Leon Styhre 635e7d2cdd Added a menu option to enable and disable video pillarboxes.
Also did some general code cleanup of VideoVlcComponent.
2020-11-17 17:20:25 +01:00

363 lines
13 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// EmulationStation Desktop Edition
// Settings.cpp
// Functions to read from and write to the configuration file es_settings.cfg.
// The default values for the application settings are defined here as well.
#include "Settings.h"
#include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h"
#include "utils/StringUtil.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Platform.h"
#include "Scripting.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <pugixml.hpp>
#include <vector>
Settings* Settings::sInstance = nullptr;
// These values are NOT saved to es_settings.cfg since they're not set via
// the in-program settings menu. Most can be set using command-line arguments,
// but some are debug flags that are either hardcoded or set by internal debug
// functions.
std::vector<const char*> settings_dont_save {
// These options can be set using command-line arguments:
"Debug", // --debug
"ForceKid", // --force-kid
"ForceKiosk", // --force-kiosk
"IgnoreGamelist", // --ignore-gamelist
"ShowExit", // --no-exit
"SplashScreen", // --no-splash
"VSync", // --vsync [1/on or 0/off]
#if !defined(_WIN64)
"Windowed", // --windowed
"WindowWidth", // Set via --resolution [width] [height]
"WindowHeight", // set via --resolution [width] [height]
// These options are not shown in the --help text and are intended
// for debugging and testing purposes:
"ScreenWidth", // Set via --screensize [width] [height]
"ScreenHeight", // set via --screensize [width] [height]
"ScreenOffsetX", // Set via --screenoffset [X] [Y]
"ScreenOffsetY", // Set via --screenoffset [X] [Y]
"ScreenRotate", // --screenrotate [0-3]
// These options are not configurable from the command-line:
mWasChanged = false;
Settings* Settings::getInstance()
if (sInstance == nullptr)
sInstance = new Settings();
return sInstance;
void Settings::setDefaults()
// Settings configured via the in-program settings menu.
// Scraper.
mStringMap["Scraper"] = "screenscraper";
mBoolMap["ScraperUseAccountScreenScraper"] = false;
mStringMap["ScraperUsernameScreenScraper"] = "";
mStringMap["ScraperPasswordScreenScraper"] = "";
mBoolMap["ScrapeGameNames"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeRatings"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeMetadata"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeVideos"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeScreenshots"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeCovers"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeMarquees"] = true;
mBoolMap["Scrape3DBoxes"] = true;
mStringMap["ScraperRegion"] = "eu";
mStringMap["ScraperLanguage"] = "en";
mBoolMap["ScraperOverwriteData"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScraperSearchMetadataName"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScraperInteractive"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScraperSemiautomatic"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScraperRespectExclusions"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScraperExcludeRecursively"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScraperIncludeFolders"] = false;
// UI settings.
mStringMap["StartupSystem"] = "";
mStringMap["GamelistViewStyle"] = "automatic";
mStringMap["TransitionStyle"] = "slide";
mStringMap["ThemeSet"] = "rbsimple-DE";
mStringMap["UIMode"] = "full";
mStringMap["DefaultSortOrder"] = "filename, ascending";
mStringMap["MenuOpeningEffect"] = "scale-up";
mBoolMap["GamelistVideoPillarbox"] = true;
mBoolMap["GamelistVideoScanlines"] = true;
mBoolMap["FoldersOnTop"] = true;
mBoolMap["FavoritesFirst"] = true;
mBoolMap["FavoritesStar"] = true;
mBoolMap["FavoritesAddButton"] = true;
mBoolMap["GamelistFilters"] = true;
mBoolMap["QuickSystemSelect"] = true;
mBoolMap["ShowHelpPrompts"] = true;
mBoolMap["PlayVideosImmediately"] = false;
mBoolMap["ShowKidStartMenu"] = false;
// UI settings -> screensaver settings.
