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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:48 +00:00
The bloggening
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date: 2023-04-06
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
**Status update 2023-04:**
Controls, Controls, Controls!
Right now we are working on a huge overhaul of the Steam Deck's input profile for GameMode that should feature a more uniform hotkey configuration for version v0.7b across most emulators.
The team have painstakingly made a huge map (excel) with all the emulators hotkeys, how they can be mapped and in the end classified as important, semi-important och not important.
*The thoughts so far:*
* L4-L5 and R4-R5 (the back buttons) are used for various hotkey combos with the traditional buttons. We have to find a layout that feels right and it should allow us do a lot of hotkey binds.
* The left touchpad opens a radial menu with sub menus that gives you more quick access to less used and the frequently used hotkeys across all emulators.
* The right touchpad works as a mouse with left click (WiiMote games, Lightgun, navigate the emulators gui and other things)
There also will be a community feedback and test phase for the new inputs at a later date. We would love to hear your feedback!
*Note: You are not forced to use our profile, you can still make your own and rebind how you want.*
**Expose new folders for ease of access:**
For v0.7b we are going to make it easy to understand where to find the various gamelist.xml and where to put mods and textures. We are adding/exposing folders in the main `retrodeck` folder for ease of access. So you will find new folders for `gamelists` `mods` `textures`.
No more deep diving into various hidden folders of where to put your textures and mods in Citra for your favorite Zelda game!
Just put them in the corresponding mods or texture folder and you should be good to go.
We are also trying to get CEMU inside the next version of v0.7b
**Trivia: Patch names**
We will also start with naming the big patches from v0.7b and forward.
So v0.7b will be called "**RetroDECK v0.7b - Amazing Aozora**".
It will go up one letter for each version so v0.8 will be a word combo that contains "B B" and v0.9 will be a combo with the letters "C C" and so forth.
**What else?**
There are a lot of other things in the pipeline as well for v0.7b. But we shall save those for a future update (when we have something to share and we don't want to spoil everything).
If you want to help with out with the project or just chat join the discord.
[Discord Server](https://discord.gg/Dz3szYsP8g)
//The RetroDECK team
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date: 2023-06-01
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
Github link if you don't know what the project is: [https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK)
**Status update 2023-06:**
With 0.7b and summer just around the corner we in the team thought this month we should focus more on a mix of topics.
# Read First – Important Changes in 0.7b!
* `PCSX2-SA` latest updates are not compatible with old save states. Please make sure you do an in-game save to your virtual memory card before upgrading.
* The following emulators have changed as the defaults and now run the stand-alone version: `Dolphin`, `Citra`, `PPSSPP`.If you have saves states or just want to go back to the `RetroArch` versions, you can always switch back by pressing: `Other Settings` – `Alternative Emulators` in the main interface and set them there.
* If you decide to install the new `RetroDECK Controller Layout` for the Steam Deck, it will wipe your custom configurations and emulator settings. That’s because all the configs need to be updated and changed to be compatible. The choice is yours (you can always install it later via the Configurator if you change your mind).
# What are the upsides of RetroDECKs all-in-one approach?
Quite many actually!
* RetroDECK is updated via standard secure update channels where you update all your other software (we will have an internal updater added in RetroDECK in 0.7b, so users don’t even need to go to the Discover app to update if they don’t want to).
* It allows us to apply the RetroDECK Framework on the bundled software and apply custom made specific patches for emulators or ES-DE (more on that later).
* We can optimize the data to take as little space as we possibly could. Our whole application in 0.7b is around 3GB. Since we are using a single package, ~~we can avoid a lot (but not all) of the overlap that takes up space when installing multiple AppImages or Flatpacks.~~ (Flatpak does an even greater job of deduplicating data see [**TiZ\_EX1**](https://www.reddit.com/user/TiZ_EX1/) comment in this thread!).
* We can expose various hidden/hard to find emulation features and allow the users to customize various experiences directly inside the application itself without needing to go into the Steam Deck’s desktop environment.
