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# The RetroDECK Blog 📝
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date: 2023-04-06
**Please note that this was written for Lemmy/Reddit and copied over to the new RetroDECK Wiki**
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
# Status update 2023-04:
Controls, Controls, Controls!
Right now we are working on a huge overhaul of the Steam Deck's input profile for GameMode that should feature a more uniform hotkey configuration for version v0.7b across most emulators.
The team have painstakingly made a huge map (excel) with all the emulators hotkeys, how they can be mapped and in the end classified as important, semi-important och not important.
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*The thoughts so far:*
* L4-L5 and R4-R5 (the back buttons) are used for various hotkey combos with the traditional buttons. We have to find a layout that feels right and it should allow us do a lot of hotkey binds.
* The left touchpad opens a radial menu with sub menus that gives you more quick access to less used and the frequently used hotkeys across all emulators.
* The right touchpad works as a mouse with left click (WiiMote games, Lightgun, navigate the emulators gui and other things)
There also will be a community feedback and test phase for the new inputs at a later date. We would love to hear your feedback!
*Note: You are not forced to use our profile, you can still make your own and rebind how you want.*
**Expose new folders for ease of access:**
For v0.7b we are going to make it easy to understand where to find the various gamelist.xml and where to put mods and textures. We are adding/exposing folders in the main `retrodeck` folder for ease of access. So you will find new folders for `gamelists` `mods` `textures`.
No more deep diving into various hidden folders of where to put your textures and mods in Citra for your favorite Zelda game!
Just put them in the corresponding mods or texture folder and you should be good to go.
We are also trying to get CEMU inside the next version of v0.7b
**Trivia: Patch names**
We will also start with naming the big patches from v0.7b and forward.
So v0.7b will be called "**RetroDECK v0.7b - Amazing Aozora**".
It will go up one letter for each version so v0.8 will be a word combo that contains "B B" and v0.9 will be a combo with the letters "C C" and so forth.
**What else?**
There are a lot of other things in the pipeline as well for v0.7b. But we shall save those for a future update (when we have something to share and we don't want to spoil everything).
If you want to help with out with the project or just chat join the discord.
[Discord Server](
//The RetroDECK team
@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
date: 2023-06-01
**Please note that this was written for Lemmy/Reddit and copied over to the new RetroDECK Wiki**
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
Github link if you don't know what the project is: [](
# Status update 2023-06:
With 0.7b and summer just around the corner we in the team thought this month we should focus more on a mix of topics.
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### Read First – Important Changes in 0.7b!
* `PCSX2-SA` latest updates are not compatible with old save states. Please make sure you do an in-game save to your virtual memory card before upgrading.
* The following emulators have changed as the defaults and now run the stand-alone version: `Dolphin`, `Citra`, `PPSSPP`.If you have saves states or just want to go back to the `RetroArch` versions, you can always switch back by pressing: `Other Settings` – `Alternative Emulators` in the main interface and set them there.
* If you decide to install the new `RetroDECK Controller Layout` for the Steam Deck, it will wipe your custom configurations and emulator settings. That’s because all the configs need to be updated and changed to be compatible. The choice is yours (you can always install it later via the Configurator if you change your mind).
# What are the upsides of RetroDECKs all-in-one approach?
Quite many actually!
* RetroDECK is updated via standard secure update channels where you update all your other software (we will have an internal updater added in RetroDECK in 0.7b, so users don’t even need to go to the Discover app to update if they don’t want to).
* It allows us to apply the RetroDECK Framework on the bundled software and apply custom made specific patches for emulators or ES-DE (more on that later).
* We can optimize the data to take as little space as we possibly could. Our whole application in 0.7b is around 3GB. Since we are using a single package, ~~we can avoid a lot (but not all) of the overlap that takes up space when installing multiple AppImages or Flatpacks.~~ (Flatpak does an even greater job of deduplicating data see [**TiZ\_EX1**]( comment in this thread!).
* We can expose various hidden/hard to find emulation features and allow the users to customize various experiences directly inside the application itself without needing to go into the Steam Deck’s desktop environment.
* We are leveraging the power of compiling these emulators ourselves (where possible) to make a more complete unified experience a reality with custom patches.
**What are the downsides of this approach?**
* You are bound to the software we ship inside our application and cannot add more things. But we are always open to suggestions on what to add next, just tell us on Github or Discord.
* *That said we are experimenting with allowing users to import certain emulators early access versions like Yuzu (but no solution in the short term).*
* Emulator updates need to be in point releases and not daily, since we can’t update emulators inside an existing flatpak. As we apply the RetroDECK Framework on top of the emulators, we sometimes need to do some tinkering before we can release a new version. But you can expect semi-frequent emulator-update point releases, historically we have been fast if we feel the need to get something out quickly. Major new updates that add features to the RetroDECK application itself will take more time.
* *There has been some issues with Yuzu in the past, but we have redone our entire Yuzu pipeline for 0.7b s it should allow for faster updates.*
# What is RetroDECK's vision and design philosophy?
* Valve endorsed the use of flatpaks as their preferred and safe way to distribute software on SteamOS’s immutable system. Many other immutable systems like Fedora Silverblue/Kionite and standard Linux distributions have also endorsed flatpaks. We also share the vision that flatpaks are the future for the Linux desktop and Linux based devices.
* Everything must be accessible from inside the application itself where possible. Once you launch RetroDECK, you should have all the tools you need to play games and configure the application. For the Steam Deck that means minimizing switching to desktop mode.
* We need to build a foundation that pushes emulation forward and expose more of the niche hardcore features in an easier way.
* We shall not be so bound by design choices that others have made but make our own path.
* We should ship the emulators with optimized settings for Steam Deck (later other devices) but also allow the users full control to create their own configs and make it easy to do so.
* We should do our best to respect user-made config changes where possible, even during the updates. Any forced changes should always be explained and give the users a prompt to accept them.
* We believe in a transparent open community: Dialog , user feedback and testing development versions will never be locked behind paywalls or subscription tiers . This comes from deep rooted beliefs in open-source freedom. Subscriptions and donations will always only grant cosmetics like a unique discord color.
* We want to make the emulation available for everyone; from the casual to the power user. Keep it simple, everything in one application and download it like any other software. Only one thing to update.
* Prioritize security and keep everything contained as much as possible.
**How does this vision effect design?**
A good example is the new exposure of `mods` and `texture_packs` under the retrodeck folder.
Before it was quite hard for users to add mods and texture packs into the emulators. No work for any other solution (that we are aware off) has been done to make this very hardcore thing more easy to handle.
For the user it means no more looking into hidden folders of when and where to put the files. Our new approach also has received the blessing of famous texture packs and mod pack creators out there that were happy that someone lowered the barrier.
So if you found it hard before to add:
* A magnificent texture pack for Citra
* A spooky HD pack for the Mesen Core
* New 3D polygon racing models for Mupen64Plus-Next Core
Just look our wiki under mods/texture packs and look forward to 0.7b.
Another example is (as others have done) move `gamelists` to under the retrodeck folder. This is a safer way of doing it and it's easier for the users to take backups.
**What to expect in the future?**
You can expect most of the standard stuff like that you can except from an emulation solution in the future:
* Cloud-sync
* USB and FTP file transfer
* External controller management
* Lightgun support
* Most of the supported ES-DE emulators
* Automatic Updates from Gamemode on Launch (0.7b it can be disabled in the Configurator)
* And more...
# What is the RetroDECK Framework?
This is the feature we have been building on since the beginning and the true hidden core of RetroDECK that we are unveiling for the first time today. It’s the foundation we have built over many months of hard work and will keep expanding on in every upcoming update.
The RetroDECK framework is a complete system that applies and adds features, fixes, structure and functions to all applications/data shipped within RetroDECK.
This is also one of the reasons we needed to restructure save file folders in the past updates as well.
**What does the RetroDECK Framework allow you to do?**
It allows us to ship deeper choices, customization, apply settings globally, create custom patches or functions and expose hidden settings to the front.
But what truly excites us in the team is the more advanced big features that we have not seen anyone else do on SteamOS or other operative systems.
**Some light examples in 0.7b of the framework is:**
* Move everything everywhere.
Please be careful when moving data to exotic locations don't be like Mr.Angry:
* Log in/logout/hardcore mode for RetroAchivements hardcore mode for all supported emulators.
* Apply Borders, Shaders and Widescreen mode per emulator / core or globally.
RetroDECK will offer full user choice and not a blanket all or nothing. You could have widescreen on one core while the others have borders.
**What are some advanced big examples that you could do with the Framework?**
Here is one example:
Think about configurations for emulators. How most other solutions are handling changes or updates is just a blanket call all-or-nothing. Either you accept the changes and remove everything you have done or keep your changes without getting the updates.
What we are building with the framework is a system to inject point changes into configurations.
*So instead of doing the crude way others are doing:*
Force replace in `config.xml` old with new `config.xml` yes or no?
***What our goal is and what we are building:***
Be able to open a `config.xml` inject the changed values across all those configs.
If an emulator updates and adds more config options, we can just add them without losing the rest of the user data.
So we can compare changes between the new `config.xml` and the old, then inject the changes.
*But if a emulator totally change how their configuration works and makes a whole new system from scratch (it does not happen often or at all) even we will be out of luck.*
So we hope in the future to be able to save even more custom configs even with the emulator updates. We also hope to make configuring emulators easier... more on that in a future development update after the summer.
**Another big example:**
If you read the recent article, we in the RetroDECK team are happy to unveil the `RetroDECK: Multiuser Mode`. This is only the first one of the big features we have planned for future updates and stands as an example of the complicated features we can accomplish. There is even more crazy stuff in development for the future big releases then this, so consider this a taste of things to come. It will not be ready for 0.7b but can be enabled with CLI commands for testing.
See the following Q&A:
# RetroDECK: Multiuser Mode Q&A
First read here:
This is for testing only in 0.7b!
**What does Multiuser Mode mean?**
It creates a new directory structure `retrodeck/multi-user-data/<username>` and allows multiple users to use RetroDECK from one device.
**Wait... what.. how?! What about saves?! Configurations?! Custom settings?!**
They are all saved per user if you enable it. You, your sister, brother, child, husband, wife, dog, cat could all have their separate saves, states and custom emulator settings just for themselves when they select their own profile.
**Does it support the Steam Deck’s multiple users in Game Mode? Will RetroDECK hook those Steam Users into the enabled Multiuser system?**
Yes, that is the intent and should work, so you can log into your Steam Deck profile and have your RetroDECK saves/configs.
**What about a Linux Desktop PC that don't have Steam installed?**
We also support locally created “RetroDECK Users” so, for those Linux Desktop users in the future that don’t use Steam and just want RetroDECK on their device.
**What happens if I disable multiuser mode?**
You chose one profile as the primary user and the other data still exists under `retrodeck/multi-user-data/<username>`. No data is lost until you delete it manually.
**What happens if I re-enable multiuser mode?**
If you have had multiuser mode enabled and disable it, then re-enable it and have not deleted any `retrodeck/multi-user-data/` everything should work as it did before.
**Will there be an easy way transfer/export/import a user profile, like press a button and my can export to my profile (saves, configurations, with/without roms) to my friend's device on something like a USB or other media?**
Not for 0.7b but hopefully for the next major update 0.8b.
# Other things
**What does Amazing Aozora mean?**
Aozora is Japanese and means blue sky.
So, you could interpret the name as one team member:
*“Amazing blue skies... The first update that shows the exiting new horizon and the path we are heading towards.”*
Or as another:
*“Aozora is just a tiny Japanese banks name! This is clearly just an update to pay some of our dept to the community off! Stop with that horizon nonsense mumbo jumbo!”*
**What are some examples I can help out with with?**
* Create new pixel art for the Radial menus.
* Create easter egg art for the new `easter egg system` for various holidays.
* Create menu art for a new Configurator.
* Create input art that can be shown when you start a game.
* Create input art guides for the wiki for the Steam Deck and later various controllers.
* Create patch note videos.
* Create instruction videos.
* Help us make RetroDECK better.
* Help us put in new features.
* Help us make the configurator a godot application with full controller support.
* Help us get releases out faster.
* Help us make RetroDECK better.
* Help us test cooker builds and submit bugs and feedback.
* Help us make RetroDECK better.
* Be kind and follow the rules.
* Spread the word of RetroDECK if you like it, if you don't like it or have suggestions put them on github into issues or discuss them on discord.
* Engage with the rest of the community.
* Help us make RetroDECK better.
**Summer Period**
As the summer period arrives there will be a holiday break on these kind of development posts until after the summer. Some parts of the team is also going on vacation, you can still except semi regular emulator updates and bug fixes as usual in 0.7.X releases (but no major 0.8b - Bonsai Banana version in the middle of the summer!).
**End Quote**
*We hope you are excited about these features and our vision as we are and we want to get 0.7b out to you as quickly as possible (hopefully next week).*
*We also wish everyone a happy and good summer!*
[Discord Server](
*//The RetroDECK Team*
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
date: 2023-03-05
**Please note that this was written for Lemmy/Reddit and copied over to the new RetroDECK Wiki**
Hello community!
As we just recently got co-ownership this subreddit (thus making this our official subreddit).
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
# Status update 2023-03:
First of we are working out some bugs and issues with Duckstation and Primehack, the later will have a totally from the ground up redone configuration for a more optimized experience.
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RetroDECK is also moving to another cloud provider for our buildserver and website, sponsored by one generous community member (THANKS!).
Another recent breakthrough was getting chdman the compression tool for disc based games running inside a flatpak (sandbox environment). It should be accessible later in a future version via CLI and we will check if it's possible to a build in GUI for it later in the future.
Also the work to add borders into the emulators that support it has also begun and we are targeting the next major version.
There are some experimenting with ES-DE 2.0 and the new theme engine.
We are also trying to do a totally new universal and uniform controller profile for the Steam Deck that should work for all the emulators (fingers crossed).
There are a lot of other things in the pipeline as well. But we shall save those for a future update (when we have something to share).
If you want to help with out with the project or just chat join the discord.
[Discord Server](
@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
date: 2023-05-03
**Please note that this was written for Lemmy/Reddit and copied over to the new RetroDECK Wiki**
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
**NOTE: This is still work in progress**
# Status update 2023-05:
*Controls for everything everywhere all at once.*
As a continuation of last months post, some parts of the team have been working on hotkeys and controls (in fact since October 2022 [GitHub: Issue 194](
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*This is only one part of the 0.7b update.*
**We set out the following goals for the project for a new Steam Deck layout profile:**
* The layout needs to be scalable and adapt for new emulators in the future without adding too much clutter.
* The layout needs to be scalable when a emulator updates and supports new hotkeys.
* The layout should when possible have the ability to hook as many hotkeys into the same input that represents the same function across all emulators.
* The layout need to be unified and support players dynamic playstyles to hop between emulators and games in one gaming session. A player could start RetroDECK: Play a little Switch then quit Yuzu, go directly to PPSSPP and play some PSP then end up in RetroArch to play SNES before the session is over.
**That boiled down into the following points to work on:**
* Check every hotkey that exists in every emulator and how they work.
* Check if some hotkeys are hardbound (none rebind-able) and see if those can be worked into the over all structure of all other emulators.
* Check what rules the hotkeys of each emulator have to bind them (single button only, only keyboard inputs, only gamepad inputs etc..).
* From the result above: Decide and prioritize what hotkeys are so important they need a physical button combo. What hotkeys are "semi-important / good to have" and can live in a radial menu. Decide what not hotkeys not to bind at all.
**Results so far:**
*NOTE: Not all functions are supported in all emulators, but they will be added in as soon as they do support them.*
**Physical button combo input**
* The standard RetroArch = Start + Select to Quit and L3 + R3 for Open Menu is still there for RetroArch.
* The L4 and R4 buttons changes the layout when hold down and allows button combinations with those buttons, example: "L4 or R4 + R1" = Save State and "L4 or R4 + L1" = Load State. It allows for quick access to the following functions with just button presses:
* Save state
* Load state
* Exit/Quit Emulator
* Fullscreen On/Off
* Fullscreen Off - (NOTE: Some emulators don't have toggle and have a separated on / off hotkeys)
* Fast forward
* Rewind
* Pause/Resume
* Open Menu
* Select Previous State Slot
* Select Next State Slot
* Capture Screenshot
* Swap Dual-Screens / Toggle pad screen (DS, 3DS, WiiU)
* Escape key - (Useful for some Emulators)
* Freelook mode movement for Dolphin on the sticks (NOTE: as long as L4 or R4 is hold down and Freelook mode is activated).
**Radial Menu System**
The radial menu system that is on the left touchpad gives you access to 70+ hotkeys (including the button bound from above) for various functions while gaming. All functions are labeled (even tho the labels) are not in the picture.
The Main Menu is your way into the radial system and it's sub-menus bellow:
The State Menu gives you access to everything to do with states
* Save State
* Load State
* Select Previous State Slot
* Select Next State Slot
* Undo Save State
* Undo Load State
The Speed Menu gives you access to everything to do with Speed / Frame rate manipulation
* Fast forward
* Rewind
* Increase Emulation Speed
* Decrease Emulation Speed
* Reset Emulation Speed
* Disable Emulation Speed Limit
* Toggle Frame Limit
The General Menu gives you access to general emulator functions
* Toggle Cheats
* Exit/Quit Emulator
* Open Menu
* Capture Screenshot
* Toggle Turbo
* Pause/Resume
* Toggle Video Capture / Recording
The Display / Graphics Menu gives you access to everything about: screen layout, upscaling, widescreen etc..
* Increase Reslution Scale / Increase Upscale Multiplier
* Decrease Reslution Scale / Decrease Upscale Multiplier
* Widescreen / Cycle Aspect Ratio
* Fullscreen On/Off
* Fullscreen Off
* Swap Dual-Screens (3DS, DS, WiiU)
* Change Dual-Screenlayout (3DS)
The Steam Deck Menu gives you access to certain steam deck functions and certain keyboard inputs (that could work in emulators that don't have good hotkey support).
* Show Keyboard
* Steam Deck Screenshot
* Steam Deck Zoom
* Escape
* ALT + F4
* Tab
The Emulator Specific Menu opens up a new menu system where you can access emulator specific functions (I can't show them all in this post!)
* Switch Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Docked / Undocked, Change GPU Accuracy, Amiibo
* Mame Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Service menu and keys, insert bills and other none credits.
* Wii/GC (Dolphin) Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Golf Mode, Freelook Mode, Wii Sync Button, Freelook Reset, WiiMote mode: Upright / Sideways
* DS Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Send Close / Open Lid, Send Microphone Input, Boktai + and - sunlight.
* 3DS Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Amiibos
* RetroArch Menu - Gives a radial that supports: Cheats manipulation, AI Service, Netplay Host
The Quick Access Menu gives you a "best of" hotkeys from the other menus.
* Save / Load
* Fullscreen On / Offf
* Fullscreen Off
* Swap Dual-Screens (3DS, DS, WiiU)
* Change Dual-Screenlayout (3DS)
* Escape
* Quit
* Open Menu
* Pause
* Screenshot
That is all for today!
If you are an pixelartist, a video editor or a developer that want to help us with the project please contact us on discord.
**What else?**
There are a lot of other things in the pipeline as well for v0.7b. But we shall save those for a future update (when we have something to share and we don't want to spoil everything).
If you want to help with out with the project or just chat join the discord.
[Discord Server](
//The RetroDECK team
@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
date: 2023-11-23
**Please note that this was written for Lemmy/Reddit and copied over to the new RetroDECK Wiki**
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
If you don’t know what RetroDECK is or want more information check out the wiki.
# Status update 2023-11:
It is the end of November and we want to give you a status update on how things are going with RetroDECK. First off development is going steady, and we have a lot of features in the pipeline but also some IRL things that slow us down a bit (work, new baby etc…). But let us talk about what we are working on and answer some questions.
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Most listed here are subject to change and is just an outline of what we are working on right now. Not all of these features will be a part of 0.8b and we are also working on even more stuff than what we are showing in this post.
## Question: How do I move RetroDECK to a new device?
You can find a detailed step-for-step guide here for both Linux Desktop and Steam Deck:
[How to: Move RetroDECK](
**For a ultra-quick guide:**
* Just copy the \~/retrodeck folder to the new device to the location you want it.
* Install RetroDECK on the new device and point to it the new location of \~/retrodeck during first setup:
* If you put it on the internal drive – choose that option
* If you put it on the sd card – choose that option.
* If you put it in a custom location – choose that option.
* Then proceed installation as normal.
# What are you working on?
## New Emulators/Systems
We will be trying to include all of these in the next big update 0.8b
* OpenBOR
* IkemenGO (M.U.G.E.N)
* Solarus
* MAME (Standalone)
* Ryujinx
* SCUMMVM (Standalone)
* Vita3K
* GZDoom (Standalone)
We have worked with several of the development teams of the emulators to add various functions we could use and improve the emulators for everyone regardless of whether you use RetroDECK or not. They have also worked with us to help us integrate into RetroDECK better. We want to give special thanks to the Vita3K Team and Ryujinx Team.
## New Feature: Yuzu (Custom)
Yuzu (Custom) is something we are working on for those that want to use the Early Access version of Yuzu. So, you will get the ability to run the EA .appimage version from inside RetroDECK in some fashion.
But the downside is that it will not fully hook into the RetroDECK Framework, so you will need to configure things like input manually the first time you run it. But the goal is you can select it in the alternative emulator selector in ES-DE and pick Yuzu (Custom) from the list.
## New Feature: Steam Flatpak version support
We have gotten feedback that users want us to support the Steam Flatpak version and are trying to make it happen. Examples of features that need to work are the “Controller Profiles”, “Add RetroDECK to Steam” and the “Add games to Steam” function. We are still not sure if everything will work as intended in the Flatpak version of Steam.
If you for some reason have both normal Steam and flatpak Steam installed on the same system. The none flatpak version will take preference over the flatpak version (this is also how projects like Lutris do things).
But running a flatpak within a flatpak is something the users will need to think about.If the users want RetroDECK and other flatpaks to run from Steam they will need to open the permissions in the sandbox from either terminal or Flatseal. This does open the sandbox more than the standard configuration that Steam comes with as default.
## New Feature: SFTP
We are looking into letting users enabling SFTP transfers for easy transfers of files (roms, saves etc…).
## New Feature: Cloud Sync
We have done some work cloud sync both live sync and backup to various cloud services. But nothing to show just yet.
## New Feature: USB Transfer / Backups
Like SFPT, Cloud Sync above will be another way to export import files but via USB.
## Status update: External Controllers & Inputs
* PS3
* PS4
* PS5
* Xbox360
* Xbox One / S / X
* Switch Pro
* Steam Controller
* Generic
All standard type controllers supported by Steam Input will work with the normal global hotkeys. We are also changing the layout so that you have even more hotkeys.
If you want to try them right now, you can do that by going into the following github issue and follow the instructions over there (they also work on current stable, just extract the zipfile in the correct folder and enjoy):
[Github Issue with Download](
## Status update: Multiuser mode
We are still working on it with all the complexity. The goal is to support both Steam users from the Steam Deck and local RetroDECK users for desktop users. It does “work” right now in our cooker builds, but it still needs more time in the oven. There are a lot of variables to account for before we feel ready to ship it to everyone.
## Status update: Adding RetroDECK games as Steam Entries
We are still working on it and have it working on our cooker builds. But we are still trying to get it to work on the Steam Flatpak version. There are also some other ideas we want to try to make it even better, but more of them if we can make them happen in a later development update.
## Status update: Configurator GODOT version
The work is ongoing and not something that will be part of 0.8b. We have general plans for the GUI and internal versions we can play with. But the goal stays the same replace the entire configurator with a nice GODOT controller navigational interface and replace all the Zenity windows with it.
## Status update: Mascot
After the last development update, we got connected with Tyson Tan the artist behind both the KDE and Krita mascots. We are hopeful we can work something out together.
# That is all for now!
Also there will be no December update post thanks to the upcoming holidays!
To everyone out there in our community, we want to wish you a festive holiday period and a Happy New Year.
**Want to contribute to RetroDECK?**
We are always looking for more people to help us with the project.
· Developers (help us improve RetroDECK and get updates out faster).
· Website developer (to help us improve our website).
· Video Editor (to help us with patch notes / hype videos on various platforms).
**Check out our:**
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date: 2023-10-13
**Please note that this was written for Lemmy/Reddit and copied over to the new RetroDECK Wiki**
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
# Status update 2023-10:
We hope that everyone is ready for a tiny spooky October status update.
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## We begin with thanking all kind emulator developers.
We had some issues with certain emulators caused by the recent QT6 migration and the addition of new emulators (more on that next month).
We tried to contact those developers to request for help or a hint about their project and thankfully they were very collaborative towards us, in some cases making some code changes to accustom some specific RetroDECK needing and thanking us for our work.
It seems like that RetroDECK got a good reputation out there and we're really thankful for this, as one of our main efforts is trying to contribute more good will into the emulation community.
This is what makes the emulation community great when we all can work together. If you need something from us, feel free to ask.
Thank you all!
## What are you working on?
## Adding individual ROMS to Steam and launch them with RetroDECK
More development has been going on into this and how it will work in its first iteration is that the games you flag as your favorites can be added to Steam with a tool in the Configurator.
## External Controllers – Button Combo Hotkeys
We will ship various Steam Input templates that allows you to use the button bound hotkey combos to do various emulator functions like (Save State, Load State, Quit etc..) for a variety of controllers from 0.8b. All you will need to is plug in / connect your controller, go into Steam Controller setting and choose the RetroDECK template for your controller.
This will also work for the RetroDECK Linux Desktop users as long as you have added RetroDECK to Steam and launch it from there.
It will be the same button combos as the Steam Deck with \`Select\` as the trigger but with \*\*no radial menu system\*\*.
We will have templates for all the following:
* PS3
* PS4
* PS5
* Xbox 360
* Xbox One / S / X
* Switch Pro
* Steam Controller
* Generic (Stadia, 8bit, Xiaomi, USB-Clones, others etc..)
**Special notes on Generic:**
To access all the hotkeys, you must have a controller that has all the normal inputs (two joysticks with clickable L3 and R3, four button dpad, four face buttons, four shoulder buttons, start, and select).
But if you have start and select you can always quit the game (even with a tiny NES USB clone controller).
**Special notes on PS4, PS5:**
The full touchpad acts as a mouse for Wii input / computer systems.
Left touchpad click = left click
Right touchpad click = right click
**Special notes on the Steam Controller:**
The right touchpad acts as a mouse for Wii input / computer systems.
Right touchpad click = left click
## Turning the Configurator into a Godot application
We are working on turning the configurator into a Godot application. This will allow you to use all the functions with a controller in a Retro Inspired interface that is already working. The interface should be scalable for both TV’s, Monitors and Steam Deck Screen. We are also looking into changing toggle the font to OpenDyslexic so it can be easier to read for those who need it. This might not be done for 0.8b as it’s quite a big project (it will ready when it’s ready).
