configurator desciptions

This commit is contained in:
laz 2025-02-07 07:48:38 +01:00
parent 1a5db3ffa6
commit 2b13000d74

View file

@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ source /app/libexec/
configurator_welcome_dialog() {
log i "Configurator: opening welcome dialog"
"Settings" "Here you will find various presets, tweaks and settings to customize your RetroDECK experience"
"Open Component" "Launch and configure each emulator or component's settings (for advanced users)"
"Reset Components" "Reset specific parts or all of RetroDECK"
"Tools" "Games Compressor, move RetroDECK and install optional features"
"Steam Sync" "Sync all favorited games with Steam"
"Data Management" "Move RetroDECK folders between internal/SD card or to a custom location"
"About RetroDECK" "Show additional information about RetroDECK"
"Settings" "Customize your RetroDECK experience with various presets and tweaks."
"Open Component" "Manually launch and configure settings for each emulator or component (for advanced users)."
"Reset Component" "Reset a specific emulator, component or all of RetroDECK."
"Tools" "Various tools for verifying files and BIOS, and installing optional features."
"Steam Sync" "Enable / Disable: Synchronization of all favorited games with Steam."
"Data Management" "Move RetroDECK folders between internal storage, SD card, or a custom location, and clean out empty ROM folders or rebuild all ROM folders."
"About RetroDECK" "View additional information, including patch notes and credits."
if [[ $developer_options == "true" ]]; then
@ -168,18 +168,18 @@ configurator_global_presets_and_settings_dialog() {
choice=$(rd_zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Global: Presets & Settings" --cancel-label="Back" \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \
--column="Choice" --column="Action" \
"Borders" "Enable or disable borders in supported systems (only RetroArch is supported at this moment)" \
"Widescreen" "Enable or disable widescreen in supported systems" \
"Ask-to-Exit" "Enable or disable emulators confirming attempts to quit in supported systems" \
"Quick Resume" "Enable or disable save state auto-save/load in supported systems" \
"Rewind" "Enable or disable the rewind function in supported systems" \
"Swap A/B and X/Y Buttons" "Enable or disable a swapped A/B and X/Y button layout in supported systems" \
"RetroAchievements: Login" "Log into the RetroAchievements service in supported systems" \
"RetroAchievements: Logout" "Disable RetroAchievements service in ALL supported systems" \
"RetroAchievements: Hardcore Mode" "Enable RetroAchievements hardcore mode (no cheats, rewind, save states etc.) in supported systems" \
"Toggle Universal Dynamic Input for Dolphin" "Enable or disable universal dynamic input textures for Dolphin" \
"Toggle Universal Dynamic Input for Primehack" "Enable or disable universal dynamic input textures for Primehack" \
"PortMaster" "Hide or show PortMaster in ES-DE"
"Borders" "Enable / Disable: Borders in supported systems in RetroArch." \
"Widescreen" "Enable / Disable: Widescreen in supported systems." \
"Ask-to-Exit" "Enable / Disable: Popups that asks - Are sure you want to Quit? in supported systems." \
"Quick Resume" "Enable / Disable: Save state auto-save/load in supported systems." \
"Rewind" "Enable / Disable: the rewind function in supported systems." \
"Swap A/B and X/Y Buttons" "Enable / Disable: Swapped A/B and X/Y button layout in supported systems." \
"RetroAchievements: Login" "Login the RetroAchievements in supported systems." \
"RetroAchievements: Logout" "Logout RetroAchievements service in ALL supported systems" \
"RetroAchievements: Hardcore Mode" "Enable / Disable: RetroAchievements Hardcore Mode (no cheats, rewind, save states, etc.) in supported systems." \
"Toggle Universal Dynamic Input for Dolphin" "Enable / Disable: Universal Dynamic Input Textures for Dolphin." \
"Toggle Universal Dynamic Input for Primehack" "Enable / Disable: Universal Dynamic Input Textures for Primehack." \
"PortMaster" "Enable / Disable: PortMaster in ES-DE."
case $choice in
@ -406,14 +406,14 @@ configurator_open_emulator_dialog() {
configurator_retrodeck_tools_dialog() {
local choices=(
"Backup Userdata" "Compress and backup important RetroDECK user data folders"
"BIOS Checker" "Show information about common BIOS files"
"Games Compressor" "Games Compressor for systems that support it"
"Install: RetroDECK Controller Layouts" "Install the custom RetroDECK controller layouts on Steam"