* We are leveraging the power of compiling these emulators ourselves (where possible) to make a more complete unified experience a reality with custom patches.
**What are the downsides of this approach?**
* You are bound to the software we ship inside our application and cannot add more things. But we are always open to suggestions on what to add next, just tell us on Github or Discord.
* *That said we are experimenting with allowing users to import certain emulators early access versions like Yuzu (but no solution in the short term).*
* Emulator updates need to be in point releases and not daily, since we can’t update emulators inside an existing flatpak. As we apply the RetroDECK Framework on top of the emulators, we sometimes need to do some tinkering before we can release a new version. But you can expect semi-frequent emulator-update point releases, historically we have been fast if we feel the need to get something out quickly. Major new updates that add features to the RetroDECK application itself will take more time.
* *There has been some issues with Yuzu in the past, but we have redone our entire Yuzu pipeline for 0.7b s it should allow for faster updates.*
# What is RetroDECK's vision and design philosophy?
* Valve endorsed the use of flatpaks as their preferred and safe way to distribute software on SteamOS’s immutable system. Many other immutable systems like Fedora Silverblue/Kionite and standard Linux distributions have also endorsed flatpaks. We also share the vision that flatpaks are the future for the Linux desktop and Linux based devices.
* Everything must be accessible from inside the application itself where possible. Once you launch RetroDECK, you should have all the tools you need to play games and configure the application. For the Steam Deck that means minimizing switching to desktop mode.
* We need to build a foundation that pushes emulation forward and expose more of the niche hardcore features in an easier way.
* We shall not be so bound by design choices that others have made but make our own path.
* We should ship the emulators with optimized settings for Steam Deck (later other devices) but also allow the users full control to create their own configs and make it easy to do so.
* We should do our best to respect user-made config changes where possible, even during the updates. Any forced changes should always be explained and give the users a prompt to accept them.
* We believe in a transparent open community: Dialog , user feedback and testing development versions will never be locked behind paywalls or subscription tiers . This comes from deep rooted beliefs in open-source freedom. Subscriptions and donations will always only grant cosmetics like a unique discord color.
* We want to make the emulation available for everyone; from the casual to the power user. Keep it simple, everything in one application and download it like any other software. Only one thing to update.
* Prioritize security and keep everything contained as much as possible.
**How does this vision effect design?**
A good example is the new exposure of `mods` and `texture_packs` under the retrodeck folder.
Before it was quite hard for users to add mods and texture packs into the emulators. No work for any other solution (that we are aware off) has been done to make this very hardcore thing more easy to handle.
For the user it means no more looking into hidden folders of when and where to put the files. Our new approach also has received the blessing of famous texture packs and mod pack creators out there that were happy that someone lowered the barrier.
So if you found it hard before to add:
* A magnificent texture pack for Citra
* A spooky HD pack for the Mesen Core
* New 3D polygon racing models for Mupen64Plus-Next Core
Just look our wiki under mods/texture packs and look forward to 0.7b.
Another example is (as others have done) move `gamelists` to under the retrodeck folder. This is a safer way of doing it and it's easier for the users to take backups.
**What to expect in the future?**
You can expect most of the standard stuff like that you can except from an emulation solution in the future:
* Cloud-sync
* USB and FTP file transfer
* External controller management
* Lightgun support
* Most of the supported ES-DE emulators
* Automatic Updates from Gamemode on Launch (0.7b it can be disabled in the Configurator)
* And more...
# What is the RetroDECK Framework?
This is the feature we have been building on since the beginning and the true hidden core of RetroDECK that we are unveiling for the first time today. It’s the foundation we have built over many months of hard work and will keep expanding on in every upcoming update.
The RetroDECK framework is a complete system that applies and adds features, fixes, structure and functions to all applications/data shipped within RetroDECK.
This is also one of the reasons we needed to restructure save file folders in the past updates as well.
**What does the RetroDECK Framework allow you to do?**
It allows us to ship deeper choices, customization, apply settings globally, create custom patches or functions and expose hidden settings to the front.