If you are working with UI/UX design and/or have experience with Godot and want to help on this, please contact us on discord.
## Rekku, the RetroDECK mascot.
Some parts of the team also really wanted a mascot so that will also be a part of the new Configurator. It’s a animated cyborg-cat-like-humanoid that guides you to the various functions in the Configurator. Right now, we only have AI generated concepts of the mascot for reference but if you are an artist and want to help us design the mascot, please contact us on discord.
**Mascot Q/A:**
Q: I get the Godot Configurator, but why a mascot?!
A: Why not?!
Q: Will we see Rekku in other things except the Configurator?
A: Maybe!
Q: I hate mascots with a burning passion, can I turn it off in the configurator?
A: You’re a meanie, but yes!
## That is all for this month!
A minor patch 0.7.3b will be out later with Emulator updates. But the main feature will be ES-DE 2.2, so we will release it when the ES-DE team are ready, and we can implement it asap.
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date: 2023-09-14
**Please note that this was written for Lemmy/Reddit and copied over to the new RetroDECK Wiki**
Hello community!
We in the team thought we could give you a quick status update on how development is going.
# Status update 2023-09:
We hope that everyone had a good summer and that you are ready for a tiny status update with a plethora of mixed topics.
But before we get into what we are working on we want to make a short statement.
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# Our commitment to Open-Source
>As the RetroDECK team, we are deeply concerned by the rumors about how others have handled their dependencies and their relationship with those developers.
>We would like to say this:
>Emulation is a multigenerational effort of development that has lasted for decades, motivated by the pure love for video game preservation for current and future generations. RetroDECK depends on the constant development of all our dependencies (the emulators, front-end, various assets, etc...). It would be unfair to both the hard work that has been done in those projects and to the entire open-source community if we said otherwise or tried to take credit, conceal, or obscure it for our own gain.
>We always strive to have the best possible relationship with the teams that generously provide and develop the third-party software we are depending on now and in the future. Everyone that works on RetroDECK is immensely grateful for the global collective effort and work that has been done. Without these projects and those passionate people RetroDECK would not be possible.
>We also want to add a word for the developers of the third-party projects:
>Please feel free to reach out to us, talk to us for any reason and share your ideas. We value your feedback and suggestions, and our door is always open for collaboration and improvements. You are the backbone of our project, and we appreciate your contributions.
>You can find more about our dependencies on the wiki and how to donate to them or us:
>//The RetroDECK Team
# Now on to the new stuff:
**Two new developers and one tester have joined the team**
We are incredibly happy that three new members have decided to join us. All of them have been active in their contributions and helping the community. They bring exciting innovative ideas and skillsets to the project.
**Adding individual ROMS to Steam and launch them with RetroDECK**
One of our new developers is looking into adding individual ROMS to Steam and hopes to have this done for the next big major release 0.8b - Bonsai Banana. This will allow you to list the ROMS you want as a separate game in the Steam interface and thus have different power profiles for each game.
It is something many of you have requested and given feedback about.
**Dynamic viewports / scaling system**
Another new developer is looking into making a dynamic scaling / viewport system for the various emulators and cores to match the borders and resolutions to the most common screen types. \\
This would allow better desktop screen support and better handling on undocked / docked Steam Deck resolutions.
The goal is simple but complex:
The borders and scale of the games should look nice and proper on your external screen when you plug in your movable device.
**Better external controller hotkey support**
As part of the Controller Unification Project and with the addition of the \`SELECT\` button as a hotkey trigger in 0.7.1b. We now have a better understanding of Steam Input’s controller template system and should be able to make a template for common external controllers with the button bound hotkeys combos that use \`SELECT\` as the trigger.
However, the entire radial menu system is a bit harder as many controllers do not have touch input or a logical and comfortable way to navigate it. We will investigate if it is feasible to port the radial system to controllers with touch and those without.
**Status on the Multi-user system**
We are still working hard on the Multi-user system, but it might not be ready for 0.8b as we had hoped. There are tons of complexity, and we want to make it right. Some parts of the development team have other IRL priorities that take preset over RetroDECK development (new baby incoming and fatherly duties).
**That is all for this month**
A minor patch 0.7.2b will be out soon with a emulator update refresh and some bug fixes.
See you next month.
Check out our:
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<img src="wiki_images/logos/rd-xmas-logo.svg" width="700">




## Welcome to the RetroDECK wiki!
**Do you want to help to contribute to the wiki?**<br>
Join the Discord and post in `💬-general` that you want to help out.
You will then get access to the `🖋-wiki-maintainers`channel.
**🏗️ This wiki is currently under construction 🏗️**<br>
Some articles are marked with WIP (Work in Progress).
### The RetroDECK community
### Other links
[Website]( <br/>
[Github]( <br/>
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# Information on donations
RetroDECK is nothing without our dependencies without them this project and many others like us cannot exist. If you do not want to donate to RetroDECK and you might want to donate to the ES-DE front-end, art assets or a specific emulator. We support you no matter what, whatever choice you take from this list will be a good one for us all.
**Please note:**
We are trying to list current and future software we want to include in RetroDECK. More things will be added all the time. There are even more emulators, software, front-ends, and assets out there that are not part of the RetroDECK project for various other systems. This is not a complete list of all Emulators or Frontends for the entire internet.
## RetroDECK
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/rd-logo-box.png" width="550">
By donating to RetroDECK you support this project and the vision of a unified packaged retro experience.
#### We will use those funds to:
- Wiki / Homepage
- Web hosting
- Developer accounts
- Certificates
- Software licenses
- Build servers
- Pay the running upkeep costs
**Buy new hardware and target new devices**
- New SteamOS based devices.
- New Linux based devices.
- In some cases better development hardware
**Buy new peripherals that we want to work out of the box**
- Various big brand and small brand controllers.
- Lightguns.
- Special peripherals.
**Make RetroDECK better**
- Develop more Configurator functions
- Develop better integrations
- Develop broad new functions and features
- Expose more emulator settings to the users in a easy way
- Push for better peripherals support in Linux even beyond RetroDECK (Do more global Linux goodwill)
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
## Frontend
### EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE)
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/es-de-logo.png" width="150">
EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) is a frontend for browsing and launching games from your multi-platform game collection.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
[Website - Paypal](
#### Licenses
## Emulators: Multi-system
### LibreRetro - RetroArch
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/retroarch-logo.png" width="150">
The LibreRetro Team makes RetroArch, Libretro and Lakka
#### Where to donate / support the project?
[YouTube Membership](
#### Licenses
### MAME
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/mame-logo.png" width="180">
MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework.
MAME's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. As electronic technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents this important "vintage" software from being lost and forgotten.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
We have not found a donation link to this project at this time or the project does not support donations.
#### Licenses
[Copy License](
### ares
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/ares-logo.png" width="180">
ares is a cross-platform, open source, multi-system emulator, focusing on accuracy and preservation.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
We have not found a donation link to this project at this time or the project does not support donations.
#### License
## Emulators: Sony
### RPCS3
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/rpcs3-logo.png" width="150">
The world's first free and open-source PlayStation 3 emulator/debugger, written in C++ for Windows, Linux, macOS and FreeBSD.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
Since the beginning of the Ukraine war, RPCS3 became unable to manage funds from the Patreon directly due to sanctions imposed on Russia.
Before donating check the current status on their Patreon.
### Duckstation
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/duckstation-logo.png" width="150">
DuckStation is an simulator/emulator of the Sony PlayStation(TM) console, focusing on playability, speed, and long-term maintainability. The goal is to be as accurate as possible while maintaining performance suitable for low-end devices. "Hack" options are discouraged, the default configuration should support all playable games with only some of the enhancements having compatibility issues.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
We have not found a donation link to this project at this time or the project does not support donations.
#### Licenses
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/ppsspp-logo.png" width="150">
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC or Android phone in full HD resolution or even higher. It can also upscale textures to make them sharper, and you can enable post-processing shaders to adjust color and brightness the way you like, and other effects.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
[PPSSPP Gold](
#### Licenses
### PCSX2
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/pcsx2-logo.png" width="180">
PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware and this allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
[Github Sponsor](
#### Licenses
### Vita3K
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/vita3k-logo.png" width="150">
Vita3K is an experimental PlayStation Vita emulator for Windows, Linux, macOS and Android.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
## Emulators: Nintendo
### Dolphin
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/dolphin-logo.png" width="150">
Dolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two consoles in full HD (1080p) with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more!
#### Where to donate / support the project?
We have not found a donation link to this project at this time or the project does not support donations.
#### Licenses
### Primehack
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/primehack-logo.png" width="150">
PrimeHack is a modified version of [Dolphin-Emu]( solely for playing Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii with keyboard and mouse on a PC.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
We have not found a donation link to this project at this time or the project does not support donations.
#### Licenses
### Yuzu
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos//yuzu-logo.svg" width="150">
Yuzu is the world's most popular, open-source, Nintendo Switch emulator — started by the creators of Citra.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
### Citra
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/citra-logo.svg" width="150">
Citra is the world's most popular, open-source, Nintendo 3DS emulator.
It is written in C++ with portability in mind and builds are actively maintained for Windows, Linux, Android and macOS.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
### Ryujinx
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/ryujinx-logo.svg" width="150">
Ryujinx is an open-source Nintendo Switch emulator, created by gdkchan, written in C#. This emulator aims at providing excellent accuracy and performance, a user-friendly interface and consistent builds. It was written from scratch and development on the project began in September 2017.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
### melonDS
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/melonds-logo.svg" width="150">
melonDS aims at providing fast and accurate Nintendo DS emulation. While it is still a work in progress, it has a pretty solid set of features:
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
### Cemu
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/cemu-logo.png" width="150">
Cemu, a Wii U emulator that is able to run most Wii U games and homebrew in a playable state. It's written in C/C++ and is being actively developed with new features and fixes to increase compatibility, convenience and usability.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
## Emulators: Microsoft
### Xenia
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/xenia-logo.png" width="150">
Xenia is an experimental emulator for the Xbox 360.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
### Xemu
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/xemu-logo.png" width="150">
A free and open-source application that emulates the original Microsoft Xbox game console, enabling people to play their original Xbox games on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
## Software
### OpenBOR
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/openbor-logo.svg" width="150">
OpenBOR is a royalty free sprite-based side scrolling gaming engine. From humble beginnings in 2004, it has since grown into the most versatile, easy to use, and powerful engine of its type you will find anywhere.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
We have not found a donation link to this project at this time or the project does not support donations.
#### Licenses
### GZDoom
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/gzdoom-logo.png" width="150">
GZDoom is a feature centric port for all Doom engine games, based on ZDoom, adding an OpenGL renderer and powerful scripting capabilities
#### Where to donate / support the project?
We have not found a donation link to this project at this time or the project does not support donations.
#### Licenses
### ScummVM
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/scummvm-logo.svg" width="150">
ScummVM allows you to play classic graphic point-and-click adventure games, text adventure games, and RPGs, as long as you already have the game data files. ScummVM replaces the executable files shipped with the games, which means you can now play your favorite games on all your favorite devices.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
[Website - Paypal](
#### Licenses
### Solarus
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/solarus-logo.svg" width="150">
Solarus is a free and open-source 2D game engine written in C++, that can run games scripted in Lua. It has been designed with 16-bit classic Action-RPGs in mind, and is available on a wide range of platforms.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/ikemen-go-logo.png" width="150">
IKEMEN Go is a remake of the IKEMEN (open source fighting games engine that supports M.U.G.E.N resources) in Google’s Programming Language “Go”.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
We have not found a donation link to this project at this time or the project does not support donations.
#### Licenses
## Art and Assets
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/kennynl-logo.png" width="150">
Over the last couple of years have released [30,000+]( images, audio files and 3D models for anyone to use in any kind of project, all dedicated to the public domain. Thanks to your donation can create even more content and support developers, students and teachers all over the world.
#### Where to donate / support the project?
#### Licenses
CC0 & CC1
## Other Licenses
Here we showcase the licenses of projects / functions we might use in part, got inspired by the code/solutions or want to give special credit.
### Capsimg
### Pixelitos
### Lutris
### Steam Deck & Steam Deck Logo
The Steam Deck logo and Steam Deck device is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation. This project is in no way officially affiliated with Valve.<br/>
### Other Trademarks
All trademarks, logos, controller images and brand names are the property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this project are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, trademarks and brands does not imply endorsement.
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# The Pizza War
Who will prevail?
## The Italian Pizza Legion - IPL
Conservative purists of pure Italian Pizza Force.
*"Pizza is Italian and everything else is a facsimile, a mockery of Italian perfection. Our mothers and fathers gave everything for the purity of the Napoletana and so shall you!"*.
## The Murican Cheese Crust Patriots - MCCP
Patriotic Americans that try to crush the opposition with infinite pepperoni and cheese.
*"The Italian American imigrants took Pizza to the US and made it better thanks to freedom. Are we not free to put as much pepperoni as we want? How about Mozzarella or bread sticks is there a upper limit? We say no there is not! The symbol of new found freedom of the Italian Americans is not the cheese filled crusts? All of these inovations where made thanks to being free."*.
## The Nordic Pizza Cult - NPC
Label as Heretics by the others for their dark pizza magicks.
*"The Italians and Americans are weak, the don't dare to take Pizza beyond their set fake borders and rules. Here in the cold north we have learned and now know the truth... there is no borders. Pizza is an empty canvas, it can be painted in to what ever chaotic image of food perfection we desire!"*.
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# RetroDECK ‐ Story & Philosophy
## How RetroDECK was born?
Let's take a step back.
RetroDECK was born on March 4th 2022 in Kyoto, Japan, with the name of [351EDECK]( because I am also one of the founding members of 351ELEC, now [AmberELEC](
What I wanted to do was to "port" 351ELEC to the Steam Deck, but instead of doing a custom firmware to flash, doing it as an application that could be launched from Steam.
Eventually, after talking to the other team members, we decided that we didn't want to support another platform such as Steam Deck, so I decided to continue the project on my own, renaming it to RetroDECK.
Back then I had many options on how to create 351EDECK, such as a bash script, appimage and flatpak.
In the beginning I opted for a simple shell script, in fact RetroDECK/351EDECK v0.1a existed as a mere shell script.
However I had bad feedbacks from the community because someone was feeling unsafe to give my script the root privileges so evaluating the Steam Deck use case I felt like it was not the right direction to take, the people was not feeling comfortable to give the sudo to a random script downloaded from the internet, so they asked to packetize it in some way.
Valve suggests the flatpak technology to port the applications on Steam Deck so, I decided to follow their guidelines, and I created the RetroDECK that you know today, starting from a Manjaro virtual machine as a development environment because I didn't have a Steam Deck yet.
// Xargon
## What is RetroDECK's philosophy?
Emulation is a global multi-generational effort of development that has lasted for decades, motivated by the pure love for video game preservation for current and future generations. RetroDECK depends on the constant development of all our dependencies (the emulators, front-end, various assets, etc…). It would be unfair to both the hard work that has been done in those projects and to the entire open-source community if we said otherwise or tried to take credit, conceal, or obscure it for our own gain.
We always strive to have the best possible relationship with the teams that generously provide and develop the third-party software we are depending on now and in the future. Everyone that works on RetroDECK is immensely grateful for the global collective effort and work that has been done. Without these projects and those passionate people RetroDECK would not be possible.
We also want to add a word for the developers of the third-party projects: Please feel free to reach out to us, talk to us for any reason and share your ideas. We value your feedback and suggestions, and our door is always open for collaboration and improvements. You are the backbone of our project, and we appreciate your contributions.
You can find more about our dependencies on the wiki and how to donate to them or us under the donations page on this wiki.
// The RetroDECK Team
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# The Team
## Community Management
### [Lazorne](
Community management/outreach, testing, documentation, feature suggestions, does controllers and some design.
<details><summary> </summary>
Meme Lord of the Wiki and also the cult leader of the NPC (The Nordic Pizza Cult) also called by the others as "The Pizza Heresy Cult" or "Harbingers of Pizza Chaos". Instigator of the internal pizza war.
## Developers
### [XargonWan](
RetroDECK project founder and also one of the founding members of [AmberELEC](
<details><summary> </summary>
Grand General of the IPL (Italian Pizza Legion) also known as the Napoletanan Fist in the internal pizza war.
### [IceNine451](
Creator of the `RetroDECK configurator`, the `RetroDECK Framework` and various cool things.
<details><summary> </summary>
Freedom loving leader of the MCCP (Murican Cheese Crust Patriots) in the internal pizza war.
### [Lx32](
Develops various new features, functions and tools.
<details><summary> </summary>
1st Commander of the IPL (Italian Pizza Legion) nicknamed Paladin al Taglio in the internal pizza war.
### WallK
Checks GODOT and other things.
<details><summary> </summary>
Pizza Mercenary
## Testers
### [dottormac](
Does bleeding edge cooker testing (lives in the danger zone), some feature suggestions and design.
<details><summary> </summary>
2nd Commander of the IPL (Italian Pizza Legion) nicknamed The Wrath of Siciliana in the internal pizza war. .
## Collaborators: The ES-DE Group
### [Leon Styhre](
Maker of EmulationStation Desktop Edition
### [anthonycaccese](
Theme creator for ES-DE and [AmberELEC](
### [Weestuarty](
Theme creator for ES-DE
## Others
### [Niroku](
Helps with community management, is also part of [Batocera](
### [Zurdi](
Creator of RomM and other projects.
## Additional credits
### [lilbud](
Have done some themes for ES-DE.
### [RavenKilit](
Did some code and testning, contributed to [AmberELEC](
### [MorGuux](
Made the RetroDECK steamdb graphics for the old logo
### [Pixelguin](
Made the new logo and steamdb graphics
### teotwaki
Generous cloud hosting sponsor
### [Gabeboii](
### Draco
Server Administration
### [ItzSelenux](
Maker of [pixelitos](
## Special Thanks
We want give special thanks to:
- Our Patreons and doners that keeps the build servers running and provide feedback.
- All related emulation, frontend and software projects that we are dependent on.
- All people that have put both time and money into emulation projects.
- All the users who help others with support, guidance and good spirit.
- All the users who help with testing and reporting issues.
- All the community creators who creates various art and assets for the community.
You are all the ones that makes this project possible.
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# Inspiration for RetroDECK and goals
RetroDECK is inspired by embedded emulation systems like:
- AmberELEC
- CoreELEC
- Lakka
- Batocera
The RetroDECK team consists of several veterans from some of the projects mentioned above as well as a bunch of other talented other individuals.
# What are the long term vision and goals of the RetroDECK project?
The long term vision and goals of the project is an all-in-one application to manage your entire retro games library that is:
- Already configured and should just work with your games.
- Has disaster recovery and multi device support: with cloud saves and syncs.
- Easy to install with one click installation.
- Easy to use and provide a "Console-like / Batocera-like" featured user experience.
- Easy to manage your collections of roms, mods and romhacks.
- As much as possible should be configurable from inside RetroDECK itself without needing to exiting the application.
- Make tighter integrations with bundled emulators and expose more features and ways to handle them to the end users.
- Should be secure, safe, and stable.
- Should have an easy way to mange external controllers and other inputs.
- Should support a majority of all supported Emulators in ES-DE, so at least you have one good option per system.
- Should in the long run support applications outside of the scope of ES-DE via a ports manager.
- Should be plug and play and fill the need for a portable retro gaming solution that you can bring on the go to a friend’s/family/others house. Just dock into the TV and get going!
- Should fully support Steam Deck, Linux Desktop, other SteamOS or Linux based devices.
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# Known issues
What follows is a list of knows issues.
For a list of reported bugs please check here on github: [RetroDECK issues](
## Big issues
- NONE Reported
## Minor issues
- `PPSSPP` Retroachievements is in the latest version, you can login / logout / enable hardcore mode normally from the emulators interface. It is right now not configurable in the Configurator (as it works a bit different the other emulators), we hope to have a solution for it at a later date.
- `RetroArch: Gambatte` Quitting the core with the `Quit` radial function makes the core swap the palette while playing GB.
- `RetroArch` Borders are in some few cases disappearing in the latest RetroArch version. A possible workaround is to reset RetroArch from the Configurator.
## Hotkey and Controller Issues
**Not all Emulators has hotkey support; some have partial support, some has none and some has a majority implemented**
The plan is to map as much as we can into the RetroDECK Hotkey System below. We are also patching in Emulator Hotkeys with the `RetroDECK Framework` (if possible) to be compatible with the system. If a emulators later versions adds better hotkey support we plan to map it towards the same functions bellow for a unified experience across as many emulators as possible.
### Emulator Issues
* `PPSSPP` has a bug in with multi-input hotkeys in their flatpak version, so we did a workaround and bound ESC is Open Menu. This allows you to access all of the emulator features and can quit.
* `RPCS3` hotkeys/shortcuts do not work and they are a new experimental feature. To exit you have to shut down RPCS3 from the `Switch Window` inside the Steam Deck interface.
* `CEMU` has almost no hotkey support.
* `XEMU` has no hotkey support.
* `Citra` is the only dual-screen emulator that allows a hotkey for changing the screen layout, others: `MelonDS`, `RetroArch`, `Cemu` has no hotkey for it.
# Missing Features
We are working on implementing all of these features over the big releases. Some will take longer time then others and we will also add more things to this list when needed.
**Missing features:**
* Cloud sync
* USB transfer
* Better External controller support.
* Better gyro support.
* Dynamic external display resolution support for borders and viewports.
* All Emulators supported by ES-DE so there at least is one per system in RetroDECK.
* A Ports Downloader for additional systems and features.
* A rebuilt Configurator that is a Godot application that support controller navigation.
* A rebuilt First Run installer in Godot.
* Better art: Mascot, Easter Eggs, Logos.
* A multi-user system with user profiles.
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# Reporting bugs and issues.
## Before you report:
- Check [Github issues]( on reported issues.
- Check the [Known Issues](../wiki_bugs/
## How to Report?
You can submit bugs and issues on:
- On [Github issues](
- On [Discord]( in the `🤝-community-support` or `🆘-support` channels.
- If you are not certain of a issue it is better to discuss it with the community in <br>
`🤝-community-support` before submitting it.
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# Can I contribute to the project?
Yes! Everybody is welcome to contribute in any way possible if it is personal time or funds.
- Do you know how to code and want to contribute? Please join the development team!
- Maybe you know graphics, art or UI & UX design? Join the discussion!
- You can just help by helping others in the support or guide people on various social media and communication platforms.
- You can also help by just finding and testing the best configurations for the emulators and the roms.
- Or just help us by doing bug reports on all the issues you find (please check old issues first before submitting a new one).
- You can also choose do donate to the project over at [Donations & Licenses 🎁](../wiki_about/
## Any specific examples of what you need help with?
### Artist/Creators:
- Create new pixel art for the Radial menus.
- Create easter egg art for various holidays and functions.
- Create menu art for a new Configurator.
- Create input art that can be shown when you start a game.
- Create input art guides for the wiki for the Steam Deck and later various controllers.
- Create patch note and hype videos.
- Create instruction videos.
- Help us make RetroDECK better.
### Developers:
- Help us put in and make new features.
- Help us make the Configurator a godot application with full controller support.
- Help us get releases out faster.
- Help us make RetroDECK better.
### Testers:
- Help us test cooker builds and submit bugs and feedback.
- Help us make RetroDECK better.
### Everyone:
- Be kind and follow the rules.
- Spread the word of RetroDECK if you like it, if you don't like it or have suggestions put them on github into issues or discuss them on discord.
- Engage with the rest of the community.
- Help us make RetroDECK better.
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# Discord
The Discord can be found here:<br>
## Information
Discord is a primary communication hub for the RetroDECK project.
## Discord Rules
### Do not do any of the following
- Discuss any type of piracy whatsoever.
- Ask for roms, bios, games and where/how to find
them and don't PM the RetroDECK team members about it either.
- Post NSFW & NSFL content.
- Try to sell or promote your products and/or services, this is not a store or a marketplace (discussing experiences, asking for advice and reviews of products related to gaming and retro gaming is fine).
- Post hateful comments.
- Discuss your political or religious viewpoints here.
- Attack server members in the channels or private in PMs on: political viewpoints, religious/non religious believes, gender, race, sexual orientation, age or any other way (if you have been attacked please message a mod in a PM).
- Spam or flood the channels.
- Share information or pictures about leaked games.
- Spoil any new or old game or media. If you want to write about it, use the ||spoiler tag|| to prevent to ruin other user's fruition.
- Use the 💬-general channel for support requests.
- <details><summary>Rule 42</summary>
DO NOT : Break the space time continuum with time travel and/or para dimensional travelling.
### Please help and try your best to do
- Try to keep memes, light spam and funny posts in the 🐸-random-memes channel (however flooding is always prohibited and all server rules must till be respected even in this channel).
- Be patient, be polite, don’t swear and be respectful to each other.
- Keep the topic in the correct channel.
- Help other members of the community.
- Be mindful that the RetroDECK team is working on this project out of passion and spending their own free time to make it happen. You can't expect 24/7 hours support and help. When you do feel the need to ask for help or advice from the RetroDECK team respect rule 13.
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# Lemmy / Reddit
## Information
## Lemmy/Reddit Rules
### 1. DO NOT: Post links/discussion of illegal, copyrighted, pirated or leaked content.
* Post links directly to pirated games, ROMs, BIOSes or shader caches.
* Partake in discussion or encouragement to in piracy.
* Ask for technical support for pirated games/software.
* Post links or discussions to leaked content of any kind.
* Censoring or obfuscating parts of an link to any part of the content above to bypass filters.
### 2. DO NOT: Post NSFW & NSFL content.
### 3. DO NOT: Make posts about: buying, selling, trading, begging, giveaways, self or crowd-funding without asking.
* You can’t promote crowd-funding, begging, affiliate links or other form of raising funds without asking.
* Discussing experiences, giving advice or reviews of products related to gaming and retro gaming is always OK!
* All promotions or marketing must be vetted and approved by the RetroDECK team on Discord.
### 4. DO NOT: Make posts about anything other then RetroDECK, Emulation or community relevant content.
### 5. DO NOT: Post hateful comments or posts.
* Don’t attack any community member on: political viewpoints, religious/non religious believes, gender, race, sexual orientation, age or any other way (if you have been attacked please message the a mod here or on discord).
* Be patient, be polite, be kind, don’t swear and be respectful to each other.
### 6. DO NOT: Discuss your political or religious viewpoints here.
### 7. DO NOT: Spread misinformation
* Spread intentional misinformation.
* Impersonate another: entity, company or person.
# Vivi e lascia vivere
// RetroDECK Team
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# Testing RetroDECK
There are two ways help us to test features in RetroDECK.<br>
The first one is our bleeding edge `RetroDECK Cooker` channel.<br>
The second one is the `Experimental Features` inside the stable version inside the `Developer Options Menu`.
