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synced 2025-03-06 14:27:48 +00:00
Better handle spaces in paths
Replace eval with declare where possible Handle new SD card locations and non-default names from SteamOS 3.5
This commit is contained in:
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ configurator_move_folder_dialog() {
unlink "$dest_root/$rd_dir_path" # In case there is already a symlink at the picked destination
move "$dir_to_move" "$dest_root/$rd_dir_path"
if [[ -d "$dest_root/$rd_dir_path" ]]; then # If the move succeeded
eval "$rd_dir_name"="$dest_root/$rd_dir_path" # Set the new path for that folder variable in retrodeck.cfg
declare -g "$rd_dir_name=$dest_root/$rd_dir_path" # Set the new path for that folder variable in retrodeck.cfg
if [[ "$rd_dir_name" == "rdhome" ]]; then # If the whole retrodeck folder was moved...
prepare_emulator "postmove" "retrodeck"
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ configurator_move_folder_dialog() {
else # The folder to move was not found at the path pulled from retrodeck.cfg and it needs to be reconfigured manually.
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Move Folder" "The $(basename $dir_to_move) folder was not found at the expected location.\n\nThis may have happened if the folder was moved manually.\n\nPlease select the current location of the folder."
dir_to_move=$(directory_browse "RetroDECK $(basename $dir_to_move) directory location")
eval "$rd_dir_name"="$dir_to_move"
declare -g "$rd_dir_name=$dir_to_move"
prepare_emulator "postmove" "all"
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Move Folder" "RetroDECK $(basename $dir_to_move) folder now configured at\n$dir_to_move."
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ directory_browse() {
while [ $path_selected == false ]
local target="$(zenity --file-selection --title="Choose $1" --directory)"
if [ ! -z $target ] #yes
if [ ! -z "$target" ] #yes
zenity --question --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --title "RetroDECK" --cancel-label="No" --ok-label "Yes" \
--text="Directory $target chosen, is this correct?"
if [ $? == 0 ]
echo $target
echo "$target"
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ conf_read() {
if [[ "$current_section" == "" || "$current_section" == "paths" || "$current_section" == "options" ]]; then
local current_setting_name=$(get_setting_name "$current_setting_line" "retrodeck") # Read the variable name from the current line
local current_setting_value=$(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$current_setting_name" "retrodeck" "$current_section") # Read the variables value from retrodeck.cfg
eval "$current_setting_name=$current_setting_value" # Write the current setting name and value to memory
declare -g "$current_setting_name=$current_setting_value" # Write the current setting name and value to memory
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ finit() {
local finit_dest_choice=$(configurator_destination_choice_dialog "RetroDECK data" "Welcome to the first configuration of RetroDECK.\nThe setup will be quick but please READ CAREFULLY each message in order to avoid misconfigurations.\n\nWhere do you want your RetroDECK data folder to be located?\n\nThis folder will contain all ROMs, BIOSs and scraped data." )
echo "Choice is $finit_dest_choice"
case $finit_dest_choice in
case "$finit_dest_choice" in
"Back" | "" ) # Back or X button quits
rm -f "$rd_conf" # Cleanup unfinished retrodeck.cfg if first install is interrupted
@ -352,8 +352,8 @@ finit() {
"Internal Storage" ) # Internal
echo "Internal selected"
if [[ -L $rdhome ]]; then #Remove old symlink from existing install, if it exists
unlink $rdhome
if [[ -L "$rdhome" ]]; then #Remove old symlink from existing install, if it exists
unlink "$rdhome"
@ -366,9 +366,9 @@ finit() {
--window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \
--title "RetroDECK" \
--ok-label "Browse" \
--text="SD Card was not find in the default location.\nPlease choose the SD Card root.\nA retrodeck folder will be created starting from the directory that you selected."
rdhome=$(finit_browse) # Calling the browse function
if [[ -z $rdhome ]]; then # If user hit the cancel button
--text="SD Card was not found in the default location.\nPlease choose the SD Card root.\nA retrodeck folder will be created starting from the directory that you selected."
