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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// ES-DE Frontend
// LocalizationUtil.cpp
// Localization functions.
// Provides support for translations using gettext/libintl.
#include "utils/LocalizationUtil.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "resources/ResourceManager.h"
#include "utils/StringUtil.h"
#include <SDL2/SDL_locale.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#if defined(_WIN64)
#include <Windows.h>
namespace Utils
namespace Localization
// clang-format off
// When adding a new locale, then make sure to also update ThemeData::sSupportedLanguages.
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> sSupportedLocales {{{"en"}, {"US"}},
{{"en"}, {"GB"}},
{{"ca"}, {"ES"}},
{{"de"}, {"DE"}},
{{"es"}, {"ES"}},
{{"fr"}, {"FR"}},
{{"it"}, {"IT"}},
{{"nl"}, {"NL"}},
{{"pl"}, {"PL"}},
{{"pt"}, {"BR"}},
{{"ro"}, {"RO"}},
{{"ru"}, {"RU"}},
{{"sv"}, {"SE"}},
{{"ja"}, {"JP"}},
{{"ko"}, {"KR"}},
{{"zh"}, {"CN"}}};
// clang-format on
std::string sCurrentLocale {"en_US"};
float sMenuTitleScaleFactor {1.0f};
const char* pgettextBuiltin(const char* msgctxt, const char* msgid)
// This is an unbelievable hack but it's actually done pretty much the same way in
// the gettext.h header where a macro is used to wrap around the libintl functionality.
// Why this function is simply not part of libintl itself is anyone's guess, as that
// would be the logical thing to do.
std::string lookup;
const char* translation {gettext(lookup.c_str())};
if (translation == lookup.c_str())
return msgid;
return translation;
const char* npgettextBuiltin(const char* msgctxt,
const char* msgid1,
const char* msgid2,
unsigned long int n)
std::string lookup;
const char* translation {ngettext(lookup.c_str(), msgid2, n)};
if (translation == lookup.c_str())
return msgid1;
return translation;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> getLocale()
#if defined(_WIN64)
std::wstring localeNameWide(LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH, '\0');
if (GetUserDefaultLocaleName(&localeNameWide[0], LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) == 0)
return std::make_pair("en", "US");
std::string localeName {Utils::String::wideStringToString(localeNameWide)};
// This should never happen, but who knows with Windows.
if (localeName.empty())
return std::make_pair("en", "US");
std::vector<std::string> localeVector;
// Of course Windows doesn't follow standards and names locales with dashes
// instead of underscores, such as "sv-SE" instead of "sv_SE". But who knows
// if this is consistent, so we check for underscores as an extra precaution.
if (localeName.find("_") != std::string::npos)
localeVector = Utils::String::delimitedStringToVector(localeName, "_");
localeVector = Utils::String::delimitedStringToVector(localeName, "-");
if (localeVector.size() == 1)
return std::make_pair(localeVector[0], "");
return std::make_pair(localeVector[0], localeVector[1]);
// SDL_GetPreferredLocales() does not seem to always return accurate results
// on Windows but for all other operating systems we use it.
SDL_Locale* preferredLocales {SDL_GetPreferredLocales()};
if (preferredLocales == nullptr)
return std::make_pair("en", "US");
std::string language {preferredLocales->language};
std::string country;
if (preferredLocales->country != nullptr)
country = preferredLocales->country;
return std::make_pair(language, country);
void setLocale()
// Only detect locale once (on application startup).
if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("DetectedLocale") == "") {
const std::pair<std::string, std::string> detectedLocale {getLocale()};
if (detectedLocale.second == "")
Settings::getInstance()->setString("DetectedLocale", detectedLocale.first);
else {
"DetectedLocale", detectedLocale.first + "_" + detectedLocale.second);
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 1.0f;
sCurrentLocale = "en_US";
std::string languageSetting {Settings::getInstance()->getString("ApplicationLanguage")};
std::vector<std::string> localeVector;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> localePair;
if (languageSetting == "automatic") {
localeVector = Utils::String::delimitedStringToVector(
Settings::getInstance()->getString("DetectedLocale"), "_");
else {
localeVector = Utils::String::delimitedStringToVector(languageSetting, "_");
if (localeVector.size() == 1)
localePair = std::make_pair(localeVector[0], "");
localePair = std::make_pair(localeVector[0], localeVector[1]);
std::string locale;
std::string localePairCombined;
if (localePair.second == "")
localePairCombined = localePair.first;
localePairCombined = localePair.first + "_" + localePair.second;
if (std::find(sSupportedLocales.cbegin(), sSupportedLocales.cend(), localePair) !=
sSupportedLocales.cend()) {
locale = localePairCombined;
LOG(LogInfo) << "Application language set to \"" << locale << "\"";
else {
for (auto& localeEntry : sSupportedLocales) {
if (localeEntry.first == localePair.first) {
LOG(LogInfo) << "No support for language \"" << localePairCombined
<< "\", falling back to closest match \""
<< localeEntry.first + "_" + localeEntry.second << "\"";
locale = localeEntry.first + "_" + localeEntry.second;
if (locale == "") {
LOG(LogInfo) << "No support for language \"" << localePairCombined
<< "\", falling back to default \"en_US\"";
locale = "en_US";
// Language-specific menu title scale factor.
if (localePair.first == "ca")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.92f;
else if (localePair.first == "de")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.92f;
else if (localePair.first == "es")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.90f;
else if (localePair.first == "fr")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.90f;
else if (localePair.first == "it")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.94f;
else if (localePair.first == "nl")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.94f;
else if (localePair.first == "pl")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.94f;
else if (localePair.first == "pt")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.90f;
else if (localePair.first == "ro")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.94f;
else if (localePair.first == "ru")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.94f;
else if (localePair.first == "sv")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.87f;
else if (localePair.first == "ja")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.94f;
else if (localePair.first == "ko")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.96f;
else if (localePair.first == "zh")
sMenuTitleScaleFactor = 0.94f;
std::string localePath;
// If the message catalog file is not found then an emergency shutdown will be
// initiated by ResourceManager.
std::string objectPath {
ResourceManager::getInstance().getResourcePath(":/locale" + localePath)};
// This makes it possible to override the message catalog with a file in the
// application data directory.
if (objectPath.length() > localePath.length())
objectPath = objectPath.substr(0, objectPath.length() - localePath.length());
#if defined(_WIN64)
const LCID localeID {LocaleNameToLCID(Utils::String::stringToWideString(locale).c_str(),
setenv("LANGUAGE", locale.c_str(), 1);
setenv("LANG", locale.c_str(), 1);
// For some bizarre reason we need to first set the locale to en_US.UTF-8 before
// we set it to the requested locale as some specific locales like pt_BR and zh_CN
// otherwise won't work consistently. This must be some kind of library or OS bug as
// it only happens on regular Linux, and not on macOS, Windows, Android or FreeBSD.
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, std::string {"en_US.UTF-8"}.c_str());
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, std::string {locale + ".UTF-8"}.c_str());
bindtextdomain(locale.c_str(), objectPath.c_str());
bind_textdomain_codeset(locale.c_str(), "UTF-8");
sCurrentLocale = locale;
} // namespace Localization
} // namespace Utils