diff --git a/retrodeck.sh b/retrodeck.sh
index 039bbb86..7f9ce114 100644
--- a/retrodeck.sh
+++ b/retrodeck.sh
@@ -223,7 +223,8 @@ finit() {
     mkdir -pv $roms_folder
     # TODO: after the next update of ES-DE this will not be needed
-    zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --text="EmulationStation will now initialize the system.\nPlease DON'T EDIT THE ROMS LOCATION, just select:\n\nCREATE DIRECTORIES\nYES\nOK\nQUIT\n\nRetroDECK will manage the rest."
+    #zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --text="EmulationStation will now initialize the system.\nPlease DON'T EDIT THE ROMS LOCATION, just select:\n\nCREATE DIRECTORIES\nYES\nOK\nQUIT\n\nRetroDECK will manage the rest."
+    zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --text="RetroDECK will now install the needed files.\nPlease wait up to one minute,\nanother message will notify when the process will be finished.\n\nPress OK to continue."
     # Recreating the folder
     rm -rfv /var/config/emulationstation/
@@ -231,12 +232,12 @@ finit() {
     mkdir -pv /var/config/emulationstation/
     # Initializing ES-DE
-    # TODO: after the next update of ES-DE this will not be needed
-    start_retrodeck
+    # TODO: after the next update of ES-DE this will not be needed - let's test it
+    emulationstation --home /var/config/emulationstation --create-system-dirs
     mkdir -pv /var/config/retrodeck/tools/
-    zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --text="RetroDECK will now install the needed files.\nPlease wait up to one minute,\nanother message will notify when the process will be finished.\n\nPress OK to continue."
+    #zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --text="RetroDECK will now install the needed files.\nPlease wait up to one minute,\nanother message will notify when the process will be finished.\n\nPress OK to continue."
     # Initializing ROMs folder - Original in retrodeck home (or SD Card)
     dir_prep $roms_folder "/var/config/emulationstation/ROMs"