Leon Styhre ff0f163de5 Added a maxSize property to GIFAnimComponent and LottieAnimComponent.
Also refactored and cleaned up the code in general.
2023-01-17 18:35:46 +01:00

528 lines
19 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// EmulationStation Desktop Edition
// LottieAnimComponent.cpp
// Component to play Lottie animations using the rlottie library.
#define DEBUG_ANIMATION false
#include "components/LottieAnimComponent.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "ThemeData.h"
#include "Window.h"
#include "resources/ResourceManager.h"
: mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()}
, mTargetSize {0.0f, 0.0f}
, mCacheFrames {true}
, mMaxCacheSize {0}
, mCacheSize {0}
, mFrameSize {0}
, mAnimation {nullptr}
, mSurface {nullptr}
, mStartDirection {"normal"}
, mTotalFrames {0}
, mFrameNum {0}
, mFrameRate {0.0}
, mSpeedModifier {1.0f}
, mTargetPacing {0}
, mTimeAccumulator {0}
, mLastRenderedFrame {-1}
, mSkippedFrames {0}
, mHoldFrame {true}
, mPause {false}
, mExternalPause {false}
, mAlternate {false}
, mTargetIsMax {false}
// Get an empty texture for rendering the animation.
mTexture = TextureResource::get("");
// Keep per-file cache size within 0 to 1024 MiB.
mMaxCacheSize = static_cast<size_t>(
glm::clamp(Settings::getInstance()->getInt("LottieMaxFileCache"), 0, 1024) * 1024 * 1024);
// Keep total cache size within 0 to 4096 MiB.
int maxTotalCache {glm::clamp(Settings::getInstance()->getInt("LottieMaxTotalCache"), 0, 4096) *
1024 * 1024};
if (mMaxTotalFrameCache != static_cast<size_t>(maxTotalCache))
mMaxTotalFrameCache = static_cast<size_t>(maxTotalCache);
// Set component defaults.
setSize(mRenderer->getScreenWidth() * 0.2f, mRenderer->getScreenHeight() * 0.2f);
setPosition(mRenderer->getScreenWidth() * 0.3f, mRenderer->getScreenHeight() * 0.3f);
// This is required as rlottie could otherwise crash on application shutdown.
if (mFuture.valid())
mTotalFrameCache -= mCacheSize;
void LottieAnimComponent::setAnimation(const std::string& path)
if (mAnimation != nullptr) {
if (mFuture.valid())
mCacheSize = 0;
mLastRenderedFrame = -1;
mPath = path;
if (mPath.empty()) {
LOG(LogError) << "Path to Lottie animation is empty";
if (mPath.front() == ':')
mPath = ResourceManager::getInstance().getResourcePath(mPath);
mPath = Utils::FileSystem::expandHomePath(mPath);
if (!(Utils::FileSystem::isRegularFile(mPath) || Utils::FileSystem::isSymlink(mPath))) {
LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't open Lottie animation file \"" << mPath << "\"";
ResourceData animData {ResourceManager::getInstance().getFileData(mPath)};
std::string cache;
// If in debug mode, then disable the rlottie caching so that animations can be replaced on
// the fly using Ctrl+r reloads.
if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("Debug")) {
mAnimation = rlottie::Animation::loadFromData(
std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(animData.ptr.get()), animData.length), cache, "",
else {
mAnimation = rlottie::Animation::loadFromData(
std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(animData.ptr.get()), animData.length), cache);
if (mAnimation == nullptr) {
LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't parse Lottie animation file \"" << mPath << "\"";
size_t width {0};
size_t height {0};
if (mTargetIsMax || mSize.x == 0.0f || mSize.y == 0.0f) {
size_t viewportWidth {0};
size_t viewportHeight {0};
mAnimation->size(viewportWidth, viewportHeight);
const double sizeRatio {static_cast<double>(viewportWidth) /
if (mTargetIsMax) {
// Just a precaution if rlottie::Animation::size() would return zero for some reason.
