Verified working patch engine!

This commit is contained in:
icenine451 2022-11-07 14:57:06 -05:00
parent 5ec8301336
commit 65e4e5bf34
2 changed files with 212 additions and 334 deletions

View file

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
Device = XInput2/0/Virtual core pointer
Keys/HOME = Home
Keys/END = End
Keys/PGUP = Prior
Keys/PGDN = Next
Keys/SCR LK = Scroll_Lock
Keys/A = A
Keys/B = B
Keys/C = C
Keys/D = D
Keys/E = E
Keys/F = F
Keys/G = G
Keys/H = H
Keys/I = I
Keys/J = J
Keys/K = K
Keys/L = L
Keys/M = M
Keys/N = N
Keys/O = O
Keys/P = P
Keys/Q = Q
Keys/R = R
Keys/S = S
Keys/T = T
Keys/U = U
Keys/V = V
Keys/W = W
Keys/X = X
Keys/Y = Y
Keys/Z = Z
Keys/1 = `1`
Keys/2 = `2`
Keys/3 = `3`
Keys/4 = `4`
Keys/5 = `5`
Keys/6 = `6`
Keys/7 = `7`
Keys/8 = `8`
Keys/9 = `9`
Keys/0 = `0`
Keys/- = minus
Keys/` = grave
Keys/PRT SC = Print
Keys/' = apostrophe
Keys/[ = bracketleft
Keys/EQUALS = equal
Keys/* = KP_Multiply
Keys/] = bracketright
Keys/, = comma
Keys/. = period
Keys// = slash
Keys/\ = backslash
Keys/F1 = F1
Keys/F2 = F2
Keys/F3 = F3
Keys/F4 = F4
Keys/F5 = F5
Keys/F6 = F6
Keys/F7 = F7
Keys/F8 = F8
Keys/F9 = F9
Keys/F10 = F10
Keys/F11 = F11
Keys/F12 = F12
Keys/ESC = Escape
Keys/INSERT = Insert
Keys/DELETE = Delete
Keys/; = semicolon
Keys/BACKSPACE = BackSpace
Keys/TAB = Tab
Keys/CAPS LOCK = Caps_Lock
Keys/L SHIFT = Shift_L
Keys/R SHIFT = Shift_R
Keys/L CTRL = Control_L
Keys/R ALT = Alt_R
Keys/L WIN = Super_L
Keys/SPACE = space
Keys/R WIN = Super_R
Keys/MENU = Menu
Keys/LEFT = Left
Keys/DOWN = Down
Keys/UP = Up
Keys/RIGHT = Right
Keys/ENTER = Return
Device = XInput2/0/Virtual core pointer
Device = XInput2/0/Virtual core pointer
Device = XInput2/0/Virtual core pointer

View file

@ -81,59 +81,24 @@ move() {
set_setting_value() { set_setting_value() {
# Function for editing settings # Function for editing settings
# USAGE: set_setting_value $setting_file $setting_name $new_setting_value $system (needed as different systems use different config file syntax) # USAGE: set_setting_value $setting_file "$setting_name" "$new_setting_value" $system $section_name(optional)
# NOTES: RPCS3 has special conditions, see comments below
local setting_name_to_change=$(sed -e 's^\\^\\\\^g;s^`^\\`^g' <<< "$2")
local setting_value_to_change=$(sed -e 's^\\^\\\\^g;s^`^\\`^g' <<< "$3")
local current_section_name=$(sed -e 's/%/\\%/g' <<< "$5")
case $4 in case $4 in
"retrodeck" )
sed -i "s%$2=.*%$2=$3%" $1
"retroarch" )
sed -i "s%$2 = \".*\"%$2 = \"$3\"%" $1
"dolphin" )
sed -i "s%$2 = .*%$2 = $3%" $1
"duckstation" )
sed -i "s%$2 = .*%$2 = $3%" $1
"pcsx2" )
sed -i "s%$2 = .*%$2 = $3%" $1
"ppsspp" )
sed -i "s%$2 = .*%$2 = $3%" $1
"rpcs3" ) # This does not currently work for settings with a $ in them
sed -i "s%$2: .*%$2: $3%" $1
"yuzu" )
yuzu_setting=$(sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g' <<< "$2") # Acommodate backslashes in setting name
sed -i "s%$yuzu_setting=.*%$yuzu_setting=$3%" $1
"citra" )
citra_setting=$(sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g' <<< "$2") # Acommodate backslashes in setting name
sed -i "s%$citra_setting=.*%$citra_setting=$3%" $1
"melonds" )
sed -i "s%$2=.*%$2=$3%" $1
"xemu" )
sed -i "s%$2 = .*%$2 = $3%" $1
"emulationstation" ) "emulationstation" )
sed -i "s%$2\" \" value=\".*\"%$2\" \" value=\"$3\"" $1 sed -i "s%$setting_name_to_change\" \" value=\".*\"%$setting_name_to_change\" \" value=\"$setting_value_to_change\"" $1
* )
if [[ -z $current_section_name ]]; then
sed -i -E 's^\b'"$setting_name_to_change"'(\s?[=:]\s?).*^'"$setting_name_to_change"'\1'"$setting_value_to_change"'^' $1
