diff --git a/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/controllers-lightguns.md b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/controllers-lightguns.md
index c880e90b..fef01792 100644
--- a/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/controllers-lightguns.md
+++ b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/controllers-lightguns.md
@@ -1,15 +1,93 @@
 # Lightguns Controllers
-Lightguns are special type of controllers use to play lightgun games is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of first / third party controllers, DIY and open source projects such as:
-- Sinden
-- Wiimote Gun with IR Bar / Dolphin Bar
-- Namco's GunCons 2-3
-- AE Lightgun
-- Fusion Lightgun
+Lightguns are special type of controllers use to play lightgun games is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of first / third party controllers, DIY and open source projects.
 ## Sinden
-<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/sinden-lightgun.png" width="250">
+<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-sinden.png" width="250">
+[Sinden Website](https://sindenlightgun.com/)
+### How to configure?
+## GUN4IR
+<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/gun4ir-logo.png" width="250">
+The GUN4IR uses LED point strips around your display and allows you to rebuild existing lightguns or toyguns into the GUN4IR system. <br>
+The payed software to configure the GUN4IR guns is Windows only.
+[GUN4IR Website](https://www.gun4ir.com/)
+### How to configure?
+## AE Light Gun
+<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-aelightgun.png" width="250">
+[AE Light Gun Website](https://www.aelightgun.com/)
+### How to configure?
+## AimTrak
+<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-aimtrak.png" width="250">
+### How to configure?
+## SAMCO - Arduino Powered IR Light Gun
+<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon1.png" width="250">
+SAMCO is a way to rebuild old Namco GunCon's with Arduino to a IR Light Gun that works with modern displays.
+[The SAMCO Project Github](https://github.com/samuelballantyne/IR-Light-Gun)
+### How to configure?
+## GunCon or G-Con
+The GunCon, known as the G-Con in Europe, is a family of gun peripherals designed by Namco for the PlayStation consoles.
+### ConCon 1 and 2
+<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon1.png" width="250">
+<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon2.png" width="250">
+The version one and two of the GunCon only works on CRT displays.
+#### How to configure?
+### GunCon 3
+<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon3.png" width="250">
+The version three for the Playstation 3 works with some modern displays.
+#### How to configure?
+## Wii Remote Gun
+<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-wiigun.png" width="250">
+### How to configure?
diff --git a/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon1.png b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon1.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a905bbd
Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon1.png differ
diff --git a/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_images/logos/gun4ir-logo.png b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_images/logos/gun4ir-logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc53cdd5
Binary files /dev/null and b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_images/logos/gun4ir-logo.png differ