if (viewportWidth == 0)
viewportWidth = 1;
if (viewportHeight == 0)
viewportHeight = 1;
mSize.x = static_cast<float>(viewportWidth);
mSize.y = static_cast<float>(viewportHeight);
// Preserve aspect ratio.
const glm::vec2 resizeScale {mTargetSize.x / mSize.x, mTargetSize.y / mSize.y};
if (resizeScale.x < resizeScale.y) {
mSize.x *= resizeScale.x;
mSize.y = std::min(mSize.y * resizeScale.x, mTargetSize.y);
else {
mSize.y *= resizeScale.y;
mSize.x = std::min((mSize.y / static_cast<float>(viewportHeight)) *
width = static_cast<size_t>(mSize.x);
height = static_cast<size_t>(mSize.y);
else if (mSize.x == 0.0f) {
width = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<double>(mSize.y) * sizeRatio);
height = static_cast<size_t>(mSize.y);
else {
width = static_cast<size_t>(mSize.x);
height = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<double>(mSize.x) / sizeRatio);
else {
width = static_cast<size_t>(mSize.x);
height = static_cast<size_t>(mSize.y);
mSize.x = static_cast<float>(width);
mSize.y = static_cast<float>(height);
if (!mTargetIsMax)
mTargetSize = mSize;
mPictureRGBA.resize(width * height * 4);
mSurface = std::make_unique<rlottie::Surface>(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&mPictureRGBA[0]),
width, height, width * sizeof(uint32_t));
if (mSurface == nullptr) {
LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't create Lottie surface for file \"" << mPath << "\"";
// Some statistics for the file.
double duration {mAnimation->duration()};
mTotalFrames = mAnimation->totalFrame();
mFrameRate = mAnimation->frameRate();
mFrameSize = width * height * 4;
mTargetPacing = static_cast<int>((1000.0 / mFrameRate) / static_cast<double>(mSpeedModifier));
mDirection = mStartDirection;
if (mDirection == "reverse")
mFrameNum = mTotalFrames - 1;
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::setAnimation(): Rasterized width: " << mSize.x;
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::setAnimation(): Rasterized height: " << mSize.y;
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::setAnimation(): Total number of frames: "
<< mTotalFrames;
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::setAnimation(): Frame rate: " << mFrameRate;
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::setAnimation(): Speed modifier: " << mSpeedModifier;
// This figure does not double if direction has been set to alternate or alternateReverse,
// it only tells the duration of a single playthrough of all frames.
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::setAnimation(): Target duration: "
<< duration / mSpeedModifier * 1000.0 << " ms";
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::setAnimation(): Frame size: " << mFrameSize
<< " bytes (" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1)
<< static_cast<double>(mFrameSize) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 << " MiB)";
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::setAnimation(): Animation size: "
<< mFrameSize * mTotalFrames << " bytes (" << std::fixed
<< std::setprecision(1)
<< static_cast<double>(mFrameSize * mTotalFrames) / 1024.0 / 1024.0
<< " MiB)";
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::setAnimation(): Per file maximum cache size: "
<< mMaxCacheSize << " bytes (" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1)
<< static_cast<double>(mMaxCacheSize) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 << " MiB)";
mAnimationStartTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
void LottieAnimComponent::resetFileAnimation()
mExternalPause = false;
mTimeAccumulator = 0;
mFrameNum = mStartDirection == "reverse" ? mTotalFrames - 1 : 0;
if (mAnimation != nullptr) {
if (mFuture.valid())
mFuture = mAnimation->render(mFrameNum, *mSurface, false);
mLastRenderedFrame = static_cast<int>(mFrameNum);
void LottieAnimComponent::onSizeChanged()
// Setting the animation again will completely reinitialize it.
