#!/bin/bash find_empty_rom_folders() { # This function will build an array of all the system subfolders in $roms_folder which are either empty or contain only systeminfo.txt for easy removal if [[ -f "$godot_empty_roms_folders" ]]; then rm -f "$godot_empty_roms_folders" # Godot data transfer temp files fi touch "$godot_empty_roms_folders" empty_rom_folders_list=() all_empty_folders=() # Extract helper file names using jq and populate the all_helper_files array all_helper_files=($(jq -r '.helper_files | to_entries | .[] | .value.filename' "$features")) for system in $(find "$roms_folder" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%f\n') do local dir="$roms_folder/$system" local files=$(ls -A1 "$dir") local count=$(ls -A "$dir" | wc -l) if [[ $count -eq 0 ]]; then # Directory is empty empty_rom_folders_list=("${empty_rom_folders_list[@]}" "false" "$(realpath $dir)") all_empty_folders=("${all_empty_folders[@]}" "$(realpath $dir)") echo "$(realpath $dir)" >> "$godot_empty_roms_folders" # Godot data transfer temp file elif [[ $count -eq 1 ]] && [[ "$(basename "${files[0]}")" == "systeminfo.txt" ]]; then # Directory contains only systeminfo.txt empty_rom_folders_list=("${empty_rom_folders_list[@]}" "false" "$(realpath $dir)") all_empty_folders=("${all_empty_folders[@]}" "$(realpath $dir)") echo "$(realpath $dir)" >> "$godot_empty_roms_folders" # Godot data transfer temp file elif [[ $count -eq 2 ]] && [[ "$files" =~ "systeminfo.txt" ]]; then contains_helper_file="false" for helper_file in "${all_helper_files[@]}" # Compare helper file list to dir file list do if [[ "$files" =~ "$helper_file" ]]; then contains_helper_file="true" # Helper file was found break fi done if [[ "$contains_helper_file" == "true" ]]; then # Directory contains only systeminfo.txt and a helper file empty_rom_folders_list=("${empty_rom_folders_list[@]}" "false" "$(realpath $dir)") all_empty_folders=("${all_empty_folders[@]}" "$(realpath $dir)") echo "$(realpath $dir)" >> "$godot_empty_roms_folders" # Godot data transfer temp file fi fi done } configurator_check_multifile_game_structure() { local folder_games=($(find $roms_folder -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d ! -name "*.m3u" ! -name "*.ps3")) if [[ ${#folder_games[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then echo "$(find $roms_folder -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d ! -name "*.m3u" ! -name "*.ps3")" > $logs_folder/multi_file_games_"$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%I_%M_%p").log" rd_zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator - Verify Multi-file Structure" \ --text="The following games were found to have the incorrect folder structure:\n\n$(find $roms_folder -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d ! -name "*.m3u" ! -name "*.ps3")\n\nIncorrect folder structure can result in failure to launch games or saves being in the incorrect location.\n\nPlease see the RetroDECK wiki for more details!\n\nYou can find this list of games in ~/retrodeck/logs" else configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK Configurator - Verify Multi-file Structure" "No incorrect multi-file game folder structures found." fi configurator_welcome_dialog }