mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 14:27:48 +00:00
Add custom title text to generic info dialog
This commit is contained in:
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ check_for_version_update() {
set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_ignore" "$online_version" retrodeck "options" # Store version to ignore for future checks
else # User clicked "Yes"
configurator_generic_dialog "The update process may take several minutes.\n\nAfter the update is complete, RetroDECK will close. When you run it again you will be using the latest version."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Online Update" "The update process may take several minutes.\n\nAfter the update is complete, RetroDECK will close. When you run it again you will be using the latest version."
flatpak-spawn --host flatpak update --noninteractive -y net.retrodeck.retrodeck
) |
@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ check_for_version_update() {
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Updater" \
--text="RetroDECK is updating to the latest version, please wait."
configurator_generic_dialog "The update process is now complete!\n\nPlease restart RetroDECK to keep the fun going."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Online Update" "The update process is now complete!\n\nPlease restart RetroDECK to keep the fun going."
exit 1
elif [[ "$update_repo" == "RetroDECK-cooker" ]] && [[ ! $current_version == $online_version ]]; then
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ check_for_version_update() {
set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_ignore" "$online_version" retrodeck "options" # Store version to ignore for future checks.
else # User clicked "Yes"
configurator_generic_dialog "The update process may take several minutes.\n\nAfter the update is complete, RetroDECK will close. When you run it again you will be using the latest version."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Online Update" "The update process may take several minutes.\n\nAfter the update is complete, RetroDECK will close. When you run it again you will be using the latest version."
local latest_cooker_download=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/XargonWan/$update_repo/releases/latest | grep '"browser_download_url":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
mkdir -p "$rdhome/RetroDECK_Updates"
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ check_for_version_update() {
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Updater" \
--text="RetroDECK is updating to the latest version, please wait."
configurator_generic_dialog "The update process is now complete!\n\nPlease restart RetroDECK to keep the fun going."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Online Update" "The update process is now complete!\n\nPlease restart RetroDECK to keep the fun going."
exit 1
@ -854,11 +854,11 @@ echo "$chosen_user"
multi_user_enable_multi_user_mode() {
if [[ -z "$SteamAppUser" ]]; then
configurator_generic_dialog "The Steam username of the current user could not be determined from the system.\n\nThis can happen when running in Desktop mode.\n\nYou will be asked to specify the Steam username (not profile name) of the current user in the next dialog."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Multi-User Mode" "The Steam username of the current user could not be determined from the system.\n\nThis can happen when running in Desktop mode.\n\nYou will be asked to specify the Steam username (not profile name) of the current user in the next dialog."
if [[ -d "$multi_user_data_folder" && $(ls -1 "$multi_user_data_folder" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]]; then # If multi-user data folder exists from prior use and is not empty
if [[ -d "$multi_user_data_folder/$SteamAppUser" ]]; then # Current user has an existing save folder
configurator_generic_dialog "The current user $SteamAppUser has an existing folder in the multi-user data folder.\n\nThe saves here are likely older than the ones currently used by RetroDECK.\n\nThe old saves will be backed up to $backups_folder and the current saves will be loaded into the multi-user data folder."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Multi-User Mode" "The current user $SteamAppUser has an existing folder in the multi-user data folder.\n\nThe saves here are likely older than the ones currently used by RetroDECK.\n\nThe old saves will be backed up to $backups_folder and the current saves will be loaded into the multi-user data folder."
mkdir -p "$backups_folder"
tar -C "$multi_user_data_folder" -cahf "$backups_folder/multi-user-backup_$SteamAppUser_$(date +"%Y_%m_%d").zip" "$SteamAppUser"
rm -rf "$multi_user_data_folder/$SteamAppUser" # Remove stale data after backup
@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ multi_user_enable_multi_user_mode() {
if [[ -d "$multi_user_data_folder/$SteamAppUser" ]]; then
configurator_process_complete_dialog "enabling multi-user support"
configurator_generic_dialog "It looks like something went wrong while enabling multi-user mode."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Multi-User Mode" "It looks like something went wrong while enabling multi-user mode."
@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ multi_user_disable_multi_user_mode() {
set_setting_value $rd_conf "multi_user_mode" "false" retrodeck "options"
configurator_process_complete_dialog "disabling multi-user support"
configurator_generic_dialog "No single user was selected, please try the process again."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Multi-User Mode" "No single user was selected, please try the process again."
