More functions

This commit is contained in:
icenine451 2022-10-11 16:19:35 -04:00
parent 6a7a313ede
commit 42fa262f02
2 changed files with 110 additions and 36 deletions

View file

@ -52,6 +52,15 @@ tools_init() {
cp -fv /app/retrodeck/tools-gamelist.xml /var/config/retrodeck/tools/gamelist.xml
tools_init() {
rm -rfv /var/config/retrodeck/tools/
mkdir -pv /var/config/retrodeck/tools/
cp -rfv /app/retrodeck/tools/* /var/config/retrodeck/tools/
mkdir -pv /var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/custom_systems/tools/
rm -rfv /var/config/retrodeck/tools/gamelist.xml
cp -fv /app/retrodeck/tools-gamelist.xml /var/config/retrodeck/tools/gamelist.xml
standalones_init() {
# This script is configuring the standalone emulators with the default files present in emuconfigs folder
@ -96,15 +105,16 @@ standalones_init() {
echo "----------------------"
echo "Initializing PCSX2"
echo "----------------------"
mkdir -pv /var/config/PCSX2/inis/
mkdir -pv "/var/config/PCSX2/inis"
mkdir -pv "$rdhome/saves/ps2/pcsx2/memcards"
mkdir -pv "$rdhome/states/ps2/pcsx2"
cp -fvr $emuconfigs/PCSX2/* /var/config/PCSX2/inis/
sed -i 's#~/retrodeck#'$rdhome'#g' /var/config/PCSX2/inis/PCSX2_ui.ini
sed -i 's#~/retrodeck#'$rdhome'#g' /var/config/PCSX2/inis/PCSX2.ini
dir_prep "$rdhome/states/ps2/pcsx2" "/var/config/PCSX2/sstates"
dir_prep "$rdhome/screenshots" "/var/config/PCSX2/snaps"
dir_prep "$rdhome/.logs" "/var/config/PCSX2/logs"
dir_prep "$rdhome/bios" "$rdhome/bios/pcsx2"
#dir_prep "$rdhome/states/ps2/pcsx2" "/var/config/PCSX2/sstates"
#dir_prep "$rdhome/screenshots" "/var/config/PCSX2/snaps"
#dir_prep "$rdhome/.logs" "/var/config/PCSX2/logs"
#dir_prep "$rdhome/bios" "$rdhome/bios/pcsx2"
# MelonDS
echo "----------------------"
@ -233,6 +243,17 @@ post_update() {
# post update script
echo "Executing post-update script"
# Finding existing ROMs folder
if [ -d "$default_sd/retrodeck" ]
# ROMs on SD card
# ROMs on Internal
echo "ROMs folder found at $roms_folder"
# Unhiding downloaded media from the previous versions
if [ -d "$rdhome/.downloaded_media" ]
@ -258,6 +279,10 @@ post_update() {
# 0.4 -> 0.5
# Perform save and state migration if needed
# Moving PCSX2 Saves
mv -fv /var/config/PCSX2/sstates/* $rdhome/states/ps2/pcsx2
mv -fv /var/config/PCSX2/memcards/* $rdhome/saves/ps2/memcards
versionwheresaveschanged="0.4.5b" # Hardcoded break point between unsorted and sorted saves
if [[ $(sed -e "s/\.//g" <<< $hard_version) > $(sed -e "s/\.//g" <<< $versionwheresaveschanged) ]] && [[ ! $(sed -e "s/\.//g" <<< $hard_version) == $(sed -e "s/\.//g" <<< $version) ]]; then # Check if user is upgrading from the version where save organization was changed. Try not to reuse this, it things 0.4.5b is newer than 0.4.5
@ -265,18 +290,16 @@ post_update() {
save_backup_file=$rdhome/savebackup_"$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%I_%M_%p").zip"
state_backup_file=$rdhome/statesbackup_"$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%I_%M_%p").zip"
# NOTE: This Zenity command may need to be one line, it broke when I pasted it into a sandbox file
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK" \
--text="You are updating to a version of RetroDECK where save and state file sorting has changed!\n\nYour existing saves will be backed up to $save_backup_file\n\nYour existing states will be backed up to $state_backup_file\n\nIf a save or state cannot be sorted automatically it will remain in its original directory so you can sort it manually.\n\nIf you encounter any issues, a log of the sorting process is stored at $migration_logfile\n\nPLEASE BE PATIENT! This process can take several minutes if you have a large ROM library."
--text="You are updating to a version of RetroDECK where save file locations have changed!\n\nYour existing files will be backed up for safety and then sorted automatically.\n\nIf a file cannot be sorted automatically it will remain where it is for manual sorting.\n\nPLEASE BE PATIENT! This process can take several minutes if you have a large ROM library."
allgames=($(find "$roms_folder" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 ! -name "systeminfo.txt" ! -name "systems.txt" ! -name "*^*" | sed -e "s/ /\^/g")) # Build an array of all games and multi-disc-game-containing folders, adding whitespace placeholder
allgames=($(find "$roms_folder" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 ! -name "systeminfo.txt" ! -name "systems.txt" ! -name "gc" ! -name "n3ds" ! -name "nds" ! -name "wii" ! -name "xbox" ! -name "*^*" | sed -e "s/ /\^/g")) # Build an array of all games and multi-disc-game-containing folders, adding whitespace placeholder
allsaves=($(find "$saves_folder" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "*.*" | sed -e "s/ /\^/g")) # Build an array of all save files, ignoring standalone emulator sub-folders, adding whitespace placeholder
allsaves=($(find "$saves_folder" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "*.*" ! -name "gc" ! -name "n3ds" ! -name "nds" ! -name "wii" ! -name "xbox" | sed -e "s/ /\^/g")) # Build an array of all save files, ignoring standalone emulator sub-folders, adding whitespace placeholder
allstates=($(find "$states_folder" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "*.*" | sed -e "s/ /\^/g")) # Build an array of all state files, ignoring standalone emulator sub-folders, adding whitespace placeholder
allstates=($(find "$states_folder" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "*.*" ! -name "gc" ! -name "n3ds" ! -name "nds" ! -name "wii" ! -name "xbox" | sed -e "s/ /\^/g")) # Build an array of all state files, ignoring standalone emulator sub-folders, adding whitespace placeholder
@ -365,7 +388,19 @@ post_update() {
--no-cancel \
# NOTE: This Zenity command may need to be one line, it broke when I pasted it into a sandbox file
if [[ $(cat $migration_logfile | grep "ERROR" | wc -l) -eq 0 ]]; then
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK" \
--text="The migration process has sorted all of your files automatically.\n\nEverything should be working normally, if you experience any issues please check the RetroDECK wiki or contact us directly on the Discord."
cat $migration_logfile | grep "ERROR" > "$rdhome/manual_sort_needed.log"
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK" \
--text="The migration process was unable to sort $(cat $migration_logfile | grep "ERROR" | wc -l) files automatically.\n\nThese files will need to be moved manually to their new locations, find more detail on the RetroDECK wiki.\n\nA log of the files that need manual sorting can be found at $rdhome/manual_sort_needed.log"
echo "Version" $version "is after the save and state organization was changed, no need to sort again"
@ -456,7 +491,6 @@ finit() {
--ok-label "Cancel" \
--extra-button "Internal" \
--extra-button "SD Card" \
#--extra-button "Advanced" \
--text="Welcome to the first configuration of RetroDECK.\nThe setup will be quick but please READ CAREFULLY each message in order to avoid misconfigurations.\n\nWhere do you want your roms folder to be located?" )
echo "Choice is $choice"