sed -i -E '\^\['"$current_section_name"'\]^,\^\b'"$setting_name_to_change"'.*^s^\b'"$setting_name_to_change"'(\s?[=:]\s?).*^'"$setting_name_to_change"'\1'"$setting_value_to_change"'^' $1
;; ;;
esac esac
@ -141,230 +106,104 @@ set_setting_value() {
get_setting_name() { get_setting_name() {
# Function for getting the setting name from a full setting line from a config file # Function for getting the setting name from a full setting line from a config file
# USAGE: get_setting_name $current_setting_line $current_system (needed as different systems use different config file syntax) # USAGE: get_setting_name "$current_setting_line" $system
local current_setting_line="$1"
case $2 in case $2 in
"retrodeck" )
echo "$1" | grep -o -P ".*(?=\=)"
"retroarch" )
echo "$1" | grep -o -P ".*(?= \= )"
"dolphin" ) # Use quotes when passing setting_name, as this config file contains special characters
echo "$1" | grep -o -P ".*(?= \= )"
"duckstation" )
echo "$1" | grep -o -P ".*(?= \= )"
"pcsx2" )
echo "$1" | grep -o -P ".*(?= \= )"
"ppsspp" ) # Use quotes when passing setting_name, as this config file contains spaces
echo "$1" | grep -o -P ".*(?= \= )"
"rpcs3" ) # Use quotes when passing setting_name, as this config file contains special characters and spaces
echo "$1" | grep -o -P ".*(?=:)"
"yuzu" ) # Use quotes when passing setting_name, as this config file contains special characters
yuzu_setting_name=$(sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g' <<< "$1") # Accomodate for backslashes in setting names
echo "$yuzu_setting_name" | grep -o -P ".*(?=\=)" | sed -e 's%\\\\%\\%g'
"citra" ) # Use quotes when passing setting_name, as this config file contains special characters
citra_setting_name=$(sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g' <<< "$1") # Accomodate for backslashes in setting names
echo "$citra_setting_name" | grep -o -P ".*(?=\=)" | sed -e 's%\\\\%\\%g'
"melonds" )
echo "$1" | grep -o -P ".*(?=\=)"
"xemu" )
echo "$1" | grep -o -P ".*(?= \= )"
"emulationstation" ) "emulationstation" )
echo '$1' | grep -o -P "(?<=name\=\").*(?=\" value)" echo "$current_setting_line" | grep -o -P "(?<=name\=\").*(?=\" value)"
;; ;;
esac "rpcs3" )
#echo "$current_setting_line" | grep -o -P "^\s*?.*?(?=\s?:\s?)" | sed -e 's%\\\\%\\%g' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
echo "$current_setting_line" | grep -o -P "^\s*?.*?(?=\s?:\s?)" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s^\\ ^ ^g'
* )
echo "$current_setting_line" | grep -o -P "^\s*?.*?(?=\s?=\s?)" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s^\\ ^ ^g;s^\\$^^'
} }
get_setting_value() { get_setting_value() {
# Function for getting the current value of a setting from a config file # Function for getting the current value of a setting from a config file
# USAGE: get_setting_value $setting_file $setting_name $system (needed as different systems use different config file syntax) # USAGE: get_setting_value $setting_file "$setting_name" $system $section (optional)
case $3 in local current_setting_name="$2"
local current_section_name="$4"
"retrodeck" ) case $3 in
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$2=).*" $1)
"retroarch" )
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$2 = \").*(?=\")" $1)
"dolphin" ) # Use quotes when passing setting_name, as this config file contains special characters
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$2 = ).*" $1)
"duckstation" )
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$2 = ).*" $1)
"pcsx2" )
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$2 = ).*" $1)
"ppsspp" ) # Use quotes when passing setting_name, as this config file contains spaces
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$2 = ).*" $1)