if (mPath != "")
void LottieAnimComponent::applyTheme(const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme,
const std::string& view,
const std::string& element,
unsigned int properties)
using namespace ThemeFlags;
GuiComponent::applyTheme(theme, view, element, properties ^ ThemeFlags::SIZE);
const ThemeData::ThemeElement* elem {theme->getElement(view, element, "animation")};
if (!elem)
const glm::vec2 scale {glm::vec2(Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight())};
if (elem->has("size")) {
glm::vec2 animationSize {elem->get<glm::vec2>("size")};
if (animationSize == glm::vec2 {0.0f, 0.0f}) {
LOG(LogWarning) << "LottieAnimComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property "
"\"size\" for element \""
<< element.substr(10) << "\" is set to zero";
animationSize = {0.01f, 0.01f};
if (animationSize.x > 0.0f)
animationSize.x = glm::clamp(animationSize.x, 0.01f, 1.0f);
if (animationSize.y > 0.0f)
animationSize.y = glm::clamp(animationSize.y, 0.01f, 1.0f);
setSize(animationSize * scale);
else if (elem->has("maxSize")) {
const glm::vec2 animationMaxSize {glm::clamp(elem->get<glm::vec2>("maxSize"), 0.01f, 1.0f)};
setSize(animationMaxSize * scale);
mTargetIsMax = true;
mTargetSize = mSize;
if (elem->has("metadataElement") && elem->get<bool>("metadataElement"))
mComponentThemeFlags |= ComponentThemeFlags::METADATA_ELEMENT;
if (elem->has("speed"))
mSpeedModifier = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("speed"), 0.2f, 3.0f);
if (elem->has("direction")) {
const std::string& direction {elem->get<std::string>("direction")};
if (direction == "normal") {
mStartDirection = "normal";
mAlternate = false;
else if (direction == "reverse") {
mStartDirection = "reverse";
mAlternate = false;
else if (direction == "alternate") {
mStartDirection = "normal";
mAlternate = true;
else if (direction == "alternateReverse") {
mStartDirection = "reverse";
mAlternate = true;
else {
LOG(LogWarning) << "LottieAnimComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property "
"\"direction\" for element \""
<< element.substr(10) << "\" defined as \"" << direction << "\"";
mStartDirection = "normal";
mAlternate = false;
if (elem->has("path"))
void LottieAnimComponent::update(int deltaTime)
if (mAnimation == nullptr || !isVisible() || mOpacity == 0.0f || mThemeOpacity == 0.0f)
if (mWindow->getAllowFileAnimation()) {
mPause = false;
else {
mPause = true;
mTimeAccumulator = 0;
// Make sure no frames are advanced unless update() has been called.
mHoldFrame = false;
// If the time accumulator value is really high something must have happened such as the
// application having been suspended. Reset it to zero in this case as it would otherwise
// never recover.
if (mTimeAccumulator > deltaTime * 200)
mTimeAccumulator = 0;
// Prevent animation from playing too quickly.
if (mTimeAccumulator + deltaTime < mTargetPacing) {
mHoldFrame = true;
mTimeAccumulator += deltaTime;
else {
mHoldFrame = false;
mTimeAccumulator = mTimeAccumulator - mTargetPacing + deltaTime;
// Rudimentary frame skipping logic, not entirely accurate but probably good enough.
while (mTimeAccumulator - deltaTime > mTargetPacing) {
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::update(): Skipped frame, mTimeAccumulator / "
"mTargetPacing: "
<< mTimeAccumulator - deltaTime << " / " << mTargetPacing;
if (mDirection == "reverse")
mTimeAccumulator -= mTargetPacing;
void LottieAnimComponent::render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans)
if (mAnimation == nullptr || !isVisible() || mOpacity == 0.0f || mThemeOpacity == 0.0f)
glm::mat4 trans {parentTrans * getTransform()};
// This is necessary as there may otherwise be no texture to render when paused.
if ((mExternalPause || mPause) && mTexture->getSize().x == 0.0f) {
mTexture->initFromPixels(&, static_cast<size_t>(mSize.x),
bool doRender {true};
// Don't render if a menu is open except if the cached background is getting invalidated.
if (mWindow->getGuiStackSize() > 1 && !mWindow->isInvalidatingCachedBackground())
doRender = false;
// Don't render any new frames if paused or if a menu is open (unless invalidating background).
