diff --git a/global.sh b/global.sh
index b67d81f8..9355d61a 100755
--- a/global.sh
+++ b/global.sh
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ then
   echo "themes_folder=$themes_folder"         >> $rd_conf
   echo "sdcard=$sdcard"                       >> $rd_conf
+  echo "Setting config file permissions"
+  chmod +rwx $rd_conf
 # If the config file is existing i just read the variables (source it)
   echo "Found RetroDECK config file in $rd_conf"
diff --git a/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml b/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
index dad7b2ec..17a92647 100644
--- a/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
+++ b/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml
@@ -1386,20 +1386,23 @@ modules:
     buildsystem: simple
-        # Prep the ES-DE and RetroArch config files - I will have to SED/XMLSTARLET them soon
+      # Initializing retrodeck config folder
+      - mkdir -p /var/config/retrodeck
+      # Prep the ES-DE and RetroArch config files - I will have to SED/XMLSTARLET them soon
       - rm -rf /app/share/emulationstation/resources/systems/unix/es_find_rules.xml
       - cp es-configs/es_find_rules.xml /app/share/emulationstation/resources/systems/unix/
       - rm -rf /app/share/emulationstation/resources/systems/unix/es_systems.xml
       - cp es-configs/es_systems.xml /app/share/emulationstation/resources/systems/unix/
-        # These must be put in home folder, managed by retrodeck.sh
+      # These must be put in home folder, managed by retrodeck.sh
       - cp es-configs/es_settings.xml ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/es_settings.xml
-        # Logo, res
+      # Logo, res
       - rm -f /app/share/emulationstation/resources/graphics/splash.svg
       - cp res/splash.svg /app/share/emulationstation/resources/graphics/splash.svg
       - cp res/icon.svg /app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg
-        # Tools
+      # Tools
       - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/tools/
       - cp tools/* ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/tools/
       - mv -f es-configs/tools-gamelist.xml ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/
@@ -1410,18 +1413,18 @@ modules:
       - cp global.sh /app/bin/global.sh
       - chmod +x /app/bin/global.sh
-        # Desktop entry
+      # Desktop entry
       - cp net.retrodeck.retrodeck.desktop /app/share/applications/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.desktop
-        # TODO: group the configs per-emu and optimize the following cps, like already done with Dolphin. Please not that some files may be renamed, check retrodeck.sh to know how (and fix it after the edit)
+      # TODO: group the configs per-emu and optimize the following cps, like already done with Dolphin. Please not that some files may be renamed, check retrodeck.sh to know how (and fix it after the edit)
-        # Initializing default emulator configs
+      # Initializing default emulator configs
       - cp -r emu-configs ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/emu-configs/
-        # Overlays
-        #- cp -r overlays ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/overlays Disabled in 0.4.2b as it will be introduced in 0.5.0b
+      # Overlays
+      #- cp -r overlays ${FLATPAK_DEST}/retrodeck/overlays Disabled in 0.4.2b as it will be introduced in 0.5.0b
-        # Placing appdata
+      # Placing appdata
       - mkdir -p ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/appdata
       - cp net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml ${FLATPAK_DEST}/share/appdata
diff --git a/retrodeck.sh b/retrodeck.sh
index f8907030..ee2cec90 100644
--- a/retrodeck.sh
+++ b/retrodeck.sh
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ standalones_init() {
     cp -fv $emuconfigs/ppssppsdl/* /var/config/ppsspp/PSP/SYSTEM/
     sed -i 's#/home/deck/retrodeck#'$rdhome'#g' /var/config/ppsspp/PSP/SYSTEM/ppsspp.ini
     echo "------------------------"
     echo "Initializing DUCKSTATION"
     echo "------------------------"
@@ -299,40 +299,40 @@ browse(){
-  # function to give advanced install options
-  echo "Advaced choosed"
-  choice=$(zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \
-    --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" \
-    --ok-label "ROMs" \
-    --extra-button "Media" \
-    --extra-button "Themes" \
-    --extra-button "Back" \
-    --text="What do you want to change?\n\nROMS folder = $roms_folder\nMedia folder (scraped data) = $media_folder\nThemes folder=$themes_folder" )
-    echo "Choice is $choice"
-    case $choice in
-    "" ) # Internal (yes)
-      echo "ROMs"
-      ;;
-    "Media" )
-      echo "Media"
-      ;;
-    "Themes" )
-      echo "Themes"
-      ;;
-    "Back" ) # Browse + not found fallback
-      echo "Back"
-      finit
-      ;;
-    esac
+#  # function to give advanced install options
+#  echo "Advaced choosed"
+#  choice=$(zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \
+#    --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" \
+#    --ok-label "ROMs" \
+#    --extra-button "Media" \
+#    --extra-button "Themes" \
+#    --extra-button "Back" \
+#    --text="What do you want to change?\n\nROMS folder = $roms_folder\nMedia folder (scraped data) = $media_folder\nThemes folder=$themes_folder" )
+#    echo "Choice is $choice"
+#    case $choice in
+#    "" ) # Internal (yes)
+#      echo "ROMs"
+#      ;;
+#    "Media" )
+#      echo "Media"
+#      ;;
+#    "Themes" )
+#      echo "Themes"
+#      ;;
+#    "Back" ) # Browse + not found fallback
+#      echo "Back"
+#      finit
+#      ;;
+#    esac
 finit() {
     # Force/First init, depending on the situation
@@ -342,24 +342,24 @@ finit() {
     # Internal or SD Card?
     choice=$(zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \
     --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" \
-    --ok-label "Internal" \
+    --ok-label "Cancel" \
+    --extra-button "Internal" \
     --extra-button "SD Card" \
-    --extra-button "Advanced" \
-    --extra-button "Cancel" \
+    #--extra-button "Advanced" \
     --text="Welcome to the first configuration of RetroDECK.\nThe setup will be quick but please READ CAREFULLY each message in order to avoid misconfigurations.\n\nWhere do you want your roms folder to be located?" )
     echo "Choice is $choice"
     case $choice in
-    "" ) # Internal (yes)
-      echo "Internal selected"
-      roms_folder="$rdhome/roms"
-      ;;
-    "Cancel" )
+    "" ) # Cancel or X button quits
       echo "Now quitting"
       kill $$
-      ;;
+    ;;
+    "Internal" ) # Internal
+      echo "Internal selected"
+      roms_folder="$rdhome/roms"
+    ;;
     "SD Card" )
       echo "SD Card selected"
@@ -376,16 +376,12 @@ finit() {
         roms_folder="$sdcard/retrodeck/roms"    # sdcard variable is correct as its given by browse function
         echo "ROMs folder = $roms_folder"
-      ;;
+    ;;
-    "Advanced" ) # Browse + not found fallback
-      echo "Advanced"
-      advanced
-      ;;
-    1 ) # X button quits
-      kill $$
-      ;;
+    #"Advanced" ) # Browse + not found fallback
+    #  echo "Advanced"
+    #  advanced
+    #;;