diff --git a/functions.sh b/functions.sh
index b9dbb3c9..548b601e 100644
--- a/functions.sh
+++ b/functions.sh
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ move() {
       zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \
       --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
       --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Move in Progress" \
-      --text="Moving directory $1 to new location of $2, please wait."
+      --text="Moving directory $(basename "$1") to new location of $2, please wait."
       zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --error --no-wrap \
       --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
@@ -779,14 +779,11 @@ update_rd_conf() {
   # This function will import a default retrodeck.cfg file and update it with any current settings. This will allow us to expand the file over time while retaining current user settings.
   # USAGE: update_rd_conf
+  conf_read # Read current settings into memory
   mv -f $rd_conf $rd_conf_backup # Backup config file before update
-  generate_single_patch $rd_defaults $rd_conf_backup $rd_update_patch retrodeck
-  sed -i '/change^^version/d' $rd_update_patch # Remove version line from temporary patch file, so old value isn't kept
-  deploy_single_patch $rd_defaults $rd_update_patch $rd_conf
-  set_setting_value $rd_conf "version" "$hard_version" retrodeck # Set version of currently running RetroDECK to updated retrodeck.cfg
-  rm -f $rd_update_patch # Cleanup temporary patch file
-  conf_read
+  cp $rd_defaults $rd_conf # Copy defaults file into place
+  conf_write # Write old values into new default file
+  conf_read # Read all settings into memory
 resolve_preset_conflicts() {
@@ -1172,15 +1169,17 @@ update_splashscreens() {
 deploy_helper_files() {
+  # This script will distribute helper documentation files throughout the filesystem according to the $helper_files_list
+  # USAGE: deploy_helper_files
-while IFS='^' read -r file dest
-    if [[ ! "$file" == "#"* ]] && [[ ! -z "$file" ]]; then
-    eval current_dest="$dest"
-    cp -f "$helper_files_folder/$file" "$current_dest/$file"
-  fi
+  while IFS='^' read -r file dest
+  do
+      if [[ ! "$file" == "#"* ]] && [[ ! -z "$file" ]]; then
+      eval current_dest="$dest"
+      cp -f "$helper_files_folder/$file" "$current_dest/$file"
+    fi
-done < "$helper_files_list"
+  done < "$helper_files_list"
 prepare_emulator() {
@@ -1966,7 +1965,7 @@ finit() {
   mkdir -p "/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/gamelists/doom"
   cp "/app/retrodeck/rd_prepacks/doom/gamelist.xml" "/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/gamelists/doom/gamelist.xml"
   mkdir -p "$media_folder/doom"
-  unzip -q "/app/retrodeck/rd_prepacks/doom/doom.zip" -d "$media_folder/doom/"
+  unzip -oq "/app/retrodeck/rd_prepacks/doom/doom.zip" -d "$media_folder/doom/"
   prepare_emulator "reset" "all"
diff --git a/global.sh b/global.sh
index 3a903232..58151bb3 100755
--- a/global.sh
+++ b/global.sh
@@ -116,6 +116,11 @@ then
   set_setting_value $rd_conf "version" "$version" retrodeck # Set current version for new installs
   set_setting_value $rd_conf "sdcard" "$default_sd" retrodeck "paths" # Set SD card location if default path has changed
+  if grep -qF "cooker" <<< $hard_version; then # If newly-installed version is a "cooker" build
+    set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_repo" "RetroDECK-cooker" retrodeck "options"
+    set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_check" "true" retrodeck "options"
+  fi
   echo "Setting config file permissions"
   chmod +rw $rd_conf
   echo "RetroDECK config file initialized. Contents:"
@@ -127,6 +132,12 @@ then
   echo "Found RetroDECK config file in $rd_conf"
   echo "Loading it"
+  if grep -qF "cooker" <<< $hard_version; then # If newly-installed version is a "cooker" build
+    set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_repo" "RetroDECK-cooker" retrodeck "options"
+    set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_check" "true" retrodeck "options"
