mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:43 +00:00

The variable %ROMPATH% now expands to the ROMDirectory setting in es_settings.cfg which removes the need for absolute ROM paths (although absolute paths are still supported). Custom collections with absolute paths can still be loaded for backward compatibility with old custom collections.
321 lines
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321 lines
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// Settings.cpp
// Functions to read from and write to the configuration file es_settings.cfg.
// The default values for the application settings are defined here as well.
#include "Settings.h"
#include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Scripting.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include <pugixml/src/pugixml.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
Settings* Settings::sInstance = NULL;
// These values are NOT saved to es_settings.cfg since they're not set via
// the in-program settings menu. Most can be set using command-line arguments,
// but some are debug flags that are either hardcoded or set by internal debug
// functions.
std::vector<const char*> settings_dont_save {
// These options can be set using command-line arguments:
{ "Debug" }, // --debug
{ "HideConsole" }, // Implicitly set via the --debug flag.
{ "ForceKid" }, // --force-kid
{ "ForceKiosk" }, // --force-kiosk
{ "IgnoreGamelist" }, // --ignore-gamelist
{ "ShowExit" }, // --no-exit
{ "SplashScreen" }, // --no-splash
{ "VSync" }, // --vsync [1/on or 0/off]
{ "Windowed" }, // --windowed
{ "WindowWidth" }, // Set via --resolution [width] [height]
{ "WindowHeight" }, // set via --resolution [width] [height]
// These options are not shown in the --help text and are intended
// for debugging and testing purposes:
{ "ScreenWidth" }, // Set via --screensize [width] [height]
{ "ScreenHeight" }, // set via --screensize [width] [height]
{ "ScreenOffsetX" }, // Set via --screenoffset [X] [Y]
{ "ScreenOffsetY" }, // Set via --screenoffset [X] [Y]
{ "ScreenRotate" }, // --screenrotate [0-3]
// These options are not configurable from the command-line:
{ "DebugGrid" },
{ "DebugText" },
{ "DebugImage" },
{ "SplashScreenProgress" }
mWasChanged = false;
Settings* Settings::getInstance()
if (sInstance == NULL)
sInstance = new Settings();
return sInstance;
void Settings::setDefaults()
// Settings configured via the in-program settings menu.
// UI settings.
mStringMap["StartupSystem"] = "";
mStringMap["GamelistViewStyle"] = "automatic";
mStringMap["TransitionStyle"] = "instant";
mStringMap["ThemeSet"] = "";
mStringMap["UIMode"] = "Full";
mBoolMap["FavoritesFirst"] = true;
mBoolMap["ForceDisableFilters"] = false;
mBoolMap["QuickSystemSelect"] = true;
mBoolMap["MoveCarousel"] = true;
mBoolMap["DisableKidStartMenu"] = true;
mBoolMap["ShowHelpPrompts"] = true;
// UI settings -> scrensaver settings.
mIntMap["ScreenSaverTime"] = 5*60*1000; // 5 minutes
mBoolMap["ScreenSaverControls"] = true;
mStringMap["ScreenSaverBehavior"] = "dim";
// UI settings -> screensaver settings -> video screensaver settings.
mIntMap["ScreenSaverSwapVideoTimeout"] = 30000;
mBoolMap["StretchVideoOnScreenSaver"] = false;
mStringMap["ScreenSaverGameInfo"] = "never";
mBoolMap["ScreenSaverVideoMute"] = false; // Raspberry Pi only
mBoolMap["CaptionsCompatibility"] = true;
// UI settings -> screensaver settings -> slideshow screensaver settings.
mIntMap["ScreenSaverSwapImageTimeout"] = 10000;
mBoolMap["SlideshowScreenSaverStretch"] = false;
mStringMap["SlideshowScreenSaverBackgroundAudioFile"] = Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() +
mBoolMap["SlideshowScreenSaverCustomImageSource"] = false;
mStringMap["SlideshowScreenSaverImageDir"] = Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() +
mBoolMap["SlideshowScreenSaverRecurse"] = false;
mStringMap["SlideshowScreenSaverImageFilter"] = ".png,.jpg";
// Sound settings.
mStringMap["AudioCard"] = "default";
// Audio out device for volume control.
#ifdef _RPI_
mStringMap["AudioDevice"] = "PCM";
mStringMap["AudioDevice"] = "Master";
mBoolMap["VideoAudio"] = true;
mBoolMap["EnableSounds"] = true;
// Audio out device for Video playback using OMX player.
mStringMap["OMXAudioDev"] = "both";
// Game collection settings.
mStringMap["CollectionSystemsAuto"] = "";
mStringMap["CollectionSystemsCustom"] = "";
mBoolMap["UseCustomCollectionsSystem"] = true;
mBoolMap["FavFirstCustom"] = true;
mBoolMap["CollectionShowSystemInfo"] = true;
// Scraper.
mStringMap["Scraper"] = "ScreenScraper";
mStringMap["ScraperRegion"] = "eu";
mStringMap["ScraperLanguage"] = "en";
// mBoolMap["ScraperGenerateMiximages"] = false;
// mBoolMap["ScraperGenerateThumbnails"] = false;
mBoolMap["ScraperInteractive"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScraperSemiautomatic"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScraperOverwriteData"] = false;
mBoolMap["ScrapeMetadata"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeGameNames"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeRatings"] = true;
mBoolMap["Scrape3DBoxes"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeCovers"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeMarquees"] = true;
mBoolMap["ScrapeScreenshots"] = true;
// Other settings.
