change^cheevos^Enabled^true^Cheevos^$target_file^$defaults_file # This is a preset configuration line. The syntax is <action>^<preset name (as defined in retrodeck.cfg)>^<setting name>^<setting value when enabled>^<setting section in emulator config file, if there is one>^<target file to be changed?^<defaults file for disabling the preset>
change^borders^overlay_file^/var/config/retroarch/overlays/borders/snes.cfg^^target_file^defaults_file # This is another preset configuration line, for the preset section called "borders" in retrodeck.cfg. Also, there is no defined "setting section" on this line, but there must be an empty field between ^^
enable^abxy_button_swap^/var/config/retroarch/config/remaps/Snes9x/snes.rmp # This will remove the ".disabled" suffix from the target file, or add ".disabled" to the suffix of the target file if the preset is being disabled
- The name given to the system in retrodeck.cfg will be translated to a "nice looking" format for user dialogs through the file at emu-configs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/pretty_system_names.cfg but will be used internally as-is