diff --git a/automation_tools/automation_task_list.cfg b/automation_tools/automation_task_list.cfg
index 215e3524..f3e3575b 100644
--- a/automation_tools/automation_task_list.cfg
+++ b/automation_tools/automation_task_list.cfg
@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ hash^GYRODSUSHAPLACEHOLDER^https://github.com/kmicki/SteamDeckGyroDSU/releases/l
 hash^RETRODECKMAMEPLACEHOLDER^"https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK-MAME/releases/download/$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/XargonWan/RetroDECK-MAME/releases/latest | grep -oP '"tag_name": "\K(.*?)(?=")')/RetroDECK-MAME-Artifact.tar.gz"
 url^RETRODECKMAMEURLPLACEHOLDER^"https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK-MAME/releases/download/$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/XargonWan/RetroDECK-MAME/releases/latest | grep -oP '"tag_name": "\K(.*?)(?=")')/RetroDECK-MAME-Artifact.tar.gz"
diff --git a/automation_tools/pre_build_automation.sh b/automation_tools/pre_build_automation.sh
index 9c363c96..bcca05c4 100755
--- a/automation_tools/pre_build_automation.sh
+++ b/automation_tools/pre_build_automation.sh
@@ -3,15 +3,21 @@
 # For the file paths to work correctly, call this script with this command from the cloned repo folder root:
 # sh automation_tools/pre_build_automation.sh
 # Different actions need different information in the task list file
+# branch: This changes the placeholder text to the currently-detected GIT branch if an automated build was started from a PR environment.
 # hash: Finds the SHA256 hash of a file online and updates the placeholder in the manifest. 
 #     Needs the URL of the file, in this line format: hash^PLACEHOLDERTEXT^url
 # latestcommit: Finds the most recent commit of a git repo and updated the placeholder in the manifest.
 #     Needs the URL of the repo and the branch to find the latest commit from, in this line format: latestcommit^PLACEHOLDERTEXT^url^branch
-# latestappimage: Finds the download URL and SHA256 hash of the latest AppImage release from a git repo
+# latestappimage: Finds the download URL and SHA256 hash of the latest AppImage release from a git repo.
 #     Needs the API URL of the repo, in this line format: latestappimage^PLACEHOLDERTEXT^https://api.github.com/repos/<owner-name>/<repo-name>/releases/latest
 #     As this command updates two different placeholders (one for the URL, one for the file hash) in the manifest, 
 #     the URL that would be used in the above example is "PLACEHOLDERTEXT" and the hash placeholder text would be "HASHPLACEHOLDERTEXT"
 #     The "HASH" prefix of the placeholder text is hardcoded in the script
+# outside_file: Prints the contents of a file from the build environment (such as the buildid file) and replaces the placeholder text with those contents.
+# outside_env_var: Gets the value of an environmental variable from the build environment (the output of "echo $var" from the terminal) and replaces the placeholder text with that value.
+# custom_command: Runs a single command explicitly as written in the $URL field of the task list, including variable and command expansion. This should work the same as if you were runnig the command directly from the terminal.
+#     This command does not need a PLACEHOLDERTEXT field in the task list, so needs to be in this syntax: custom_command^^$COMMAND
+# url: This is used to calculate a dynamic URL and the value to the $caluculated_url environmental variable, for use in other subsequent commands.
