# EmulationStation Desktop Edition: Themes

This section in the ES-DE User guide tells you how to use themes.<br>
[Theme settings](https://gitlab.com/es-de/emulationstation-de/-/blob/master/USERGUIDE.md#themes)

What follows is a short summery.

## How to switch between themes?
Go into `Main Menu` - `UI Settings` - `Theme Set` to select the theme you want to use.

## ES-DE Theme List
Look over at the [Theme List](https://gitlab.com/es-de/themes/themes-list) and find themes you like.

## How do I add additional themes?

RetroDECK uses [ES-DE](https://www.es-de.org) for its interface so any theme that is compatible with ES-DE can also be used with RetroDECK

### From the Theme Downloader

Go into `Main Menu` - `UI Settings` - `Theme Downloader` from there you can download a wide array of themes.

### From the Internet
If you find a theme you would like to use that is not in the `Theme Downloader` please download it and place it in `~/retrodeck/themes` (make sure the theme has its own folder in that directory).

## FAQs: Frequently asked questions on Themes

["Why does the theme I am using not work?" or "Why does the layout look broken?" (black screen with blue text)](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/wiki/FAQs:-Frequently-asked-questions#why-does-the-theme-i-am-using-not-work-or-why-does-the-layout-look-broken-black-screen-with-blue-text)

[Why does the theme layout look squished?](https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/wiki/FAQs:-Frequently-asked-questions#why-does-the-theme-layout-look-squished)

# RetroDECK: Included Theme

## Art Book Next

| System View | Gamelist View |
| ![rd-theme-ArtBookNext-SystemView](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1454947/193457029-9a7a1207-fe05-4cd1-8b18-eb4112e903e9.jpeg)| ![rd-theme-ArtBookNext-GamelistView](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1454947/193457123-505ccd23-6477-43d8-baaa-1360ed3c250e.jpeg) |

**Description:** <br>
Art Book Next is a theme that tries to emulate the feeling of flipping trough your game library as if they where pages of a coffee table book.

Source: [Art Book Next on Github](https://github.com/anthonycaccese/art-book-next-retropie)<br>
Created by: [anthonycaccese](https://github.com/anthonycaccese)