But what truly excites us in the team is the more advanced big features that we have not seen anyone else do on SteamOS or other operative systems.
**Some light examples in 0.7b of the framework is:**
* Move everything everywhere.
Please be careful when moving data to exotic locations don't be like Mr.Angry:
* Log in/logout/hardcore mode for RetroAchivements hardcore mode for all supported emulators.
* Apply Borders, Shaders and Widescreen mode per emulator / core or globally.
RetroDECK will offer full user choice and not a blanket all or nothing. You could have widescreen on one core while the others have borders.
**What are some advanced big examples that you could do with the Framework?**
Here is one example:
Think about configurations for emulators. How most other solutions are handling changes or updates is just a blanket call all-or-nothing. Either you accept the changes and remove everything you have done or keep your changes without getting the updates.
What we are building with the framework is a system to inject point changes into configurations.
*So instead of doing the crude way others are doing:*
Force replace in `config.xml` old with new `config.xml` yes or no?
***What our goal is and what we are building:***
Be able to open a `config.xml` inject the changed values across all those configs.
If an emulator updates and adds more config options, we can just add them without losing the rest of the user data.
So we can compare changes between the new `config.xml` and the old, then inject the changes.
*But if a emulator totally change how their configuration works and makes a whole new system from scratch (it does not happen often or at all) even we will be out of luck.*
So we hope in the future to be able to save even more custom configs even with the emulator updates. We also hope to make configuring emulators easier... more on that in a future development update after the summer.
**Another big example:**
If you read the recent article, we in the RetroDECK team are happy to unveil the `RetroDECK: Multiuser Mode`. This is only the first one of the big features we have planned for future updates and stands as an example of the complicated features we can accomplish. There is even more crazy stuff in development for the future big releases then this, so consider this a taste of things to come. It will not be ready for 0.7b but can be enabled with CLI commands for testing.
See the following Q&A:
# RetroDECK: Multiuser Mode Q&A
First read here:
This is for testing only in 0.7b!
**What does Multiuser Mode mean?**
It creates a new directory structure `retrodeck/multi-user-data/<username>` and allows multiple users to use RetroDECK from one device.
**Wait... what.. how?! What about saves?! Configurations?! Custom settings?!**
They are all saved per user if you enable it. You, your sister, brother, child, husband, wife, dog, cat could all have their separate saves, states and custom emulator settings just for themselves when they select their own profile.
**Does it support the Steam Deck’s multiple users in Game Mode? Will RetroDECK hook those Steam Users into the enabled Multiuser system?**
Yes, that is the intent and should work, so you can log into your Steam Deck profile and have your RetroDECK saves/configs.
**What about a Linux Desktop PC that don't have Steam installed?**
We also support locally created “RetroDECK Users” so, for those Linux Desktop users in the future that don’t use Steam and just want RetroDECK on their device.
**What happens if I disable multiuser mode?**
You chose one profile as the primary user and the other data still exists under `retrodeck/multi-user-data/<username>`. No data is lost until you delete it manually.
**What happens if I re-enable multiuser mode?**
If you have had multiuser mode enabled and disable it, then re-enable it and have not deleted any `retrodeck/multi-user-data/` everything should work as it did before.
**Will there be an easy way transfer/export/import a user profile, like press a button and my can export to my profile (saves, configurations, with/without roms) to my friend's device on something like a USB or other media?**
Not for 0.7b but hopefully for the next major update 0.8b.
# Other things
**What does Amazing Aozora mean?**
Aozora is Japanese and means blue sky.
So, you could interpret the name as one team member:
*“Amazing blue skies... The first update that shows the exiting new horizon and the path we are heading towards.”*
Or as another:
*“Aozora is just a tiny Japanese banks name! This is clearly just an update to pay some of our dept to the community off! Stop with that horizon nonsense mumbo jumbo!”*
**What are some examples I can help out with with?**
* Create new pixel art for the Radial menus.
* Create easter egg art for the new `easter egg system` for various holidays.
* Create menu art for a new Configurator.
* Create input art that can be shown when you start a game.
