-`bios`, the bios folder, the actual `retroarch/system` folder is poiting here `~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/downloaded_media` is pointing here
-`.downloaded_media`, this is where you scraped data is saved (images, videos, logos..),
-`.lock`, this file tells RetroDECK that the settings are done and to not reset them, if this file is missing it will trigger a first boot showing the setup. Here is written the software version that is compared to the actual version to check if an update is needed.
-`.logs`, logs folder
-`roms`, if internal is chosen the roms folder is here, otherwise it's in `<sdcard>/retrodeck/roms`
This folder is the only flatpak folder that is editable user side, it's mapped as `/var` in the flatpak itself, from now on we will use the flatpak paths unless differently specified.
-`system`, retroarch bios (system) folder, this points to `~/retrodeck/bios`
-`core`, retroarch cores folder, this is populated by `/app/share/libretro/cores` at the first startup (or with `--reset`, `--reset-ra`)
-`retroarch.cfg`, the retroarch config, the original one is located in `/app/retrodeck/emu-configs/retroarch.cfg`, and similarly to above it's generated at the first startup
Non-flatpak path: this folders contain file such as the .desktop, icons, etc.
This is mapped as the `/app` folder in flatpak, this folder is inside the read only file system and so all this tree is immutable (actually can be edited by root for develop purposes).<br>
FYI: you can edit the with KWrite, it justs ask you for the root password when saving.