## Can I help you with testing?
Yes, do follow the instructions on this page and tell in Discord channel `i-want-to-help` that you are interested in testing out `RetroDECK Cooker` builds or want to give feedback on `Experimental Features`.
You will get some instructions from one of the mods and be promoted to a `BetaTester` role.
## Before you begin!
### Backup before testing! 🛑
These builds and features can make you loose all data including `ROMS`, `BIOS` and `Scraped Data` etc..<br>
We **recommend** that you don't run any experimental features or cooker builds on your main gaming machine.
### Expect bugs and issues! 🛑
These builds and experimental features can contain several bugs and be unstable.
## How do I take a backup?
Backup your `/retrodeck/` and it's content and `/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck/`.
You could copy the entire folders to a secure location or for a quick test you could just rename both of the folders into something else.
Then RetroDECK will think it's a fresh install.
Example of renaming:<br>
## What is RetroDECK Cooker?
[RetroDECK Cooker]( are the bleeding edge development builds of [RetroDECK]( These builds are only for development and testing purposes.
### How do I install cooker builds?
You can download the latest `.flatpak` releases from the above link and install them via CLI or from the desktop.
* You need to have set up a sudo password if you want to test on a Steam Deck.
* If you have `RetroDECK` the stable release on your system `RetroDECK-Cooker` will be installed separately since it is a different branch. We do not recommend running cooker on a system where you have a running `RetroDECK` stable.
#### Desktop
You should just be able to double click on the .`flatpak` file and what ever application manager/installer (like Discover) you have installed should be able to install it. If that does not work use the CLI method.
#### CLI
Run the following command from where you have downloaded the `.flatpak` file. <br>
`flatpak install RetroDECK.flatpak`
## How do I uninstall RetroDECK Cooker?
### Desktop
Just go into your application manager/installer (like Discover), find RetroDECK and press uninstall.
### CLI
Run the following command: <br>
`flatpak remove RetroDECK`
### Why does the cooker release have strange names?
The names are randomly generated to make it easy to see what build you are running.
## What are RetroDECK experimental features?
Experimental features are a showcase of what proof-of-concepts we are trying out or working on that you can try out even on stable releases and we would like feedback on them. All these features are just conceptual and we hope them release ready in an later major update or scrap them if the don't work out.
Standard backup procedures apply as written above.
### How do I enable them?
From CLI run:
`flatpak run net.retrodeck.retrodeck uuddlrlrstart`
The `Developer Options Menu` should show up inside the Configurator.
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# Steam Input
RetroDECK handles most of the advanced controller mapping via Steam Input.
## All controls in Steam Input and RetroDECK can be changed
Everyone is free to rebind the buttons as you see fit in the any of the RetroDECK's Steam Input profiles, inside the emulators or both.
You can make your own profile to better suite your needs and combine it with input changes you make in each emulator.
But always remember if you rebind the keys inside RetroDECK in both Steam Input and the Emulators there will always be a risk that an upcoming update of either Steam or RetroDECK (thus including new versions of the built in Emulators) can come with changes that breaks your profiles.
Also note that if you break your controller profile with your tinkering you can always revert to the Official Controller Profiles or reinstall them from the Configurator.
## Prerequisites for Steam Input work
### RetroDECK must be added to Steam
In Steam go to the tab `Games` press `Add non Steam game to My library` and select RetroDECK to add it into your library or add it via the software `BoilR`.
### Device templates like Steam Deck
Devices like the Steam Deck with a built-in controller you will be able to find the profile under `Controller Settings` -> `Controller Layouts` -> `Templates`.
### Connect the external controller to find the templates for them
If you plan on using external controllers, you need to have the controller connected via either: `Cable` `Bluetooth` `Wireless` for the controller profile to show up automatically. You will find the profile under `Controller Settings` -> `Controller Layouts` -> `Templates`.
### The following only applies to Linux Desktop:
**You must have enable all Steam Inputs in Steam** <br>
In Steam go to the `Settings` tab to go into the `Steam Settings`, press `Controller`, enable all Steam Inputs: `Xbox` `PlayStation` `Switch Pro` `Generic`.
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
# About udev
udev is a device manager for the Linux kernel that gives the system access to various running hardware via device `.rules` files also known as `udev rules`.
udev rules are used to allow and manage the access to a specific devices, so without a proper udev rule some devices such as custom controller could not be used by RetroDECK nor by Steam or any other part of the system.
Read more on:
- [Debian Wiki](
- [Arch Wiki](
- [Wikipedia](
## Important directories
### /lib/udev/rules.d/
This directory contains the default `.rules file` shipped by your system. <br>
They should not be edited.
### /etc/udev/rules.d/ or /run/udev/rules.d (depending on the system)
This directory contains custom `.rules file` additions to those shipped in `/lib/udev/rules.d/` and the administrator can add more rules into this directory.
If a `.rules file` exist for the same device under `/lib/udev/rules.d/` and `/etc/udev/rules.d/` the `/etc` version will always take preset over the `lib` version.
## Example of a .rules file
The content of a Merlin UTMS modem .rules file.
ATTRS{prod_id2}=="Merlin UMTS Modem", ATTRS{prod_id1}=="Novatel Wireless", SYMLINK+="MerlinUMTS"
A .rules file can also contain more the one devices example multiple 8Bitdo controllers:
# 8Bitdo F30 P1
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="8Bitdo FC30 GamePad", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}="1", TAG+="uaccess"
# 8Bitdo F30 P2
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="8Bitdo FC30 II", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}="1", TAG+="uaccess"
## Controller udev projects
**Valve's - Steam Devices**
[steam-devices github](
The Steam Devices package is usually installed when you install Steam on your system, it contains rules for the most common controllers.<br>
This package is also part of SteamOS so there is no need to install it on the Steam Deck. <br>
**Game Devices udev**
[game-devices-udev codeberg](
The Game Devices udev project is an effort to combine all game devices into one package but it is still early and several are missing. <br>
**Batocera udev**
[Batocera - Controllers github](
The Batocera project has also combined a list of other controllers that might be missing from the two projects above.
## Quick tips on udev installation
### Administrator sudo access is needed
Installing a udev rule needs administrator root access with sudo and the rules should be put in either the `/etc/udev/rules.d/` or `/run/udev/rules.d` example from above.
- You can copy the `.rules` from terminal into the directory either from terminal or with a file browser.
- The rules should be in the `.rules` file format and should be extracted from any `.zip` `.7z` `.tar` or any other compressed format.
### Reboot or reload rules
After a rule is added you will need to either reload the `udevadm` from terminal by issuing the following command: `sudo udevadm control --reload-rules` or just reboot the system.
- The udev rule should be added when the RetroDECK or any other software that you want access to the device is not running.
### SteamOS or immutable systems
For SteamOS or other immutable systems udev rules might or might not persistent persist over SteamOS updates (we can't say for certain).
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# Adaptive Controllers
Adaptive Controllers is a small category of specialized controllers that are designed to primarily to meet the needs of gamers with limited mobility.
They can be customized to fit the players needs with swapable inputs from various sources controlled by the main hub of the adaptive controller.
You can also sometimes expand to more inputs as well by connecting other controller types like a Flight Stick.
## Xbox Adaptive Controller (XAC)
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/xbox-adaptive.png" width="250">
[Microsoft XAC Website](
> When everybody plays, we all win.
### The xone Project
[The xone Project]( <br>
Has firmwares, udev rules and drivers might be needed to get it to run on your distribution to get the wireless connections working.
### How to configure?
The Linux Kernel has had XAC support since version 3.17.<br>
As the XAC outputs standard xinput we don't see any reason why this should not work with RetroDECK.
None on the RetroDECK Team owns a XAC, but we would love to hear from your experiences using it with RetroDECK. <br>
If there is something we in the team can help you with, maybe we can design a better general Steam Input profile for the XAC or any other feedback feel free to contact us on Discord.
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# Arcade Controllers
Arcade Controllers is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of third party controllers that are used for playing arcade games, arcade style games or fighting games. <br>
As long as you can connect the arcade solution to USB, it has working udev/drivers and xinput then it should work with RetroDECK.
**Always check for Linux Support**<br>
Just to be safe, it is better before you buy anything to double check if there is Linux support for it.
Wireless Fight Sticks can be a hit or miss depending on if they require external configuration software.
## Fight Sticks
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/arcade-ps3.png" width="250">
Many USB Fight Sticks work nativly on Linux without much of a configuration. There might be need for a slight input remapping if they are a console version of a Fight Stick.
## Fight Stick 2 Player Combo
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/arcade-x-arcade.png" width="250">
Several suppliers have made Two Player Fight Sticks Solutions for versus and co-op gameplay.
## Arcade Machines - DIY
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/arcade-set.png" width="250">
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/arcade-trackball.png" width="250">
There are several predone kits to make your own PC connected Arcade Machine. <br>
They a majorty of them use a standard USB interface to connect to the PC and many times the same connector board as in the standalone Fight Sticks while the trackballs has a seperate USB connection that simulates a mouse.
There should not be any major issues connecting these with RetroDECK except maybe a controller remapping.
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# Flight Controllers
Flight Controllers is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of third party controllers that are used for playing games where you are flying airplanes or other things as magic carpets. <br>
Some of them might lack Linux drivers or udev rules entirely with others there is a community effort to make them work under Linux.<br>
A few of them also require Windows only software to configure various inputs and buttons.<br>
If you own a Flight Controller the best solution is just to try it on Linux via the Steam Deck Dock or a Linux PC and see if it works as expected.<br>
If it does work on Linux and it supports xinput, we see no reason why it should not work on RetroDECK.
If you have a Flight Controller that did not work on Linux but have found a way to make it work:<br>
- Please try to contribute udev rules to the [game-devices-udev codeberg](
- (Optional) Inform the RetroDECK team on how you got it working on discord.
**Always check for Linux Support**<br>
Just to be safe, it is better before you buy anything to double check if there is Linux support for it.
## Flight Sticks - Arcade
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/flightstick-arcade.png" width="250">
Arcade flight sticks are used for mainly flight arcade games.
## Flight Sticks - Professional
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/flightstick-pro.png" width="250">
Professional level flight sticks are used for mainly flight simulation games.
## Cockpit Style Sticks
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/flight-cockpit.png" width="250">
Cockpit Style flight sticks are used for mainly flight simulation games.
## Flight Pedals
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/flight-pedals.png" width="250">
Flight Pedals are used for mainly flight simulation games.
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# Generic Controllers
**Note these inputs are part of the upcoming 0.8b update.**
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/xiaomi-controller.png" width="280">
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/8bitdo-pro2.png" width="250">
Generic Controllers is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of third party controllers.<br>
## Generic: Standard
This guide assumes that they have a similar layout as an Xbox Controller aka a Standard layout.
### What are the Official profiles called?
- Generic Standard : `RetroDECK: Generic: Standard - <Version Number>`
## Global Hotkeys: Generic Button Combos
The global hotkeys are activated by pressing the `SELECT` button and holding it while pressing the corresponding other button input.
What follows is a list of hotkeys:
`Function` Shows what the hotkey does. <br>
`Button / Combination` Shows the input you need to make to trigger the command. <br>
`Command` Shows what is being sent to the emulator. <br>
`Emulator Support` Shows what emulators support the command. <br>
`Comment` Just extra comments. <br>
| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Pause / Resume | `SELECT + A` | `CTRL + P` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Take Screenshot | `SELECT + B` | `CTRL + X` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Fullscreen Toggle | `SELECT + X` | `CTRL + ENTER` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Open Menu | `SELECT + Y` | `CTRL + M` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` |
| Quit Emulator | `SELECT + Start` | `CTRL + Q` |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | | |
| Previous State Slot | `SELECT + D-Pad Left` | `CTRL + J` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Next State Slot | `SELECT + D-Pad Right` | `CTRL + K` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`|
| Increase Emulation Speed | `SELECT + D-Pad Up` | `CTRL + 1` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Decrease Emulation Speed | `SELECT + D-Pad Down` | `CTRL + 2` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Load State | `SELECT + L1` | `CTRL + A` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Save State | `SELECT + R1` | `CTRL + S` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Rewind | `SELECT + L2` | `CTRL + -` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` | |
| Fast forward | `SELECT + R2` | `CTRL + +` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` | |
| Swap Screens | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Up` | `CTRL + TAB` | `Citra` `MelonDS` `Cemu` |
| Escape | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Down` | `ESC` | `PPSSPP` `Computer emulators` `Solarus` `IkemenGO` |
| Enter | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Right` | `Enter` | `Computer emulators` `OpenBOR` |
### Right Joystick as Mouse
By holding `SELECT` and moving the right joystick you can use it as a mouse for various systems that uses mouse input.
| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Joystick as Mouse | `SELECT + Right Stick` | | Movement |
| Right Click | `SELECT + L3` | `Right Click` | |
| Left Click | `SELECT + R3` | `Left Click` | |
### RetroArch: Additional Hotkeys
These hotkeys also work for RetroArch and are built in.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Open Menu | `L3 + R3` | `RetroArch` | |
### Arcade Systems: Additional Hotkeys
This hotkey work for RetroArch, MAME, FBNEO and other arcade systems.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Insert Credit | `SELECT` | `RetroArch` `MAME` `FBNeo` | |
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# Lightguns Controllers
Lightguns are special type of controllers use to play lightgun games is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of first / third party controllers, DIY and open source projects.
## Sinden
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-sinden.png" width="250">
[Sinden Website](
### How to configure?
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/gun4ir-logo.png" width="250">
The GUN4IR uses LED point strips around your display and allows you to rebuild existing lightguns or toyguns into the GUN4IR system. <br>
The payed software to configure the GUN4IR guns is Windows only.
[GUN4IR Website](
### How to configure?
## AE Light Gun
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-aelightgun.png" width="250">
[AE Light Gun Website](
### How to configure?
## AimTrak
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-aimtrak.png" width="250">
### How to configure?
## SAMCO - Arduino Powered IR Light Gun
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon1.png" width="250">
SAMCO is a way to rebuild old Namco GunCon's with Arduino to a IR Light Gun that works with modern displays.
[The SAMCO Project Github](
### How to configure?
## GunCon or G-Con
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/guncon-logo.png" width="250">
The GunCon, known as the G-Con in Europe, is a family of gun peripherals designed by Namco for the PlayStation consoles.
### ConCon 1 and 2
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon1.png" width="250">
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon2.png" width="250">
The version one and two of the GunCon only works on CRT displays.
#### How to configure?
### GunCon 3
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-guncon3.png" width="250">
The version three for the Playstation 3 works with some modern displays.
#### How to configure?
## Wii Remote Gun
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lightgun-wiigun.png" width="250">
### How to configure?
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# Music / Rhythm Controllers
Rhythm Controllers are special type of controllers use to play rhythm games.
Is is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of third and first party controllers.
## Rockband & Guitar Hero Instruments
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/guitar-hero-guitars.png" width="350">
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/rockband-drums.png" width="153">
### How to configure
## DJ Hero Turntable
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/dj-hero-turntable.png" width="250">
### How to configure
## DK Bongos
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/dk-bongos.png" width="250">
### How to configure
## Taiko Drum & Bachi
### How to configure
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/taiko-drum-bachi.png" width="250">
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# Nintendo Controllers
**Note some these inputs are part of the upcoming 0.8b update.**
## Switch Pro
Supported by Steam Input
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/switch-pro.png" width="250">
## What is the Official - Switch Pro RetroDECK profile called?
- Switch Pro: `RetroDECK: Switch Pro - <Version Number>`
### Switch Pro - Global Hotkeys: Nintendo Button Combos
The global hotkeys are activated by pressing the `SELECT` button and holding it while pressing the corresponding other button input.
What follows is a list of hotkeys:
`Function` Shows what the hotkey does. <br>
`Button / Combination` Shows the input you need to make to trigger the command. <br>
`Command` Shows what is being sent to the emulator. <br>
`Emulator Support` Shows what emulators support the command. <br>
`Comment` Just extra comments. <br>
| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Pause / Resume | `SELECT + B` | `CTRL + P` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Take Screenshot | `SELECT + A` | `CTRL + X` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Fullscreen Toggle | `SELECT + Y` | `CTRL + ENTER` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Open Menu | `SELECT + X` | `CTRL + M` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` |
| Quit Emulator | `SELECT + Start` | `CTRL + Q` |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | | |
| Previous State Slot | `SELECT + D-Pad Left` | `CTRL + J` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Next State Slot | `SELECT + D-Pad Right` | `CTRL + K` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`|
| Increase Emulation Speed | `SELECT + D-Pad Up` | `CTRL + 1` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Decrease Emulation Speed | `SELECT + D-Pad Down` | `CTRL + 2` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Load State | `SELECT + L1` | `CTRL + A` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Save State | `SELECT + R1` | `CTRL + S` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Rewind | `SELECT + L2` | `CTRL + -` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` | |
| Fast forward | `SELECT + R2` | `CTRL + +` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` | |
| Swap Screens | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Up` | `CTRL + TAB` | `Citra` `MelonDS` `Cemu` |
| Escape | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Down` | `ESC` | `PPSSPP` `Computer emulators` `Solarus` `IkemenGO` |
| Enter | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Right` | `Enter` | `Computer emulators` `OpenBOR` |
### Right Joystick as Mouse
By holding `SELECT` and moving the right joystick you can use it as a mouse for various systems that uses mouse input.
| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Joystick as Mouse | `SELECT + Right Stick` | | Movement |
| Right Click | `SELECT + L3` | `Right Click` | |
| Left Click | `SELECT + R3` | `Left Click` | |
### RetroArch: Additional Hotkeys
These hotkeys also work for RetroArch and are built in.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Open Menu | `L3 + R3` | `RetroArch` | |
### Arcade Systems: Additional Hotkeys
This hotkey work for RetroArch, MAME, FBNEO and other arcade systems.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Insert Credit | `SELECT` | `RetroArch` `MAME` `FBNeo` | |
## Joy-Con
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/joy-con.png" width="250">
## GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/wiiu-gcpad-adapter.png" width="250">
## Wii Remote (Wiimote)
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/wii-mote.png" width="250">
## Wii U GamePad
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/wii-u-gamepad.png" width="250">
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# Playstation Controllers
**Note these inputs are part of the upcoming 0.8b update.**
Steam Input have support for the following controllers:
## Playstation 3 - Dualshock 3 / Sixaxis
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/ps3-dualshock3.png" width="250">
## Playstation 4 - Dualshock 4
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/ps4-dualshock4.png" width="250">
## Playstation 5 - DualSense
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/ps5-dualsense.png" width="250">
## What are the Official profiles called?
- Dualshock 3 / Sixaxis: `RetroDECK: Dualshock 3 - <Version Number>`
- Dualshock 4: `RetroDECK: Dualshock 4 - <Version Number>`
- DualSense: `RetroDECK: DualSense - <Version Number>`
## Global Hotkeys: Playstation Button Combos
The global hotkeys are activated by pressing the `SELECT` button and holding it while pressing the corresponding other button input.
What follows is a list of hotkeys:
`Function` Shows what the hotkey does. <br>
`Button / Combination` Shows the input you need to make to trigger the command. <br>
`Command` Shows what is being sent to the emulator. <br>
`Emulator Support` Shows what emulators support the command. <br>
`Comment` Just extra comments. <br>
| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Pause / Resume | `SELECT + Cross` | `CTRL + P` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Take Screenshot | `SELECT + Circle` | `CTRL + X` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Fullscreen Toggle | `SELECT + Square` | `CTRL + ENTER` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Open Menu | `SELECT + Triangle` | `CTRL + M` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` |
| Quit Emulator | `SELECT + Start` | `CTRL + Q` |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | | |
| Previous State Slot | `SELECT + D-Pad Left` | `CTRL + J` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Next State Slot | `SELECT + D-Pad Right` | `CTRL + K` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`|
| Increase Emulation Speed | `SELECT + D-Pad Up` | `CTRL + 1` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Decrease Emulation Speed | `SELECT + D-Pad Down` | `CTRL + 2` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Load State | `SELECT + L1` | `CTRL + A` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Save State | `SELECT + R1` | `CTRL + S` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Rewind | `SELECT + L2` | `CTRL + -` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` | |
| Fast forward | `SELECT + R2` | `CTRL + +` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` | |
| Swap Screens | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Up` | `CTRL + TAB` | `Citra` `MelonDS` `Cemu` |
| Escape | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Down` | `ESC` | `PPSSPP` `Computer emulators` `Solarus` `IkemenGO` |
| Enter | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Right` | `Enter` | `Computer emulators` `OpenBOR` |
### Right Joystick as Mouse
By holding `SELECT` and moving the right joystick you can use it as a mouse for various systems that uses mouse input.
| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Joystick as Mouse | `SELECT + Right Stick` | | Movement |
| Right Click | `SELECT + L3` | `Right Click` | |
| Left Click | `SELECT + R3` | `Left Click` | |
### RetroArch: Additional Hotkeys
These hotkeys also work for RetroArch and are built in.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Open Menu | `L3 + R3` | `RetroArch` | |
### Arcade Systems: Additional Hotkeys
This hotkey work for RetroArch, MAME, FBNEO and other arcade systems.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Insert Credit | `SELECT` | `RetroArch` `MAME` `FBNeo` | |
### PS4 Dualshock 4 and PS5 DualSense: Additional Hotkeys
The touchpads acts as a mouse and can be used to navigate mouse based inputs.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Full Touchpad | | | The entire touchpad acts a mouse |
| Right Touchpad Click | `Left Mouse Click` | | |
| Center Touchpad Click | `Center Mouse Click` | | |
| Left Touchpad Click | `Right Mouse Click` | | |
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# Racing Controllers
Racing Controllers is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of third and first party controllers that has everything to do with racing games.
Some of them might lack Linux drivers or udev rules entirely with others there is a community effort to make them work under Linux.<br>
A few of them also require Windows only software to configure various inputs and buttons.<br>
If you own a Racing Controller the best solution is just to try it on Linux via the Steam Deck Dock or a Linux PC and see if it works as expected.<br>
If it does work on Linux and it supports xinput, we see no reason why it should not work on RetroDECK.
If you have a Flight Controller that did not work on Linux but have found a way to make it work:<br>
- Contribute udev rules to the [game-devices-udev codeberg](
- Contribute to the Oversteer project
- (Optional) Inform the RetroDECK team on how you got it working on discord.
The [OverSteer Project]( is trying to manage support multiple Steering Wheels on Linux. It is still in the early stages of development.
Oversteer manages steering wheels on Linux using the features provided by the loaded modules.
It doesn't provide hardware support, you'll still need a driver module that enables the hardware on Linux.
Most wheels will work but won't have FFB without specific drivers that support that feature.
## Steering Wheels, Pedals and Gear Shifters
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/racing-kit.png" width="250">
- Steering Wheel
- Pedals
- Gear Shifter
All of them needs seperate driver modules and udev rules to work.
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
# Special Controllers
Special Controllers is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of third and first party controllers that don't fit anywhere else. <br>
They might have been made for a single game.
## The Steel Battalion Cockpit
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/steel-battalion.png" width="250">
The unique cockpit controller for the original Xbox game Steel Battalion.
### How to use with RetroDECK or a PC or anything else?
There have been efforts by user SantiagoSaldana of to get it working on PCs via a Teensy 3.6 / 4.1 Arduino Adapter.
It translates the controllers input to emulated xinput. You can read more about the project here:
[ Project Thread](
[Github Steel Battalion Controller Library for Arduino](
If you have this rare controller and want to try to get it running by the above methods on Linux and RetroDECK please contact the RetroDECK team on discord to inform on your efforts we will follow them with great intrest.
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# Steam Controller
Steam Controllers are controllers designed by Valve and have native Steam Input support.
So far only one Steam Controller has been released the `Steam Controller: Gordon`.
**Note these inputs are part of the upcoming 0.8b update.**
Steam Input have support for the following controllers:
## Steam Controller: Gordon
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/steam-controller-gordon.png" width="250">
The first Steam Controller is nicknamed Gordon and also goes by that name in all configurations.
### What is the Official - Steam Controller: Gordon RetroDECK profile called?
- Steam Controller Gordon: `RetroDECK: Steam Controller: Gordon - <Version Number>`
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# Toys-to-life Controllers
Toys-to-life Controllers is a broad category that encompasses the vast majority of mostly first party controllers that are used to connect collectable toys figures that can via the controller interact with the game.
## LEGO Dimensions
### LEGO ToyPad
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/lego-toypad.png" width="250">
#### Installing the Toypad
This controller needs to set a system's udev rule, just execute this in the terminal:
echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0e6f", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0241", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/71-toypad.rules > /dev/null
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
#### What emulator support the Toypad?
At the moment of writing the best way to play LEGO Dimensions with the LEGO Toypad is to use the PS3 version and the RPCS3 emulator.
Just connect the ToyPad to a USB port before starting the game.
**Special Notes on the Steam Deck**
The ToyPad must be connected to an powered USB-hub such as the a USB port of the Steam Dock. <br>
Directly connecting the ToyPad to the Steam Deck it's not working as the Steam Deck can not give the ToyPad enought power output.
## Skylanders
### Portal of Power
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/portal-of-power.png" width="250">
The Portal of Power is used for the Skylanders game Series.
#### How to configure
### Traptanium Portal
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/traptanium-portal.png" width="250">
The Traptanium Portal is used for the game Skylanders: Trap Team.
#### How to configure
## Disney Infinity
### The Disney Infinity Base
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/disney-infinity-base.png" width="250">
#### How to configure
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# Xbox Controllers
**Note these inputs are part of the upcoming 0.8b update.**
#### The xone Project
[The xone Project]( <br>
Has firmwares, udev rules and drivers might be needed to get it to run on your distribution to get the wireless connections working.<br>
This should not needed for the Steam Deck, SteamOS and most gaming focus Linux distroes has it included.
## Xbox 360
Supported by Steam Input
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/xbox-360.png" width="250">
## Xbox One/S/X - Xbox Wireless Controller
Supported by Steam Input
<img src="../../wiki_images/controllers/xbox-wireless.png" width="250">
## What are the Official profiles called?
- Xbox 360: `RetroDECK: Xbox 360 - <Version Number>`
- Xbox Wireless Controller: `RetroDECK: Xbox Wireless - <Version Number>`
## Global Hotkeys: Xbox Button Combos
The global hotkeys are activated by pressing the `SELECT` button and holding it while pressing the corresponding other button input.