* Create input art guides for the wiki for the Steam Deck and later various controllers.
* Create patch note videos.
* Create instruction videos.
* Help us make RetroDECK better.
* Help us put in new features.
* Help us make the configurator a godot application with full controller support.
* Help us get releases out faster.
* Help us make RetroDECK better.
* Help us test cooker builds and submit bugs and feedback.
* Help us make RetroDECK better.
* Be kind and follow the rules.
* Spread the word of RetroDECK if you like it, if you don't like it or have suggestions put them on github into issues or discuss them on discord.
* Engage with the rest of the community.
* Help us make RetroDECK better.
**Summer Period**
As the summer period arrives there will be a holiday break on these kind of development posts until after the summer. Some parts of the team is also going on vacation, you can still except semi regular emulator updates and bug fixes as usual in 0.7.X releases (but no major 0.8b - Bonsai Banana version in the middle of the summer!).
**End Quote**
*We hope you are excited about these features and our vision as we are and we want to get 0.7b out to you as quickly as possible (hopefully next week).*
*We also wish everyone a happy and good summer!*
[Discord Server](https://discord.gg/Dz3szYsP8g)
*//The RetroDECK Team*
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date: 2023-03-05
Hello community!
As we just recently got co-ownership this subreddit (thus making this our official subreddit).
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
**Status update 2023-03:**
First of we are working out some bugs and issues with Duckstation and Primehack, the later will have a totally from the ground up redone configuration for a more optimized experience.
RetroDECK is also moving to another cloud provider for our buildserver and website, sponsored by one generous community member (THANKS!).
Another recent breakthrough was getting chdman the compression tool for disc based games running inside a flatpak (sandbox environment). It should be accessible later in a future version via CLI and we will check if it's possible to a build in GUI for it later in the future.
Also the work to add borders into the emulators that support it has also begun and we are targeting the next major version.
There are some experimenting with ES-DE 2.0 and the new theme engine.
We are also trying to do a totally new universal and uniform controller profile for the Steam Deck that should work for all the emulators (fingers crossed).
There are a lot of other things in the pipeline as well. But we shall save those for a future update (when we have something to share).
If you want to help with out with the project or just chat join the discord.
[Discord Server](https://discord.gg/Dz3szYsP8g)
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date: 2023-05-03
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
**NOTE: This is still work in progress**
**Status update 2023-05:**
*Controls for everything everywhere all at once.*
As a continuation of last months post, some parts of the team have been working on hotkeys and controls (in fact since October 2022 [https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/issues/194](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/issues/194)).
*This is only one part of the 0.7b update.*
**We set out the following goals for the project for a new Steam Deck layout profile:**
* The layout needs to be scalable and adapt for new emulators in the future without adding too much clutter.
* The layout needs to be scalable when a emulator updates and supports new hotkeys.
* The layout should when possible have the ability to hook as many hotkeys into the same input that represents the same function across all emulators.
* The layout need to be unified and support players dynamic playstyles to hop between emulators and games in one gaming session. A player could start RetroDECK: Play a little Switch then quit Yuzu, go directly to PPSSPP and play some PSP then end up in RetroArch to play SNES before the session is over.
**That boiled down into the following points to work on:**
* Check every hotkey that exists in every emulator and how they work.
* Check if some hotkeys are hardbound (none rebind-able) and see if those can be worked into the over all structure of all other emulators.
* Check what rules the hotkeys of each emulator have to bind them (single button only, only keyboard inputs, only gamepad inputs etc..).
* From the result above: Decide and prioritize what hotkeys are so important they need a physical button combo. What hotkeys are "semi-important / good to have" and can live in a radial menu. Decide what not hotkeys not to bind at all.
**Results so far:**
*NOTE: Not all functions are supported in all emulators, but they will be added in as soon as they do support them.*
**Physical button combo input**
* The standard RetroArch = Start + Select to Quit and L3 + R3 for Open Menu is still there for RetroArch.