"rpcs3" ) # Use quotes when passing setting_name, as this config file contains special characters and spaces
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$2: ).*" $1)
"yuzu" ) # Use quotes when passing setting_name, as this config file contains special characters
yuzu_setting_value=$(sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g' <<< "$2") # Accomodate for backslashes in setting names
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$yuzu_setting_value=).*" $1)
"citra" ) # Use quotes when passing setting_name, as this config file contains special characters
citra_setting_value=$(sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g' <<< "$2") # Accomodate for backslashes in setting names
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$citra_setting_value=).*" $1)
"melonds" )
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$2=).*" $1)
"xemu" )
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$2 = ).*" $1)
"emulationstation" ) "emulationstation" )
echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$2\" value=\").*(?=\")" $1) echo $(grep -o -P "(?<=^$current_setting_name\" value=\").*(?=\")" $1)
;; ;;
esac rpcs3 )
if [[ -z $current_section_name ]]; then
sed -n -E 's^\s*\b'"$current_setting_name"'\s?:\s?(.*)^\1^p' $1
sed -n -E '\^\['"$current_section_name"'\]^,\^'"$current_setting_name"'^{ \^\['"$current_section_name"'\]^! { \^\b'"$current_setting_name"'^ p } }' $1 | sed -n -E 's^\s*\b.*\s?:\s?(.*)$^\1^p'
* )
if [[ -z $current_section_name ]]; then
sed -n -E 's^\s*\b'"$current_setting_name"'\s?=\s?(.*)^\1^p' $1
sed -n -E '\^\['"$current_section_name"'\]^,\^\b'"$current_setting_name"'^{ \^\['"$current_section_name"'\]^! { \^\b'"$current_setting_name"'^ p } }' $1 | sed -n -E 's^\s*\b.*\s?=\s?(.*)^\1^p'
add_setting() {
# This function will add a setting line to a file. This is useful for dynamically generated config files where a setting line may not exist until the setting is changed from the default.
echo "WIP"
} }
disable_setting() { disable_setting() {
# This function will add a '#' to the beginning of a defined setting line, disabling it. # This function will add a '#' to the beginning of a defined setting line, disabling it.
# USAGE: disable_setting $setting_file $setting_name $system # USAGE: disable_setting $setting_file $setting_line $system $section (optional)
local current_setting_line"$2"
local current_section_name="$4"
case $3 in case $3 in
"retrodeck" ) * )
sed -i "s%^$2=%#$2=%" $1 if [[ -z $current_section_name ]]; then
;; sed -i -E 's^(\s*?)'"$current_setting_line"'^\1#'"$current_setting_line"'^' $1
sed -i -E '\^\['"$current_section_name"'\]^,\^\s*?'"$current_setting_line"'^s^(\s*?)'"$current_setting_line"'^\1#'"$current_setting_line"'^' $1
"retroarch" ) esac
sed -i "s%^$2 = %#$2 = %" $1
"dolphin" )
sed -i "s%^$2 = %#$2 = %" $1
"duckstation" )
sed -i "s%^$2 = %#$2 = %" $1
"pcsx2" )
sed -i "s%^$2 = %#$2 = %" $1
"ppsspp" )
sed -i "s%^$2 = %#$2 = %" $1
"rpcs3" ) # This does not currently work for settings with a $ in them
sed -i "s%^$2: %#$2: %" $1
"yuzu" )
yuzu_setting=$(sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g' <<< "$2") # Acommodate backslashes in setting name
sed -i "s%^$yuzu_setting=%#$yuzu_setting=%" $1
"citra" )
citra_setting=$(sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g' <<< "$2") # Acommodate backslashes in setting name
sed -i "s%^$citra_setting=%#$citra_setting=%" $1
"melonds" )
sed -i "s%^$2=%#$2=%" $1
"xemu" )
sed -i "s%^$2 = %#$2 = %" $1
} }
enable_setting() { enable_setting() {
# This function will remove a '#' to the beginning of a defined setting line, enabling it. # This function will remove a '#' to the beginning of a defined setting line, enabling it.