What follows is a list of hotkeys:
`Function` Shows what the hotkey does. <br>
`Button / Combination` Shows the input you need to make to trigger the command. <br>
`Command` Shows what is being sent to the emulator. <br>
`Emulator Support` Shows what emulators support the command. <br>
`Comment` Just extra comments. <br>
| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Pause / Resume | `SELECT + A` | `CTRL + P` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Take Screenshot | `SELECT + B` | `CTRL + X` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Fullscreen Toggle | `SELECT + X` | `CTRL + ENTER` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Open Menu | `SELECT + Y` | `CTRL + M` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` |
| Quit Emulator | `SELECT + Start` | `CTRL + Q` |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | | |
| Previous State Slot | `SELECT + D-Pad Left` | `CTRL + J` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Next State Slot | `SELECT + D-Pad Right` | `CTRL + K` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`|
| Increase Emulation Speed | `SELECT + D-Pad Up` | `CTRL + 1` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Decrease Emulation Speed | `SELECT + D-Pad Down` | `CTRL + 2` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Load State | `SELECT + L1` | `CTRL + A` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Save State | `SELECT + R1` | `CTRL + S` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Rewind | `SELECT + L2` | `CTRL + -` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` | |
| Fast forward | `SELECT + R2` | `CTRL + +` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` | |
| Swap Screens | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Up` | `CTRL + TAB` | `Citra` `MelonDS` `Cemu` |
| Escape | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Down` | `ESC` | `PPSSPP` `Computer emulators` `Solarus` `IkemenGO` |
| Enter | `SELECT + Left Joystick - Right` | `Enter` | `Computer emulators` `OpenBOR` |
### Right Joystick as Mouse
By holding `SELECT` and moving the right joystick you can use it as a mouse for various systems that uses mouse input.
| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Joystick as Mouse | `SELECT + Right Stick` | | Movement |
| Right Click | `SELECT + L3` | `Right Click` | |
| Left Click | `SELECT + R3` | `Left Click` | |
### RetroArch: Additional Hotkeys
These hotkeys also work for RetroArch and are built in.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Open Menu | `L3 + R3` | `RetroArch` | |
### Arcade Systems: Additional Hotkeys
This hotkey work for RetroArch, MAME, FBNEO and other arcade systems.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Insert Credit | `SELECT` | `RetroArch` `MAME` `FBNeo` | |
@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
# RetroDECK: Steam Deck - Official Layout
<img src="../../wiki_images/graphics/steamdeck/rd_sd_screen1.jpeg" width="350">
### What's the latest version of the Steam Deck layout?
The layout versioning do not always update with each minor patch. <br>
Generally only the major versions comes with profile changes.
## Enable the Layout
Be sure to have the `RetroDECK: Official Controller Layout` activated from the `Templates`.
- Add the Official Layout under `Controller Settings` -> `Controller Layouts` -> `Templates` in the Steam Deck called `RetroDECK: Official Layout` with a version number and apply.
## Global Hotkeys: Button Combos
### The hotkey button
The `HK` or `hotkey button` on the Steam Deck is `L4` or `R4` or `Select` depending on what is closest for the button combo you are trying to press, all trigger the same functions.
You want to do the command `Pause / Resume`. <br>
You press and hold either `L4` or `R4` or `Select` and press `A` to trigger the command.
### Button combo list
The global hotkeys are activated by pressing the hotkey button and holding it while pressing the corresponding other button input.
What follows is a list of hotkeys:
`Function` Shows what the hotkey does. <br>
`Button / Combination` Shows the input you need to make to trigger the command. <br>
`Command` Shows what is being sent to the emulator. <br>
`Emulator Support` Shows what emulators support the command. <br>
`Comment` Just extra comments. <br>
| Function | Button / Combination| Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Pause / Resume | `HK + A` | `CTRL + P` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Take Screenshot | `HK + B` | `CTRL + X` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Fullscreen Toggle | `HK + X` | `CTRL + ENTER` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Open Menu | `HK + Y` | `CTRL + M` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` |
| Quit Emulator | `HK + Start` | `CTRL + Q` |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | | |
| Previous State Slot | `HK + D-Pad Left` | `CTRL + J` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Next State Slot | `HK + D-Pad Right` | `CTRL + K` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`|
| Increase Emulation Speed | `HK + D-Pad Up` | `CTRL + 1` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Decrease Emulation Speed | `HK + D-Pad Down` | `CTRL + 2` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2`| | |
| Load State | `HK + L1` | `CTRL + A` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Save State | `HK + R1` | `CTRL + S` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Rewind | `HK + L2` | `CTRL + -` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` | |
| Fast forward | `HK + R2` | `CTRL + +` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` | |
| Swap Screens | `HK + L3` | `CTRL + TAB` | `Citra` `MelonDS` `Cemu` | |
| Escape | `HK + R3` | `ESC` | `PPSSPP` | |
### RetroArch: Additional Hotkeys
These hotkeys also work for RetroArch and are built in.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Open Menu | `L3 + R3` | `RetroArch` | |
### Arcade Systems: Additional Hotkeys
This hotkey work for RetroArch, MAME, FBNEO and other arcade systems.
| Function | Button / Combination | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Insert Credit | `Select` | `RetroArch` `MAME` `FBNeo` | |
## Steam Input - Radial Menu System
#### Is there a quick way to go back to the top of the radial menu system?
Yes, just press on the `HK` trigger buttons: `L4` or `R4` or `Select`
### Radial Menus
What follows is a breakdown of the Radial System that you access on the `Left Touchpad`.
`Radial Button` Shows what the hotkey does. <br>
`Keyboard Command` Shows what is being sent to the emulator.<br>
`Emulator Support` Shows what emulators support the command. <br>
`Comment` Just extra comments. <br>
#### Main Menu
The `Main Menu` gives you access to all the menus bellow.
#### Quick Menu
The `Quick Menu` or `Quick Access Menu` Menu is the most populated menu. It features "best of" options from other menus.
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Quit Emulator | `Ctrl + Q` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Open Menu | `Ctrl + M` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Swap Screens | `Ctrl + Tab` | `Citra` `MelonDS` `Cemu` | |
| Take Screenshot | `Ctrl + X` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Save State | `Ctrl + S` |`RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Load State | `Ctrl + A` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Pause / Resume | `Ctrl + P` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Fullscreen Toggle | `Ctrl + Enter` |`Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Restart / Reset | `CTRL + R` |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Escape | `ESC` | `PPSSPP` | |
#### State Menu
The `State Menu` is the menu where you handle anything to do with saving and loading states.
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Previous State | `Ctrl + J` |`RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Next State | `Ctrl + K` |`RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Save State | `Ctrl + S` |`RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Load State | `Ctrl + A` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Undo Load State | `Ctrl + 8` | `Dolphin/Primehack` | |
| Undo Save State | `Ctrl + 9` | `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` | |
#### Speed / Frames Menu
The `Speed / Frames Menu` is where you find anything related to: emulation speed, frame limits, fast forwarding and rewinding.
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Fastforward | `Ctrl + +` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` | |
| Rewind | `CTRL + -` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` | |
| Increase Emulation Speed| `CTRL + 1` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Decrease Emulation Speed| `CTRL + 2` |`Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Reset Emulation Speed | `CTRL + 3` | `Duckstation` | |
| Disable Emulation Speed Limit | `CTRL + 0` |`Dolphin/Primehack` | |
| Frame limit On/Off | `CTRL + Z` | `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
#### Display / Graphics Menu
The `Display / Graphics Menu` is where you find anything related to: up-scaling/resolution scaling, widescreen or change aspect ratio, fullscreen, swap or change dual screen layout.
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Fullscreen Toggle | `Ctrl + Enter` | `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Increase Resolution / Upscale | `Ctrl + U` | `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Decrease Resolution / Upscale | `Ctrl + Y` | `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Change Widescreen / Aspect Ratio | `Ctrl + W` | `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` | |
| Swap Screens | `Ctrl + Tab` |`Citra` `MelonDS` `Cemu` | |
| Change Dual Screens Layout | `Ctrl + L` | `Citra`| | |
#### General Menu
The `General Menu` or `General Emulation Menu` is where you find various global generic emulation hotkeys: Quit/Exit, Restart, Take Screenshot, Change CD, Pause, Turbo Input, Cheats and Video Recording.
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Quit Emulator | `Ctrl + Q` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Open Menu | `Ctrl + M` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Take Screenshot | `Ctrl + X` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Restart / Reset | `CTRL + R` |`RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Change Disc / Next Disc | `CTRL + D` | `RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` | |
| Cheats On/Off | `CTRL + C` | `RetroArch` `Duckstation` | |
| Pause / Resume | `Ctrl + P` | `RetroArch` `Citra` `Dolphin/Primehack` `Duckstation` `MelonDS` `PCSX2` `Yuzu` | |
| Turbo On/Off | `Ctrl + T` | `Duckstation` | |
| Video Recording On/Off | `Ctrl + V` |`RetroArch` `Dolphin/Primehack` `PCSX2` | |
#### Steam Deck Menu
The `Steam Deck Menu` is where you find Steam Deck specific functions and general computer hotkeys: Steam Screenshot, Show Steam Deck Keyboard, Escape, Alt + F4, Tab, Enter and F1. Some of these could also be useful inside the various PC emulation emulators.
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Escape | `ESC` | `PPSSPP` | |
| Tab | `Tab` | | |
| Alt + F4 | `Alt + F4` | | |
| F1 | `F1` | | |
| Enter | `Enter` | | |
| Take Steam Screenshot | `none` | | |
| Show Steam Deck Keyboard| `none` | | |
#### Emulator Specific Menu
The `Specific Menu` or ` Emulator Specific Menu` opens up several system/emulator specific sub-menus. Here you will find hotkeys not so commonly used but could be good to have easy access to:
##### Switch Menu
The `Switch Menu` here you find hotkeys related to Switch emulation: Change GPU Accuracy, Change Docked/Undocked Mode, Add/Remove Amiibo
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Change GPU Accuracy | `Alt + G` | `Yuzu` | |
| Load / Remove Amiibo | `Alt + M` | `Yuzu` | |
| Docked / Undocked Mode | `Alt + D` | `Yuzu` | |
##### MAME Menu
The `MAME Menu` here find hotkeys related to the MAME standalone emulator: Servicemode and buttons 1-4, Insert None Bills (not credits that is Select) and tilt.
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Service Mode | `Alt + 0` | `MAME` | |
| Service Button 1 | `Alt + 1` | `MAME` | |
| Service Button 2 | `Alt + 2` | `MAME` | |
| Service Button 3 | `Alt + 3` | `MAME` | |
| Service Button 4 | `Alt + 4` | `MAME` | |
| Insert Bill / Note | `Alt + 5` | `MAME` | |
| Tilt | `Alt + 6` | `MAME` | |
##### RetroArch Menu
The `RetroArch Menu` here you find hotkeys related to the RetroArch emulator: RetroArch Cheat Mangement, AI Service and Netplay Host.
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Next Cheat | `Ctrl + G` | `RetroArch` | |
| Previous Cheat | `Ctrl + F` | `RetroArch` | |
| Cheats On/Off | `Ctrl + C` | `RetroArch` | |
| AI Service On/Off | `Ctrl + I` | `RetroArch` | |
| Netplay Host On/Off | `Ctrl + H` | `RetroArch` | |
##### Gamecube / Wii Menu
The `Gamecube / Wii Menu` here you find hotkeys related to the Dolphin standalone emulator: Golf Mode, Freelook Mode On/Off/Reset, Wii Sync Button and Wii Mote Sideways / Upright.
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Golf Mode On/Off | `Alt + H` | `Dolphin/Primehack` | |
| Freelook Mode On/Off | `Alt + F` |`Dolphin/Primehack` | |
| Freelook Mode Reset | `Alt + R` | `Dolphin/Primehack` | |
| Wii Sync Button | `Alt + W` | `Dolphin/Primehack` | |
| Wiimote Upright | `Alt + Z` | `Dolphin/Primehack` | |
| Wiimote Sideways | `Alt + X` | `Dolphin/Primehack` | |
##### NDS Menu
The `NDS Menu` here you find hotkeys related to the MelonDS standalone emulator: Send Close/Open Lid, Send Play Microphone and Sunlight + / -.
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Sunlight + | `Alt + +` |`MelonDS` | |
| Sunlight - | `Alt + -` | `MelonDS` | |
| Play Microphone | `Alt + P` |`MelonDS` | |
| Close/Open Lid | `Alt + L` | `MelonDS` | |
##### 3DS Menu
The `3DS Menu` here you find hotkeys related to the Citra standalone emulator: Load and Remove Amiibo
| Radial Button | Keyboard Command | Emulator Support | Comment |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Load Amiibo | `Alt + M` |`Citra` | |
| Remove Amiibo | `Alt + N` |`Citra` | |
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# Different button prompts in games
Depending on what system you are playing the button prompt inputs might not correspond to the one you have on your physical controller or device you have in your hand.
## Xbox Games
The Xbox layout is used by `Xbox Controllers`.<br>
Is also used by devices like the `Steam Deck` `Rog Alley`.<br>
It is used by a lot of `Genric` third party `PC controllers` and `Xbox Clone Controllers`.
**Xbox - Button Layout:**<br>
| Button Placement | Button |Name |
| :--- | :---: |:---: |
| North | <img src="../../wiki_icons/kenneynl-input-pixel16×/tile_0007.png" width="30"> |Y |
| West | <img src="../../wiki_icons/kenneynl-input-pixel16×/tile_0006.png" width="30"> |X |
| East | <img src="../../wiki_icons/kenneynl-input-pixel16×/tile_0005.png" width="30"> |B |
| South | <img src="../../wiki_icons/kenneynl-input-pixel16×/tile_0004.png" width="30"> |A |
So if you are emulating a Xbox game that calls for the button `B` to be pressed it corresponds to the right button.
## Nintendo Games
The Nintendo layout is used by `Nintendo Controllers`.<br>
It could also be used by other `Genric` third party `Nintendo Clone Controllers`.
**Nintendo - Button Layout**<br>
| Button Placement | Button |Name |
| :--- | :---: |:---: |
| North | <img src="../../wiki_icons/kenneynl-input-pixel16×/tile_0006.png" width="30"> |X |
| West | <img src="../../wiki_icons/kenneynl-input-pixel16×/tile_0007.png" width="30"> |Y |
| East | <img src="../../wiki_icons/kenneynl-input-pixel16×/tile_0004.png" width="30"> |A |
| South | <img src="../../wiki_icons/kenneynl-input-pixel16×/tile_0005.png" width="30"> |B |
So if you are emulating a Nintendo game that calls for the button `A` to be pressed it corresponds to the right button.
## Sony PlayStation Games
The Playstation layout is used by `Playstation Controllers`. <br>
It could also be used by other `Genric` third party `Playstation Clone Controllers`.
**Playstation - Button Layout**<br>
| Button Placement | Button | Name |
| :--- | :---: |:---: |
| North | <img src="../../wiki_icons/playstation/playstation-triangle.png" width="20"> |Triangle |
| West | <img src="../../wiki_icons/playstation/playstation-square.png" width="20"> |Square |
| East | <img src="../../wiki_icons/playstation/playstation-circle.png" width="20"> |Circle |
| South | <img src="../../wiki_icons/playstation/playstation-cross.png" width="20"> |Cross |
If you are emulating a PlayStation game that calls for the button `Square` to be pressed it corresponds to the left button.
**Regional differences:**
In games from the EU/US `Cross` is confirm while in Japan `Cross` is cancel:
Depending on the region of your Playstation game, the buttons `Circle` and `Cross` switches the meaning for confirm and cancel (they are still at the same physical location).
But it is good to keep in mind if you are used to exiting out of menus with a certain button and wondering why it works in some games while others not.
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# How do I run RetroDECK CLI commands?
Open a Linux terminal on your desktop (on the Steam Deck you need to be in desktop mode). Depending on what terminal application you have installed the naming of the application can be different.<br>
In Linux distributions that uses KDE desktop environment as well as the Steam Deck; the default application is called _Konsole_.
The default command to run retrodeck options and arguments is:
`flatpak run [FLATPAK-RUN-OPTION] net.retrodeck.retrodeck [ARGUMENTS]`
Where `[FLATPAK-RUN-OPTION]` is replaced by a flatpak run option (if there is one) and `[ARGUMENTS]` is replaced by arguments.
This syntax runs the `--reset-all` argument that resets the application to default settings.
`flatpak run net.retrodeck-retrodeck --reset-all`
Where the argument `--reset-all` replaced `[ARGUMENTS]` and `[FLATPAK-RUN-OPTION]`was not needed to it was removed.
# CLI argument list
`-h` or `--help` - Prints all the available arguments.
`-v` or `--version` - Prints the installed RetroDECK version
`--info-msg` - Prints all the folder paths and various config information.
`--configurator` - Starts the RetroDECK configurator
`--compress` - Compresses a specific file to .chd format. It supports .cue .iso and .gdi formats. You need to add the filepath to the file for it to work.
`--reset-emulator` - Opens a new input where you can input an argument to reset a specific emulator or all emulators to the default settings. Inside the prompt you can type one of the following options to reset it;
`--reset-retrodeck` - Resets the entirety of RetroDECK to default settings!
# General flatpak commands
If you want to check RetroDECK's Flathub page [click here](<br>
Here follows some general flatpak commands that could be useful: <br>
## Install RetroDECK from CLI
If you want to install RetroDECK from CLI type:<br>
`flatpak install Flathub net.retrodeck.retrodeck`
NOTE! This will work on the Steam Deck out of the box.<br>
But on the Linux desktop you need to check your distribution if it ships with both Flatpak and Flathub integration installed, if not you may need to install it. Check your distributions or flathubs documentation on how to install it on your desktop.
## Update all flatpaks from CLI
If you want to update all installed flatpaks from CLI type:<br>
`flatpak update`
Then answer `y` on the input prompt.
## Update only RetroDECK from CLI
If you just want to update RetroDECK type: <br>
`flatpak update net.retrodeck.retrodeck`
Then answer `y` on the input prompt.
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# What are the various folders and filepaths in RetroDECK?
RetroDECK is a Flatpak a sandboxed bundle of different applications and configurations. One part of the files are none writable while others are.
## ~/retrodeck
It's the home folder of RetroDECK itself, it contains:
- `bios`, the bios folder, the actual `retroarch/system` folder is poiting here `~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/downloaded_media` is pointing here
- `.downloaded_media`, this is where you scraped data is saved (images, videos, logos..),
- `.lock`, this file tells RetroDECK that the settings are done and to not reset them, if this file is missing it will trigger a first boot showing the setup. Here is written the software version that is compared to the actual version to check if an update is needed.
- `.logs`, logs folder
- `roms`, if internal is chosen the roms folder is here, otherwise it's in `<sdcard>/retrodeck/roms`
- `saves`, emulators saves file location
- `screenshots`, emulators screenshots location
- `states`, emulators save states location
- `gamelists`, RetroDECK's gamelist location
- `texture_packs`, emulators texture packs location
- `mods`, emulators mods location
- `.themes`, additional themes folder, `~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck/config/emulationstation/.emulationstation/themes` is poiting here
## ~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck
This folder is the only flatpak folder that is editable user side, it's mapped as `/var` in the flatpak itself, from now on we will use the flatpak paths unless differently specified.
### config/
- `config`, contains all the various software configs such as RetroDECK, retroarch folder and standalones emulator configs
- `retroarch`, the retroarch folder (see below)
- `emulationstation`, emulationstation home folder (see below)
- `retrodeck`, to not be confued with `~/retrodeck/`, this folder contains the retrodeck configs, see below.
- various standalone emulators config folders such as `yuzu`, `pcsx2`, `melonDS`, `dolphin-emu` and so on.
### config/retroarch
- `system`, retroarch bios (system) folder, this points to `~/retrodeck/bios`
- `core`, retroarch cores folder, this is populated by `/app/share/libretro/cores` at the first startup (or with `--reset`, `--reset-ra`)
- `retroarch.cfg`, the retroarch config, the original one is located in `/app/retrodeck/emu-configs/retroarch.cfg`, and similarly to above it's generated at the first startup
### config/emulationstation
- `ROMs`, this is linked to the roms folder in `~/retroeck/roms`or `<sdcard>/roms`
- `.emulationstation`, ES-DE main folder
- `custom_systems`, where the customs systems are kept (example the tools file), check the official ES-DE docs for more info.
- `downloaded_media`, this points to `~/retrodeck/.downloaded_media`
- `themes`, this points to `~/retrodeck/.themes`
- `es_log.txt`, ES-DE log file
- `es_settings.xml`, ES-DE settings file
### config/retrodeck
- `tools`
- `version`, this file carries the RetroDECK version number and it ś generated during the flatpak build.
### data/
Some emulators, like yuzu, needs this path, here for example is even symlinked the yuzu keys and firmware folder.
### emu-configs/defaults/retrodeck/controller_configs
Where the Steam Input .vdf files are located
### /var/lib/flatpak/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck/current/active/files/
Non-flatpak path: this folders contain file such as the .desktop, icons, etc.
This is mapped as the `/app` folder in flatpak, this folder is inside the read only file system and so all this tree is immutable (actually can be edited by root for develop purposes).<br>
FYI: you can edit the with KWrite, it justs ask you for the root password when saving.
### /var/lib/flatpak/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck/current/active/files/share/emulationstation/resources/systems/unix/
This contains `es_find_rules.xml` and `es_systems.xml`
### /app/bin
All the binary files, like ``, the main program (wrapper).
All these programs can be launched in developer mode just invoking them in the terminal.
### /app/retrodeck
This folder contains the default configuration that is restored with the various `--reset` commands.
- `emu-configs`
- `steam`
- `tools`
- `es_settings.xml`
- `tools-gamelist.xml`
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
# Development General Notes
## Cooker
Cooker, differently from the main (stable) branch, is what it's boiling in the pot now: the bleeding edge of the software development.
Every time a commit or a PR is done, a GitHub action automatically compiles the snapshot with the latest changes and publish them on the [cooker repository](
This can be publicly tested and if it's stable will be merged in the main branch creating a new release.
Useless to say that this channel is not suggested for the end user but it's developer / alpha tester oriented.
Expect major bugs and data loss: be warned.
## Build instructions
If you want to build the RetroDECK flatpak on your machine for developing or just testing purposes:
cd ~
git clone --recursive
cd RetroDECK
git submodule init
git submodule update
install `flatpak flatpak-builder p7zip-full` with your distro's package manager, then:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists Flathub
flatpak install --user -y org.kde.Sdk//5.15-21.08 org.kde.Platform//5.15-21.08 io.qt.qtwebengine.BaseApp/x86_64/5.15-21.08 org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.llvm13 org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full/x86_64/21.08
To build the stable release:
flatpak-builder --user --install --install-deps-from=flathub --install-deps-from=flathub-beta --force-clean --repo=local ~/RetroDECK/retrodeck-main ~/RetroDECK/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
flatpak build-bundle local ~/RetroDECK.flatpak net.retrodeck.retrodeck
Or alternatively, to build the cooker (experimental) release:
git checkout cooker
flatpak-builder --user --install --force-clean --repo=local ~/RetroDECK/retrodeck-cooker ~/RetroDECK/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
flatpak build-bundle local ~/RetroDECK.flatpak net.retrodeck.retrodeck
## Debug Mode
It's possible to enter in a sort of debug mode, it's actually the flatpak shell.
Enter in the flatpak shell:
flatpak run --command=bash net.retrodeck.retrodeck
Launch ES-DE in debug mode:
emulationstation --debug --home /var/config/emulationstation
Launch an emulator in debug mode:
ls /app/bin
To get the list of the available binaries to launch, then just write the command, such as `yuzu` or `retroarch`
This is useful when for example a game is not starting and you want the output printed in the terminal.
## Manual installation instructions
This method is usually for the beta/cooker testers:
- Download the RetroDECK.flatpak from the [release page]( or from the [cooker release page]( (be sure to download the correct version, check the date as they're not ordered unfortunately).
- `cd` where the downloded file is located
- `flatpak install RetroDECK.flatpak` or whatever the filename is
If this doesn´t work:
- cd into your download location
- `flatpak install RetroDECK.flatpak`
- Run it from the start menu or, alternatively, from the terminal by typing `flatpak run net.retrodeck.retrodeck`
- Then the first setup will guide you in the first steps, **please read all the messages carefully** as the rom directory must not be edited in EmulationStation
### Updating instructions
- uninstall the previous version with `flatpak uninstall net.retrodeck.retrodeck`
- follow installation instructions
- [OPTIONAL] In case of issues it's suggested to remove `~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck` and run `flatpak run net.retrodeck.retrodeck --reset`, but this will reset the application configs, please backup your data.
NOTE: this will not be needed after v`0.4.0b`.
## Managing RetroDECK flatpak file
Install RetroDECK from flatpak file:
flatpak install RetroDECK.flatpak
Run RetroDECK:
flatpak run net.retrodeck.retrodeck
Uninstall RetroDECK:
flatpak uninstall net.retrodeck.retrodeck
## Making your own ES-DE theme
Please check the following link link over ES-DE <br>
[Theme Development ](
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# What are you working on right now?
We are always working on more stuff then shown here. Not all of these might be in the next release some are for later releases.
What is presented here is just a short list of currently announced projects to give everyone a quick overview.
To get the latest updates first:
- Be a member of the [Discord]( and keep an eye on the `🚧-open-development` channels.
- Follow `The RetroDECK Blog 📝`.
- Look at [Github issues]( for clues.
## New Emulators
- GZDoom (Doom engine)
- MAME (Standalone)
- Ryujinx (Switch)
- Solarus (engine)
- Vita3K (PSVita)
- OpenBOR (engine)
- IkemenGO (engine)
- ScummVM (Standalone)
- Yuzu (Custom)
## New Features Configurator / RetroDECK Framework
- Reset ES-DE
- Reset ES-DE Inputs
- More BIOS Checks
- More Compression formats
- Steam Flatpak Support
- External Controllers Support (CUP Project)
- Cloud Sync
- USB Transfer / Backups
- Multiuser mode
- Adding RetroDECK games as Steam Entries
- Configurator GODOT version
- Disable/Enable - Quick Resume: Auto Save / Auto Load
## Wiki
- Emulator Guides
- Cleaning up the Wiki
## Other
- Develop Rekku the RetroDECK Mascot with Tyson Tan
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# How do I install RetroDECK on the Linux Desktop?
<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/linux-tux-logo.svg" width="150">
## Prerequisites
1. You need to have flatpak support installed on your Linux desktop. <br>
Follow the official flatpak guides on how to install it for your distribution:<br>
[Flatpak Setup Guide](
2. We recommend that you have the `steam-devices` and/or `game-devices-udev` package installed as it comes with udev rules for many different controllers. You will have to check your distribution on how to install it.
3. We currently recommend that you add and launch RetroDECK from Steam so you can utilize the Steam Input feature to change various aspects of the external controllers. We will be looking into other alternative solutions later for those that don't want to use Steam.
## From the Desktop GUI
- Go into your flatpak supported software manager in your desktop environment, this is different depending on what desktop you use. Example: for GNOME is often `GNOME Software` and for KDE it is `KDE Discover`.
- Search for RetroDECK and press install.
