name: "Build RetroDECK" on: push: branches: - main - cooker* - feat* - branch/cooker* paths: - '.github/workflows/**' - 'automation_tools/**' - 'config/**' - 'functions/**' - 'rd-submodules/**' - '*.sh' - 'net.retrodeck.retrodeck.yml' - 'net.retrodeck.retrodeck.appdata.xml' pull_request: branches: - main - cooker* workflow_dispatch: permissions: contents: write jobs: # Generate Rekku Token Job Generate-Rekku-Token: uses: RetroDECK/components-template/.github/workflows/generate_rekku_token.yml@main # Build RetroDECK Job Build_RetroDECK: runs-on: retrodeck-server needs: Generate-Rekku-Token outputs: tag: ${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.tag }} release_body: ${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.release_body }} env: REKKU_TOKEN: ${{ needs.Generate-Rekku-Token.outputs.rekku_token }} steps: # Remove Stuck Mounts - name: Remove stuck mounts run: | sudo umount -f /home/ubuntu/actions-runner/_work/RetroDECK/RetroDECK/.flatpak-builder/rofiles/* sudo umount -f $HOME/actions-run/_work/RetroDECK/RetroDECK/.flatpak-builder/rofiles/* continue-on-error: true # Clone Repository - name: Clone RetroDECK repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: 'true' # Install Dependencies - name: Install dependencies run: curl "" | bash # Generate Build ID for Cooker Branches - name: Generate cooker build ID if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/main' run: "/bin/bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/automation_tools/" # Get Branch Name - name: Get branch name id: get-branch-name run: | branch_name=$(echo $GITHUB_REF | sed 's|refs/heads/||') echo "BRANCH_NAME=$branch_name" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Generate Version Tag - name: Generate version tag id: set-outputs run: | source automation_tools/ MANIFEST_VERSION="$(fetch_manifest_version)" if [[ "$GITHUB_REF" == "refs/heads/main" ]]; then TAG="$MANIFEST_VERSION" MAKE_LATEST=true else source_branch="${GITHUB_HEAD_REF//\//-}" TAG="PR-$source_branch-${{ github.run_id }}" MAKE_LATEST=false fi echo "tag=$TAG" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "MAKE_LATEST=$MAKE_LATEST" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Get Commits Since Last Release - name: Get commits since last release id: get-commits run: | LATEST_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1 --first-parent) || echo "") if [ -z "$LATEST_TAG" ]; then COMMITS=$(git log HEAD --pretty=format:"- %s") else COMMITS=$(git log ${LATEST_TAG}..HEAD --pretty=format:"- %s") fi echo "commits=$COMMITS" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT # Generate Release Body - name: Generate release body text id: generate-body run: | RELEASE_BODY="# Release Notes\n" RELEASE_BODY+="This release is based on the commit: ${{ github.repository }}@${{ github.sha }}.\n" RELEASE_BODY+="On branch [${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}](${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}).\n\n" RELEASE_BODY+="## Commits since last release\n" RELEASE_BODY+="${{ steps.get-commits.outputs.commits }}\n\n" echo "release_body=$RELEASE_BODY" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT # Build Flatpak - name: Build Flatpak run: "/bin/bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/automation_tools/" # Create a Flatpak Bundle - name: Create Bundle run: "/bin/bash ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/automation_tools/" # Determine if Target Repository is Main or not, in that case is a Cooker build - name: Determine target repository id: set-repo run: | if [[ "$GITHUB_REF" == "refs/heads/main" || "$GITHUB_REF" == refs/heads/feat* ]]; then echo "repo_name=RetroDECK" >> $GITHUB_ENV else echo "repo_name=Cooker" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi # Publish Release - name: Publish release uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1 with: tag: ${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.tag }} name: "RetroDECK ${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.tag }}" body: ${{ steps.generate-body.outputs.release_body }} artifacts: "RetroDECK*.flatpak,RetroDECK*.flatpak.sha,RetroDECK*Artifact.tar.gz" allowUpdates: true makeLatest: ${{ env.MAKE_LATEST }} token: ${{ needs.Generate-Rekku-Token.outputs.token }} repo: "${{ env.repo_name }}" continue-on-error: ${{ github.ref != 'refs/heads/main' }} # Rewrite Tag (for Main Branch Only) - name: Rewrite Tag if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' run: | git submodule deinit -f --all git fetch --tags if git rev-parse --verify "${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.tag }}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then git tag -d "${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.tag }}" git push --delete origin "${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.tag }}" fi git tag "${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.tag }}" git push origin "${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.tag }}" env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ needs.Generate-Rekku-Token.outputs.token }} # Upload artifacts for other jobs - name: Upload Build Artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: retrodeck-artifacts path: | RetroDECK*.flatpak RetroDECK*.flatpak.sha RetroDECK*Artifact.tar.gz # As backup we're even publishing the build on our own selfhosted Fogejo instance # Forgejo Publish Job if main branch Forgejo-publish: if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' needs: Build_RetroDECK uses: RetroDECK/components-template/.github/workflows/fogejo_publish_release.yml@main with: release_body: ${{ needs.Build_RetroDECK.outputs.release_body }} artifacts: "RetroDECK*.flatpak,RetroDECK*.flatpak.sha,RetroDECK*Artifact.tar.gz" tag: ${{ needs.Build_RetroDECK.outputs.tag }} secrets: FORGEJO_TRIGGER_BUILD_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.FORGEJO_TRIGGER_BUILD_TOKEN }}