#ifndef _TEXTLISTCOMPONENT_H_ #define _TEXTLISTCOMPONENT_H_ #include "../Renderer.h" #include "../Font.h" #include "../GuiComponent.h" #include "../InputManager.h" #include #include #include #include "../Sound.h" #define MARQUEE_DELAY 900 #define MARQUEE_SPEED 16 #define MARQUEE_RATE 3 //A graphical list. Supports multiple colors for rows and scrolling. template class TextListComponent : public GuiComponent { public: TextListComponent(Window* window, int offsetX, int offsetY, Font* font); virtual ~TextListComponent(); bool input(InputConfig* config, Input input); void update(int deltaTime); void addObject(std::string name, T obj, unsigned int color = 0xFF0000); void clear(); std::string getSelectedName(); T getSelectedObject(); int getSelection(); void stopScrolling(); bool isScrolling(); void setSelectorColor(unsigned int selectorColor); void setSelectedTextColor(unsigned int selectedColor); void setCentered(bool centered); void setScrollSound(std::shared_ptr & sound); void setTextOffsetX(int textoffsetx); int getObjectCount(); T getObject(int i); void setSelection(int i); void setFont(Font* f); protected: void onRender(); private: static const int SCROLLDELAY = 507; static const int SCROLLTIME = 200; void scroll(); //helper method, scrolls in whatever direction scrollDir is void setScrollDir(int val); //helper method, set mScrollDir as well as reset marquee stuff int mScrollDir, mScrollAccumulator; bool mScrolling; int mMarqueeOffset; int mMarqueeTime; Font* mFont; unsigned int mSelectorColor, mSelectedTextColorOverride; bool mDrawCentered; int mTextOffsetX; struct ListRow { std::string name; T object; unsigned int color; }; std::vector mRowVector; int mSelection; std::shared_ptr mScrollSound; }; template TextListComponent::TextListComponent(Window* window, int offsetX, int offsetY, Font* font) : GuiComponent(window) { mSelection = 0; mScrollDir = 0; mScrolling = 0; mScrollAccumulator = 0; setOffset(Vector2i(offsetX, offsetY)); mSize = Vector2u(Renderer::getScreenWidth() - getOffset().x, Renderer::getScreenHeight() - getOffset().y); mMarqueeOffset = 0; mMarqueeTime = -MARQUEE_DELAY; mTextOffsetX = 0; mFont = font; mSelectorColor = 0x000000FF; mSelectedTextColorOverride = 0; mScrollSound = NULL; mDrawCentered = true; } template TextListComponent::~TextListComponent() { } template void TextListComponent::onRender() { const int cutoff = 0; const int entrySize = mFont->getHeight() + 5; int startEntry = 0; //number of entries that can fit on the screen simultaniously int screenCount = (Renderer::getScreenHeight() - cutoff) / entrySize; screenCount -= 1; if((int)mRowVector.size() >= screenCount) { startEntry = mSelection - (int)(screenCount * 0.5); if(startEntry < 0) startEntry = 0; if(startEntry >= (int)mRowVector.size() - screenCount) startEntry = mRowVector.size() - screenCount; } int y = cutoff; if(mRowVector.size() == 0) { Renderer::drawCenteredText("The list is empty.", 0, y, 0xFF0000FF, mFont); return; } int listCutoff = startEntry + screenCount; if(listCutoff > (int)mRowVector.size()) listCutoff = mRowVector.size(); Renderer::pushClipRect(getGlobalOffset(), getSize()); for(int i = startEntry; i < listCutoff; i++) { //draw selector bar if(mSelection == i) { Renderer::drawRect(0, y, getSize().x, mFont->getHeight(), mSelectorColor); } ListRow row = mRowVector.at((unsigned int)i); int x = mTextOffsetX - (mSelection == i ? mMarqueeOffset : 0); unsigned int color = (mSelection == i && mSelectedTextColorOverride != 0) ? mSelectedTextColorOverride : row.color; if(mDrawCentered) Renderer::drawCenteredText(row.name, x, y, color, mFont); else Renderer::drawText(row.name, x, y, color, mFont); y += entrySize; } Renderer::popClipRect(); GuiComponent::onRender(); } template bool TextListComponent::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { if(mRowVector.size() > 0) { if(input.value != 0) { if(config->isMappedTo("down", input)) { setScrollDir(1); scroll(); return true; } if(config->isMappedTo("up", input)) { setScrollDir(-1); scroll(); return true; } if(config->isMappedTo("pagedown", input)) { setScrollDir(10); scroll(); return true; } if(config->isMappedTo("pageup", input)) { setScrollDir(-10); scroll(); return true; } }else{ //if((button == InputManager::DOWN && mScrollDir > 0) || (button == InputManager::PAGEDOWN && mScrollDir > 0) || (button == InputManager::UP && mScrollDir < 0) || (button == InputManager::PAGEUP && mScrollDir < 0)) if(config->isMappedTo("down", input) || config->isMappedTo("up", input) || config->isMappedTo("pagedown", input) || config->isMappedTo("pageup", input)) { stopScrolling(); } } } return GuiComponent::input(config, input); } template void TextListComponent::setScrollDir(int val) { mScrollDir = val; mMarqueeOffset = 0; mMarqueeTime = -MARQUEE_DELAY; } template void TextListComponent::stopScrolling() { mScrollAccumulator = 0; mScrolling = false; mScrollDir = 0; } template void TextListComponent::update(int deltaTime) { if(mScrollDir != 0) { mScrollAccumulator += deltaTime; if(!mScrolling) { if(mScrollAccumulator >= SCROLLDELAY) { mScrollAccumulator = SCROLLTIME; mScrolling = true; } } if(mScrolling) { mScrollAccumulator += deltaTime; while(mScrollAccumulator >= SCROLLTIME) { mScrollAccumulator -= SCROLLTIME; scroll(); } } }else{ //if we're not scrolling and this object's text goes outside our size, marquee it! std::string text = getSelectedName(); int w; mFont->sizeText(text, &w, NULL); //it's long enough to marquee if(w - mMarqueeOffset > (int)getSize().x - 12) { mMarqueeTime += deltaTime; while(mMarqueeTime > MARQUEE_SPEED) { mMarqueeOffset += MARQUEE_RATE; mMarqueeTime -= MARQUEE_SPEED; } } } GuiComponent::update(deltaTime); } template void TextListComponent::scroll() { mSelection += mScrollDir; if(mSelection < 0) { if(mScrollDir < -1) mSelection = 0; else mSelection += mRowVector.size(); } if(mSelection >= (int)mRowVector.size()) { if(mScrollDir > 1) mSelection = (int)mRowVector.size() - 1; else mSelection -= mRowVector.size(); } if(mScrollSound) mScrollSound->play(); } //list management stuff template void TextListComponent::addObject(std::string name, T obj, unsigned int color) { ListRow row = {name, obj, color}; mRowVector.push_back(row); } template void TextListComponent::clear() { mRowVector.clear(); mSelection = 0; mMarqueeOffset = 0; mMarqueeTime = -MARQUEE_DELAY; } template std::string TextListComponent::getSelectedName() { if((int)mRowVector.size() > mSelection) return mRowVector.at(mSelection).name; else return ""; } template T TextListComponent::getSelectedObject() { if((int)mRowVector.size() > mSelection) return mRowVector.at(mSelection).object; else return NULL; } template int TextListComponent::getSelection() { return mSelection; } template bool TextListComponent::isScrolling() { return mScrollDir != 0; } template void TextListComponent::setSelectorColor(unsigned int selectorColor) { mSelectorColor = selectorColor; } template void TextListComponent::setSelectedTextColor(unsigned int selectedColor) { mSelectedTextColorOverride = selectedColor; } template void TextListComponent::setCentered(bool centered) { mDrawCentered = centered; } template void TextListComponent::setTextOffsetX(int textoffsetx) { mTextOffsetX = textoffsetx; } template int TextListComponent::getObjectCount() { return mRowVector.size(); } template T TextListComponent::getObject(int i) { return mRowVector.at(i).object; } template void TextListComponent::setSelection(int i) { mSelection = i; } template void TextListComponent::setScrollSound(std::shared_ptr & sound) { mScrollSound = sound; } template void TextListComponent::setFont(Font* font) { mFont = font; } #endif