## From the terminal
- Run the following command `flatpak install Flathub net.retrodeck.retrodeck`
## First Run - Quick Start
1. Start RetroDECK for the first time
2. Choose where RetroDECK should create the `roms` folders `Internal`, `SDCard` or `Custom`.
3. Put the BIOS inside `~/retrodeck/bios/` for more information read
4. Put the ROMS inside `~/retrodeck/roms/` folder.<
5. Add RetroDECK to Steam [How-to - Add RetroDECK to Steam](../../wiki_howto_faq/
6. Make sure you have enabled controller support in Steam [How-to - Enable Controllers in Steam ](../../wiki_howto_faq/
7. Connect your controller to your Desktop.
8. Launch RetroDECK from Steam and enjoy
## Updates
Updates to RetroDECK is handled automatically via your software manager when there is a new version released.
Or if you want to update from the terminal you can type: <br>
`flatpak update`
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# Any other recommended software?
The following software works great with the Linux Desktop and might enhance your RetroDECK experience (these are entirely optional to install).
## Flips
<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/flips-logo.png" width="150">
Flips is a software that let you patch romhacks IPS & BPS files onto the rom files.
It's already on Flathub.
_Made by Alcaro_
## BoilR
<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/boilr-logo.png" width="150">
BoilR will show games from other games platforms in your Steam library. It uses the Steam 3rd party shortcuts feature and does not require you to set up anything. You can also use BoilR to manually and automatically download custom art from SteamGridDB. It's already in Flathub.
_Made by Philipk_
## JRomManager
<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/jrommanager-logo.png" width="150">
A Mame and Retrogaming Rom Manager. <br>
This more complex application allows you to manage and verify your roms via .dat files. It's already in on Flathub and downloadable in Discover.
_Made by optyfr_
## RomM
<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/romm-logo.svg" width="150">
RomM is a game library roms manager focused in retro gaming. Manage and organize all of your games from a web browser.
Inspired by [Jellyfin](, allows you to manage all your games from a modern interface while enriching them with IGDB metadata.
_Made by zurdi15_
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# What are some optimizations for the Steam Deck to make emulation even better?
These optimizations are entirely optional and but they can give you better performance on some more demanding emulators.
## Increase the VRAM to 4GB
This increases the VRAM to 4GB in the BIOS, this can give you improvements in certain emulators.
- Power off your Steam Deck completely
- Hold the `Power Button` and `Volume Up Button` until you hear a chime/beep and release the buttons.
- Click on `Setup Utility`
- Click on `Advanced`
- Change`UMA Frame buffer Size` to 4GB
- Save and Exit
## Setup a sudo password
This is a requirement for many optimizations and solutions, it also makes your Deck safer.
It enables you to run commands/applications heighten sudo privileges.
- Go to `Desktop Mode`
- Open `Konsole` or another `Terminal`
- Type `passwd`
- You will now set your new sudo password
- After you are done you can close the terminal
## Install CryoUtilities
This requires that you have set up a sudo password.
This will create a 16GB SWAP file that can improve the performance for some emulators. Note that it will take up that extra space on your Steam Deck.
- Go to `Desktop Mode`
- Open a web browser and go to the [CryoUtilities]( github page
- Click on releases
- Download the latewst `cryo_utilities` version and save to the Desktop or Home folder
- Double click on the file and it will begin the installation
- After installation is complete you will find a new desktop icon `CryoUtilities`
- Click on `CryoUtilities`
- Click on `Recommended Settings`
- It should now be done
## Install Decky Loader
Decky Loader is a [homebrew plugin store]( for the Steam Deck.
This requires that you have set up a sudo password.
- Go to `Desktop Mode`
- Open `Konsole` or another `Terminal`
- Type `curl -L | sh`
- Decky Loader should now be installed and you can go back into `Game Mode`.
- To access Decky Loader you only need to press the `Menu Button - (•••)`
### Decky Loader: Install Power Tools
Power Tools allows you to tweak various performance settings of the Steam Deck.
What the best setting is differs per emulator or even per game.
In Game Mode:
- `Menu Button - (•••)`
- Go into Decky Loader
- From the Store install Power Tools
- This will add a 🔌 icon to the `Menu Button - (•••)` where you can access Power Tools.
### Decky Loader: AutoFlatpaks
AutoFlatpaks allows you to manage and update flatpaks like RetroDECK directly from Game Mode
- `Menu Button - (•••)`
- Go into Decky Loader
- From the Store install AutoFlatpaks
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
# Steam Deck specific recommendations
The following software works great with the Steam Deck and might enhance your RetroDECK experience.
## CryoUtilities
<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/cryoutilities-logo.png" width="150">
Scripts and utilities to improve performance and manage storage on the Steam Deck.
_Made by CryoByte33_
[CryoUtilities link](
## Discover Overlay
<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/discover-overlay-logo.svg" width="150">
If you use Discord this is a program that adds Discord integration into the Steam Deck's gamemode UI.
It's already in on Flathub and downloadable in Discover. Note that you need to install and login to Discord as well.
_Made by trigg_
[Discover Overlay Link](
## Decky Loader
<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/decky-loader-logo.png" width="450">
Is a great piece of software that allows custom plugins inside Steam Deck's gamemode. It can open up more advanced features then the standard Steam Deck experience offers. But it's a bit more technical to install, please follow the guide on their github.
_Made by Steam Deck Homebrew Team_
[Decky Loader Link](
### Plugin: PowerTools
<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/powertools-logo.png" width="150">
PowerTools let's you do advanced tweaking of the Steam Decks hardware. This can greatly improve performance on certain games in the PS2,GC and above generations. But it requires you to find the knowledge of what setting works best for each game and/or emulator.
_Made by NGnius_
[PowerTools Link](
### Plugin: AutoFlatpaks
AutoFlatpaks let's you update/install/manage flatpaks directly from gamemode. You can for example update RetroDECK directly from gamemode.
_Made by jurassicplayer_
[AutoFlatpaks Link](
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
# How do I install RetroDECK on the Steam Deck?
<img src="../../../wiki_images/logos/steam-deck-logo.png" width="150">
## Quickstart guide
- Put the Steam Deck into Desktop Mode `Steam button` > `Power` > `Switch to Desktop`
- Install RetroDECK from Discover
- Start RetroDECK first time in Desktop Mode
- Choose where RetroDECK should create the `roms` folders `Internal` or `SDCard`.
- Put the BIOS inside `~/retrodeck/bios/`.
- Put the ROMS inside `~/retrodeck/roms/` or `<sdcard>/retrodeck/roms/` or a custom location.
- In Steam desktop go to the tab `Games` press `Add non Steam game to My library` and select RetroDECK to add it into your library. If that is not working you can `Right Click` on the RetroDECK desktop icon and press `Add to Steam` in the menu.
- **Optional way:** Get RetroDECK Steam Grid art and add it to your Steam library with BoilR. Or add the art manually from [SteamgridDB]( for the Steam Grid.
- Switch over to game mode and go to RetroDECK on the Steam Grid under `Library > Non-Steam`
- Add the Official Layout under `Controller Settings` -> `Controller Layouts` -> `Templates` in the Steam Deck called `RetroDECK: Official Layout` with a version number and apply
- Launch RetroDECK and enjoy
## Other quick tips
- Read up on the [Steam Deck - Controls](../../wiki_controllers/ to ease your navigation.
- Read up on the [EmulationStation DE: User Guide](../../wiki_emulationStation_de/
- Check out our other software recommendations for the Steam Deck [Steam Deck - Software Recommendations](../../wiki_devices/steamdeck/
- Check various optional optimizations that can make some emulators run even better [Steam Deck - Optimizations](../../wiki_devices/steamdeck/
## Full step by step guide
### Step 1: Go to Desktop Mode
- Put the Steam Deck into Desktop Mode `Steam button` > `Power` > `Switch to Desktop`
### Step 2: Install from Discover
- Open the Discover application.
- **NOTE:** Depending on what language you have set in Desktop mode your Discover application can be named differently.
- Inside Discover search for RetroDECK and press the install button.
- After the installation is finished, launch RetroDECK from Discover or in the program menu under `Games > RetroDECK`.
- Follow the first time setup instructions and choose where RetroDECK should create the `roms` folders `Internal` or `SDCard`.
- Open Steam while still in desktop mode.
- Inside Steam go to the tab `Games` press `Add non Steam game to My library` and select RetroDECK to add it into your library.
- After this is done you can now see RetroDECK in Steam Deck's gamemode after you return to it from desktop mode.
### Step 3: Configure the official controller layout
- Go back into gamemode by pressing the return to gamemode icon on the desktop.
- Go to RetroDECK on the Steam Grid under `Library > Non-Steam`
- Press the `Controller Icon`
- Go into `Controller Layouts` and press `Templates`
- Add the layout for RetroDECK called `RetroDECK: Official Layout` with a version number.
- You can now use RetroDECK and it's ready to populate with ROMS.
- If you are unsure on how to add ROMS and BIOS to RetroDECK follow the [How-to - Start using RetroDECK](../../wiki_howto_faq/
### Step 4 (Optional): Extras
- Get RetroDECK Steam Grid art with BoilR or add it manually from [SteamgridDB]( for the Steam Grid.
- Read up on the [Steam Deck - Controls](../../wiki_controllers/ to ease your navigation.
- Read up on the [EmulationStation DE: User Guide](../../wiki_emulationStation_de/
- Check out our other software recommendations for the Steam Deck [Steam Deck - Software Recommendations](../../wiki_devices/steamdeck/
- Check various optional optimizations that can make some emulators run even better [Steam Deck - Optimizations](../../wiki_devices/steamdeck/
## How do I update RetroDECK on the Steam Deck?
### From Desktop Mode
- Put the Steam Deck into Desktop Mode `Steam button` > `Power` > `Switch to Desktop`
- Open the Discover application.
- Click on the updates tab.
- If there are any updates available it will be shown here.
- Click on the `Update` or `Update all` buttons.
### Decky: AutoFlatpaks
If you have Decky installed and the AutoFlatpaks plugin. You can update RetroDECK from gamemode. <br>
Read more here: [Steam Deck - Software Recommendations](../../wiki_devices/steamdeck/
@ -1,711 +0,0 @@
# General information
**Disclaimer: This list is a work in progress and might contain errors, not all of these systems are enabled**
What follows is a list of each systems supported file extensions and the path to the folder where to put the roms.
# 3DO
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/3do
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .iso .ISO .bin .BIN .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Adventure Game Studio Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ags
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Amstrad
## Amstrad CPC
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/amstradcpc
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cdt .CDT .cpr .CPR .dsk .DSK .kcr .KCR .m3u .M3U .sna .SNA .tap .TAR .voc .VOC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Amstrad GX4000
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gx4000
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Android (Google)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/android
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Apple
## Apple II
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/apple2
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nib .NIB .do .DO .po .PO .dsk .DSK .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Apple IIGS
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/apple2gs
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nib .NIB .do .DO .po .PO .dsk .DSK .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Arcade
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/arcade
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cmd .CMD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Atari
## Atari 2600
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atari2600
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .a26 .A26 .bin .BIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari 5200
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atari5200
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .xfd .XFD .atr .ATR .atx .ATX .cdm .CDM .cas .CAS .bin .BIN .a52 .A52 .xex .XEX .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari 7800 ProSystem
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atari7800
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .a78 .A78 .bin .BIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari 800
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atari800
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .xfd .XFD .atr .ATR .atx .ATX .cdm .CDM .cas .CAS .bin .BIN .a52 .A52 .xex .XEX .rom .ROM .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari Jaguar
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atarijaguar
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .j64 .J64 .jag .JAG .rom .ROM .abs .ABS .cof .COF .bin .BIN .prg .PRG .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari Jaguar CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atarijaguarcd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .j64 .J64 .jag .JAG .rom .ROM .abs .ABS .cof .COF .bin .BIN .prg .PRG .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari Lynx
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atarilynx
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .lnx .LNX .o .O .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari ST
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atarist
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .st .ST .msa .MSA .stx .STX .dim .DIM .ipf .IPF .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Atari XE
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atarixe
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .xfd .XFD .atr .ATR .atx .ATX .cdm .CDM .cas .CAS .bin .BIN .a52 .A52 .xex .XEX .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Atomiswave
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/atomiswave
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cdi .CDI .iso .ISO .elf .ELF .bin .BIN .cue .CUE .gdi .GDI .lst .LST .dat .DAT .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Bandai
## Bandai SuFami Turbo
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sufami
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bml .BML .bs .BS .fig .FIG .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .st .ST .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Bandai WonderSwan
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/wonderswan
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ws .WS .pc2 .PC2 .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Bandai WonderSwan Color
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/wonderswancolor
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ws .WS .wsc .WSC .pc2 .PC2 .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Bally Astrocade
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/astrocde
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# BBC Micro
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/bbcmicro
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Commodore
## Commodore Amiga
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/amiga
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .adf .ADF .adz .ADZ .dms .DMS .fdi .FDI .ipf .IPF .hdf .HDF .hdz .HDZ .lha .LHA .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .uae .UAE .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore Amiga 600
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/amiga600
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .adf .ADF .adz .ADZ .dms .DMS .fdi .FDI .ipf .IPF .hdf .HDF .hdz .HDZ .lha .LHA .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .uae .UAE .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore Amiga 1200
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/amiga1200
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .adf .ADF .adz .ADZ .dms .DMS .fdi .FDI .ipf .IPF .hdf .HDF .hdz .HDZ .lha .LHA .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .uae .UAE .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore Amiga CD32
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/amigacd32
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .adf .ADF .adz .ADZ .dms .DMS .fdi .FDI .ipf .IPF .hdf .HDF .hdz .HDZ .lha .LHA .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .uae .UAE .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore 64
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/c64
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .cmd .CMD .crt .CRT .d2m .D2M .d4m .D4M .d64 .D64 .d6z .D6Z .d71 .D71 .d7z .D7Z .d80 .D80 .d81 .D81 .d82 .D82 .d8z .D8Z .g41 .G41 .g4z .G4Z .g64 .G64 .g6z .G6Z .gz .GZ .lnx .LNX .m3u .M3U .nbz .NBZ .nib .NIB .p00 .P00 .prg .PRG .t64 .T64 .tap .TAP .vfl .VFL .vsf .VSF .x64 .X64 .x6z .X6Z .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore CDTV
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/cdtv
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .nrg .NRG .mds .MDS .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Commodore VIC-20
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/vic20
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .cmd .CMD .crt .CRT .d2m .D2M .d4m .D4M .d64 .D64 .d6z .D6Z .d71 .D71 .d7z .D7Z .d80 .D80 .d81 .D81 .d82 .D82 .d8z .D8Z .g41 .G41 .g4z .G4Z .g64 .G64 .g6z .G6Z .gz .GZ .lnx .LNX .m3u .M3U .nbz .NBZ .nib .NIB .p00 .P00 .prg .PRG .t64 .T64 .tap .TAP .vfl .VFL .vsf .VSF .x64 .X64 .x6z .X6Z .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Cave Story (NXEngine)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/cavestory
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .exe .EXE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# ChaiLove Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/chailove
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chai .CHAI .chailove .CHAILOVE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# ColecoVision
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/coleco
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .cas .CAS .col .COL .cv .CV .dsk .DSK .m3u .M3U .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .ri .RI .rom .ROM .sc .SC .sg .SG .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Capcom Play System
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/cps
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Daphne Arcade LaserDisc Emulator
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/daphne
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .daphne .singe
# Doom
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/doom
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .wad .WAD .iwad .IWAD .pwad .PWAD
# DOS (PC)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/dos
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bat .BAT .com .COM .conf .CONF .cue .CUE .dosz .DOSZ .exe .EXE .iso .ISO .7z .7Z
# Dragon 32
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/dragon32
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Fairchild Channel F
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/channelf
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .chf .CHF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# FinalBurn
## FinalBurn Alpha
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/fba
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .iso .ISO .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## FinalBurn Neo
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/fbneo
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ccd .CCD .cue .CUE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Intellivision - Mattel Electronics
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/intellivision
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .int .INT .bin .BIN .rom .ROM .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Infocom Z-machine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/zmachine
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/j2me
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .jar .JAR .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Lutro Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/lutro
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .lua .LUA .lutro .LUTRO .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/mame
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cmd .CMD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Multi Emulator Super System (MESS)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/mess
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## MSX
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/msx
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## MSX1
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/msx1
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## MSX2
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/msx2
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## MSX Turbo R
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/msxturbor
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Microsoft Xbox
## Microsoft Xbox
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/xbox
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .iso .ISO
## Microsoft Xbox 360
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/xbox360
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .iso .ISO .xex .XEX
# Othello Multivision
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/multivision
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .gg .GG .rom .ROM .sg .SG .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Nintendo
## Nintendo 64
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/n64
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .n64 .N64 .v64 .V64 .z64 .Z64 .bin .BIN .u1 .U1 .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo 64DD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/64dd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .n64 .N64 .v64 .V64 .z64 .Z64 .bin .BIN .u1 .U1 .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo 3DS
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/n3ds
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .3ds .3DS .3dsx .3DSX .app .APP .axf .AXF .cci .CCI .cxi .CXI .elf .ELF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo DS
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/nds
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .nds .NDS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/nes
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nes .NES .unf .UNF .unif .UNIF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Family Computer (Famicom)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/famicom
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nes .NES .unf .UNF .unif .UNIF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Famicom Disk System
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/fds
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nes .NES .fds .FDS .unf .UNF .UNIF .UNIF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Game and Watch
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gameandwatch
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .mgw .MGW .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Game Boy
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gb
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bs .BS .cgb .CGB .dmg .DMG .gb .GB .gbc .GBC .sgb .SGB .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Game Boy Advance
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gba
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .agb .AGB .bin .BIN .cgb .CGB .dmg .DMG .gb .GB .gba .GBA .gbc .GBC .sgb .SGB .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Game Boy Color
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gbc
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bs .BS .cgb .CGB .dmg .DMG .gb .GB .gbc .GBC .sgb .SGB .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo GameCube
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gc
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .gcm .GCM .iso .ISO .wbfs .WBFS .wia .WIA .ciso .CISO .gcz .GCZ .elf .ELF .dol .DOL .dff .DFF .rvz .RVZ .tgc .TGC .wad .WAD .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo SFC (Super Famicom)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sfc
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .bml .BML .bs .BS .bsx .BSX .dx2 .DX2 .fig .FIG .gd3 .GD3 .gd7 .GD7 .mgd .MGD .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .st .ST .swc .SWC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Virtual Boy
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/virtualboy
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .vb .VB .vboy .VBOY .bin .BIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo SNES (Super Nintendo)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/snes
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .bml .BML .bs .BS .bsx .BSX .dx2 .DX2 .fig .FIG .gd3 .GD3 .gd7 .GD7 .mgd .MGD .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .st .ST .swc .SWC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Switch
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/switch
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .nca .NCA .nro .NRO .nso .NSO .nsp .NSP .xci .XCI .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Satellaview
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/satellaview
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bml .BML .bs .BS .fig .FIG .sfc .SFC .smc .SMC .swc .SWC .st .ST .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Pokémon Mini
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pokemini
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .min .MIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Wii
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/wii
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .gcm .GCM .iso .ISO .wbfs .WBFS .wia .WIA .ciso .CISO .gcz .GCZ .elf .ELF .dol .DOL .dff .DFF .rvz .RVZ .tgc .TGC .wad .WAD .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Nintendo Wii U
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/wiiu
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## SNK Neo Geo
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/neogeo
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## SNK Neo Geo CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/neogeocd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## SNK Neo Geo CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/neogeocdjp
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## SNK Neo Geo Pocket
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ngp
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ngp .NGP .ngc .NGC .ngpc .NGPC .npc .NPC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ngpc
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ngp .NGP .ngc .NGC .ngpc .NGPC .npc .NPC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Magnavox Odyssey2
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/odyssey2
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# OpenBOR Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/openbor
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .AppImage
# Tandy
## Tandy Color Computer
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/coco
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Tandy TRS-80
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/trs-80
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Tangerine Computer Systems Oric
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/oric
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .dsk .DSK .ort .ORT .tap .TAP .wav .WAV
# Palm OS
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/palm
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .prc .PRC .pqa .PQA .img .IMG .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC PC-8800 Series
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pc88
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .d88 .D88 .u88 .U88 .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC PC-9800 Series
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pc98
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .2hd .2HD .88d .88D .98d .98D .d88 .D88 .d98 .D98 .cmd .CMD .dup .DUP .fdd .FDD .fdi .FDI .hdd .HDD .hdi .HDI .hdm .HDM .hdn .HDN .nhd .NHD .tfd .TFD .thd .THD . xdf .XDF .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC PC Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pcengine
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .img .IMG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .toc .TOC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC PC Engine CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pcenginecd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .img .IMG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .toc .TOC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC SuperGrafx
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/supergrafx
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .cue .CUE .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC TurboGrafx-16
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/tg16
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .img .IMG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .toc .TOC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## NEC TurboGrafx-CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/tg-cd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .img .IMG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .pce .PCE .sgx .SGX .toc .TOC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pcfx
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cue CUE .ccd .CCD .toc .TOC .chd .CHD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Philips
## Philips CD-i
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/cdimono1
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .iso .ISO
## Philips Videopac G7000
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/videopac
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# PICO-8
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/pico8
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .p8 .P8 .png .PNG
# Ports
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ports
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .sh
# Sony Playstation
## Sony PlayStation (PSX)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/psx
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .cbn .CBN .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .ecm .ECM .exe .EXE .img .IMG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .mdf .MDF .mds .MDS .pbp .PBP .psexe .PSEXE .psf .PSF .toc .TOC .z .Z .znx .ZNX .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sony PlayStation 2
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ps2
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .chd .CHD .ciso .CISO .cso .CSO .dump .DUMP .elf .ELF .gz .GZ .m3u .M3U .mdf .MDF .img .IMG .iso .ISO .isz .ISZ .ngr .NRG
## Sony PlayStation 3
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ps3
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .ps3 .PS3 .ps3dir .PS3DIR
## Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/psp
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .elf .ELF .iso .ISO .cso .CSO .prx .PRX .pbp .PBP .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sony PlayStation Vita
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/psvita
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# SAM Coupé
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/samcoupe
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .dsk .DSK .mgt .MGT .sbt .SBT .sad .SAD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# ScummVM Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/scummvm
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .scummvm .SCUMMVM .svm .SVM
# Sega
## Sega Game Gear
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/gamegear
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .col .COL .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .rom .ROM .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Dreamcast
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/dreamcast
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .chd .CHD .cdi .CDI .iso .ISO .elf .ELF .cue .CUE .gdi .GDI .lst .LST .dat .DAT .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Genesis (Mega Drive)
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/genesis
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Master System
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/mastersystem
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .col .COL .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .rom .ROM .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Mega-CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/megacd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Mega Drive
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/megadrive
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Model 2
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/model2
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Model 3
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/model3
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega NAOMI
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/naomi
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cdi .CDI .iso .ISO .elf .ELF .bin .BIN .cue .CUE .gdi .GDI .lst .LST .dat .DAT .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/naomigd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .cdi .CDI .iso .ISO .elf .ELF .bin .BIN .cue .CUE .gdi .GDI .lst .LST .dat .DAT .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Saturn
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/saturn
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .ccd .CCD .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .mds .MDS .toc .TOC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Mega Drive 32X
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sega32x
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .gen .GEN .smd .SMD .md .MD .32x .32X .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .sms .SMS .68k .68K .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Super 32X
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sega32xjp
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .gen .GEN .smd .SMD .md .MD .32x .32X .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .sms .SMS .68k .68K .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega Genesis 32X
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sega32xna
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .gen .GEN .smd .SMD .md .MD .32x .32X .cue .CUE .iso .ISO .sms .SMS .68k .68K .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega SG-1000
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/sg-1000
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .ri .RI .rom .ROM .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sega CD
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/segacd
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .68k .68K .bin .BIN .bms .BMS .chd .CHD .cue .CUE .gen .GEN .gg .GG .iso .ISO .m3u .M3U .md .MD .mdx .MDX .sg .SG .sgd .SGD .smd .SMD .sms .SMS .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Sharp
## Sharp X1
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/x1
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .dx1 .DX1 .2d .2D .2hd .2HD .tfd .TFD .d88 .D88 .88d .88D .hdm .HDM .xdf .XDF .dup .DUP .tap .TAP .cmd .CMD .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sharp X68000
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/x68000
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .dim .DIM .img .IMG .d88 .D88 .88d .88D .hdm .HDM .dup .DUP .2hd .2HD .xdf .XDF .hdf .HDF .cmd .CMD .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Sinclair
## Sinclair ZX81
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/zx81
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .tzx .TZX .p .P .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Sinclair ZX Spectrum
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/zxspectrum
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .tzx .TZX .tap .TAP .z80 .Z80 .rzx .RZX .scl .SCL .trd .TRD .sh .SH .sna .SNA .szx .SZX .udi .UDI .mgt .MGT .img .IMG .dsk .DSK .gz .GZ .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Solarus Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/solarus
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Spectravideo
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/spectravideo
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rom .ROM .ri .RI .mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2 .col .COL .dsk .DSK .cas .CAS .sg .SG .sc .SC .m3u .M3U .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Stratagus Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/stratagus
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Symbian
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/symbian
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Tano Dragon
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/tanodragon
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Texas Instruments TI-99
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/ti99
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .rpk .RPK .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# TIC-80 Game Engine
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/tic80
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Thomson
## Thomson TO8
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/to8
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .fd .FD .sap .SAP .k7 .K7 .m7 .M7 .m5 .M5 .rom .ROM .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
## Thomson MO/TO Series
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/moto
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .fd .FD .sap .SAP .k7 .K7 .m7 .M7 .m5 .M5 .rom .ROM .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Uzebox
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/uzebox
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .uze .UZE .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
# Vectrex
- **Roms path:**<br> ~/retrodeck/roms/vectrex
- **Supported file extensions:**<br> .bin .BIN .vec .VEC .gam .GAM .vc .VC .7z .7Z .zip .ZIP
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
# EmulationStation Desktop Edition: User Guide
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/es-de-logo.png" width="150">
RetroDECK uses EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) as frontend.
The official EmulationStation Desktop Edition user guide is over at their gitlab.<br>
[EmulationStation Desktop Edition user guide](
Note that the guide is written in a general way for the application and not how RetroDECK handles certain configurations. Also note that RetroDECK is currently not shipped with all the emulators ES-DE supports in the user guide.
_EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) and it's guide is written by [Leon Styhre](<br>
Published under the MIT-Licence._
What follows is a list of recommended sections of the User Guide with links.
## General Interface & navigation
What follows are links to parts of the EmulationStation DE user guide that talks about general settings and navigation.