* The L4 and R4 buttons changes the layout when hold down and allows button combinations with those buttons, example: "L4 or R4 + R1" = Save State and "L4 or R4 + L1" = Load State. It allows for quick access to the following functions with just button presses:
* Save state
* Load state
* Exit/Quit Emulator
* Fullscreen On/Off
* Fullscreen Off - (NOTE: Some emulators don't have toggle and have a separated on / off hotkeys)
* Fast forward
* Rewind
* Pause/Resume
* Open Menu
* Select Previous State Slot
* Select Next State Slot
* Capture Screenshot
* Swap Dual-Screens / Toggle pad screen (DS, 3DS, WiiU)
* Escape key - (Useful for some Emulators)
* Freelook mode movement for Dolphin on the sticks (NOTE: as long as L4 or R4 is hold down and Freelook mode is activated).
**Radial Menu System**
The radial menu system that is on the left touchpad gives you access to 70+ hotkeys (including the button bound from above) for various functions while gaming. All functions are labeled (even tho the labels) are not in the picture.
The Main Menu is your way into the radial system and it's sub-menus bellow:
The State Menu gives you access to everything to do with states
* Save State
* Load State
* Select Previous State Slot
* Select Next State Slot
* Undo Save State
* Undo Load State
The Speed Menu gives you access to everything to do with Speed / Frame rate manipulation
* Fast forward
* Rewind
* Increase Emulation Speed
* Decrease Emulation Speed
* Reset Emulation Speed
* Disable Emulation Speed Limit
* Toggle Frame Limit
The General Menu gives you access to general emulator functions
* Toggle Cheats
* Exit/Quit Emulator
* Open Menu
* Capture Screenshot
* Toggle Turbo
* Pause/Resume
* Toggle Video Capture / Recording
The Display / Graphics Menu gives you access to everything about: screen layout, upscaling, widescreen etc..
* Increase Reslution Scale / Increase Upscale Multiplier
* Decrease Reslution Scale / Decrease Upscale Multiplier
* Widescreen / Cycle Aspect Ratio
* Fullscreen On/Off
* Fullscreen Off
* Swap Dual-Screens (3DS, DS, WiiU)
* Change Dual-Screenlayout (3DS)
The Steam Deck Menu gives you access to certain steam deck functions and certain keyboard inputs (that could work in emulators that don't have good hotkey support).
* Show Keyboard
* Steam Deck Screenshot
* Steam Deck Zoom
* Escape
* ALT + F4
* Tab
The Emulator Specific Menu opens up a new menu system where you can access emulator specific functions (I can't show them all in this post!)
* Switch Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Docked / Undocked, Change GPU Accuracy, Amiibo
* Mame Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Service menu and keys, insert bills and other none credits.
* Wii/GC (Dolphin) Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Golf Mode, Freelook Mode, Wii Sync Button, Freelook Reset, WiiMote mode: Upright / Sideways
* DS Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Send Close / Open Lid, Send Microphone Input, Boktai + and - sunlight.
* 3DS Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Amiibos
* RetroArch Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Cheats manipulation, AI Service, Netplay Host
The Quick Access Menu gives you a "best of" hotkeys from the other menus.
* Save / Load
* Fullscreen On / Offf
* Fullscreen Off
* Swap Dual-Screens (3DS, DS, WiiU)
* Change Dual-Screenlayout (3DS)
* Escape
* Quit
* Open Menu
* Pause
* Screenshot
That is all for today!
If you are an pixelartist, a video editor or a developer that want to help us with the project please contact us on discord.
**What else?**
There are a lot of other things in the pipeline as well for v0.7b. But we shall save those for a future update (when we have something to share and we don't want to spoil everything).
If you want to help with out with the project or just chat join the discord.
[Discord Server](https://discord.gg/Dz3szYsP8g)
//The RetroDECK team
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date: 2023-11-23
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
If you don’t know what RetroDECK is or want more information check out the wiki over at our Github:
[RetroDECK Wiki Link](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/wiki)
# Status update:
It is the end of November and we want to give you a status update on how things are going with RetroDECK. First off development is going steady, and we have a lot of features in the pipeline but also some IRL things that slow us down a bit (work, new baby etc…). But let us talk about what we are working on and answer some questions.
