RetroDECK uses EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) as its bundled interface.
The official EmulationStation Desktop Edition user guide is over at their gitlab.<br>
[EmulationStation Desktop Edition user guide](
Note that the guide is written in a general way for the application and not how RetroDECK handles certain configurations. Also note that RetroDECK is currently not shipped with all the emulators ES-DE supports in the user guide.
_EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) and it's guide is written by [Leon Styhre](<br>
Published under the MIT-Licence._
# Recommended sections in the user guide:
## General Interface
### General UI Settings
Various settings that affect the user interface.<br>
ES-DE provides two types of collections, Automatic collections and Custom collections, the latter being defined by the user. Collections are as the name implies only collections of games already present in your actual game systems, so they're basically grouping of games into convenient views.<br>
### How to: Manually copy custom media files (images, videos etc..)
How to add custom media files to the ES-DE interface. For example you want other images then those on screenscraper or the game you add don't exists.<br>
[How to: Manually copy custom media files](
### Miximage settings
These are the settings for the miximage generator, which can either be run from the scraper (single-game scraper or multi-scraper) or from the offline generator. The miximage combines the screenshot, marquee, box/cover and physical media images to make a composite picture that is displayed in the gamelist view. There are various settings for the generator.<br>
In the metadata editor, you can modify the metadata, scrape for game info and media files, clear the entry which will delete all metadata and game media files, or delete the entire game which also removes its file on the filesystem. <br>