### Navigation
#### General navigation
These are the buttons mappings automatically applied by ES-DE.<br>
[General navigation](
If you are using the Steam Deck look at RetroDECKs hotkeys:
[Steam Deck: Hotkeys ](
### Settings
#### General UI Settings
Various settings that affect the user interface.<br>
[UI Settings](
#### Other UI settings
These are mostly technical settings.<br>
[Other UI settings](
#### General Sound Settings
Various sound settings.<br>
[Sound settings](
### Game settings and filters
#### Game options men
Various navigation for the game options menu.<br>
[Game options menu](
#### Game collections
ES-DE provides two types of collections, Automatic collections and Custom collections, the latter being defined by the user. Collections are as the name implies only collections of games already present in your actual game systems, so they're basically grouping of games into convenient views.<br>
[Game collections](
#### Set alternative emulator.
ES-DE allows you to change emulators for systems that has many different emulators.<br>
[Set alternative emulator](
## Scraper
What follows are links to parts of the EmulationStation DE user guide that talks about scraping and editing metadata.
### Emulation Station DE: User Guide on themes
Contains the various options for the scraper, which is used to download metadata, images and videos for your games.<br>
[Scraper guide](
### Scraper account settings
Setup of ScreenScraper account.<br>
[Scraper account settings](
### Content Settings
Describes the content types to include in the scraping.<br>
[Content settings](
### How to: Manually copy custom media files (images, videos etc..)
How to add custom media files to the ES-DE interface. For example you want other images then those on screenscraper or the game you add don't exists.<br>
[How to: Manually copy custom media files](
### Miximage settings
These are the settings for the miximage generator, which can either be run from the scraper (single-game scraper or multi-scraper) or from the offline generator. The miximage combines the screenshot, marquee, box/cover and physical media images to make a composite picture that is displayed in the gamelist view. There are various settings for the generator.<br>
[Miximage settings](
### Various other scraping settings.<br>
[Other scraper settings](
## Metadata editor
In the metadata editor, you can modify the metadata, scrape for game info and media files, clear the entry which will delete all metadata and game media files, or delete the entire game which also removes its file on the filesystem. <br>
[Metadata editor](
## Video and Media
### Video screensaver settings
Options specific to the video screensaver.<br>
[Video screensaver settings](
### Media viewer settings
Settings for the media viewer that is accessible from the gamelist views.<br>
[Media viewer settings](
### Slideshow screensaver settings
Options specific to the slideshow screensaver.<br>
[Slideshow screensaver settings](
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# EmulationStation Desktop Edition: Themes
This section in the ES-DE User guide tells you how to use themes.<br>
[Theme settings](
What follows is a short summery.
## How to switch between themes?
Go into `Main Menu` - `UI Settings` - `Theme Set` to select the theme you want to use.
## ES-DE Theme List
Look over at the [Theme List]( and find themes you like.
## How do I add additional themes?
RetroDECK uses [ES-DE]( for its interface so any theme that is compatible with ES-DE can also be used with RetroDECK
### From the Theme Downloader
Go into `Main Menu` - `UI Settings` - `Theme Downloader` from there you can download a wide array of themes.
### From the Internet
If you find a theme you would like to use that is not in the `Theme Downloader` please download it and place it in `~/retrodeck/themes` (make sure the theme has its own folder in that directory).
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# Guide: CEMU
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/cemu-logo.png" width="150">
## Where to put the games
WiiU games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/wiiu/` directory.
## ES-DE Guide
**This needs to be rewritten**
The .wua archive format is the preferred method to use for Wii U games, but the method of using unpacked games is also documented here for reference.
.wud and .wux files are supported as well, but these two formats are not discussed here as the .wua format is clearly the way to go in the future.
Method 1, using .wua files
Start Cemu and install the game, any updates as well as optional DLCs to the Cemu NAND. After the installation is completed, open the Title Manager from the Tools menu, select your game, right click and select Convert to compressed Wii U archive (.wua) and select your wiiu system directory as the target. You can modify the file name if you want to, or keep it at its default value. Press the Save button and the game will be automatically packaged as a .wua file.
Following this just start ES-DE and the game should be shown as a single entry that can be launched using Cemu.
Method 2, unpacked games
Only the setup on Windows is covered here, but it's the same principle in Linux and macOS.
Using this unpacked approach, the content of each game is divided into the three directories code, content and meta.
The first step is to prepare the target directory in the wiiu system directory, for this example we'll go for the game Super Mario 3D World. So simply create a directory with this name inside the wiiu folder. It should look something like the following:
- C:\Users\myusername\ROMs\wiiu\Super Mario 3D World\
The next step is done inside the Cemu user interface. You should install the game, any updates as well as optional DLCs to the Cemu NAND. After the installation is completed, right click on the game and choose Game directory. An Explorer window should now open showing the content of the game. Here's the game directory for our example:
- C:\Games\cemu\mlc01\usr\title\00050000\10145d00\code
Go up one level and copy the code, content and meta directories and paste them into the C:\Users\myusername\ROMs\wiiu\Super Mario 3D World\ directory. It should now look something like the following:
- C:\Users\myusername\ROMs\wiiu\Super Mario 3D World\code
- C:\Users\myusername\ROMs\wiiu\Super Mario 3D World\content
- C:\Users\myusername\ROMs\wiiu\Super Mario 3D World\meta
Starting ES-DE should now show the Super Mario 3D World entry for the Wii U system. The actual game file with the extension .rpx is stored inside the code directory, and does not normally match the name of the game. For this example it's named RedCarpet.rpx. When scraping the .rpx file you therefore need to refine the search and manually enter the game name. ES-DE fully supports scraping of directories, so you can scrape the Super Mario 3D World folder as well.
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# Guide: Citra
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/citra-logo.svg" width="150">
## Where to put the games
3DS games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/3ds/` directory.
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Guide: Dolphin / Primehack
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/dolphin-logo.png" width="150"> <img src="../../wiki_images/logos/primehack-logo.png" width="150">
## Where to put the games
Gamecube games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/gc/` directory.<br>
Wii games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/wii/` directory.
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Guide: Duckstation
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/duckstation-logo.png" width="150">
## Where to put the games
Playstation games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/psx/` directory.
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# Guide: GZDoom
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/gzdoom-logo.png" width="150">
## Where to put the games
Doom games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/doom/` directory.
## .doom folders
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
# Guide: IkemenGO / M.U.G.E.N
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/ikemen-go-logo.png" width="150">
## Where to put the games
`IkemenGO` `Ikemen` and `M.U.G.E.N` games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/mugen/` directory.
## ES-DE Guide
**This needs to be rewritten**
Ikemen GO and M.U.G.E.N Game Engine
M.U.G.E.N games can be played using the game engine which is being actively developed and is available on Linux, macOS and Windows. The original M.U.G.E.N engine which only exists for Windows has not had any updates in years and is therefore considered obsolete and won't be covered here. But it's still possible to use it on Windows via the same approach described for Ikemen GO so if you really want to use it, then you can.
Basic setup
These games are shipped as self-contained units with the game engine binary included in the game directory structure. On Windows .lnk files are used to launch the games and on Linux and macOS files or symlinks with the .mugen extension are required.
For this example we'll go with the game Ultimate Sonic Mugen.
On Windows, go into the game directory, right click on the Ikemen_GO.exe file, select Create Shortcut followed by Create Desktop Shortcut. This will create a file with the .lnk extension. Rename the file to Ultimate Sonic Mugen.lnk and try to run this file to make sure that the game starts and runs correctly. Note that this setup is not portable, if you move your game files somewhere else you will need to manually update your shortcuts as these contain absolute paths.
On Linux and macOS, go into the game directory and rename the Ikemen_GO_Linux or Ikemen_GO_MacOS binary to the name of the game and add the .mugen extension to the filename, for example Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen. Try to run this file to make sure that the game starts and runs correctly.
Starting ES-DE and launching the game should now work fine, but a further improvement is to use the directories interpreted as files functionality to display the game as a single entry instead of a directory. To accomplish this, simply rename the game directory to the same name as the game file, which for this example would be Ultimate Sonic Mugen.lnk or Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen depending on which operating system you use.
The setup should now look something like the following:
~/ROMs/mugen/Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen/
~/ROMs/mugen/Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen/chars/
~/ROMs/mugen/Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen/data/
~/ROMs/mugen/Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen/external/
~/ROMs/mugen/Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen/font/
~/ROMs/mugen/Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen/sound/
~/ROMs/mugen/Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen/stages/
~/ROMs/mugen/Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen/Ultimate Sonic Mugen.mugen
Configuring M.U.G.E.N games for use with Ikemen GO
This section is only included to provide some general understanding on how to convert M.U.G.E.N games to run with Ikemen GO, it's in no way a complete tutorial and the steps needed are likely slightly different for each game. Refer to the Ikemen GO support forums and documentation for more thorough information.
We'll use the game Ultimate Sonic Mugen for this example.
Download Ikemen GO from [Ikemen GO Github]( the package you want is or similar, depending on which version you're downloading. Unpack the file to a suitable location.
Download the game Ultimate Sonic Mugen and unpack it to a suitable location.
Create a new game directory, for example `~/ROMs/mugen/Ultimate Sonic Mugen`.
Copy the following directories from the downloaded game directory to the empty game directory you just created:
If you're using an operating system with a case-sensitive file system like Linux, then you also need to rename every file inside the data directory to lowercase characters. This includes also the file extensions.
Copy the following directories from the Ikemen GO directory to the game directory:
The game binary, either Ikemen_GO.exe, Ikemen_GO_Linux or Ikemen_GO_MacOS
Do NOT overwrite any files when copying over the data and font directories, or the game will not work correctly.
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# Guide: MAME
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/mame-logo.png" width="180">
## Where to put the games
Games that you want to run with MAME should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/mame/` directory.
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# Guide: MelondDS
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/melonds-logo.svg" width="150">
## Where to put the games
NDS games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/nds/` directory.
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# Guide: OpenBOR
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos//openbor-logo.svg" width="150">
## Where to put the games
OpenBOR games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/openbor/` directory.
## ES-DE Guide
**This needs to be rewritten**
The Open Beats of Rage (OpenBOR) game engine is available on Windows and Linux. Unfortunately the macOS ports seems to have been abandoned.
These games are often but not always distributed together with the game engine as specific engine versions may be required for some games. The setup is slightly different between Windows and Linux so they are described separately here.
On Linux you need to supply your own game engine binary as few (if any) games are distributed with the Linux release of OpenBOR. <br>
Download the .7z archive from the [OpenBOR Github]( repository.
The file you want is `OpenBOR<Versionnumber>.AppImage` which is located inside the LINUX/OpenBOR folder. If you need an older engine for some specific game, then you may need to download an earlier release instead.
Copy this file to the game directory and make it executable using the command chmod +x `OpenBOR<Versionnumber>.AppImage`
Using the same game example as for the Windows instructions above, the directory structure should look like the following:
/ROMs/openbor/D&D - K&D - The Endless Quest LNS/
/ROMs/openbor/D&D - K&D - The Endless Quest LNS/Logs/
/ROMs/openbor/D&D - K&D - The Endless Quest LNS/Paks/
/ROMs/openbor/D&D - K&D - The Endless Quest LNS/Saves/
/ROMs/openbor/D&D - K&D - The Endless Quest LNS/ScreenShots/
/ROMs/openbor/D&D - K&D - The Endless Quest LNS/OpenBOR_3.0_6391.AppImage
/ROMs/openbor/D&D - K&D - The Endless Quest LNS/OpenBOR.exe
You can delete the OpenBOR.exe file since you don't need it, and it's recommended to rename the `OpenBOR<Versionnumber>.AppImage` file to the name of the game, such as:
`~/ROMs/openbor/D&D - K&D - The Endless Quest LNS/The Endless Quest.AppImage`
Starting ES-DE and launching the game should now work fine, but a further improvement is to use the directories interpreted as files functionality to display the game as a single entry instead of a directory. To accomplish this, simply rename the game directory to the same name as the .AppImage file, such as:
`~/ROMs/openbor/The Endless Quest.AppImage/The Endless Quest.AppImage`
Doing this will make the game show up as if it was a single file inside ES-DE and it can be included in automatic collections, custom collections and so on.
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# Guide: PCSX2
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/pcsx2-logo.png" width="180">
## Where to put the games
Playstation 2 games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/ps2/` directory.
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# Guide: PICO-8
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos//pico-8-logo.png">
## Where to put the games
PICO-8 games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/pico8/` directory.
## ES-DE Guide
**This needs to be rewritten**
PICO-8 Fantasy Console is a game engine developed by Lexaloffle Games that you need to buy a license to use. Doing so will provide you with download links to releases for Linux, macOS and Windows. Make sure to use the 64-bit release as the 32-bit release reportedly has some technical issues. On macOS and Windows the installation is straightforward, but on Linux you need to place PICO-8 in a location recognized by ES-DE. See the Using manually downloaded emulators on Linux section of this guide for more details.
After the emulator has been installed you are ready to add some games. There are two ways to play games using PICO-8, either to add them to ES-DE as for any other system, or using the built-in Splore tool to explore and run games all through the PICO-8 user interface.
For the first approach you can download games from the PICO-8 forum and these are quite uniquely distributed as .png images. You just download these and place them inside the ~/ROMs/pico8 directory, for example:
- /ROMs/pico8/c_e_l_e_s_t_e-0.p8.png
- /ROMs/pico8/xzero-3.p8.png
After this you just launch them like any regular game. You can also scrape many of these games using ScreenScraper, but you will need to refine the game names in most instances since most have filenames that the scraper service won't recognize. It's therefore recommended to run the scraper in interactive mode for these games or to scrape them one by one from the metadata editor.
The second alternative for playing PICO-8 games is to run Splore to browse and launch games from inside the game engine user interface. To do this, first add a dummy game file to the ROMs/pico8 directory. It can be named anything but splore.png is recommended. The file content doesn't matter, it can even be an empty file. Following this, change to the alternative emulator PICO-8 Splore (Standalone) for this specific entry using the metadata editor. If you now launch the file, you will be brought straight to the Splore browser inside PICO-8.
This is what the complete setup could look like:
- /ROMs/pico8/c_e_l_e_s_t_e-0.p8.png
- /ROMs/pico8/splore.png
- /ROMs/pico8/xzero-3.p8.png
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# Guide: PPSSPP
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/ppsspp-logo.png" width="150">
## Where to put the games
PSP games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/psp/` directory.
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# Guide: RetroArch
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/retroarch-logo.png" width="150">
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# Guide: RPCS3 - Playstation 3
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/rpcs3-logo.png" width="150">
### RPCS3 Links:
[RPCS3 Quickstart Guide](
[RPCS3 Wiki](
[RPCS3 Github](
[RPCS3 Webpage](
## Where to put the games?
PS3 games comes either as a Blu-ray rip directory (folder) with a bunch of different files or a digital PSN title that needs to be installed (see guide on this page).
PS3 games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/ps3/` directory.
## Does RPCS3 require BIOS or Firmware?
Yes, the `PS3UPDAT.PUP` firmware
### How to: Install the PS3UPDAT.PUP firmware
There are two ways to install the firmware:
#### Install PS3 firmware from RetroDECK Configurator
1. Open RPCS3 `RetroDECK Configurator` - `RetroDECK: Tools` - `Install: PS3 Firmware`.
2. Press `OK` and this will download the PS3 Firmware and open RPCS3.
3. You will get a prompt asking if you want to install the firmware from the /tmp/ folder, say `Yes`
4. Wait for the installation to finish
5. Exit RPCS3 from the GUI under `File -> Exit`
#### Manual Download
1. Download the latest PS3 firmware `PS3UPDAT.PUP` from Sony [here](
2. Open RPCS3 `RetroDECK Configurator -> Open Emulator -> RPCS3`.
3. In the RPCS3 interface navigate to `File -> Install Firmware`.
4. In the file browser navigate and select the file `PS3UPDAT.PUP` file.
5. The firmware should now be installed.
## How to: Get games to show up inside the ES-DE interface
There are two methods of adding the games
Read more here:<br>
### Method 1: Game shortcuts .desktop files (recommended)
This method can be used for all types rips/dumps both directories and .iso files.
1. Open RPCS3 via the Configurator
2. Click File -> Add Game -> Browse to game you want to add.
3. The game will now show up in the RPCS3 game list.
4. Rightclick on that list.
5. This will create a shortcut to the game on your Desktop.
6. Move that shortcut into the roms/ps3 folder.
### Method 2: Directories as .ps3 files
This method can only be used directory type game dumps.
To get the games to show up you need to rename the directory to end with a `.ps3` file extension.
You have directory dump of the a game Blu-ray PlayStation 3 game called Hockey World, the directory is called `Hockey World`.
To get the it to show up you need to rename and add `.ps3` in the end of the directory name.
The directory `Hockey World` becomes `Hockey World.ps3` and the game will show up.
## How to: Install DLC or patches on disc based games
**NOTE:** On the Steam Deck this could be easier to do in `Desktop Mode`. If you want to do it in `Game Mode` you need to press the `Steam` button and switch between windows using the window switcher.
If you want to install some DLC or patch you can do that trough RPCS3 itself.
1. Open RPCS3 `RetroDECK Configurator -> Open Emulator -> RPCS3`.
2. In the RPCS3 interface navigate to `File -> Install Packages/Raps/Edats`.
3. In the file browser navigate and select the file you want to install.
4. The game can be launched via RetroDECK with patches and DLC already installed.
### (OPTIONAL) How to include the DLC or PATCH in the main game files
Some users may want to include their DLC or PATCH files inside the game folder for achiving purposes, or just to don't have to keep these contents spread in the RPCS3 filesystem.
It's fully optional but to do so the steps are:
1. The files will be installed inside the a new game directory on the RPCS3 hard drive under
`retrodeck/bios/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/GAMEID` where `GAMEID` is unique for each game [PS3GAMEID-List](
2. The patches or dlc should now be installed inside the `GAMEID` directory.
3. Move the content of the GAMEID directory into the games directory inside the `retrodeck/roms/ps3/GAMENAME.ps3` directory and overwrite & replace the files.
4. You can now remove the `retrodeck/bios/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/GAMEID` directory as the files have been moved.
- The game `Hockey World.ps3` inside the `retrodeck/roms/ps3/` has some DLC & and a patch you want to install.
- You follow the above guide and install the files.
- The installation made a newly created directory called `BCA111111` under `retrodeck/bios/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/`.
- You open up the directory `retrodeck/bios/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/BCA111111` and copy all of it's content and paste it into `retrodeck/roms/ps3/Hockey World.ps3` directory and replace/overwrite the files.
- You can then remove the `BCA111111` directory in `retrodeck/bios/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/`
## How to: Install digital PSN titles
The procedure is almost identical as the procedure above.
**NOTE:** On the Steam Deck this could be easier to do in `Desktop Mode`. If you want to do it in `Game Mode` you need to press the `Steam` button and switch between windows using the window switcher.
If you want to install some PSN tiltes you can do that trough RPCS3 itself.
1. Open RPCS3 `RetroDECK Configurator -> Open Emulator -> RPCS3`.
2. In the RPCS3 interface navigate to `File -> Install Packages/Raps/Edats`.
3. In the file browser navigate and select the file you want to install.
4. The file will be installed inside the games directory on the RPCS3 hard drive under
`retrodeck/bios/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/GAMEID` where `GAMEID` is unique for each game [PS3GAMEID-List](
5. Install any patches or DLC for the game by repeating step .2 and .3 for each file.
6. The game should now show up and be playable inside the ES-DE interface.
### (OPTIONAL) Move the digital contents into a .ps3 folder
Similarly on how written above with the DLC and PATCHES the user can decide to move the digital games outside the RPCS3 filesystem, in order to do so:
1. After the game is ready move the digital games directory from `retrodeck/bios/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/GAMEID` to `retrodeck/roms/ps3`
2. Rename the directory to the name of the game and add the .ps3 file extension to the end of the directory (see guide above).
- You installed a file that contained the digital game Hockey World 2, it created a directory called `BCA123456` under `retrodeck/bios/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/`
- After that you moved `BCA123456` from `retrodeck/bios/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/` to `retrodeck/roms/ps3`.
The directory `BCA123456` is renamed to `Hockey World 2.ps3`.
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# Guide: Ryujinx
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/ryujinx-logo.svg" width="150">
## Where to put the games?
Switch games should be put into the `retrodeck/roms/switch/` directory.<br>
The games can come in many different formats: `XCI` `NSP` `NCA` `NSO` `NRO`.
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# Guide: ScummVM
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/scummvm-logo.svg" width="150">
### ScummVM Links:
[ScummVM Guides](
[ScummVM Game Compatibility and ID List](
[ScummVM Wiki](
[ScummVM Github](
[ScummVM Webpage](
## Where to put the games?
ScummVM games should be put into the `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/` directory.<br>
## Does ScummVM require BIOS or Firmware?
## How to: Get games to show up inside the ES-DE interface
**Example:** <br>
In this example we got a game we want to add: `Beneath a Steel Sky`
### Step 1: Add the game
Move the uncompressed game into the `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/` folder.<br>
The result should be: `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/Beneath a Steel Sky/`
### Step 2: Check the ScummVM ID of the game
<img src="../../wiki_images/emulators/scummvm/scummvm-sky.png">
Go into [ScummVM Game Compatibility and ID List](<br>
Search for `Beneath a Steel Sky` make a note of the ScummVM ID in this case called: `sky`
### Step 3: Create the .scummvm file
- The `.scummvm` file starts as a empty textfile that needs to be created in each game you want to adds directory.
- It should be named `<ScummVM_ID>.scummvm`
- In our example the file will be called `sky.scummvm` and should be created in `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/Beneath a Steel Sky/`
The end result should look like:<br>
`retrodeck/roms/scummvm/Beneath a Steel Sky/sky.scummvm`
### Step 4: Open the .scummvm file and add the ScummVM_ID
Open up the empty `sky.scummvm` file and just type in the `<ScummVM_ID>` in the first row of the file and save in this example `sky`. Make sure you don't add any spaces or linebreaks and the file should just contain the word `sky`.
### Step 5: The game should now run
The game should now be added to the ES-DE interface from the `retrodeck/roms/scummvm/Beneath a Steel Sky/sky.scummvm` file you just created and can be played after you reload RetroDECK from the Configurator or re-launch the application.
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# Guide: Solarus
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/solarus-logo.svg" width="150">
## Where to put the games
Solarus games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/solarus/` directory.
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# Guide: Vita3K
**Please note that the PSVita support is still experimental and it will be available starting from RetroDECK 0.8.0b**
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/vita3k-logo.png" width="150">
### Vita3K Links:
[Vita3K Quickstart Guide](
[Vita3K Game Compatibility and ID List](
[Vita3K Homebrew Compatibility and ID List](
[Vita3K Wiki](
[Vita3K Github](
[Vita3K Webpage](
## Where to put the games?
Vita3K games should be put into the `retrodeck/roms/psvita/` directory.<br>
The supported formats are `pkg`, `zip`, `vpk`. <br>
## Does Vita3K require BIOS or Firmware?
Yes, it requires two firmwares.
- The Firmware: `PSVUPDAT.PUP`
- The Firmware Font Package: `PSP2UPDAT.PUP`
The firmware and font firmware can be downloaded and installed from the Configurator.
You can also install them manually:<br>
Download the firmwares from
- [Sony PSVita Firmware](
- [Sony PSVita Firmware Font Package](
Open Vita3K from the Configurator and press `File - Install Firmware` to install the downloaded firmware.
## Licence Files and Keys
Licence files `.bin` `.rif` or licence keys called a `zRif` are required for many games.<br>
They need to be installed by pressing `File - Install Licence` then either `Select work.bin / rif` for the files or `Enter zRif` to input the key.
## How to: Get games to show up inside the ES-DE interface
**Example:** <br>
In this example we got a game we want to add: `OutWipe 4820`
### Step 1: Install the Game
Open the Vita3K emulator via Configurator and press `File` and either `Install .pkg` or `Install .zip, .vpk` depending on what game file you have.
In our example `OutWipe 4820` is a `.pkg` file so we chose the `Install .pkg` option and navigate to the file to install it.
#### Step 1b: Add Licences (not always needed)
During installation the Vita3K could call for a Licence File or Key. <br>
Either add the `.bin` or `.rif` files or input the `zRif` key in the prompt.
Check more above in the **Licence Files and Keys** section.
#### Step 1c: Install any DLCs or patches
Install the patches and DLC the same way as the game by repeating Step 1 to 1b for the filetype the patch/DLC is in `pkg`, `zip`, `vpk`.
### Step 2: Check the Title ID of the game
<img src="../../wiki_images/emulators/vita3k/vita3k-titleid.png">
In the Vita3K interface the third colum you can see the Title ID of the game you just installed. <br>
You can also check [Vita3K Game Compatibility and ID List](
In our example we find out that the Title ID of `OutWipe 4820` is `PCSF00007`
### Step 3: Create the .psvita file
- The `.psvita` file starts as a empty textfile that needs to be created in roms folder `retrodeck/roms/psvita/`
- Name the file `<gamename>.psvita`
- In our example the file will be called `OutWipe 4820.psvita`
The end result should look like:<br>
`retrodeck/roms/psvita/OutWipe 4820.psvita`
### Step 4: Open the pstvita file and add the Title ID
Open up the empty `OutWipe 4820.psvita` file and just type in the `<Title_ID>` in the first row of the file and save, in this example you enter `PCSF00007`.<br>
Make sure you don't add any spaces or linebreaks and the file should just contain the word `PCSF00007`.
### Step 5: The game should now run
The game should now be added to the ES-DE interface from the `retrodeck/roms/psvita/OutWipe 4820.psvita` file you just created and can be played after you reload RetroDECK from the Configurator or re-launch the application.
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# Guide: XEMU
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/xemu-logo.png" width="150">
## Where to put the games
Xbox games should be put under the `retrodeck/roms/xbox/` directory.
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# Guide: Yuzu - Switch
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos//yuzu-logo.svg" width="150">
### Yuzu Links:
[Yuzu Quickstart Guide](
[Yuzu Wiki](
[Yuzu Github](
[Yuzu Webpage](
## Where to put the games?
Switch games should be put into the `retrodeck/roms/switch/` directory.<br>
The games can come in many different formats: `XCI` `NSP` `NCA` `NSO` `NRO`.
## Does Yuzu require BIOS or Firmware?
Yes, `prod.keys` `title.keys` and `nca` files.
### Where do I put the BIOS and firmware files?
Yuzu needs the key files `prod.keys`, `title.keys` and the firmware files in the following directories:
**Yuzu keys:** `~/retrodeck/bios/switch/keys`
**Yuzu firmware:** `~/retrodeck/bios/switch/registered`
The directory tree should look like this example:
├── keys
│ ├── prod.keys
│ └── title.keys
└── registered
├── 02259fd41066eddbc64e0fdd217d9d2f.nca
├── 02582a2cd46cc226ce72c8a52504cd97.nca
├── 02b1dd519a6df4de1b11871851d328a1.nca
├── other 217 files...
