diff --git a/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/controllers-toys-to-life.md b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/controllers-toys-to-life.md
index 15aa6d9a..c07f94c8 100644
--- a/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/controllers-toys-to-life.md
+++ b/wiki-rtd/docs/wiki_controllers/controllers-toys-to-life.md
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ At the moment of writing the best way to play LEGO Dimensions with the LEGO Toyp
 Just connect the ToyPad to a USB port before starting the game.
 **Special Notes on the Steam Deck**
 The ToyPad must be connected to an alimented hub such as the a USB port of the Steam Dock. <br>
 Directly connecting the ToyPad to the Steam Deck it's not working as the Steam Deck can not give the ToyPad enought power output.