rdhome="$(finit_browse)" # Calling the browse function
if [[ -z "$rdhome" ]]; then # If user hit the cancel button
rm -f "$rd_conf" # Cleanup unfinished retrodeck.cfg if first install is interrupted
exit 2
@ -395,8 +395,8 @@ finit() {
--title "RetroDECK" \
--ok-label "Browse" \
--text="Please choose the root folder for the RetroDECK data.\nA retrodeck folder will be created starting from the directory that you selected."
rdhome=$(finit_browse) # Calling the browse function
if [[ -z $rdhome ]]; then # If user hit the cancel button
rdhome="$(finit_browse)" # Calling the browse function
if [[ -z "$rdhome" ]]; then # If user hit the cancel button
rm -f "$rd_conf" # Cleanup unfinished retrodeck.cfg if first install is interrupted
exit 2
@ -126,9 +126,13 @@ if [[ ! -f "$rd_conf" ]]; then
# Check if SD card path has changed from SteamOS update
if [[ ! -d $default_sd && "$(ls -A /run/media/deck/)" ]]; then
if [[ ! -d "$default_sd" && "$(ls -A /run/media/deck/)" ]]; then
if [[ $(find media/deck/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -print | wc -l) -eq 1 ]]; then # If there is only one SD card found in the new Steam OS 3.5 location, assign it as the default
default_sd="$(find media/deck/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -print)"
else # If the default legacy path cannot be found, and there are multiple entries in the new Steam OS 3.5 SD card path, let the user pick which one to use
configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Setup" "The SD card was not found in the expected location.\nThis may happen when SteamOS is updated.\n\nPlease browse to the current location of the SD card.\n\nIf you are not using an SD card, please click \"Cancel\"."
default_sd=$(directory_browse "SD Card Location")
default_sd="$(directory_browse "SD Card Location")"
cp $rd_defaults $rd_conf # Load default settings file
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ set_setting_value() {
sed -i '\^\['"$current_section_name"'\]^,\^\^'"$setting_name_to_change"'=^s^\^'"$setting_name_to_change"'=.*^'"$setting_name_to_change"'='"$setting_value_to_change"'^' "$1"
if [[ "$4" == "retrodeck" && ("$current_section_name" == "" || "$current_section_name" == "paths" || "$current_section_name" == "options") ]]; then # If a RetroDECK setting is being changed, also write it to memory for immediate use
eval "$setting_name_to_change=$setting_value_to_change"
declare -g "$setting_name_to_change=$setting_value_to_change"
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ prepare_emulator() {
local current_setting_name=$(get_setting_name "$config_line" "retrodeck")
if [[ ! $current_setting_name =~ (rdhome|sdcard) ]]; then # Ignore these locations
local current_setting_value=$(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$current_setting_name" "retrodeck" "paths")
eval "$current_setting_name=$rdhome/$(basename $current_setting_value)"
declare -g "$current_setting_name=$rdhome/$(basename $current_setting_value)"
mkdir -p "$rdhome/$(basename $current_setting_value)"
done < <(grep -v '^\s*$' $rd_conf | awk '/^\[paths\]/{f=1;next} /^\[/{f=0} f')
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ prepare_emulator() {
if [[ ! $current_setting_name =~ (rdhome|sdcard) ]]; then # Ignore these locations
local current_setting_value=$(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$current_setting_name" "retrodeck" "paths")
if [[ -d "$rdhome/$(basename $current_setting_value)" ]]; then # If the folder exists at the new ~/retrodeck location
eval "$current_setting_name=$rdhome/$(basename $current_setting_value)"
declare -g "$current_setting_name=$rdhome/$(basename $current_setting_value)"
done < <(grep -v '^\s*$' $rd_conf | awk '/^\[paths\]/{f=1;next} /^\[/{f=0} f')
Reference in a new issue