└── fd0d23003ea5602c24ac4e41101c16fd.nca
You can find a complete guide in the Yuzu Wiki (link above) on how to extract the BIOS from your Switch.
## How do I install DLC and Updates?
**Requirements:** Patch or DLC files <br>
**NOTE:** On the Steam Deck this could be easier to do in `Desktop Mode`.
1. Extract any patch or dlc files from compressed `.zip` or any other format to the true files.
2. Open up Yuzu inside `RetroDECK Configurator` by pressing `Open Emulator` - `Yuzu`.
3. Press `File` - `Install Files to NAND`
4. Find a DLC or Patch file from the file browser and press `Open`
5. This will install the DLC or Patch file into the games NAND folder inside of Yuzu.
6. Repeat step 2 to 3 for every file you need to install.
7. Quit Yuzu
8. Start up RetroDECK and select the game you want to play. <br>
## How do I add shader caches?
**Requirements:** Shader cache files <br>
**NOTE:** On the Steam Deck this could be easier to do in `Desktop Mode`.
1. Extract any shader cache files from compressed `.zip` or any other format to folders.
2. Open up Yuzu inside `RetroDECK Configurator` by pressing `Open Emulator` - `Yuzu`.
3. Right click on the game you want to add mods into.
4. Click on `Open Transferable Pipeline Cache`.
5. Paste the files inside that directory.
6. Start up RetroDECK and select the game. <br>
## How do I add mods?
Check: `Mod Guides ⚙️` - `Mods: Yuzu - Switch`
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# RetroDECK is currently in in BETA
**What is: RetroDECK is in BETA?**
It means that the software is still under heavy development and big updates can be made that changes or adds certain features.
RetroDECK is missing some minor and major:
- Emulators
- Systems
- Features
- Configurations
That we want to add before we consider it a full release.
RetroDECK is perfectly fine for daily use even during the beta period and the core application should seen as stable. The main reason we consider it a BETA is the all the things we want to improve and add before a full 1.0 release.
There are also experimental features that could be unstable but those are exclusive to the cooker builds or have to be enabled by CLI.
RetroDECK during the BETA period supports the Steam Deck and the Linux Desktop. Our goal is to have the full release of RetroDECK to be as easy to use on the Linux Desktop as the Steam Deck is currently.
RetroDECK will still keep developing post the full release.
### So what's the difference between this beta and the cooker version?
Since the beta is the actual mainline that is in fact the stable version, the cooker version is the unstable nightly version that is always under heavy development and the main development branch.
## Wiki Links
- A list of issues and missing features can be found over at: [Known Issues](../wiki_bugs/
- To see what we are developing on currently check out: [What are you working on?](../wiki_development/
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# The RetroDECK Configurator
**Please note that we are going to rebuild the configurator into a controller friendly GODOT application and that the current version is not the final design.**
<img src="../../wiki_images/graphics/configurator/configurator.png" width="500">
The `RetroDECK Configurator` is a unique multi-use utility that exists within RetroDECK to manage many aspect of the application and exposes functions from the `RetroDECK Framework` to the user.
The `RetroDECK Configurator` can be opened from:
- The main menu inside the ES-DE interface and choose `RetroDECK Configurator`.
<img src="../../wiki_images/graphics/configurator/configurator-esde.png" width="500">
* From the `RetroDECK Configurator.desktop` desktop shortcut, available in your application menu.
<img src="../../wiki_images/graphics/configurator/configurator-kde.png" width="500">
* From CLI by calling `flatpak run net.retrodeck.retrodeck --configurator`
What follows are the commands you can use inside the Configurator (more commands will be added during development).
## Presets & Settings
In this menu you can set various presets.
### Global: Presets & Settings
In this menu you will find presets and settings that span over multiple emulators.
#### RetroAchivements: Login
Login to RetroAchievements in all supported emulators and cores.
#### RetroAchivements: Logut
Logut from RetroAchievements in all supported emulators and cores.
#### RetroAchivements: Hardcore Mode
Enables `Hardcore Mode` from RetroAchievements in all supported emulators and cores.
#### Widescreen: Enable/Disable
Enables or disable Widescreen in all supported emulators and cores.
#### Swap A/B and X/Y: Enable/Disable
Swaps `A/B` `X/Y` in all supported emulators and cores.
#### Ask to Exit prompt: Enable/Disable
Enables or disables ask to exit prompts in all supported emulators and cores.
Note: If you disable this, the emulators will directly exit.
### RetroArch: Presets & Settings
In this menu you will find presets and settings for RetroArch.
#### Borders: Enable/Disable
Enable / Disable borders across the RetroArch cores you choose.
#### Rewind: Enable/Disable
Enable / Disable rewind across all of RetroArch (this may impact performance on some more demanding systems).
### Wii & Gamecube: Presets & Settings
In this menu you will find presets and settings for Dolphin and Primehack.
#### Dolphin Textures: Universal Dynamic Input
Enable / Disable Venomalias's Universal Dynamic Input Texture for Dolphin.
#### Primehack Textures: Universal Dynamic Input
Enable / Disable Venomalias's Universal Dynamic Input Texture for Primehack.
## Open Emulator
Here you launch and configure each emulators settings, the option you choose will open that emulators GUI. For documentation on how to change the settings of each emulators settings please check the website of each emulator.
(Please note that most of the emulator interfaces where not designed with controller input in mind for handling the applications GUI, just the games. So you might need to use other inputs like the Steam Decks touchscreen or a mouse and key board to navigate properly).
From this entry you can run the emualtor itself such as:
- RetroArch
- Citra
- Dolphin
- Duckstation
- MelonDS
- Yuzu
## RetroDECK: Tools
### Tool: Move files
This option lets you choose the installation path of the RetroDECK folder that handles ROMS,Saves, BIOS etc... to a new location.
You get the following three options.
`Internal Storage` - Moves the folder to the internal storage. <br>
`SD CARD` - Moves the folder to the SD CARD <br>
`Custom Location` - Choose where you want the RetroDECK folder to be.<br>
### Tool: Compress games
This option enables you to compress disc based game image files `.gdi` `.iso` `.bin` `.cue` to the less space demanding `.chd` format.
You can choose either a single game or many.
### Install: RetroDECK SD Controller Profile
This option installs the Steam Deck controller profile to RetroDECK it also resets all emulators configurations to input the correct bindings.
### Install: PS3 Firmware
This option downloads and installs the latest PS3 firmware. A the end of the download, RPCS3 will open requesting the user to install it. Just press OK.
### RetroDECK: Change update settings (cooker only)
This option lets you turn on or off automatic updates on launch.
## RetroDECK: Troubleshooting
Various troubleshooting options.
### Backup: RetroDECK Userdata
Creates backups of the user data folders
### Check & Verify: Multi-file structure
Verifies to the structure of multi disc/file games that uses `.m3u` files.
### Check & Verify: BIOS
Shows a detailed BIOS list of missing and current BIOS.
### RetroDECK: Reset
The reset menu resets various features
#### Reset Specific Emulator
Opens up a menu where you can reset a specific emulator
#### Reset All Emulators
Resets all the emulators at once
#### Reset RetroDECK
Resets the entirety of RetroDECK.<br>
## RetroDECK: About
This menu contains information about RetroDECK
### Version history
Displays the changelogs
### Credits
Displays the credits
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# What devices/systems does RetroDECK currently support?
RetroDECK currently supports two systems:
- Steam Deck
- Linux Desktop
## Steam Deck LCD/OLED
Supported from the beginning. RetroDECK is tailored to the Steam Deck.
### Other SteamOS devices
SteamOS the operative system will always be supported but as of today there are no other officialy released devices with SteamOS other the Valve's Steam Deck lineup.
## Linux Desktop
It is working, but the user experience might not be that great it as we want it to be just yet.
You will also need to manually configure the input to match your desktop and might need to tweak more settings. If you want to try it make sure that your distribution has flatpak support (else you will need to install it).
## Q&A Supported Systems
### Will you support Windows or Windows based devices like the ROG Ally?
No, RetroDECK doesn't support Windows currently and there are no plans to do so.
As an alternative you could try [RetroBat]( that offers similar functionality in a Windows environment.
How ever if you install a Linux distribution on your device instead you can try out RetroDECK.
### Will you support ARM devices like iOS or MacOS?
ARM devices are not supported currently. ES-DE does support the ARM emulators but it is a very different landscape.
It would be a major undertaking but maybe one day in the far off future it could be possible. But it would need to be a different experience as the emulators, other underlying systems would not be the same and would need to be rewritten.
### Will you support Android?
No, we believe that is not really possible to bundle and preconfigure emulators on Android unfortunately as of now.
### Will you support other distribution methods usch as Snap or AppImage?
It's not in our roadmap yet as now the entire buildsystem is based on the flatpak-build that builds the software via the flatpak manifest.
In the past we evaluated to migrate to **Buildstream** (or similar solutions) and build on to multiple output formats.
But the team is not large enough to migrate and maintain other distribution methods, so we prefer to focus our effort on Flatpak only.
If someone with the knowlage and passion wishes to help us with migrating to a solution and help us maintain it, we are open for discussion it at least.
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# RetroDECK: What's included?
What follows is a list of features currently included in RetroDECK
## Features
### The RetroDECK Configurator
Is a powerful Utility that can be use to change/modify and manipulate various aspects of RetroDECK using the `RetroDECK Framework` more information in the
`RetroDECK Configurator 🛠️` section.
## Frontend
### Emulationstation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) - RetroDECK Edition
ES-DE is the base frontend for RetroDECK.<br>
RetroDECK comes with specific tweaks to the ES-DE standard setup to enable RetroDECK unique functions like the `RetroDECK Framework` and `RetroDECK Configurator`.
These tweaks are possible thanks to a collaborations with the ES-DE project and the RetroDECK project.
## Emulators
### RetroArch
RetroDECK ships will all cores under the stable branch of RetroArch.
If there is no stable version of a core the nightly version will be used instead.
### Standalone Emulators
The following standalone emulators are currently included:
- Cemu (WiiU)
- Citra (3DS)
- Dolphin (GameCube/Wii)
- Duckstation (PSX)
- MelondDS (DS)
- PCSX2 (PS2)
- Primehack (Metroid Prime - Dolphin Fork)
- RPCS3 (PS3)
- Xemu (XBOX)
- Yuzu (Switch)
## RetroDECK: Included ES-DE Themes
RetroDECK includes the following themes.
More themes can be easily be added, check: `EmulationStation-DE Guide 📘` - `ES-DE Themes` for details.
### Art Book Next
| System View | Gamelist View |
|  |  |
### Slate
| System View | Gamelist View |
|  |  |
### Modern
| System View | Gamelist View |
|  |  |
## Missing Features
We plan to add more emulators, systems and functions over course of the development cycle. <br>
The goal is to support almost all of the systems ES-DE supports and ship the best emulator or program for that system.
We don't have any plans to ship all emulators or programs in existence for each system but virtually only the **"best once"** per-system.
In some cases we might ship more then one Emulator if the feature set is vastly diffrent or the user demand is high.
For the latest things The RetroDECK Team is working on check: <br>
`Development 🖥️` - `What are you working on?` and `Version History (Patchnotes)`
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# What is RetroDECK?
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/rd-stacked-esde-logo.png" width="400">
Instead of having several different software on your system for a variety of emulators and frontends you only need one: RetroDECK.
RetroDECK is a [EmulationStation Desktop Edition]( (ES-DE) powered [Flatpak application]( that thanks to its `RetroDECK Framework` it builds-in and manage a variety of emulators and other software that allows you to play your favorite retro (and even not-so-retro) games in one complete package.
### So what does that mean?
It means that RetroDECK provides all the emulators, systems and a frontend. RetroDECK configures them for you and put them into one application you can download from Flathub.
By being one application RetroDECK can put all important files in one location for all the emulators, instead of having them spread out over your entire system and even add features on top to orchestrate them seamlessly.
## The RetroDECK Framework
As previously mentioned, RetroDECK also adds the `RetroDECK Framework` on top of the emulators and ES-DE interface that allows deeper integrations between emulators and easier exposure to a variety of features that you otherwise need to set per emulator basis to create a uniformity between them.
The `RetroDECK Configurator` is the `Utility` that exposes some parts of the `RetroDECK Framework` to the RetroDECK users.
**What can the RetroDECK Framework and by extent the RetroDECK Configurator do?**
It can help with:
- Compressing games
- Easier `Texture Pack` and `Mod` management
- File management
- Tools for troubleshooting (BIOS Checker, Multi-File Structure Checker, Partial or full reset of functions)
- Auto installing some free BIOSes
- Install prebuilt Steam Input profiles for devices like the Steam Deck and external controllers
- Easier management of `mods`, `roms`, `texture_packs`, `scraped media`, `screenshots`, `saves / states` `gamelists` and more
- Give access to global presets that can be acitivated to configure things over many emulators in one go like: `RetroAchievements`
`Borders` `Widescreen Mode` `Swaping A/B X/Y for Nintendo Games`
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
# Adding RetroDECK to Steam
What follows are two ways to add RetroDECK to Steam and what settings you need to enable after you added it. If you have the Flatpak Version of Steam installed you need to do some extra steps for everything to work.
## Add with BoilR (Recommended)
If you don't have [BoilR]( you can just install it from Flathub.
BoilR will add RetroDECK to Steam (flatpak or standard versions), it will also add the Steam Grid art.
First make sure that you have fully closed Steam then do the following:
1. Open BoilR
2. Make sure RetroDECK is marked in the `Import Games` Section
3. Go to `Settings`
4. Check `Download Images`
5. Put in your `Authentication Key` from `SteamGridDB` (if you don't have one press the link in BoilR and get one).
6. Check if you want animated images or other types of images.
7. Go back to `Import Games`.
8. Press the `Import Button`.
9. When the import is done you can close BoilR and Open Steam.
10. The RetroDECK entry should now be there
## Add manually
1. Open Steam
2. Inside Steam go to the tab Games press `Add non Steam game to My library` and you should be able to see all installed applications select `RetroDECK` to add it into your library.
3. Go to SteamGridDB and manually download all the art.
4. Follow the guides on SteamGridDB on how to set up each art piece correctly.
## Steam - Flatpak version extras
If you have the [Steam Flatpak]( version installed some extra steps apply.
### Prerequisites
To make a flatpak launch other flatpaks it needs a special permission called `org.freedesktop.Flatpak`.
Take note that this opens up the Flatpak more then normal, as flatpaks are not allowed to run many system commands from the sandbox. You can add the permission from the software Flatseal or directly from the terminal.
**With Flatseal (Recommended):**
If you don't have [Flatseal]( you can just install it from Flathub
1. Open Flatseal
2. Click on Steam
3. Scroll down to the section called `Session Bus`
4. Press the `+` sign
5. Paste in `org.freedesktop.Flatpak`
6. Launch Steam
**From Terminal:**
Copy the following into the terminal:
`flatpak --user override --talk-name=org.freedesktop.Flatpak com.valvesoftware.Steam`
### Add RetroDECK to Steam
Add RetroDECK to Steam with BoilR or manually by following the guides above.
**Special notes on the manual install:**
Steam won't find the application directlyy and you will need to manually browse to the desktop file to add it in:
### Configuring RetroDECK in Steam Flatpak
After RetroDECK is added to Steam, right click on the RetroDECK entry and change the shortcut values to:
**Launch options:**
`--host flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 net.retrodeck.retrodeck`
This should now be enough for you to launch RetroDECK.
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
# How to: Manage BIOS and Firmware
A BIOS or firmware is like the brain of a computer or electronic device. It helps the device start up and makes sure all its parts work together smoothly. In emulation, having the correct BIOS/firmware is important because it allows the software to pretend to be the real device and work properly.
That's why some emulators require BIOS and Firmware files to work correctly or at all.
Generally the bios files should be put in `~/retrodeck/bios` but there could be exceptions to this.
## RetroArch (Libretro)
Some cores may need some BIOS files to work or run correctly.
[Official Libretro BIOS Guide](
Starting everything should be included. <br/>
But if you want the original PSP fonts you can place them in `system/PPSSPP/flash0/font`
## MSX / SVI / ColecoVision / SG-1000
[MSX / SVI / ColecoVision / SG-1000](<br/>
Content of [](<br/>
Not the zip itself, its contents must be extracted in `~/retrodeck/bios` folder, more info [here](
Starting from v0.5.0b this is automatically provided.
## Yuzu
Yuzu needs the key files `prod.keys`, `title.keys` and the firmware files in the following directories:
**Yuzu keys:** `~/retrodeck/bios/switch/keys`
**Yuzu firmware:** `~/retrodeck/bios/switch/registered`
The directory tree should look like this example:
├── keys
│ ├── prod.keys
│ └── title.keys
└── registered
├── 02259fd41066eddbc64e0fdd217d9d2f.nca
├── 02582a2cd46cc226ce72c8a52504cd97.nca
├── 02b1dd519a6df4de1b11871851d328a1.nca
├── other 217 files...
└── fd0d23003ea5602c24ac4e41101c16fd.nca
You can find a complete guide in the [Yuzu official wiki]( on how to extract the BIOS from your Switch.
## XEMU (Xbox)
These files must be placed with the correct name in the given folders:
[OPTIONAL] ~/retrodeck/bios/xbox_hdd.qcow2'
The hard disk is optional as RetroDECK already provides a pre-built 8G Xbox HDD image, free of any copyrighted content, and only containing a dummy dashboard.
So if you want to the complete experience you have to provide your own.
Usually those files are dumped/found as:
Complex.bin -> Complex_4627v1.03.bin or Complex_4627.bin
xbox-eeprom.bin -> eeprom.bin
xbox_hdd.qcow2 -> xbox_harddisk-D4920.qcow2
So don't forget to rename them for the RetroDECK standards.
## PICO-8
Pico-8 it's not freeware hence it cannot be included with RetroDECK, however it's supported by using these steps:
1. Download PICO-8 for `Linux 64-bit` from the [official website]( or where you bought it.
2. Extract the zipfile somewhere on your desktop
3. Copy the content of the extracted pico-8 folder into `~/retrodeck/bios/pico-8/`
## MelonDS (Standalone), (NDS)
MelonDS by default needs those files:<br/>
- `~/retrodeck/bios/bios9.bin`<br/>
- `~/retrodeck/bios/bios7.bin`<br/>
- `~/retrodeck/bios/firmware.bin`
However there is a setting to disable the need of these files by going to: `Tools` -> `Start MelonDS` -> `Yes` -> `Config` -> `Emu settings` -> `DS-mode` and removing the check on `Use external BIOS/firmware files`.
Please be advised that this operation may prevent the games from running correctly.
## PCSX2 (PS2)
There a multitude of PS2 bios for a complete list with the hashes check <br>
The PS2 bios could be named in the following ways
By bios version: `ps2-0200a-20040614.bin`
By system name:`SCPH-70012.bin`
Put the bios inside the bios folder: `~/retrodeck/bios/SCPH-70012.bin`
Here is a list of common used bios with `bios versions/system names/hashes`.
ps2-0200a-20040614 - SCPH-70001/SCPH-70011/SCPH-70012 - d333558cc14561c1fdc334c75d5f37b7 -PS2 US BIOS
ps2-0200e-20040614 - SCPH-70002/SCPH-70003/SCPH-70004/SCPH-70008 - dc752f160044f2ed5fc1f4964db2a095 - PS2 EU BIOS
ps2-0200j-20040614 - SCPH-70000 - 0eee5d1c779aa50e94edd168b4ebf42e - PS2 JP BIOS
## RPCS3 (PS3)
- Download the [latest PlayStation 3 firmware](
- `Tools` -> `RetroDECK Configurator` -> `Change settings` -> `RPCS3` -> `File` -> `Install Firmware`.
For more information on how to load the games check the [official quickstart guide](
## NeoGeo
- ``
Should go into the `~/retrodeck/roms/neogeo/` folder and the `~/retrodeck/bios` folder. Depending on what emulator you use, the emulator looks for the BIOS in different directories. So the safest way it to just copy the BIOS and put it into both places.
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# Enable Controllers in Steam:
**Not needed for SteamOS and Steam Deck**<br>
For the Steam Deck or SteamOS based devices this is not needed as they are enabled by default.
## Prerequisites: steam-devices
Make sure you have installed the `steam-devices` package.
Normally `steam-devices` is a part of the Steam installation for many distrubtions, but it could be diffrent depending on what you are running.
Steam usually complains with warnings if `steam-devices` is missing.
If `steam-devices` is not installed, please check your distrubtion on how to do so.
## Enable Controller Inputs
Open up Steam
1. In Steam press the `Steam` top menu
2. Go to `Settings` this opens up S
4. Press `Controller`
5. Press and enable all Steam Inputs for:
* Xbox Controllers.
* PlayStation Controllers.
* Switch Pro Controllers.
* Generic Controllers.
6. Close the `Settings`
## Change controller templates in Steam
### Prerequisites
* You need to have enabled controller input in Steam (above).
* You need to have added RetroDECK to Steam, more info here: [Add RetroDECK to Steam](../wiki_howto_faq/
* You need to have the controller or controllers plugged in / connected for the `Controller Icon` to show up next to the Cog icon in each game and
### Controller Settings
1. Click on RetroDECK in Steam
2. Make sure you have a controller plugged in / connected
3. Click on the new `Controller Icon 🎮` next to the ⚙️ icon on the right side of the Steam window.
4. By pressing on it you will open the `Steam Input` window wher you can customize the controllers inputs / download community templates / enable the RetroDECK templates for your controller.
5. Read more information here: [RetroDECK with Steam Input](../wiki_controllers/ and the `Controllers and Input 🎮` section on this wiki.
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# FAQs: Frequently asked questions
What follows is questions and answers to a variety of topics.
## RetroDECK: General Questions
<img src="../../wiki_icons/retrodeck/rd_icon_circle_192x192.png">
### What does the "b" stand for in the versioning number?
It stands for Beta.
### What is RetroDECK cooker?
Cooker is a bleeding edge snapshot of the current commits, the action of uploading code to GitHub is called commit.
As you can understand, the code may not be always reviewed and so the cooker it's unstable by its nature, it's just suggested to testers or developer to try bleeding edge function or to contribute.
More info on the pinned post in #💙-i-want-to-help on our [Discord Server](
We don't support the cooker on user side.
#### Why the name cooker? 🍲
That's what cooking in the pot at this moment and not yet ready to be served (released). This name was also used by Linux Mandrake and Mandriva for the bleeding edge channel.
### What emulators and software is included in RetroDECK?
Check: [RetroDECK: What's included?](../wiki_general/
### Does RetroDECK include any games?
No games are included in RetroDECK at this momment.
### Will you include Open Source games in the future?
We are looking into a ports downloader for a future update.
### Does RetroDECK include any Firmware or BIOS?
RetroDECK only includes those BIOS and Firmware that are Open Source. All others can never be done for legal reasons.
#### Can you at least point me towards where I find none Open Source: Games, Firmeware or BIOS?
For purchased titles we recommend that you use your own game backups and look into how to extract the Firmware or BIOS from your own consoles.
### When does the next version of RetroDECK come out?
When it's ready.
#### When does the version after the upcoming version come out?
After the upcoming version.
#### When does the version 1.0 of RetroDECK come out?
In the future.
## RetroDECK: Usage Questions
### Do I have to partition or format my disk/sdcard to install RetroDECK?
No, partitioning or formatting is not needed at all. RetroDECK (differently from AmberELEC, Batocera and others) comes as a flatpak. Just install it as any other application and launch it from your desktop and/or Steam library.
### Where is RetroDECK installed?
There are two primary folders:
- The location of this folder is where you set it during installation.
- This cointains all of the userdata that the users put into RetroDECK like: ROMs, Mods, Texturepacks, Downloaded Content, Themes etc.
- The folder is not deleted during a uninstallation of RetroDECK and must be manually deleted, as all the users valuble files are there.
- This is the main flatpak folder, under the hidden `./var/app/` folder you need to show hidden folders and files to see it.
- This cointains all of the emulators, emulationstation and other settings that make RetroDECK work.
- During uninstallation this folder is removed.
### Can I move the ROMs folder to another place?
Yes, you can do so inside the configurator and the `Move RetroDECK` option.
### Is there a way to reset RetroDECK?
Yes, you can reset various parts of the software using the RetroDECK Configurator's reset functions.<br>
Read more on: [RetroDECK Configurator 🛠️](../wiki_general/
Or if you want to reset from CLI you can read up on:<br>
`Development 🖥️` - [CLI Guide](../wiki_development/
### How do I uninstall RetroDECK?
**On the Steam Deck:**
Put the Steam Deck into Desktop Mode `Steam button` `Power` `Switch to Desktop`
* Go into Discover
* Press the `Installed` tab and find RetroDECK
* Press the `Uninstall` button
* Manually backup then remove the `~\retrodeck` folder. Warning! Make a backup your data roms/bios/saves etc if you want to save them else they will be gone.
### Does uninstalling RetroDECK remove my roms, bios and saves?
No, as long as you don't manually don't delete the `~\retrodeck` folder and it's content your data is safe. You could uninstall RetroDECK and install it again and keep going.
### How can I move RetroDECK do a different device like Steam Deck OLED or a new Linux PC?
Yes, check over at [How to: Move RetroDECK to a new device](../wiki_howto_faq/
### Where can I find the logfiles?
In `~/retrodeck/logs/retrodeck.log`
### Can I add a single game to my Steam Library?
We are working on this feature. Meanwhile you can achieve this manually.
Example of a launch script to launch to launch a Wii game called Baloon World:
flatpak run --command=dolphin-emu-wrapper net.retrodeck.retrodeck -e "/run/media/mmcblk0p1/retrodeck/roms/wii/Baloon World.rvz" -b
### After installing RetroDECK manually, Discover is not opening or giving me some errors?
This bug is appearing only when installing RetroDECK manually and not from Discover. The discover release is suggested for all the users.
However you can run this to fix it: `flatpak remote-delete retrodeck-origin`
## Feature Requests & Bug Reports
### How to report bugs?
Check [Reporting bugs and issues](../wiki_bugs/
### Will you implement X/Y/Z emulator?
Our goal is to implement and configure a selection of the best emulators for each system supported by ES-DE. If your favorite system is not integrated you can request its integration by opening an issue on this github page.
### Will you implement none emulator software inside of RetroDECK like Batocera?
We do have plans for a ports downloader / manager in the future.
### I have a good idea on a new feature, how do I suggest it?
Check if the request already exists in the issue list on github, if not you can make a new issue and suggest it.
If you want to discuss before submitting feel free to post your ideas in our discord community.
### Will you add Windows versions of the emulators as well and run them via Wine/Proton?
We know that some emulators like CEMU runs better with the Windows version via Proton, but the entirety of Proton/Wine and DXVK must be added to the project and then configured to get it to work at all.