+  fi
   # Verify rdhome is where it is supposed to be.
diff --git a/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml b/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
index 58dab9bb..7fd519d0 100644
--- a/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
+++ b/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
@@ -1221,6 +1221,8 @@ modules:
       - cp tools/configurator.sh /app/tools/configurator.sh
       - chmod +x /app/tools/configurator.sh
       - cp es-configs/tools-gamelist.xml /app/retrodeck/tools-gamelist.xml
+      - cp tools/retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh /app/tools/retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh
+      - chmod +x /app/tools/retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh
       # Function libraries
       - mkdir -p /app/libexec
diff --git a/post_update.sh b/post_update.sh
index 68a54425..0c944afa 100644
--- a/post_update.sh
+++ b/post_update.sh
@@ -86,15 +86,11 @@ post_update() {
     dir_prep "$rdhome/gamelists" "/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/gamelists"
-    sed -i '/version=.*/G' $rd_conf
-    sed -i '3i [paths]' $rd_conf
-    sed -i '/^power_user_warning=.*/i [options]' $rd_conf
     cp /app/retrodeck/extras/doom1.wad "$roms_folder/doom/doom1.wad" # No -f in case the user already has it
     mkdir -p "/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/gamelists/doom"
-    cp "/app/retrodeck/rd_prepacks/doom/gamelist.xml" "/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/gamelists/doom/gamelist.xml"
+    cp -f "/app/retrodeck/rd_prepacks/doom/gamelist.xml" "/var/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/gamelists/doom/gamelist.xml"
     mkdir -p "$media_folder/doom"
-    unzip -q "/app/retrodeck/rd_prepacks/doom/doom.zip" -d "$media_folder/doom/"
+    unzip -oq "/app/retrodeck/rd_prepacks/doom/doom.zip" -d "$media_folder/doom/"
   # The following commands are run every time.
diff --git a/retrodeck.sh b/retrodeck.sh
index b6dc2969..6de347fe 100644
--- a/retrodeck.sh
+++ b/retrodeck.sh
@@ -104,15 +104,12 @@ then
   if [ "$hard_version" != "$version" ];
     echo "Config file's version is $version but the actual version is $hard_version"
     if grep -qF "cooker" <<< $hard_version; then # If newly-installed version is a "cooker" build
-      set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_repo" "RetroDECK-cooker" retrodeck "options"
-      set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_check" "true" retrodeck "options"
-      cooker_base_version=$(echo $hard_version | cut -d'-' -f2 | sed 's/\([0-9]\.[0-9][a-z]\).*/\1/')
+      cooker_base_version=$(echo $hard_version | cut -d'-' -f2)
       choice=$(zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap --ok-label="Upgrade" --extra-button="Don't Upgrade" --extra-button="Fresh Install" \
       --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
       --title "RetroDECK Cooker Upgrade" \
-      --text="You appear to be upgrading to a \"cooker\" build of RetroDECK.\n\nWould you like to perform the standard post-update process, skip the post-update process or remove ALL existing RetroDECK data to start from a fresh install?")
+      --text="You appear to be upgrading to a \"cooker\" build of RetroDECK.\n\nWould you like to perform the standard post-update process, skip the post-update process or remove ALL existing RetroDECK data to start from a fresh install?\n\nPerforming the normal post-update process multiple times may lead to unexpected results.")
       rc=$? # Capture return code, as "Yes" button has no text value
       if [[ $rc == "1" ]]; then # If any button other than "Yes" was clicked
         if [[ $choice == "Don't Upgrade" ]]; then # If user wants to bypass the post_update.sh process this time.
@@ -122,6 +119,7 @@ then
           echo "Removing RetroDECK data and starting fresh"
           rm -rf /var
           rm -rf "$HOME/retrodeck"
+          source /app/libexec/global.sh
diff --git a/tools/retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh b/tools/retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98148ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This wrapper will run a single RetroDECK function with any number of arguments
+# USAGE: /bin/bash retrodeck_function_wrapper.sh <function_name> <arg1> <arg2> ...
+source /app/libexec/global.sh
+# Check if a function was specified
+if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
+  echo "Usage: $0 function_name [args...]"
+  exit 1
+# Get the function name and remove it from the list of arguments
+# Check if the function exists
+if ! declare -f "$function_name" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  echo "Function '$function_name' not found"
+  exit 1
+# Call the function with any remaining arguments
+"$function_name" "$@"