Most listed here are subject to change and is just an outline of what we are working on right now. Not all of these features will be a part of 0.8b and we are also working on even more stuff than what we are showing in this post.
## Question: How do I move RetroDECK to a new device?
You can find a detailed step-for-step guide here for both Linux Desktop and Steam Deck:
[How to: Move RetroDECK](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/wiki/How-to%3A-Move-RetroDECK-to-a-new-device)
**For a ultra-quick guide:**
* Just copy the \~/retrodeck folder to the new device to the location you want it.
* Install RetroDECK on the new device and point to it the new location of \~/retrodeck during first setup:
* If you put it on the internal drive – choose that option
* If you put it on the sd card – choose that option.
* If you put it in a custom location – choose that option.
* Then proceed installation as normal.
# What are you working on?
## New Emulators/Systems
We will be trying to include all of these in the next big update 0.8b
* OpenBOR
* IkemenGO (M.U.G.E.N)
* Solarus
* MAME (Standalone)
* Ryujinx
* SCUMMVM (Standalone)
* Vita3K
* GZDoom (Standalone)
We have worked with several of the development teams of the emulators to add various functions we could use and improve the emulators for everyone regardless of whether you use RetroDECK or not. They have also worked with us to help us integrate into RetroDECK better. We want to give special thanks to the Vita3K Team and Ryujinx Team.
## New Feature: Yuzu (Custom)
Yuzu (Custom) is something we are working on for those that want to use the Early Access version of Yuzu. So, you will get the ability to run the EA .appimage version from inside RetroDECK in some fashion.
But the downside is that it will not fully hook into the RetroDECK Framework, so you will need to configure things like input manually the first time you run it. But the goal is you can select it in the alternative emulator selector in ES-DE and pick Yuzu (Custom) from the list.
## New Feature: Steam Flatpak version support
We have gotten feedback that users want us to support the Steam Flatpak version and are trying to make it happen. Examples of features that need to work are the “Controller Profiles”, “Add RetroDECK to Steam” and the “Add games to Steam” function. We are still not sure if everything will work as intended in the Flatpak version of Steam.
If you for some reason have both normal Steam and flatpak Steam installed on the same system. The none flatpak version will take preference over the flatpak version (this is also how projects like Lutris do things).
But running a flatpak within a flatpak is something the users will need to think about.If the users want RetroDECK and other flatpaks to run from Steam they will need to open the permissions in the sandbox from either terminal or Flatseal. This does open the sandbox more than the standard configuration that Steam comes with as default.
## New Feature: SFTP
We are looking into letting users enabling SFTP transfers for easy transfers of files (roms, saves etc…).
## New Feature: Cloud Sync
We have done some work cloud sync both live sync and backup to various cloud services. But nothing to show just yet.
## New Feature: USB Transfer / Backups
Like SFPT, Cloud Sync above will be another way to export import files but via USB.
## Status update: External Controllers & Inputs
* PS3
* PS4
* PS5
* Xbox360
* Xbox One / S / X
* Switch Pro
* Steam Controller
* Generic
All standard type controllers supported by Steam Input will work with the normal global hotkeys. We are also changing the layout so that you have even more hotkeys.
If you want to try them right now, you can do that by going into the following github issue and follow the instructions over there (they also work on current stable, just extract the zipfile in the correct folder and enjoy):
[Github Issue with Download](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/issues/573)
## Status update: Multiuser mode
We are still working on it with all the complexity. The goal is to support both Steam users from the Steam Deck and local RetroDECK users for desktop users. It does “work” right now in our cooker builds, but it still needs more time in the oven. There are a lot of variables to account for before we feel ready to ship it to everyone.
## Status update: Adding RetroDECK games as Steam Entries
We are still working on it and have it working on our cooker builds. But we are still trying to get it to work on the Steam Flatpak version. There are also some other ideas we want to try to make it even better, but more of them if we can make them happen in a later development update.