mIntMap["ScreensaverTimer"] = 5*60*1000; // 5 minutes
mStringMap["ScreensaverType"] = "dim";
mBoolMap["ScreensaverControls"] = true;
// UI settings -> screensaver settings -> slideshow screensaver settings.
mIntMap["ScreensaverSwapImageTimeout"] = 10000;
mBoolMap["ScreensaverStretchImages"] = false;
mBoolMap["ScreensaverSlideshowGameInfo"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScreensaverSlideshowScanlines"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScreensaverSlideshowCustomImages"] = false;
mBoolMap["ScreensaverSlideshowRecurse"] = false;
mStringMap["ScreensaverSlideshowImageDir"] =
// UI settings -> screensaver settings -> video screensaver settings.
mIntMap["ScreensaverSwapVideoTimeout"] = 0;
mBoolMap["ScreensaverVideoAudio"] = false;
mBoolMap["ScreensaverStretchVideos"] = false;
mBoolMap["ScreensaverVideoGameInfo"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScreensaverVideoScanlines"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScreensaverVideoBlur"] = false;
// Sound settings.
// The ALSA Audio Card and Audio Device selection code is disabled at the moment.
// As PulseAudio controls the sound devices for the desktop environment, it doesn't
// make much sense to be able to select ALSA devices directly. Normally (always?)
// the selection doesn't make any difference at all. But maybe some PulseAudio
// settings could be added later on, if needed.
// The code is still active for Raspberry Pi though as I'm not sure if this is
// useful for that device.
#if defined(_RPI_)
mStringMap["AudioCard"] = "default";
// Audio out device for volume control.
//#if defined(_RPI_)
mStringMap["AudioDevice"] = "PCM";
// Audio out device for Video playback using OMX player.
mStringMap["OMXAudioDev"] = "both";
// mStringMap["AudioDevice"] = "Master";
mBoolMap["GamelistVideoAudio"] = true;
mBoolMap["NavigationSounds"] = true;
// Game collection settings.
mStringMap["CollectionSystemsAuto"] = "";
mStringMap["CollectionSystemsCustom"] = "";
mBoolMap["FavFirstCustom"] = false;
mBoolMap["FavStarCustom"] = false;
mBoolMap["UseCustomCollectionsSystem"] = true;
mBoolMap["CollectionShowSystemInfo"] = true;
// Other settings.
#if defined(_RPI_)
mIntMap["MaxVRAM"] = 80;
mIntMap["MaxVRAM"] = 128;
#if defined (__unix__)
mStringMap["FullscreenMode"] = "normal";
mStringMap["PowerSaverMode"] = "disabled";
#if defined(_RPI_)
mBoolMap["VideoOmxPlayer"] = false;
// We're defaulting to OMX Player for full screen video on the Pi.
mBoolMap["ScreensaverOmxPlayer"] = true;
mStringMap["SaveGamelistsMode"] = "always";
#if defined(_WIN64)
mBoolMap["HideTaskbar"] = false;
// This setting may cause problems on some Windows versions, but it seems as if Windows 10
// handles the suspension of ES correctly. As there are some adverse affects from running ES
// in the background while a game is running, by default this is set to false.
mBoolMap["RunInBackground"] = false;
mStringMap["MediaDirectory"] = "";
mBoolMap["LaunchCommandOverride"] = true;
mBoolMap["ShowHiddenFiles"] = true;
mBoolMap["ShowHiddenGames"] = true;
mBoolMap["CustomEventScripts"] = false;
mBoolMap["ParseGamelistOnly"] = false;
mBoolMap["ROMDirGameMedia"] = false;
mBoolMap["DisplayGPUStatistics"] = false;
// macOS requires root privileges to reboot and power off so it doesn't make much
// sense to enable these settings and menu entries for this operating system.
#if !defined(__APPLE__)
mBoolMap["ShowRebootSystem"] = true;
mBoolMap["ShowPoweroffSystem"] = true;
// Settings configured via command-line arguments.