@ -916,12 +916,12 @@ multi_user_determine_current_user() {
else # Unable to find Steam user ID
if [[ $(ls -1 "$multi_user_data_folder" | wc -l) -gt 1 ]]; then
if [[ -z $default_user ]]; then # And a default user is not set
configurator_generic_dialog "The current user could not be determined from the system, and there are multiple users registered.\n\nPlease select which user is currently playing in the next dialog."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Multi-User Mode" "The current user could not be determined from the system, and there are multiple users registered.\n\nPlease select which user is currently playing in the next dialog."
if [[ ! -z $SteamAppUser ]]; then # User was chosen from dialog
configurator_generic_dialog "No user was chosen, RetroDECK will launch with the files from the user who played most recently."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Multi-User Mode" "No user was chosen, RetroDECK will launch with the files from the user who played most recently."
else # The default user is set
if [[ ! -z $(ls -1 $multi_user_data_folder | grep "$default_user") ]]; then # Confirm user data folder exists
@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ multi_user_determine_current_user() {
if [[ ! -z "$SteamAppUser" ]]; then
else # If running in Desktop mode for the first time
configurator_generic_dialog "The current user could not be determined from the system and there is no existing userlist.\n\nPlease enter the Steam account username (not profile name) into the next dialog, or run RetroDECK in game mode."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Multi-User Mode" "The current user could not be determined from the system and there is no existing userlist.\n\nPlease enter the Steam account username (not profile name) into the next dialog, or run RetroDECK in game mode."
if zenity --entry \
--title="Specify Steam username" \
--text="Enter Steam username:"
@ -949,17 +949,17 @@ multi_user_determine_current_user() {
if [[ ! -z "$SteamAppUser" ]]; then
else # But dialog box was blank
configurator_generic_dialog "No username was entered, so multi-user data folder cannot be created.\n\nDisabling multi-user mode, please try the process again."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Multi-User Mode" "No username was entered, so multi-user data folder cannot be created.\n\nDisabling multi-user mode, please try the process again."
set_setting_value $rd_conf "multi_user_mode" "false" retrodeck "options"
else # User clicked "Cancel"
configurator_generic_dialog "Cancelling multi-user mode activation."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Multi-User Mode" "Cancelling multi-user mode activation."
set_setting_value $rd_conf "multi_user_mode" "false" retrodeck "options"
configurator_generic_dialog "Multi-user mode is not currently enabled"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Multi-User Mode" "Multi-user mode is not currently enabled"
@ -2230,11 +2230,11 @@ configurator_process_complete_dialog() {
configurator_generic_dialog() {
# This dialog is for showing temporary messages before another process happens.
# USAGE: configurator_generic_dialog "info text"
# USAGE: configurator_generic_dialog "title text" "info text"
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility" \
--title "$1" \
configurator_generic_question_dialog() {
@ -2303,17 +2303,17 @@ configurator_move_folder_dialog() {
elif [[ "$choice" == "SD Card" ]]; then # If the user wants to move the folder to the predefined SD card location, set the target as sdcard from retrodeck.cfg
local dest_root="$sdcard"
configurator_generic_dialog "Select the parent folder you would like to store the $(basename $dir_to_move) folder in."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Move Folder" "Select the parent folder you would like to store the $(basename $dir_to_move) folder in."
local dest_root=$(directory_browse "RetroDECK directory location") # Set the destination root as the selected custom location
if [[ (! -z "$dest_root") && ( -w "$dest_root") ]]; then # If user picked a destination and it is writable
if [[ (-d "$dest_root/$rd_dir_path") && (! -L "$dest_root/$rd_dir_path") && (! $rd_dir_name == "rdhome") ]] || [[ "$(realpath $dir_to_move)" == "$dest_root/$rd_dir_path" ]]; then # If the user is trying to move the folder to where it already is (excluding symlinks that will be unlinked)
configurator_generic_dialog "The $(basename $dir_to_move) folder is already at that location, please pick a new one."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Move Folder" "The $(basename $dir_to_move) folder is already at that location, please pick a new one."
configurator_move_folder_dialog "$rd_dir_name"
if [[ $(verify_space "$(echo $dir_to_move | sed 's/\/$//')" "$dest_root") ]]; then # Make sure there is enough space at the destination
configurator_generic_dialog "Moving $(basename $dir_to_move) folder to $choice"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Move Folder" "Moving $(basename $dir_to_move) folder to $choice"
unlink "$dest_root/$rd_dir_path" # In case there is already a symlink at the picked destination
move "$dir_to_move" "$dest_root/$rd_dir_path"
if [[ -d "$dest_root/$rd_dir_path" ]]; then # If the move succeeded
@ -2328,7 +2328,7 @@ configurator_move_folder_dialog() {
configurator_process_complete_dialog "moving the RetroDECK data directory to internal storage"
configurator_generic_dialog "The moving process was not completed, please try again."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Move Folder" "The moving process was not completed, please try again."
