Aloshi 5c12395442 Fix the crash from writing files when the gamelist.xml contains games that
do not exist on the filesystem.
Write that ES has cleanly shut down to the log file instead of standard
2014-01-30 17:19:32 -06:00

307 lines
8.7 KiB

#include "XMLReader.h"
#include "SystemData.h"
#include "pugiXML/pugixml.hpp"
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "Log.h"
#include "Settings.h"
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
// example: removeCommonPath("/home/pi/roms/nes/foo/bar.nes", "/home/pi/roms/nes/") returns "foo/bar.nes"
fs::path removeCommonPath(const fs::path& path, const fs::path& relativeTo, bool& contains)
fs::path p = fs::canonical(path);
fs::path r = fs::canonical(relativeTo);
if(p.root_path() != r.root_path())
contains = false;
return p;
fs::path result;
// find point of divergence
auto itr_path = p.begin();
auto itr_relative_to = r.begin();
while(*itr_path == *itr_relative_to && itr_path != p.end() && itr_relative_to != r.end())
if(itr_relative_to != r.end())
contains = false;
return p;
while(itr_path != p.end())
if(*itr_path != fs::path("."))
result = result / *itr_path;
contains = true;
return result;
FileData* findOrCreateFile(SystemData* system, const boost::filesystem::path& path, FileType type)
// first, verify that path is within the system's root folder
FileData* root = system->getRootFolder();
bool contains = false;
fs::path relative = removeCommonPath(path, root->getPath(), contains);
LOG(LogError) << "File path \"" << path << "\" is outside system path \"" << system->getStartPath() << "\"";
return NULL;
auto path_it = relative.begin();
FileData* treeNode = root;
bool found = false;
while(path_it != relative.end())
const std::vector<FileData*>& children = treeNode->getChildren();
found = false;
for(auto child_it = children.begin(); child_it != children.end(); child_it++)
if((*child_it)->getPath().filename() == *path_it)
treeNode = *child_it;
found = true;
// this is the end
if(path_it == --relative.end())
return treeNode;
if(type == FOLDER)
LOG(LogWarning) << "gameList: folder doesn't already exist, won't create";
return NULL;
FileData* file = new FileData(type, path, system);
return file;
// don't create folders unless it's leading up to a game
// if type is a folder it's gonna be empty, so don't bother
if(type == FOLDER)
LOG(LogWarning) << "gameList: folder doesn't already exist, won't create";
return NULL;
// create missing folder
FileData* folder = new FileData(FOLDER, treeNode->getPath().stem() / *path_it, system);
treeNode = folder;
return NULL;
void parseGamelist(SystemData* system)
std::string xmlpath = system->getGamelistPath();
LOG(LogInfo) << "Parsing XML file \"" << xmlpath << "\"...";
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(xmlpath.c_str());
LOG(LogError) << "Error parsing XML file \"" << xmlpath << "\"!\n " << result.description();
pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("gameList");
LOG(LogError) << "Could not find <gameList> node in gamelist \"" << xmlpath << "\"!";
const char* tagList[2] = { "game", "folder" };
FileType typeList[2] = { GAME, FOLDER };
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
const char* tag = tagList[i];
FileType type = typeList[i];
for(pugi::xml_node fileNode = root.child(tag); fileNode; fileNode = fileNode.next_sibling(tag))
boost::filesystem::path path = boost::filesystem::path(fileNode.child("path").text().get());
LOG(LogWarning) << "File \"" << path << "\" does not exist! Ignoring.";
FileData* file = findOrCreateFile(system, path, type);
LOG(LogError) << "Error finding/creating FileData for \"" << path << "\", skipping.";
//load the metadata
std::string defaultName = file->metadata.get("name");
file->metadata = MetaDataList::createFromXML(GAME_METADATA, fileNode);
//make sure name gets set if one didn't exist
file->metadata.set("name", defaultName);
void addGameDataNode(pugi::xml_node& parent, const FileData* game, SystemData* system)
//create game and add to parent node
pugi::xml_node newGame = parent.append_child("game");
//write metadata
game->metadata.appendToXML(newGame, true);
if(newGame.children().begin() == newGame.child("name") //first element is name
&& ++newGame.children().begin() == newGame.children().end() //theres only one element
&& newGame.child("name").text().get() == getCleanFileName(game->getPath())) //the name is the default
//if the only info is the default name, don't bother with this node
//there's something useful in there so we'll keep the node, add the path
void addFileDataNode(pugi::xml_node& parent, const FileData* file, const char* tag, SystemData* system)
//create game and add to parent node
pugi::xml_node newNode = parent.append_child(tag);
//write metadata
file->metadata.appendToXML(newNode, true);
if(newNode.children().begin() == newNode.child("name") //first element is name
&& ++newNode.children().begin() == newNode.children().end() //theres only one element
&& newNode.child("name").text().get() == getCleanFileName(file->getPath())) //the name is the default
//if the only info is the default name, don't bother with this node
//delete it and ultimately do nothing
//there's something useful in there so we'll keep the node, add the path
void updateGamelist(SystemData* system)
//We do this by reading the XML again, adding changes and then writing it back,
//because there might be information missing in our systemdata which would then miss in the new XML.
//We have the complete information for every game though, so we can simply remove a game
//we already have in the system from the XML, and then add it back from its GameData information...
if(Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DisableGamelistWrites") || Settings::getInstance()->getBool("IGNOREGAMELIST"))
std::string xmlpath = system->getGamelistPath();
pugi::xml_document doc;
//parse an existing file first
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(xmlpath.c_str());
LOG(LogError) << "Error parsing XML file \"" << xmlpath << "\"!\n " << result.description();
//set up an empty gamelist to append to
//make sure the folders leading up to this path exist (or the XML file write will fail later on)
boost::filesystem::path path(xmlpath);
pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("gameList");
LOG(LogError) << "Could not find <gameList> node in gamelist \"" << xmlpath << "\"!";
//now we have all the information from the XML. now iterate through all our games and add information from there
FileData* rootFolder = system->getRootFolder();
if (rootFolder != nullptr)
//get only files, no folders
std::vector<FileData*> files = rootFolder->getFilesRecursive(GAME | FOLDER);
//iterate through all files, checking if they're already in the XML
std::vector<FileData*>::const_iterator fit = files.cbegin();
while(fit != files.cend())
const char* tag = ((*fit)->getType() == GAME) ? "game" : "folder";
// check if the file already exists in the XML
// if it does, remove it before adding
for(pugi::xml_node fileNode = root.child(tag); fileNode; fileNode = fileNode.next_sibling(tag))
pugi::xml_node pathNode = fileNode.child("path");
LOG(LogError) << "<" << tag << "> node contains no <path> child!";
fs::path nodePath(pathNode.text().get());
fs::path gamePath((*fit)->getPath());
if(nodePath == gamePath || (fs::exists(nodePath) && fs::exists(gamePath) && fs::equivalent(nodePath, gamePath)))
// found it
// it was either removed or never existed to begin with; either way, we can add it now
addFileDataNode(root, *fit, tag, system);
//now write the file
if (!doc.save_file(xmlpath.c_str())) {
LOG(LogError) << "Error saving gamelist.xml file \"" << xmlpath << "\"!";
LOG(LogError) << "Found no root folder for system \"" << system->getName() << "\"!";