// Options listed using --help
mBoolMap["Debug"] = false;
mBoolMap["ForceKid"] = false;
mBoolMap["ForceKiosk"] = false;
mBoolMap["IgnoreGamelist"] = false;
mBoolMap["ShowExit"] = true;
mBoolMap["SplashScreen"] = true;
mBoolMap["VSync"] = true;
#if !defined(_WIN64)
mBoolMap["Windowed"] = false;
mIntMap["WindowWidth"] = 0;
mIntMap["WindowHeight"] = 0;
mIntMap["ScreenWidth"] = 0;
// Undocumented options.
mIntMap["ScreenHeight"] = 0;
mIntMap["ScreenOffsetX"] = 0;
mIntMap["ScreenOffsetY"] = 0;
mIntMap["ScreenRotate"] = 0;
// Settings that can be changed in es_settings.cfg
// but that are not configurable via the GUI.
mBoolMap["ShowDefaultKeyboardWarning"] = true;
mStringMap["ROMDirectory"] = "";
mIntMap["ScraperResizeMaxWidth"] = 600;
mIntMap["ScraperResizeMaxHeight"] = 0;
// Hardcoded or program-internal settings.
mBoolMap["BackgroundJoystickInput"] = false;
mBoolMap["DebugGrid"] = false;
mBoolMap["DebugText"] = false;
mBoolMap["DebugImage"] = false;
mBoolMap["SplashScreenProgress"] = true;
mStringMap["UIMode_passkey"] = "uuddlrlrba";
template <typename K, typename V>
void saveMap(pugi::xml_document& doc, std::map<K, V>& map, const char* type)
for (auto iter = map.cbegin(); iter != map.cend(); iter++) {
// Key is on the "don't save" list, so don't save it.
if (std::find(settings_dont_save.cbegin(), settings_dont_save.cend(),
iter->first) != settings_dont_save.cend())
pugi::xml_node node = doc.append_child(type);
void Settings::saveFile()
LOG(LogDebug) << "Settings::saveFile(): Saving Settings to file.";
const std::string path = Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() +
pugi::xml_document doc;
saveMap<std::string, bool>(doc, mBoolMap, "bool");
saveMap<std::string, int>(doc, mIntMap, "int");
saveMap<std::string, float>(doc, mFloatMap, "float");
for (auto iter = mStringMap.cbegin(); iter != mStringMap.cend(); iter++) {
pugi::xml_node node = doc.append_child("string");
#if defined(_WIN64)
void Settings::loadFile()
const std::string path = Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() +
if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path))
pugi::xml_document doc;
#if defined(_WIN64)
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(Utils::String::stringToWideString(path).c_str());
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(path.c_str());
if (!result) {
LOG(LogError) << "Could not parse Settings file.\n " << result.description();
for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("bool"); node; node = node.next_sibling("bool"))
setBool(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_bool());
for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("int"); node; node = node.next_sibling("int"))
setInt(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_int());
for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("float"); node; node = node.next_sibling("float"))
setFloat(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_float());
for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("string"); node; node = node.next_sibling("string"))
setString(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_string());
// Print a warning message if the setting we're trying to get doesn't already exist in
// the map. Then return the value in the map.
#define SETTINGS_GETSET(type, mapName, getMethodName, setMethodName) \
type Settings::getMethodName(const std::string& name) \
{ \
if (mapName.find(name) == mapName.cend()) { \
LOG(LogError) << "Tried to use unset setting " << name << "!"; \
} \
return mapName[name]; \
} \
bool Settings::setMethodName(const std::string& name, type value) \
{ \
if (mapName.count(name) == 0 || mapName[name] != value) { \
mapName[name] = value; \
if (std::find(settings_dont_save.cbegin(), settings_dont_save.cend(), name) \
== settings_dont_save.cend()) \
mWasChanged = true; \
return true; \
} \
return false; \
SETTINGS_GETSET(bool, mBoolMap, getBool, setBool);
SETTINGS_GETSET(int, mIntMap, getInt, setInt);
SETTINGS_GETSET(float, mFloatMap, getFloat, setFloat);
SETTINGS_GETSET(const std::string&, mStringMap, getString, setString);