## Status update: Configurator GODOT version
The work is ongoing and not something that will be part of 0.8b. We have general plans for the GUI and internal versions we can play with. But the goal stays the same replace the entire configurator with a nice GODOT controller navigational interface and replace all the Zenity windows with it.
## Status update: Mascot
After the last development update, we got connected with Tyson Tan the artist behind both the KDE and Krita mascots. We are hopeful we can work something out together.
# That is all for now!
Also there will be no December update post thanks to the upcoming holidays!
To everyone out there in our community, we want to wish you a festive holiday period and a Happy New Year.
**Want to contribute to RetroDECK?**
We are always looking for more people to help us with the project.
· Developers (help us improve RetroDECK and get updates out faster).
· Website developer (to help us improve our website).
· Video Editor (to help us with patch notes / hype videos on various platforms).
**Check out our:**
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date: 2023-10-13
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
GitHub link if you do not know what the project is: [https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK)
# Status update 2023-10:
We hope that everyone is ready for a tiny spooky October status update.
# We begin with thanking all kind emulator developers.
We had some issues with certain emulators caused by the recent QT6 migration and the addition of new emulators (more on that next month).
We tried to contact those developers to request for help or a hint about their project and thankfully they were very collaborative towards us, in some cases making some code changes to accustom some specific RetroDECK needing and thanking us for our work.
It seems like that RetroDECK got a good reputation out there and we're really thankful for this, as one of our main efforts is trying to contribute more good will into the emulation community.
This is what makes the emulation community great when we all can work together. If you need something from us, feel free to ask.
Thank you all!
# What are you working on?
# Adding individual ROMS to Steam and launch them with RetroDECK
More development has been going on into this and how it will work in its first iteration is that the games you flag as your favorites can be added to Steam with a tool in the Configurator.
# External Controllers – Button Combo Hotkeys
We will ship various Steam Input templates that allows you to use the button bound hotkey combos to do various emulator functions like (Save State, Load State, Quit etc..) for a variety of controllers from 0.8b. All you will need to is plug in / connect your controller, go into Steam Controller setting and choose the RetroDECK template for your controller.
This will also work for the RetroDECK Linux Desktop users as long as you have added RetroDECK to Steam and launch it from there.
It will be the same button combos as the Steam Deck with \`Select\` as the trigger but with \*\*no radial menu system\*\*.
We will have templates for all the following:
* PS3
* PS4
* PS5
* Xbox 360
* Xbox One / S / X
* Switch Pro
* Steam Controller
* Generic (Stadia, 8bit, Xiaomi, USB-Clones, others etc..)
**Special notes on Generic:**
To access all the hotkeys, you must have a controller that has all the normal inputs (two joysticks with clickable L3 and R3, four button dpad, four face buttons, four shoulder buttons, start, and select).
But if you have start and select you can always quit the game (even with a tiny NES USB clone controller).
**Special notes on PS4, PS5:**
The full touchpad acts as a mouse for Wii input / computer systems.
Left touchpad click = left click
Right touchpad click = right click
**Special notes on the Steam Controller:**
The right touchpad acts as a mouse for Wii input / computer systems.
Right touchpad click = left click
# Turning the Configurator into a Godot application
We are working on turning the configurator into a Godot application. This will allow you to use all the functions with a controller in a Retro Inspired interface that is already working. The interface should be scalable for both TV’s, Monitors and Steam Deck Screen. We are also looking into changing toggle the font to OpenDyslexic so it can be easier to read for those who need it. This might not be done for 0.8b as it’s quite a big project (it will ready when it’s ready).
If you are working with UI/UX design and/or have experience with Godot and want to help on this, please contact us on discord.
# Rekku, the RetroDECK mascot.
Some parts of the team also really wanted a mascot so that will also be a part of the new Configurator. It’s a animated cyborg-cat-like-humanoid that guides you to the various functions in the Configurator. Right now, we only have AI generated concepts of the mascot for reference but if you are an artist and want to help us design the mascot, please contact us on discord.
**Mascot Q/A:**
Q: I get the Godot Configurator, but why a mascot?!