if ((!mPause && !mExternalPause) && doRender) {
if ((mDirection == "normal" && mFrameNum >= mTotalFrames) ||
(mDirection == "reverse" && mFrameNum > mTotalFrames)) {
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::render(): Skipped frames: "
<< mSkippedFrames;
LOG(LogDebug) << "LottieAnimComponent::render(): Actual duration: "
<< std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::system_clock::now() - mAnimationStartTime)
<< " ms";
if (mAlternate) {
if (mDirection == "normal")
mDirection = "reverse";
mDirection = "normal";
mTimeAccumulator = 0;
mSkippedFrames = 0;
if (mDirection == "reverse" && mAlternate)
mFrameNum = mTotalFrames - 2;
else if (mDirection == "reverse" && !mAlternate)
mFrameNum = mTotalFrames - 1;
else if (mDirection == "normal" && mAlternate)
mFrameNum = 1;
mFrameNum = 0;
mAnimationStartTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
bool renderNextFrame {false};
if (mFuture.valid()) {
if (mFuture.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)) == std::future_status::ready) {
// Cache frame if caching is enabled and we're not exceeding either the per-file
// max cache size or the total cache size. Note that this is completely unrelated
// to the texture caching used for images.
if (mCacheFrames && mLastRenderedFrame != -1 &&
mFrameCache.find(mLastRenderedFrame) == mFrameCache.end()) {
size_t newCacheSize {mCacheSize + mFrameSize};
if (newCacheSize < mMaxCacheSize &&
mTotalFrameCache + mFrameSize < mMaxTotalFrameCache) {
mFrameCache[mLastRenderedFrame] = mPictureRGBA;
mCacheSize += mFrameSize;
mTotalFrameCache += mFrameSize;
mLastRenderedFrame = -1;
mTexture->initFromPixels(&, static_cast<size_t>(mSize.x),
if (mDirection == "reverse")
if (mDirection == "reverse" && mFrameNum == 0)
renderNextFrame = false;
else if (mFrameNum == mTotalFrames)
renderNextFrame = false;
renderNextFrame = true;
else {
if (mFrameCache.find(mFrameNum) != mFrameCache.end()) {
if (!mHoldFrame) {
if (mDirection == "reverse")
else {
renderNextFrame = true;
if (renderNextFrame && !mHoldFrame) {
mFuture = mAnimation->render(mFrameNum, *mSurface, false);
mLastRenderedFrame = static_cast<int>(mFrameNum);
if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DebugImage")) {
if (mTargetIsMax) {
const glm::vec2 targetSizePos {
glm::round((mTargetSize - mSize) * mOrigin * glm::vec2 {-1.0f})};
mRenderer->drawRect(targetSizePos.x, targetSizePos.y, mTargetSize.x, mTargetSize.y,
0xFF000033, 0xFF000033);
mRenderer->drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, mSize.x, mSize.y, 0xFF000033, 0xFF000033);
if (mTexture->getSize().x != 0.0f) {
Renderer::Vertex vertices[4];
// clang-format off
vertices[0] = {{0.0f, 0.0f }, {0.0f, 0.0f}, 0xFFFFFFFF};
vertices[1] = {{0.0f, mSize.y}, {0.0f, 1.0f}, 0xFFFFFFFF};
vertices[2] = {{mSize.x, 0.0f }, {1.0f, 0.0f}, 0xFFFFFFFF};
vertices[3] = {{mSize.x, mSize.y}, {1.0f, 1.0f}, 0xFFFFFFFF};
// clang-format on
// Round vertices.
for (int i {0}; i < 4; ++i)
vertices[i].position = glm::round(vertices[i].position);
vertices->brightness = mBrightness;
vertices->saturation = mSaturation * mThemeSaturation;
vertices->opacity = mOpacity * mThemeOpacity;
vertices->dimming = mDimming;
vertices->shaderFlags = Renderer::ShaderFlags::PREMULTIPLIED;
// Render it.
mRenderer->drawTriangleStrips(&vertices[0], 4);
mHoldFrame = true;