRect() { if (clipStack.empty()) { LOG(LogError) << "Tried to popClipRect while the stack was empty!"; return; } clipStack.pop(); if (clipStack.empty()) setScissor(Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)); else setScissor(clipStack.top()); } void drawRect( const float _x, const float _y, const float _w, const float _h, const unsigned int _color, const unsigned int _colorEnd, bool horizontalGradient, const Blend::Factor _srcBlendFactor, const Blend::Factor _dstBlendFactor) { const unsigned int color = convertColor(_color); const unsigned int colorEnd = convertColor(_colorEnd); Vertex vertices[4]; vertices[0] = { { _x ,_y }, { 0.0f, 0.0f }, color }; vertices[1] = { { _x ,_y + _h }, { 0.0f, 0.0f }, horizontalGradient ? colorEnd : color }; vertices[2] = { { _x + _w,_y }, { 0.0f, 0.0f }, horizontalGradient ? color : colorEnd }; vertices[3] = { { _x + _w,_y + _h }, { 0.0f, 0.0f }, colorEnd }; // Round vertices. for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) vertices[i].pos.round(); bindTexture(0); drawTriangleStrips(vertices, 4, _srcBlendFactor, _dstBlendFactor); } unsigned int rgbaToABGR(const unsigned int _color) { unsigned char red = ((_color & 0xff000000) >> 24) & 255; unsigned char green = ((_color & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) & 255; unsigned char blue = ((_color & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) & 255; unsigned char alpha = ((_color & 0x000000ff)) & 255; return alpha << 24 | blue << 16 | green << 8 | red; } unsigned int abgrToRGBA(const unsigned int _color) { unsigned char alpha = ((_color & 0xff000000) >> 24) & 255; unsigned char blue = ((_color & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) & 255; unsigned char green = ((_color & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) & 255; unsigned char red = ((_color & 0x000000ff)) & 255; return red << 24 | green << 16 | blue << 8 | alpha; } Shader* getShaderProgram(unsigned int shaderID) { unsigned int index = 0; // Find the index in sShaderProgramVector by counting the number // of shifts required to reach 0. while (shaderID > 0) { shaderID = shaderID >> 1; index++; } if (sShaderProgramVector.size() > index-1) return sShaderProgramVector[index-1]; else return nullptr; }; SDL_Window* getSDLWindow() { return sdlWindow; } int getWindowWidth() { return windowWidth; } int getWindowHeight() { return windowHeight; } int getScreenWidth() { return screenWidth; } int getScreenHeight() { return screenHeight; } int getScreenOffsetX() { return screenOffsetX; } int getScreenOffsetY() { return screenOffsetY; } int getScreenRotate() { return screenRotate; } } // Renderer::