This is no easy feat and most emulators are better and equally performant as their Windows counterparts with the Linux versions.
So there are no plans currently to support this and it also comes with lot of risk adding such big dependencies as Wine into the project.
## RetroDECK: Updating
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/discover-logo.png">
### How do I update RetroDECK?
Updates to RetroDECK is handled automatically via your software manager when there is a new version released.
Or if you want to update from the terminal you can type:
`flatpak update`
### How do I update a specific emulator in RetroDECK?
You can't in a easy way do that without breaking several things. RetroDECK builds many emulators and add RetroDECK specific features on top of them and makes it into one application as is the goal of the project.
But that said we are looking into a allowing a limited scrope of custom emulator installation for those that have early access versions that are payed like Yuzu and the users really want to add in.
The custom installation will still be more limited then the one we ship with RetroDECK by default and might have less features then normal Yuzu in term of hotkey support and other things that the user will need to configure manually.
### Do you only ship stable versions of the emulators or nightly versions?
RetroDECK ships with the version that is the best for running the games on a case-by-case basis.
For all bleeding edge emulators like Yuzu or RPCS3 it's nightly version we ship.
But for things like RetroArch it is only the stable release of the application we ship.
When it comes to RetroArch Cores they always use their stable version, but if there is no stable version of a core within a stable release of RetroArch the nightly version of that core will be used instead.
Even before we release a new update for RetroDECK the nightly versions of the emulators will be tested to make sure they work and no major issues are known to exist in them.
There have been instances where the nightly version of a emulator have been completly broken and we want to avoid to ship that with RetroDECK.
## Documentation & Wiki
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/mkdocs-material-logo.svg" width="150">
### What is sudo?
The command stands for "superuser do" and in the windows world it is called "run as administrator".
Su in "sudo" refers to the "superuser" or in the windows called the "administrator".
### Whats the meaning of the ~ character mean in documentation and examples?
The tilde character ~ is the a short way of saying the logged in users home directory in the UNIX world.<br>
So for example the Steam Deck:<br>
`~ = /home/deck`
Read more on [Wikipedia](
### Whats the meaning of the SA acronym in documentation and examples?
SA means Standalone and the emulator is not inside RetroArch/LibRetro but a separate program launched within RetroDECK.
### Whats the meaning of the CLI acronym in documentation and examples?
CLI stands for command-line interface and is often refereed commands you can run in the the Linux Terminal
## Other Emulation Solutions
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/batocera-logo.png" width="300">
### Are you related anyway to Batocera?
No, but RetroDECK had some dialog before the project started with some of the Batocera crew if there where any plans to start a Batocera non-OS application (there where no plans at that moment and their focus is to make the best retro gaming operative system). RetroDECK and Batocera also have good dialog together with representatives of each projects inside the internal development channels.
### Are you related to EmuDeck?
No, the two projects are not related.
#### So what's the difference between RetroDECK and EmuDeck?
Apart of that from the user point of view EmuDeck and RetroDECK may sound similar but technically they're completely different.
EmuDeck is a shell script that you run in the Steam Decks desktop mode that downloads and configures all the separate emulators & plugins for you from various sources using a built in electron based gui.
RetroDECK is an all-in-one application contained in a sandboxed environment called "flatpak", that is downloaded from Discover (Flathub). This is Valves and other Linux desktops recommended way of distributing applications on the Steam Deck and Linux desktop in a safe way. It grantees for example even if Valve makes major changes to the file system in a SteamOS update, RetroDECK and it’s configurations will not be touched and will be safe.
RetroDECK only writes in these two folders: `~/retrodeck` for roms/configurations/bios etc.. And an hidden flatpak folder located in `~/.var/net.retrodeck.retrodeck`.
As everything is contained within those two folders it will not have conflict if you decide to install an emulator from another source like Yuzu or RetroArch with your RetroDECK setup. Even if you uninstall RetroDECK all your roms/bios/saves/etc.. are safe until you remove the `~/retrodeck` folder. So if you for some reason don't like the application after playing for a while you can easily move out your important files after an uninstall (or you can just reinstall RetroDECK again and start where you left off).
This approach of everything is in a all-in-one package will also allow RetroDECK to do tighter integrations with each bundled emulator in the future and expose all those settings when you are inside RetroDECK, so you do not need to go into Steam Decks desktop mode to do changes and tweaks. All things should be, in the long term, inside the application itself and you can already see a part of that inside the RetroDECK Configurator in the Tools menu.
#### Can I install RetroDECK if I have EmuDeck already?
Yes, as RetroDECK is completely standalone.
#### Why create RetroDECK when EmuDeck and other solutions exists?
RetroDECK is older then EmuDeck, EmuDeck was created later.
### Batocera or EmuDeck or RetroDECK I still don't get it?
- Batocera is a retro emulation operative system that you need to boot into separately (like from an SDCard) or replace your current OS. For the Steam Deck you lose access to the SteamOS features and your emulation gaming is separate from your SteamOS gamemode gaming. That said; Batocera has many years of development time, is a great mature OS with a lot of features.
- EmuDeck is a shell script that you download and run. The script downloads & configures all the separate emulators & plugins for you from various sources for various operative systems.
- RetroDECK is an all-in-one application that already provides everything you need without to many extra steps for the user.It is on Flathub and thus allows the users to update the application via standard safe operative system update methods.
You can see RetroDECK as the in between of EmuDeck and Batocera. We hope that one day we can offer a complete Batocera-like experience right inside your operative system.
### What is your relationship with EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE)?
S-DE and RetroDECK are separate projects, but we collaborate to give the best possible user experience.
We have a unique partnership where inside the ES-DE code is a section just for RetroDECK specific features.
[Read more on ES-DE FAQs](
## Flatpak Questions
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/flatpak-logo.png" width="150">
### Retrodeck is a flatpak, what is it?
[Flaptak]( is like sandboxed application, with its own read only filesystem that is different from your computer's filesystem. That's why flatpak is safer than installing something directly in your filesystem as everything it needs is contained within the flatpak.
#### How is a flatpak made?
A flatpak is generated from a manifest file. A software called flatpak-builder reads the manifest, then starts downloading dependencies and starts building the software. After the build process is done it generates the software in a .flatpak file. This file can then be hosted on Flathub or distributed on the web.
#### How does the RetroDECK flatpak manifest look like?
You can find out manifest here:
## Emulation & Games
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/retroarch-logo.png" width="150">
### Why are games call ROMs?
ROM stands for "Read Only Memory" and was a common method to store games.
The games where later dumped from their ROM chips into digitalized files that can be played with an emulator.
Read more on [wikipedia](
### How can I set another default emulator?
The ES-DE interface allows you to change emulators for systems that has many different emulators. In the main menu go to `Other Settings` - `Alternative Emulators` to set other defaults.
### Game X/Y/Z is not working or showing black screen
- Some emulators needs BIOS and/or firmware files, first you can check if you got the `How-to's 💬` - `How to: Manage BIOS and Firmware`.<br/
- You could have bad backups compare them on a database site for example [no-intro]( or even [RetroAchievements]( if your game is supported.<br/
- Moreover please mind that some emulator require very specific roms `How-to's 💬` - `How to: Manage your Games`
### PS2 games are not working or buggy in the RetroArch Core.
It's a known issue with if you are using the libretro core but you can use the the standalone pcsx2 emulator to solve this issue.
Be sure to check that the bios files are in the correct folder. Read more on the `How-to's 💬` - `How to: Manage BIOS and Firmware`
### I configured RetroArch but the configuration was not saved.
Configuring RetroArch can be dangerous for an inexperienced user, so RetroDECK is set to don't save the RetroArch configuration upon exiting.<br/
The configuration must be saved willingly by going to: `Main Menu` - `Configuration File` - `Save Current Configuration`.<br/
If you find some better configurations however, you may contribute by sharing it on the `💙-i-want-to-help` channel on our [Discord Server]( that may be included in the next version.
### Will you support Lightguns (Sinden, Gun4IR, Samco etc...)?
The long term answer is yes, but there are several issues that need to be addressed from various dependencies that are beyond the scope of what RetroDECK can do by it self. We are talking to several projects and hope to have those issues addressed in the future. Right now the best way to use lightgun hardware is to use Batocera as they have developed native support in their OS.
## Emulation on the Steam Deck
<img src="../..//wiki_images/graphics/steamdeck/rd_sd_screen6.jpeg" width="300">
### Can I launch RetroDECK from inside of the Steam Decks gamemode?
Yes, RetroDECK currently only supports Steam Deck's gamemode as it relies on Steam Controller configs.
To add it into Steam please check the second step of `Steam Deck 🕹️` - `Steam Deck - Installation and Updates`.
### XBOX games are slow on the Steam Deck
Unfortunately on thanks to missing optimizations focusing on the Steam Deck and the hardware is limited in scope makes performance not great. Like most emulators they will get improvements over time and we will follow the XBOX emulators progress with great interest.
### The games are stuck at 30FPS on the Steam Deck!
Press the [...] button on the Steam Deck, go into the Power menu and see if the Framerate Limit is set to 30FPS and set it to 60FPS or off.
### Fast forwarding is slow on the Steam Deck!
Same as above: Check the Power menu Framerate Limit.
### Some emulators run slow when I got my Steam Deck docked to a 4k, 8k or above resolution monitor.
The Steam Deck does not have the power to play all the games in those high resolutions with a stable framerate. What you could do is go into desktop mode while docked and lower the resolution of the display to 1080p or 720p then return to gamemode.
## Emulationstation-DE: General Questions
<img src="../../wiki_images/logos/es-de-logo.png" width="150">
### Why can't I press the up button in menus to jump to the bottom row and vice versa?
Why this does not work is that menus in ES-DE are not lists but grids.
A grid can not only contain selectable rows with text but also other features like buttons. <br>
For example in one part of the interface there could just be a list of roms but in another there could be various button elements as in the scraping menu.
Enabling the up and down buttons to wrap around would therefore not work consistently as it would sometimes jump to the last row of the grid or to a button seemingly at random depending on the layout of the grid. <br>
Every time it would requiring a different number of button presses depending on the grid layout.
This type of contextual navigation feels very weird in practice, especially when you have to press the up button twice to get to the bottom of a list in some lists but more times in others depending on the button layout.
The solution we opted for instead is:
- `L1` or `Page Up` Jumps up 6 rows in menus and 10 rows in gamelists.
- `R1` or `Page Down` Jumps down 6 rows in menus and 10 rows in gamelists.
- `L2` or `Home` Jumps to the top of the menu or gamelist.
- `R2` or `End` Jumps to the bottom of the menu or gamelist.
## Emulationstation-DE: Themes
<img src="" width="500">
### How can I add more themes?
ES-DE comes with a built in Theme Downloader `UI Settings Theme Downloader`. But you can also add themes manually in the: `~/retrodeck/themes` folder.
### Is there a list of themes?
Yes, check here: [ES-DE: Themes List](
### How do you switch between themes inside of RetroDECK?
You can switch between them by open the menu and then navigate to `UI Settings Theme Set` to select the theme you want to use.
### "Why does the theme I am using not work?" or "Why does the layout look broken?" (black screen with blue text)?
* Please make sure you are specifically using a theme that is compatible with [ES-DE](
* If you are trying to use a theme that was built for Batocera it will likely not be compatible.
* ES-DE uses a unique theme engine so themes are not directly portable from Batocera.
* Please see ES-DE's EmulationStation-DE Guide 📘 for more details.
### Why does the theme layout look squished?
* The Steam Deck has a screen aspect ratio of `16:10` and most themes that you will find are built for an aspect ratio of `16:9`. Depending on the theme's design this may cause the layout to appear squished when using it on the Steam Deck's display.
* All of the included themes are built for 16:10 aspect ratio so you should not see this issue with any of them; however if you are downloading a theme from another source there is a chance this can occur for you.
* There are 2 ways to fix this if it does occur: (1) see if a specific version was built for `16:10` aspect ratio and use that instead or (2) edit the theme to make it compatible with that aspect ratio.
## Emulationstation-DE: Scraping
<img src="" width="500">
### Can I manually add custom game images/videos/media for games that I can not scrape?
Yes, check the file structure over at Emulationstation DE's user guide on gitlab.
[Manually copying game media files](
### Where is my scraped data?
In: `~/retrodeck/downloaded_media` folder.
### I got some weird error message about quota after scraping!
The error message mentions something about quota. You have a quota limit on how much you can scrape each day from [Screenscraper]( where each item you scrape counts as 1 quota of the daily total.
You can pay them to get a bit more daily quota and show your support or just wait 24 hours.
### The Scraper said: The Server or Service is down?
The service is down, check [Screenscraper]( when they get back up.
### Can I only scrape one game or can I narrow down the scraping method?
Yes, check the `EmulationStation-DE Guide 📘` for more details.
### Can I move the downloaded_media folder?
You can move it with the the move RetroDECK option inside the configurator.
### Can I copy the downloaded_media folder to another device?
Yes, just copy it into the other device RetroDECK folder.
### The scraping is very slow...
[Screenscraper]( offers different types of donations that can increase your speed with extra threads.
### My systems storage ran out after scraping...
You can clean out images and videos that takes a lot of space under: `~/retrodeck/downloaded_media`.
#### But I still want them...
The only way to still keep them is either delete something else from the storage or buy more storage.
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# How to: Manage your Games
# Supported file extensions for each emulator
For a detalied list of which file extensions are supported and where to put the roms check this page:
[ES-DE: Folders and Files](../wiki_emulationStation_de/
# Multidisk/file games: Directory interpreted as files
You can put all the game files inside a sub-folder in order to keep you game list clean, these folder will be seen as the game itself from RetroDECK and not as an actual folder, more info [here]( on the official ES-DE Documentation. The folder needs to have the corresponding .m3u file and the folder needs to be renamed to the exact filename of the .m3u
Example on how a structure could be:
─── Dragon Fantasy VII.m3u
├── Dragon Fantasy VII - Disk1.chd
├── Dragon Fantasy VII - Disk2.chd
├── Dragon Fantasy VII - Disk3.chd
└── Dragon Fantasy VII.m3u
In this case the folder will be viewed as a single game and it will launch `Dragon Fantasy VII.m3u` so you can easly swap the disks from RetroArch menu.
## How do I create a Multidisk Directory?
Let's use the Dragon Fantasy VII example as written above.
### Step 1: Make a .m3u sub-folder
Make a new sub-folder inside the PSX roms directory where you move and store the Dragon Fantasy VII files with a .m3u file extension in the end.
The name of the folder will be Dragon Fantasy VII.m3u and the full file path will be:
`~/retrodeck/roms/psx/Dragon Fantasy VII.m3u`
### Step 2: Make a .m3u file inside the folder.m3u
Following the example above, make an empty file inside the Dragon Fantasy VII.m3u folder called the exact same thing as the folder name in this case: `Dragon Fantasy VII.m3u`. Now the full file path to the newly created .m3u file should be like this:
`~/retrodeck/roms/psx/Dragon Fantasy VII.m3u/Dragon Fantasy VII.m3u`
### Step 3: Populate the .m3u file
Open the `Dragon Fantasy VII.m3u` file with an text editor and write the filenames of all files contained in the folder, one per line.
When you are done, the structure of the file should look something like this:
`Dragon Fantasy VII - Disk1.chd`<br>
`Dragon Fantasy VII - Disk2.chd`<br>
`Dragon Fantasy VII - Disk3.chd`
Note this also works with other files types like `.bin` `.iso` `.cue` `.bin` etc.. You just need to make sure that all the files in the folders are written inside the .m3u file.
### Step 4: Launch RetroDECK
The ES-DE interface that RetroDECK uses should now pick up on the game as one file and you can change disks inside RetroArch.
# Emulators compatibility lists
Here is a collection of games that were tested on Steam Deck, not on RetroDECK specifically.
If you find some inconsistences please report them on our `#support` channel on Discord.
* [Citra](
* [Dolphin](
* [PCSX2](
* [RPCS3](
* [Vita3K](
* [Yuzu](
* [Xemu](
# Scraping
Scraping allows you to make the games look "pretty" with coverarts, icons, discimages and more.
Read up on the ES-DE userguide on scraping here:
[ES-DE Scraper guide](
## Quick tips
* Register an account on (support them on Patreon for faster downloads, more scrapes per day and priority scraping).
* Login to your account inside of the ES-DE interface in RetroDECK
* Choose what content you want to scrape (remember that each content you choose could take up several mb of data per game).
* Do an initial scrape of all the games you want to scrape.
* If some games are missed do a more narrow scraping by enabling `Scraper -> Other Settings -> Interactive Mode -> On`& Scraper -> `Other Settings -> Auto-Accept Single Game Matches -> On` and choose to scrape by games missing metadata. This will allow you to select each game from a list and also tweak the searches of the missing games. In some cases you need to remove certain aspects of the name like if a rom comes both with a Japanese name and English name, you could try to remove one of the names to find a better result.
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# How do I move RetroDECK to a new device
### Prerequisites: Before you move
- Make sure you are running the latest version of RetroDECK on the old device and have started it at least once.
- If your device has a battery like a Steam Deck or Laptop, make sure it has enough charge to complete the file transfer. We recommend you are plugged in while doing this to prevent data loss
- If your old device is broken but you still have access to the data you can skip this step.
## Quickguides
### Ultra Quickguide
1. Just copy the `~/retrodeck` folder to the new device to the location you want it.
2. Install RetroDECK on the new device and point to it the new location of `~/retrodeck` during first setup.
3. Proceed installation as normal.
### Steam Deck
1. Put the Steam Deck into Desktop Mode `Steam button` > `Power` > `Switch to Desktop`.
2. Back up existing the RetroDECK `~/retrodeck` folder .
3. On the new Steam Deck install RetroDECK on your new Steam Deck.
4. Do not launch RetroDECK on your new device until you have copied over the backed up folders.
5. Copy over the backup folder to the same location (or new) on the new device.
6. Launch RetroDECK on the new device and point towards the `~/retrodeck` location during installation. So if you have moved the `~/retrodeck` to the SD card of the new Steam Deck choose the SD card option during initial install, if you have moved it to the internal storage (home/) choose that option or third chose the custom option.
After that you can keep following following the installation guide <br>
[Steam Deck - Installation and Updates](../wiki_devices/steamdeck/ if you are unsure on progress the installation.
### Linux Desktop
1. Back up existing the RetroDECK `~/retrodeck` folder .
2. On the new PC install RetroDECK from Flathub via your application manager.
3. Do not launch RetroDECK on your new device until you have copied over the backed up folders.
4. Copy over the backup folder to the same location (or new) on the new device.
5. Launch RetroDECK on the new device and point towards the `~/retrodeck` location during installation.
After that you can keep following following the installation guide <br>
[Linux Desktop - Installation and Updates](../wiki_devices/linux_desktop/ if you are unsure on progress the installation.
## Indepth Guide
### Information on moving RetroDECK
RetroDECK contains mainly two folders:
This is the important folder, that contains all the user content like roms/bios/saves/screenshots/scraped data etc...
The location of the folder is where you have chosen to install it like `/home/retrodeck` `sd-card` `external drive` `other`.
This is the location of the core flatpak, emulator files and configurations.
## How to: move from a old Steam Deck to a new Steam Deck?
Depending on how comfortable you are using the Steam Deck controller to navigate the desktop environment, this may be easier to do with a connected mouse and keyboard.
What follows is a short comparison on the two ways to move RetroDECK.
### Move only `~/retrodeck` (Recommended)
You will lose all your custom emulator settings inside the emulators (like graphic settings or other tweaks), everything else stays intact and you will need to go through the initial setup again and point to the moved retrodeck folder.
You will get the benefits of a fresh install with all your content intact (saves, games, scraped data etc..) and you minimize the risks of any file conflicts.
#### Step 1: Back up your existing files
You will need to backup the the main `~/retrodeck` folder.
- First put the Steam Deck into Desktop Mode `Steam button` > `Power` > `Switch to Desktop`.
- Main `~/retrodeck` folder
- Open the Dolphin File Manager (the folder icon in the taskbar).
- Navigate to where you installed `~/retrodeck` (this folder should contain sub-folders such as `bios`, `roms`, and `saves`).
- Copy the whole folder `~/retrodeck` to a device used for transfer such as a thumb drive, microSD Card, NAS, SFTP and get the files to the new Steam Deck. Or use a transfer software like warpinator to send the folder to the new Steam Deck via network.
#### Step 2: Install RetroDECK on your new Steam Deck
- Follow steps 1 and 2 of the installation guide over at: [Steam Deck - Installation and Updates](../wiki_devices/steamdeck/ but stop after Step 2 and do not open RetroDECK yet!
#### Step 3: Restore your backed up files
- Copy over the `~/retrodeck` to the new device via any of the chosen methods from step 1.
- Launch RetroDECK on the new device and point towards the `~/retrodeck` location during installation. So if you have moved the `~/retrodeck` to the SD card of the new Steam Deck choose the SD card option during initial install, if you have moved it to the internal storage choose that option or third chose the custom option.
- Keep following the [Steam Deck - Installation and Updates](../wiki_devices/steamdeck/ as normal.
### Move `.var/ files` and `~/retrodeck` (Not Recommended)
This is not recommended, but if you know what you are doing you could try this way.
You will need to reinstall things from configurator like controller profiles, must make sure you are on the same version before you update and if there are any version conflicts within `~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck` things could break.
No first install, just move and play and all custom emulator settings you have made are moved.
#### Step 1: Back up your existing files
You will need to backup two directories: the main `~/retrodeck` folders and a hidden `~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck` folder.
- First put the Steam Deck into Desktop Mode `Steam button` > `Power` > `Switch to Desktop`.
- Main `retrodeck` folder
- Open the Dolphin File Manager (the folder icon in the taskbar).
- Navigate to where you installed `~/retrodeck` (this folder should contain sub-folders such as `bios`, `roms`, and `saves`).
- Copy the whole folder `~/retrodeck` to a device used for transfer such as a thumb drive, microSD Card, NAS, SFTP and get the files to the new Steam Deck. Or use a transfer software like warpinator to send the folder to the new Steam Deck via network.
- Put the copy in the same location as the old Steam Deck.
- Hidden `net.retrodeck.retrodeck` folder
- Return to `home`
- Find the "hamburger" menu button (three horizontal lines in the top-right). Open the menu and select `Show Hidden Files`. If on a keyboard, you can type `Ctrl+H`.
- Navigate to `home/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck/` and copy the whole folder it to device used for transfer such as a thumb drive, microSD Card, NAS, SFTP and get the files to the new Steam Deck. Or use a transfer software like warpinator to send the folder to the new Steam Deck via network.
#### Step 2: Install RetroDECK on your new Steam Deck
- Follow steps 1 and 2 of the installation guide over at: [Steam Deck - Installation and Updates](../wiki_devices/steamdeck/ but stop after Step 2 and do not open RetroDECK yet!
#### Step 3: Restore your backed up files
- Move the copy of `~/retrodeck` to the same location as the old Steam Deck.
- Move the copy of `~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck` to `~/.var/app/net.retrodeck.retrodeck` on the new device.
- In both cases, you can safely overwrite all existing files.
- You can now just launch RetroDECK if all have gone well directly from gamemode, without needing to do the initial setup.
- Don't forget to install the official controller profile in the configurator!
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# Getting started
This is a guide on how to get started with RetroDECK
## Step 0: Prerequisites
### What do I need?
You need to meet the following prerequisites before you start following this guide:
* You need to have a device to install RetroDECK on.
* Have related BIOS & Firmware ready
* Have game backups of various formats ready that you want to play
## Step 1: Installation & Configuration
Only install RetroDECK from the official channels via Flathub!
### Steam Deck - Installation<br>
Read and follow the following guide
[Steam Deck - Installation and Updates](../wiki_devices/steamdeck/
### Linux Desktop - Installation<br>
Read and follow the:
[Linux Desktop - Installation and Updates](../wiki_devices/linux_desktop/
### Other SteamOS / Linux gaming devices - Installation<br>
(more information later)
## Step 2: BIOS & Firmware
**NOTE:** On the Steam Deck this step needs to be done in Desktop Mode
### Information
Read up on [Manage your BIOS/Firmware](../wiki_howto_faq/
* The BIOS & Firmware files go into the `~/retrodeck/bios/` directory <br>
You have a BIOS for the PSX called `exampleBIOSPSX.bin`, you just put that file into the `~/retrodeck/bios/` folder.
## Step 3: ROMs
**NOTE:** On the Steam Deck this step needs to be done in Desktop Mode
### On ROMs
Rom files needs to be put in their corresponding system directory inside the `roms` folder.<br>
Note that the `roms` folder location can be different depending on where you choose to put it during the installation process. The following options are available during the installation:
#### **Choice: Internal**<br>
If during the installation of RetroDECK you choose the Internal option for the roms folder:<br>
The roms folder is:`~/retrodeck/roms/`
#### **Choice: SDCard**<br>
If during the installation of RetroDECK you choose the SDCard option for the roms folder:<br>
The roms folder is: `<sdcard>/retrodeck/roms/`<br>
(Please note that the `<sdcard>` is an example and not called so inside your Linux/SteamOS system but rather your unique per SDCard ID number).<br>
#### **Choice: Custom**<br>
If during the installation of RetroDECK you choose the Custom option for the roms folder:<br>
The roms folder where ever you choose.
### Let's get started on ROMs:
Read up on [ES-DE Folders and Files](../wiki_emulationStation_de/ to see what folder each system has or read the readme file in each systems folder under `~/retrodeck/roms/`
* Put the corresponding roms inside the corresponding system folder
You have an example NES game called `ExampleNESGame.nes` <br>
You have to put that game into the `/retrodeck/roms/nes` folder.
## Step 4: Playing the Games
### Steam Deck - Gamemode
Return to gamemode on the Steam Deck and start up RetroDECK. Now the systems you put rom files for should be shown and be able to be played.
The NES column should now be shown with our `ExampleNESGame.nes` from `Step 3`
### Linux Desktop
Start up RetroDECK from Steam. Now the systems you put rom files for should be shown and be able to be played.
The NES column should now be shown with our `ExampleNESGame.nes` from `Step 3`
## Step 5: Making the games "pretty" with videos, images and art.
Do the following:
1. Make an account on [Screenscraper](
2. Read up on scraping and the various settings that exist for it in the [ES-DE User Guide](../wiki_emulationStation_de/
3. Login to your screenscraper account inside RetroDECK.
4. Setup the scraping how you want it.
5. Start scraping.
6. Look at your nice pretty games.
## Step 6: EmulationStation-DE Themes
You can download more themes for ES-DE's frontend with the built in theme downloader you can find it in:
`UI Settings > Theme Downloader`
Switch between them and in:
`UI Settings > Theme Set`
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 186 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 186 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 186 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 186 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 201 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 199 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 202 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 202 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 197 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 195 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 198 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 194 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 186 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 197 B |