@@ -35,13 +41,17 @@ echo
 while IFS="^" read -r action placeholder url branch
   if [[ ! $action == "#"* ]] && [[ ! -z "$action" ]]; then
-    if [[ "$action" == "branch" ]]; then
+    case "$action" in
+    "branch" )
       echo "Placeholder text: $placeholder"
       echo "Current branch:" "$current_branch"
       /bin/sed -i 's^'"$placeholder"'^'"$current_branch"'^g' $rd_manifest
-    elif [[ "$action" == "hash" ]]; then
+    ;;
+    "hash" )
       echo "Placeholder text: $placeholder"
       calculated_url=$(eval echo "$url")  # in case the url has to be calculated from an expression
@@ -50,7 +60,9 @@ do
       hash=$(curl -sL "$calculated_url" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
       echo "Hash found: $hash"
       /bin/sed -i 's^'"$placeholder"'^'"$hash"'^' $rd_manifest
-    elif [[ "$action" == "latestcommit" ]]; then
+    ;;
+    "latestcommit" )
       echo "Placeholder text: $placeholder"
       echo "Repo to get latest commit from: $url branch: $branch"
@@ -58,7 +70,9 @@ do
       commit=$(git ls-remote "$url" "$branch" | cut -f1)
       echo "Commit found: $commit"
       /bin/sed -i 's^'"$placeholder"'^'"$commit"'^' $rd_manifest
-    elif [[ "$action" == "latestappimage" ]]; then
+    ;;
+    "latestappimage" )
       echo "Placeholder text: $placeholder"
       echo "Repo to look for AppImage releases: $url"
@@ -69,7 +83,9 @@ do
       appimagehash=$(curl -sL "$appimageurl" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
       echo "AppImage hash found: $appimagehash"
       /bin/sed -i 's^'"HASHFOR$placeholder"'^'"$appimagehash"'^' $rd_manifest
-    elif [[ "$action" == "outside_info" ]]; then
+    ;;
+    "outside_file" )
       if [[ "$url" = \$* ]]; then # If value is a reference to a variable name
         eval url="$url"
@@ -78,7 +94,27 @@ do
       echo "Information being injected: $(cat $url)"
       /bin/sed -i 's^'"$placeholder"'^'"$(cat $url)"'^' $rd_manifest
-    elif [[ "$action" == "url" ]]; then
+    ;;
+    "outside_env_var" )
+      if [[ "$url" = \$* ]]; then # If value is a reference to a variable name
+        eval url="$url"
+      fi
+      echo
+      echo "Placeholder text: $placeholder"
+      echo "Information being injected: $(echo $url)"
+      echo
+      /bin/sed -i 's^'"$placeholder"'^'"$(echo $url)"'^' $rd_manifest
+    ;;
+    "custom_command" )
+      echo
+      echo "Command to run: $url"
+      echo
+      eval "$url"
+    ;;
+    "url" )
       # this is used to calculate a dynamic url
       echo "Placeholder text: $placeholder"
@@ -86,6 +122,8 @@ do
       echo "Information being injected: $calculated_url"
       /bin/sed -i 's^'"$placeholder"'^'"$calculated_url"'^' $rd_manifest
-    fi
+    ;;
+    esac
 done < "$automation_task_list"
diff --git a/emu-configs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/compression_targets.cfg b/emu-configs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/compression_targets.cfg
index 382abc1d..b877ffbe 100644
--- a/emu-configs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/compression_targets.cfg
+++ b/emu-configs/defaults/retrodeck/reference_lists/compression_targets.cfg
@@ -29,7 +29,13 @@ gba
diff --git a/es-configs/es_systems.xml b/es-configs/es_systems.xml
index d852a21b..832d37a9 100644
--- a/es-configs/es_systems.xml
+++ b/es-configs/es_systems.xml
@@ -1471,8 +1471,8 @@
         <fullname>Sony PlayStation 3</fullname>
         <extension>.desktop .ps3 .PS3 .ps3dir .PS3DIR</extension>
-        <command label="RPCS3 Directory (Standalone)">%EMULATOR_RPCS3% --no-gui %ROM%</command>
         <command label="RPCS3 Shortcut (Standalone)">%ENABLESHORTCUTS% %EMULATOR_OS-SHELL% %ROM%</command>
+        <command label="RPCS3 Directory (Standalone)">%EMULATOR_RPCS3% --no-gui %ROM%</command>
diff --git a/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml b/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml
index f7f5d484..5be5b6c4 100644
--- a/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml
+++ b/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml
@@ -80,11 +80,12 @@
                <li>Logs folder is now in retrodeck/logs (previously was .logs)</li>
                <li>The post update script is initializing vita3k, mame and boilr when coming from a version ealrier that 0.8.0, this don't work in cooker and must be resetted manually (for boilr reset RetroDECK)</li>
                <li>Added GyroDSU for enabling GyroCapabilities and updated the controller configurations to accomodate it</li>
+               <li>RPCS3 is now running via shortcut (.desktop file) by default - WARN THE USERS TO MIGRATE</li>
                <li>Fixed DUCKSTATION memory card folder</li>
-               <li>Fixed RPCS3 saves folder (wrong symlink)</li>
+               <li>Fixed RPCS3 saves folder (wrong symlink) - WRN THE USERS TO BACKUP</li>
                <li>Fixed issues that prevents Steam Sync to work correctly</li>