A: Why not?!
Q: Will we see Rekku in other things except the Configurator?
A: Maybe!
Q: I hate mascots with a burning passion, can I turn it off in the configurator?
A: You’re a meanie, but yes!
# Concepts of the Configurator with Rekku:
Everything here is just concepts and might not reflect the final design.
<img src="../wiki_images/concepts/GODOT_configurator.png" width="500">
<img src="../wiki_images/concepts/rekku.png" width="500">
# That is all for this month!
A minor patch 0.7.3b will be out later with Emulator updates. But the main feature will be ES-DE 2.2, so we will release it when the ES-DE team are ready, and we can implement it asap.
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date: 2023-09-14
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
GitHub link if you do not know what the project is: [https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK)
# Status update 2023-09:
We hope that everyone had a good summer and that you are ready for a tiny status update with a plethora of mixed topics.
But before we get into what we are working on we want to make a short statement.
# Our commitment to Open-Source
>As the RetroDECK team, we are deeply concerned by the rumors about how others have handled their dependencies and their relationship with those developers.
>We would like to say this:
>Emulation is a multigenerational effort of development that has lasted for decades, motivated by the pure love for video game preservation for current and future generations. RetroDECK depends on the constant development of all our dependencies (the emulators, front-end, various assets, etc...). It would be unfair to both the hard work that has been done in those projects and to the entire open-source community if we said otherwise or tried to take credit, conceal, or obscure it for our own gain.
>We always strive to have the best possible relationship with the teams that generously provide and develop the third-party software we are depending on now and in the future. Everyone that works on RetroDECK is immensely grateful for the global collective effort and work that has been done. Without these projects and those passionate people RetroDECK would not be possible.
>We also want to add a word for the developers of the third-party projects:
>Please feel free to reach out to us, talk to us for any reason and share your ideas. We value your feedback and suggestions, and our door is always open for collaboration and improvements. You are the backbone of our project, and we appreciate your contributions.
>You can find more about our dependencies on the wiki and how to donate to them or us:
>//The RetroDECK Team
# Now on to the new stuff:
**Two new developers and one tester have joined the team**
We are incredibly happy that three new members have decided to join us. All of them have been active in their contributions and helping the community. They bring exciting innovative ideas and skillsets to the project.
**Adding individual ROMS to Steam and launch them with RetroDECK**
One of our new developers is looking into adding individual ROMS to Steam and hopes to have this done for the next big major release 0.8b - Bonsai Banana. This will allow you to list the ROMS you want as a separate game in the Steam interface and thus have different power profiles for each game.
It is something many of you have requested and given feedback about.
**Dynamic viewports / scaling system**
Another new developer is looking into making a dynamic scaling / viewport system for the various emulators and cores to match the borders and resolutions to the most common screen types. \\
This would allow better desktop screen support and better handling on undocked / docked Steam Deck resolutions.
The goal is simple but complex:
The borders and scale of the games should look nice and proper on your external screen when you plug in your movable device.
**Better external controller hotkey support**
As part of the Controller Unification Project and with the addition of the \`SELECT\` button as a hotkey trigger in 0.7.1b. We now have a better understanding of Steam Input’s controller template system and should be able to make a template for common external controllers with the button bound hotkeys combos that use \`SELECT\` as the trigger.
However, the entire radial menu system is a bit harder as many controllers do not have touch input or a logical and comfortable way to navigate it. We will investigate if it is feasible to port the radial system to controllers with touch and those without.
**Status on the Multi-user system**
We are still working hard on the Multi-user system, but it might not be ready for 0.8b as we had hoped. There are tons of complexity, and we want to make it right. Some parts of the development team have other IRL priorities that take preset over RetroDECK development (new baby incoming and fatherly duties).
**That is all for this month**
A minor patch 0.7.2b will be out soon with a emulator update refresh and some bug fixes.
See you next month.
Check out our:
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date: 2023-01-31
## How to make the RetroDECK Pasta
3 eggs
2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp olive oil
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Reference in a new issue