# USAGE: enable_setting $setting_file $setting_name $system # USAGE: enable_setting $setting_file $setting_line $system $section (optional)
local current_setting_line"$2"
local current_section_name="$4"
case $3 in case $3 in
"retrodeck" ) * )
sed -i "s%^#$2=%$2=%" $1 if [[ -z $current_section_name ]]; then
;; sed -i -E 's^(\s*?)#'"$current_setting_line"'^\1'"$current_setting_line"'^' $1
sed -i -E '\^\['"$current_section_name"'\]^,\^\s*?#'"$current_setting_line"'^s^(\s*?)#'"$current_setting_line"'^\1'"$current_setting_line"'^' $1
"retroarch" ) esac
sed -i "s%^#$2 = %$2 = %" $1
"dolphin" )
sed -i "s%^#$2 = %$2 = %" $1
"duckstation" )
sed -i "s%^#$2 = %$2 = %" $1
"pcsx2" )
sed -i "s%^#$2 = %$2 = %" $1
"ppsspp" )
sed -i "s%^#$2 = %$2 = %" $1
"rpcs3" ) # This does not currently work for settings with a $ in them
sed -i "s%^#$2: %$2: %" $1
"yuzu" )
yuzu_setting=$(sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g' <<< "$2") # Acommodate backslashes in setting name
sed -i "s%^#$yuzu_setting=%$yuzu_setting=%" $1
"citra" )
citra_setting=$(sed -e 's%\\%\\\\%g' <<< "$2") # Acommodate backslashes in setting name
sed -i "s%^#$citra_setting=%$citra_setting=%" $1
"melonds" )
sed -i "s%^#$2=%$2=%" $1
"xemu" )
sed -i "s%^#$2 = %$2 = %" $1
} }
disable_file() { disable_file() {
@ -383,6 +222,138 @@ enable_file() {
mv $(realpath $1.disabled) $(realpath $(echo $1 | sed -e 's/\.disabled//')) mv $(realpath $1.disabled) $(realpath $(echo $1 | sed -e 's/\.disabled//'))
} }
generate_patch () {
# generate_patch $original_file $modified_file $patch_file $system
rm $3 # Remove old patch file (maybe change this to create a backup instead?)
while read -r current_setting_line; # Look for changes from the original file to the modified one
printf -v escaped_setting_line '%q' "$current_setting_line" # Take care of special characters before they mess with future commands
if [[ (! -z $current_setting_line) && (! $current_setting_line == "#!/bin/bash") ]]; then # Ignore empty or Bash start lines
if [[ $current_setting_line =~ ^\[.*\] ]]; then # Capture section header lines
current_section=$(sed 's^[][]^^g' <<< $current_setting_line) # Remove brackets from section name
elif [[ (! -z $current_section) ]]; then # If line is in a section...
if [[ ! -z $(grep -o -P "^\s*?#.*?$" <<< "$current_setting_line") ]]; then # Check for disabled lines
if [[ -z $(sed -n -E '\^\['"$current_section"'\]^,\^\s*?'"$(sed -E 's/^[ \t]*//;' <<< "$escaped_setting_line")"'^{ \^\['"$current_section"'\]^! { \^\s*?'"$(sed -E 's/^[ \t]*//' <<< "$escaped_setting_line")"'^ p } }' $2) ]]; then # If disabled line is not disabled in new file...
echo $action"^"$current_section"^"$(sed -n -E 's^\s*?#(.*?)$^\1^p' <<< $(sed -E 's/^[ \t]*//' <<< "$current_setting_line")) >> $3
elif [[ ! -z $(sed -n -E '\^\['"$current_section"'\]^,\^\s*?#'"$(sed -E 's/^[ \t]*//' <<< "$escaped_setting_line")"'^{ \^\['"$current_section"'\]^! { \^\s*?#'"$(sed -E 's/^[ \t]*//;' <<< "$escaped_setting_line")"'^ p } }' $2) ]]; then # Check if line is disabled in new file
echo $action"^"$current_section"^"$current_setting_line >> $3
else # Look for setting value differences
current_setting_name=$(get_setting_name "$escaped_setting_line" $4)
if [[ (-z $(sed -n -E '\^\['"$current_section"'\]^,\^\b'"$current_setting_name"'.*^{ \^\['"$current_section"'\]^! { \^\b'"$(sed -E 's/^[ \t]*//;' <<< "$escaped_setting_line")"'$^ p } }' $2)) ]]; then # If the same setting line is not found in the same section of the modified file...