View file

@ -40,40 +40,81 @@ pcsx2vmconf="/var/config/PCSX2/inis/PCSX2_vm.ini"
browse() {
# Function for browsing directories, sets directory selected to variable $target for use in other functions
# This function browses for a directory and returns the path chosen
# USAGE: path_to_be_browsed_for=$(browse $source/destination_text $action_text)
while [ $path_selected == false ]
while [ $path_selected == false ]
target="$(zenity --file-selection --title="Choose target location to $action" --directory)"
target="$(zenity --file-selection --title="Choose $1 location to $2" --directory)"
echo "Path chosen: $target, answer=$?"
zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" \
--cancel-label="No" \
--ok-label "Yes" \
--text="Your new directory will be:\n\n$target\n\nis that ok?"
if [ $? == 0 ] #yes
path_selected == true
zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --cancel-label="No" --ok-label "Yes" --text="Do you want to quit?"
if [ $? == 0 ] # yes, quit
zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --cancel-label="No" --ok-label "Yes" \
--text="Directory $target chosen, is this correct?"
if [ $? == 0 ]
exit 0
echo $target
zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --cancel-label="No" --ok-label "Yes" \
--text="No directory selected. Do you want to return to the main menu?"
if [ $? == 1 ]
move() {
verify_space() {
# Function used for verifying adequate space before moving directories around
# USAGE: verify_space $source_dir $dest_dir
# Function returns "true" if there is enough space, "false" if there is not
source_size=$(du -sk /home/deck/retrodeck | awk '{print $1}')
source_size=$((source_size+(source_size/10))) # Add 10% to source size for safety
dest_avail=$(df -k --output=avail $2 | tail -1)
if [[ $source_size -ge $dest_avail ]]; then
echo "false"
echo "true"
move() {
# Function to move a directory from one parent to another
# USAGE: move $source_dir $dest_dir
if [[ verify_space $1 $2 ]]; then
echo "mv -v -t $2 $1"
) |
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Move in Progress" \
--text="Moving directory $1 to new location of $2, please wait."
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --error --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Move Directories" \
--text="The destination directory you have selected does not have enough free space for the files you are trying to move.\n\nPlease select a new destination or free up some space."
set_setting() {
# Function for editing settings
# USAGE: $(set_setting $setting_file $setting_name $new_setting_value $system) (needed as different systems use different config file syntax)
# USAGE: set_setting $setting_file $setting_name $new_setting_value $system (needed as different systems use different config file syntax)
case $4 in
@ -131,7 +172,7 @@ esac
get_setting() {
# Function for getting the current value of a setting from a config file
# USAGE: $(get_setting $setting_file $setting_name $system) (needed as different systems use different config file syntax)
# USAGE: get_setting $setting_file $setting_name $system (needed as different systems use different config file syntax)
case $3 in
@ -216,21 +257,19 @@ esac
# Code for the menus should be put in reverse order, so functions for sub-menus exists before it is called by the parent menu
configurator_process_complete_dialog() {
# This dialog shows when a process is complete.
# USAGE: configurator_process_complete_dialog "process text"
zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Process Complete" \
--text="The process of $1 is now complete.\n\nYou may need to quit and restart RetroDECK for your changes to take effect\n\nClick OK to return to the Main Menu or Quit to return to RetroDECK."
if [ $? == 0 ] # OK button clicked
configurator_progress_bar_dialog() {
configurator_reset_dialog() {
choice=$(zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Reset Options" --cancel-label="Back" \
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
@ -471,6 +510,7 @@ configurator_move_dialog() {
"Move BIOS" )
"Move Downloaded Media" )