For these controllers to being recognized byt the system and so by RetroDECK is needed to set their own udev rule on SteamOS.
Udev rules are used to allow and manage the access to a specific third party usb device, so without a proper udev rule some devices such as the following ones could not be used by RetroDECK nor by the system.
Some notes on the udev rules:
- Setting an udev rule needs root access.
- The udev rule must be added when the emulator is not running, if it's running it must be restarted to acknowledge the change.
- The udev rules seems to be persistent even after a SteamOS update.
> **NOTE:** If running other Linux distributions the procedure might have some difference, please refer to a proper documentation or a web search.
> **NOTE:** the ToyPad must be connected to an alimented hub such as the Steam Dock. Directly connecting the ToyPad to the Steam Deck it's not working as the Steam Deck is not giving it enough power to turn it on constantly.
This controller needs to set a system's udev rule, just execute this in the terminal:
echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0e6f", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0241", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/71-toypad.rules > /dev/null