if [[ ! -z $(sed -n -E '\^\['"$current_section"'\]^,\^\b'"$current_setting_name"'^{ \^\['"$current_section"'\]^! { \^\b'"$current_setting_name"'^ p } }' $2) ]]; then # But the setting exists in that section, only with a different value...
new_setting_value=$(get_setting_value $2 "$current_setting_name" $4 $current_section)
echo $action"^"$current_section"^"$(sed -e 's%\\\\%\\%g' <<< "$current_setting_name")"^"$new_setting_value"^"$4 >> $3
elif [[ (-z $current_section) ]]; then # If line is not in a section...
if [[ ! -z $(grep -o -P "^\s*?#.*?$" <<< "$current_setting_line") ]]; then # Check for disabled lines
if [[ -z $(grep -o -P "^\s*?$current_setting_line$" $2) ]]; then # If disabled line is not disabled in new file...
echo $action"^"$current_section"^"$(sed -n -E 's^\s*?#(.*?)$^\1^p' <<< "$current_setting_line") >> $3
elif [[ ! -z $(sed -n -E '\^\s*?#'"$(sed -E 's/^[ \t]*//' <<< "$escaped_setting_line")"'$^p' $2) ]]; then # Check if line is disabled in new file
echo $action"^"$current_section"^"$current_setting_line >> $3
else # Look for setting value differences
if [[ (-z $(sed -n -E '\^\s*?\b'"$(sed -E 's/^[ \t]*//' <<< "$escaped_setting_line")"'$^p' $2)) ]]; then # If the same setting line is not found in the modified file...
current_setting_name=$(get_setting_name "$escaped_setting_line" "$4")
if [[ ! -z $(sed -n -E '\^\s*?\b'"$current_setting_name"'\s*?[:=]^p' $2) ]]; then # But the setting exists, only with a different value...
new_setting_value=$(get_setting_value $2 "$current_setting_name" $4)
echo $action"^"$current_section"^"$(sed -e 's%\\\\%\\%g' <<< "$current_setting_name")"^"$new_setting_value"^"$4 >> $3
done < $1
# Reset the variables for reuse
while read -r current_setting_line; # Look for new lines (from dynamically generated config files) in modified file compared to original
printf -v escaped_setting_line '%q' "$current_setting_line" # Take care of special characters before they mess with future commands
if [[ (! -z $current_setting_line) && (! $current_setting_line == "#!/bin/bash") ]]; then # Ignore empty or Bash start lines
if [[ $current_setting_line =~ ^\[.*\] ]]; then # Capture section header lines
current_section=$(sed 's^[][]^^g' <<< $current_setting_line) # Remove brackets from section name
elif [[ (! -z $current_section) ]]; then
current_setting_name=$(get_setting_name "$escaped_setting_line" "$4")
if [[ -z $(sed -n -E '\^\['"$current_section"'\]^,\^\b'"$current_setting_name"'.*^{ \^\['"$current_section"'\]^! { \^\b'"$current_setting_name"'^p } }' $1 ) ]]; then # If setting name is not found in this section of the original file...
echo $action"^"$current_section"^"$current_setting_line"^^"$4 >> $3
elif [[ (-z $current_section) ]]; then
current_setting_name=$(get_setting_name "$escaped_setting_line" "$4")
if [[ -z $(sed -n -E '\^\s*?\b'"$current_setting_name"'\s*?[:=]^p' $1) ]]; then # If setting name is not found in the original file...
echo $action"^"$current_section"^"$current_setting_line"^^"$4 >> $3
done < $2
deploy_patch () {
# This function will take an "original" file and a patch file and generate a ready to use modified file
# USAGE: deploy_patch $original_file $patch_file $output_file
cp -fv $1 $3 # Create a copy of the original file to be patched
while IFS="^" read -r action current_section setting_name setting_value system_name
case $action in
"disable_file" )
disable_file $setting_name
"enable_file" )
enable_file $setting_name
"add_setting" )
add_setting $3 "$setting_name" $system_name $current_section
"disable_setting" )
disable_setting $3 "$setting_name" $system_name $current_section
"enable_setting" )
enable_setting $3 "$setting_name" $system_name $current_section
"change" )
set_setting_value $3 "$setting_name" "$setting_value" $system_name $current_section
* )
echo "Config file malformed"
done < $2
conf_write() { conf_write() {
# writes the variables in the retrodeck config file # writes the variables in the retrodeck config file