"Install: PS3 Firmware" "Download and install PS3 firmware for use with the RPCS3 emulator"
"Install: PS Vita Firmware" "Download and install PS Vita firmware for use with the Vita3K emulator"
"Update Notification" "Enable or disable online checks for new versions of RetroDECK"
"Verify Multi-file Structure" "Verify the proper structure of multi-file or multi-disc games"
"Backup Userdata" "Compress and backup RetroDECK userdata folders."
"BIOS Checker" "Checks and shows information about BIOS files."
"Games Compressor" "Compress games to save space for supported systems."
"Install: RetroDECK Controller Layouts" "Install RetroDECK controller templates into Steam."
"Install: PS3 Firmware" "Download and Install: Playstation 3 firmware for the RPCS3 emulator."
"Install: PS Vita Firmware" "Download and Install: PlayStation Vita firmware for the Vita3K emulator."
"Update Notification" "Enable / Disable: Notifications for new RetroDECK versions."
"Verify Multi-file Structure" "Verify the proper structure of multi-file or multi-disc games."
if [[ $(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "kiroi_ponzu" "retrodeck" "options") == "true" ]]; then
@ -531,18 +531,18 @@ configurator_data_management_dialog() {
choice=$(rd_zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - RetroDECK: Move Tool" --cancel-label="Back" \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \
--column="Choice" --column="Action" \
"Move all of RetroDECK" "Move the entire retrodeck folder to a new location" \
"Move ROMs folder" "Move only the ROMs folder to a new location" \
"Move BIOS folder" "Move only the BIOS folder to a new location" \
"Move Downloaded Media folder" "Move only the Downloaded Media folder to a new location" \
"Move Saves folder" "Move only the Saves folder to a new location" \
"Move States folder" "Move only the States folder to a new location" \
"Move Themes folder" "Move only the Themes folder to a new location" \
"Move Screenshots folder" "Move only the Screenshots folder to a new location" \
"Move Mods folder" "Move only the Mods folder to a new location" \
"Move Texture Packs folder" "Move only the Texture Packs folder to a new location" \
"Clean Empty ROM Folders" "Remove some or all of the empty ROM folders" \
"Rebuild All ROM Folders" "Rebuild any missing default ROM folders" )
"Move all of RetroDECK" "Move the entire RetroDECK folder to a new location." \
"Move ROMs folder" "Move the ROMs folder to a new location." \
"Move BIOS folder" "Move the BIOS folder to a new location." \
"Move Downloaded Media folder" "Move the Downloaded Media folder to a new location." \
"Move Saves folder" "Move the Saves folder to a new location." \
"Move States folder" "Move the States folder to a new location." \
"Move Themes folder" "Move the Themes folder to a new location." \
"Move Screenshots folder" "Move the Screenshots folder to a new location." \
"Move Mods folder" "Move the Mods folder to a new location." \
"Move Texture Packs folder" "Move the Texture Packs folder to a new location" \
"Clean Empty ROM Folders" "Removes some or all of the empty ROM folders." \
"Rebuild All ROM Folders" "Rebuilds any missing ROM folders." )
case $choice in
@ -647,12 +647,12 @@ configurator_compression_tool_dialog() {
choice=$(rd_zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - RetroDECK: Compression Tool" --cancel-label="Back" \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \
--column="Choice" --column="Action" \
"Compress Single Game" "Compress a single game into a compatible format" \
"Compress Multiple Games - CHD" "Compress one or more games compatible with the CHD format" \
"Compress Multiple Games - ZIP" "Compress one or more games compatible with the ZIP format" \
"Compress Multiple Games - RVZ" "Compress one or more games compatible with the RVZ format" \
"Compress Multiple Games - All Formats" "Compress one or more games compatible with any format" \
"Compress All Games" "Compress all games into compatible formats" )
"Compress Single Game" "Compress a single game into a compatible format." \
"Compress Multiple Games - CHD" "Compress one or more games into the CHD format." \
"Compress Multiple Games - ZIP" "Compress one or more games into the ZIP format." \
"Compress Multiple Games - RVZ" "Compress one or more games into the RVZ format." \
"Compress Multiple Games - All Formats" "Compress one or more games into any format." \
"Compress All Games" "Compress all games into compatible formats." )
case $choice in