else # If there isn't enough space in the picked destination
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --error --no-wrap \
@ -2339,21 +2339,21 @@ configurator_move_folder_dialog() {
else # If the user didn't pick any custom destination, or the destination picked is unwritable
if [[ ! -z "$dest_root" ]]; then
configurator_generic_dialog "No destination was chosen, so no files have been moved."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Move Folder" "No destination was chosen, so no files have been moved."
configurator_generic_dialog "The chosen destination is not writable.\nNo files have been moved.\n\nThis can happen when trying to select a location that RetroDECK does not have permission to write.\nThis can normally be fixed by adding the desired path to the RetroDECK permissions with Flatseal."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Move Folder" "The chosen destination is not writable.\nNo files have been moved.\n\nThis can happen when trying to select a location that RetroDECK does not have permission to write.\nThis can normally be fixed by adding the desired path to the RetroDECK permissions with Flatseal."
else # The folder to move was not found at the path pulled from retrodeck.cfg and it needs to be reconfigured manually.
configurator_generic_dialog "The $(basename $dir_to_move) folder was not found at the expected location.\n\nThis may have happened if the folder was moved manually.\n\nPlease select the current location of the folder."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Move Folder" "The $(basename $dir_to_move) folder was not found at the expected location.\n\nThis may have happened if the folder was moved manually.\n\nPlease select the current location of the folder."
dir_to_move=$(directory_browse "RetroDECK $(basename $dir_to_move) directory location")
eval "$rd_dir_name"="$dir_to_move"
prepare_emulator "postmove" "all"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK $(basename $dir_to_move) folder now configured at\n$dir_to_move."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Move Folder" "RetroDECK $(basename $dir_to_move) folder now configured at\n$dir_to_move."
configurator_move_folder_dialog "$rd_dir_name"
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ if [[ ! -f "$rd_conf" ]]; then
# Check if SD card path has changed from SteamOS update
if [[ ! -d $default_sd && "$(ls -A /run/media/deck/)" ]]; then
configurator_generic_dialog "The SD card was not found in the expected location.\nThis may happen when SteamOS is updated.\n\nPlease browse to the current location of the SD card.\n\nIf you are not using an SD card, please click \"Cancel\"."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Setup" "The SD card was not found in the expected location.\nThis may happen when SteamOS is updated.\n\nPlease browse to the current location of the SD card.\n\nIf you are not using an SD card, please click \"Cancel\"."
default_sd=$(directory_browse "SD Card Location")
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ else
# Verify rdhome is where it is supposed to be.
if [[ ! -d $rdhome ]]; then
configurator_generic_dialog "The RetroDECK data folder was not found in the expected location.\nThis may happen when SteamOS is updated.\n\nPlease browse to the current location of the \"retrodeck\" folder."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Setup" "The RetroDECK data folder was not found in the expected location.\nThis may happen when SteamOS is updated.\n\nPlease browse to the current location of the \"retrodeck\" folder."
new_home_path=$(directory_browse "RetroDECK folder location")
set_setting_value $rd_conf "rdhome" "$new_home_path" retrodeck "paths"
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ else
if [[ $(check_network_connectivity) == "true" ]]; then
finit # Executing First/Force init
configurator_generic_dialog "You do not appear to be connected to a network with internet access.\n\nThe initial RetroDECK setup requires some files from the internet to function properly.\n\nPlease retry this process once a network connection is available."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Setup" "You do not appear to be connected to a network with internet access.\n\nThe initial RetroDECK setup requires some files from the internet to function properly.\n\nPlease retry this process once a network connection is available."
exit 1
@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ configurator_reset_dialog() {
prepare_emulator "reset" "$emulator_to_reset" "configurator"
configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset"
configurator_generic_dialog "You do not appear to be connected to a network with internet access.\n\nThe $emulator_to_reset reset process requires some files from the internet to function properly.\n\nPlease retry this process once a network connection is available."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDeck Configurator - Reset" "You do not appear to be connected to a network with internet access.\n\nThe $emulator_to_reset reset process requires some files from the internet to function properly.\n\nPlease retry this process once a network connection is available."
configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDeck Configurator - Reset" "Reset process cancelled."