#ifdef _RPI_
mIntMap["MaxVRAM"] = 80;
mIntMap["MaxVRAM"] = 100;
mStringMap["FullscreenMode"] = "normal";
mStringMap["PowerSaverMode"] = "disabled";
// This setting only applies to raspberry pi but set it for all platforms so
// we don't get a warning if we encounter it on a different platform.
mBoolMap["VideoOmxPlayer"] = false;
#ifdef _RPI_
// We're defaulting to OMX Player for full screen video on the Pi.
mBoolMap["ScreenSaverOmxPlayer"] = true;
// Use OMX Player defaults.
mStringMap["SubtitleFont"] = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf";
mStringMap["SubtitleItalicFont"] = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansOblique.ttf";
mIntMap["SubtitleSize"] = 55;
mStringMap["SubtitleAlignment"] = "left";
mBoolMap["ScreenSaverOmxPlayer"] = false;
mStringMap["SaveGamelistsMode"] = "always";
mBoolMap["LaunchstringOverride"] = true;
mBoolMap["ParseGamelistOnly"] = false;
mBoolMap["LocalArt"] = false;
mBoolMap["ShowHiddenFiles"] = false;
mBoolMap["DrawFramerate"] = false;
mBoolMap["ShowRebootSystem"] = true;
mBoolMap["ShowPoweroffSystem"] = true;
// Settings configured via command-line arguments.
// Options listed using --help
mBoolMap["Debug"] = false;
mBoolMap["HideConsole"] = true; // Implicitly set via the --debug flag.
mBoolMap["ForceKid"] = false;
mBoolMap["ForceKiosk"] = false;
mBoolMap["IgnoreGamelist"] = false;
mBoolMap["ShowExit"] = true;
mBoolMap["SplashScreen"] = true;
mBoolMap["VSync"] = true;
mBoolMap["Windowed"] = false;
mIntMap["WindowWidth"] = 0;
mIntMap["WindowHeight"] = 0;
mIntMap["ScreenWidth"] = 0;
// Undocumented options.
mIntMap["ScreenHeight"] = 0;
mIntMap["ScreenOffsetX"] = 0;
mIntMap["ScreenOffsetY"] = 0;
mIntMap["ScreenRotate"] = 0;
// Settings that can be changed in es_settings.cfg
// but that are not configurable via the GUI (yet).
mStringMap["DefaultSortOrder"] = "filename, ascending";
mStringMap["MediaDirectory"] = "";
mStringMap["ROMDirectory"] = "";
mIntMap["ScraperResizeWidth"] = 600;
mIntMap["ScraperResizeHeight"] = 0;
// Hardcoded or program-internal settings.
mBoolMap["BackgroundJoystickInput"] = false;
mBoolMap["DebugGrid"] = false;
mBoolMap["DebugText"] = false;
mBoolMap["DebugImage"] = false;
mBoolMap["SplashScreenProgress"] = true;
mStringMap["UIMode_passkey"] = "uuddlrlrba";
template <typename K, typename V>
void saveMap(pugi::xml_document& doc, std::map<K, V>& map, const char* type)
for (auto iter = map.cbegin(); iter != map.cend(); iter++) {
// Key is on the "don't save" list, so don't save it.
if (std::find(settings_dont_save.cbegin(), settings_dont_save.cend(),
iter->first) != settings_dont_save.cend())
pugi::xml_node node = doc.append_child(type);
void Settings::saveFile()
LOG(LogDebug) << "Settings::saveFile() : Saving Settings to file.";
const std::string path = Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() +
pugi::xml_document doc;
saveMap<std::string, bool>(doc, mBoolMap, "bool");
saveMap<std::string, int>(doc, mIntMap, "int");
saveMap<std::string, float>(doc, mFloatMap, "float");
//saveMap<std::string, std::string>(doc, mStringMap, "string");
for (auto iter = mStringMap.cbegin(); iter != mStringMap.cend(); iter++) {
pugi::xml_node node = doc.append_child("string");
void Settings::loadFile()
const std::string path = Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() +
if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path))
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(path.c_str());
if (!result) {
LOG(LogError) << "Could not parse Settings file!\n " << result.description();
for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("bool"); node; node = node.next_sibling("bool"))
setBool(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_bool());
for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("int"); node; node = node.next_sibling("int"))
setInt(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_int());
for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("float"); node; node = node.next_sibling("float"))
setFloat(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_float());
for (pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("string"); node; node = node.next_sibling("string"))
setString(node.attribute("name").as_string(), node.attribute("value").as_string());
// Print a warning message if the setting we're trying to get doesn't already exist in
// the map. Then return the value in the map.
#define SETTINGS_GETSET(type, mapName, getMethodName, setMethodName) \
type Settings::getMethodName(const std::string& name) \
{ \
if (mapName.find(name) == mapName.cend()) { \
LOG(LogError) << "Tried to use unset setting " << name << "!"; \
} \
return mapName[name]; \
} \
bool Settings::setMethodName(const std::string& name, type value) \
{ \
if (mapName.count(name) == 0 || mapName[name] != value) { \
mapName[name] = value; \
if (std::find(settings_dont_save.cbegin(), settings_dont_save.cend(), name) \
== settings_dont_save.cend()) \
mWasChanged = true; \
return true; \
} \
return false; \
SETTINGS_GETSET(bool, mBoolMap, getBool, setBool);
SETTINGS_GETSET(int, mIntMap, getInt, setInt);
SETTINGS_GETSET(float, mFloatMap, getFloat, setFloat);
SETTINGS_GETSET(const std::string&, mStringMap, getString, setString);