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ configurator_reset_dialog() {
prepare_emulator "reset" "$emulator_to_reset" "configurator"
configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset"
configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDeck Configurator - Reset" "Reset process cancelled."
@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ configurator_reset_dialog() {
prepare_emulator "reset" "all"
configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting all emulators"
configurator_generic_dialog "You do not appear to be connected to a network with internet access.\n\nThe all-emulator reset process requires some files from the internet to function properly.\n\nPlease retry this process once a network connection is available."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDeck Configurator - Reset" "You do not appear to be connected to a network with internet access.\n\nThe all-emulator reset process requires some files from the internet to function properly.\n\nPlease retry this process once a network connection is available."
configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDeck Configurator - Reset" "Reset process cancelled."
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ configurator_reset_dialog() {
rm -f "$rd_conf"
configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting RetroDECK"
configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDeck Configurator - Reset" "Reset process cancelled."
@ -488,15 +488,15 @@ configurator_compress_single_game_dialog() {
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Compression in Progress"
configurator_generic_dialog "The compression process is complete!"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - ROM Compressor" "The compression process is complete!"
configurator_generic_dialog "The selected file does not have any compatible compressed format."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - ROM Compressor" "The selected file does not have any compatible compressed format."
configurator_generic_dialog "No file selected, returning to main menu"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - ROM Compressor" "No file selected, returning to main menu"
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ configurator_compress_some_games_dialog() {
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --auto-close \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Compression in Progress"
configurator_generic_dialog "The compression process is complete!"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - ROM Compressor" "The compression process is complete!"
@ -658,10 +658,10 @@ configurator_compress_all_games_dialog() {
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --auto-close \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Compression in Progress"
configurator_generic_dialog "The compression process is complete!"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - ROM Compressor" "The compression process is complete!"
configurator_generic_dialog "There were no games found that could be compressed."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - ROM Compressor" "There were no games found that could be compressed."
@ -731,13 +731,13 @@ configurator_check_multifile_game_structure() {
--title "RetroDECK" \
--text="The following games were found to have the incorrect folder structure:\n\n$(find $roms_folder -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d ! -name "*.m3u" ! -name "*.ps3")\n\nIncorrect folder structure can result in failure to launch games or saves being in the incorrect location.\n\nPlease see the RetroDECK wiki for more details!\n\nYou can find this list of games in ~/retrodeck/.logs"
configurator_generic_dialog "No incorrect multi-file game folder structures found."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Multi-file Game Structure" "No incorrect multi-file game folder structures found."
configurator_check_bios_files_basic() {
configurator_generic_dialog "This check will look for BIOS files that RetroDECK has identified as working.\n\nThere may be additional BIOS files that will function with the emulators that are not checked.\n\nSome more advanced emulators such as Yuzu will have additional methods for verifiying the BIOS files are in working order."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Basic BIOS Check" "This check will look for BIOS files that RetroDECK has identified as working.\n\nThere may be additional BIOS files that will function with the emulators that are not checked.\n\nSome more advanced emulators such as Yuzu will have additional methods for verifiying the BIOS files are in working order."
while IFS="^" read -r bios_file bios_subdir bios_hash bios_system bios_desc
@ -758,13 +758,13 @@ configurator_check_bios_files_basic() {
done < $bios_checklist
configurator_generic_dialog "The following systems have been found to have at least one valid BIOS file.\n\n$systems_with_bios\n\nFor more information on the BIOS files found please use the Advanced check tool."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Basic BIOS Check" "The following systems have been found to have at least one valid BIOS file.\n\n$systems_with_bios\n\nFor more information on the BIOS files found please use the Advanced check tool."
configurator_check_bios_files_advanced() {
configurator_generic_dialog "This check will look for BIOS files that RetroDECK has identified as working.\n\nNot all BIOS files are required for games to work, please check the BIOS description for more information on its purpose.\n\nThere may be additional BIOS files that will function with the emulators that are not checked.\n\nSome more advanced emulators such as Yuzu will have additional methods for verifiying the BIOS files are in working order."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Advanced BIOS Check" "This check will look for BIOS files that RetroDECK has identified as working.\n\nNot all BIOS files are required for games to work, please check the BIOS description for more information on its purpose.\n\nThere may be additional BIOS files that will function with the emulators that are not checked.\n\nSome more advanced emulators such as Yuzu will have additional methods for verifiying the BIOS files are in working order."
while IFS="^" read -r bios_file bios_subdir bios_hash bios_system bios_desc
@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ configurator_online_theme_downloader() {
--no-cancel \
configurator_generic_dialog "The theme downloads and updates have been completed.\n\nYou may need to exit RetroDECK and start it again for the new themes to be available."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Online Theme Downloader" "The theme downloads and updates have been completed.\n\nYou may need to exit RetroDECK and start it again for the new themes to be available."
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ configurator_online_theme_downloader() {
configurator_rpcs3_firmware_updater() {
configurator_generic_dialog "This tool will download firmware required by RPCS3 to emulate PS3 games.\n\nThe process will take several minutes, and the emulator will launch to finish the installation.\nPlease close RPCS3 manually once the installation is complete."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - RPCS3 Firmware Update" "This tool will download firmware required by RPCS3 to emulate PS3 games.\n\nThe process will take several minutes, and the emulator will launch to finish the installation.\nPlease close RPCS3 manually once the installation is complete."
) |
@ -903,17 +903,17 @@ configurator_tools_and_troubleshooting_dialog() {
if [[ $(check_network_connectivity) == "true" ]]; then
configurator_generic_dialog "You do not appear to currently have Internet access, which is required by this tool. Please try again when network access has been restored."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - RPCS3 Firmware Update" "You do not appear to currently have Internet access, which is required by this tool. Please try again when network access has been restored."
"Install RetroDECK controller profile" )
configurator_generic_dialog "Starting with version 0.7.0b, we are offering a new official RetroDECK controller profile!\nIt is an optional component that helps you get the most out of RetroDECK with a new in-game radial menu for unified hotkeys across emulators.\n\nThe files need to be installed outside of the normal ~/retrodeck folder, so we wanted your permission before proceeding.\n\nThe files will be installed at the following shared Steam locations:\n\n$HOME/.steam/steam/tenfoot/resource/images/library/controller/binding_icons/\n$HOME/.steam/steam/controller_base/templates/RetroDECK_controller_config.vdf"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Custom Controller Profile" "Starting with version 0.7.0b, we are offering a new official RetroDECK controller profile!\nIt is an optional component that helps you get the most out of RetroDECK with a new in-game radial menu for unified hotkeys across emulators.\n\nThe files need to be installed outside of the normal ~/retrodeck folder, so we wanted your permission before proceeding.\n\nThe files will be installed at the following shared Steam locations:\n\n$HOME/.steam/steam/tenfoot/resource/images/library/controller/binding_icons/\n$HOME/.steam/steam/controller_base/templates/RetroDECK_controller_config.vdf"
if [[ $(configurator_generic_question_dialog "RetroDECK Official Controller Profile" "Would you like to install the official RetroDECK controller profile?") == "true" ]]; then
configurator_generic_dialog "The RetroDECK controller profile install is complete.\nSee the Wiki for more details on how to use it to its fullest potential!"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Custom Controller Profile" "The RetroDECK controller profile install is complete.\nSee the Wiki for more details on how to use it to its fullest potential!"
@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ configurator_tools_and_troubleshooting_dialog() {
"Backup RetroDECK Userdata" )
configurator_generic_dialog "This tool will compress important RetroDECK userdata (basically everything except the ROMs folder) into a zip file.\n\nThis process can take several minutes, and the resulting zip file can be found in the ~/retrodeck/backups folder."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Userdata Backup" "This tool will compress important RetroDECK userdata (basically everything except the ROMs folder) into a zip file.\n\nThis process can take several minutes, and the resulting zip file can be found in the ~/retrodeck/backups folder."
) |
@ -933,9 +933,9 @@ configurator_tools_and_troubleshooting_dialog() {
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Backup in Progress" \
--text="Backing up RetroDECK userdata, please wait..."
if [[ -f $backups_folder/$(date +"%0m%0d")_retrodeck_userdata.zip ]]; then
configurator_generic_dialog "The backup process is now complete."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Userdata Backup" "The backup process is now complete."
configurator_generic_dialog "The backup process could not be completed,\nplease check the logs folder for more information."
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Userdata Backup" "The backup process could not be completed,\nplease check the logs folder for more information."
@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ configurator_welcome_dialog() {
"Developer Options" )
configurator_generic_dialog "The following features and options are potentially VERY DANGEROUS for your RetroDECK install!\n\nThey should be considered the bleeding-edge of upcoming RetroDECK features, and never used when you have important saves/states/roms that are not backed up!\n\nYOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Developer Options" "The following features and options are potentially VERY DANGEROUS for your RetroDECK install!\n\nThey should be considered the bleeding-edge of upcoming RetroDECK features, and never used when you have important saves/states/roms that are not backed up!\n\nYOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!"
Reference in a new issue