#!/bin/bash change_preset_dialog() { # This function will build a list of all systems compatible with a given preset, their current enable/disabled state and allow the user to change one or more # USAGE: change_preset_dialog "$preset" preset="$1" pretty_preset_name=${preset//_/ } # Preset name prettification pretty_preset_name=$(echo $pretty_preset_name | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){$i=toupper(substr($i,1,1))substr($i,2)}}1') # Preset name prettification current_preset_settings=() local section_results=$(sed -n '/\['"$preset"'\]/, /\[/{ /\['"$preset"'\]/! { /\[/! p } }' $rd_conf | sed '/^$/d') while IFS= read -r config_line do system_name=$(get_setting_name "$config_line" "retrodeck") system_value=$(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$system_name" "retrodeck" "$preset") current_preset_settings=("${current_preset_settings[@]}" "$system_value" "$(make_name_pretty $system_name)" "$system_name") done < <(printf '%s\n' "$section_results") choice=$(rd_zenity \ --list --width=1200 --height=720 \ --checklist \ --separator="," \ --hide-column=3 --print-column=3 \ --text="Enable $pretty_preset_name:" \ --column "Enabled" \ --column "Emulator" \ --column "internal_system_name" \ "${current_preset_settings[@]}") local rc=$? if [[ ! -z $choice || "$rc" == 0 ]]; then ( make_preset_changes "$choice" "$1" ) | rd_zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Presets Configuration" \ --text="Setting up your presets, please wait..." else log i "No preset choices made" fi } build_preset_list_options() { # This function will build a list of all the systems available for a given preset # The list will be generated into a Godot temp file and the variable $current_preset_settings # The other arrays built (all_systems, changed_systems etc.) are also used in the make_preset_changes() function, so this needs to be called in the same memory space as that function at least once # USAGE: build_preset_list_options "$preset" if [[ -f "$godot_current_preset_settings" ]]; then rm -f "$godot_current_preset_settings" # Godot data transfer temp files fi touch "$godot_current_preset_settings" preset="$1" pretty_preset_name=${preset//_/ } # Preset name prettification pretty_preset_name=$(echo $pretty_preset_name | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){$i=toupper(substr($i,1,1))substr($i,2)}}1') # Preset name prettification current_preset_settings=() current_enabled_systems=() current_disabled_systems=() changed_systems=() changed_presets=() all_systems=() local section_results=$(sed -n '/\['"$preset"'\]/, /\[/{ /\['"$preset"'\]/! { /\[/! p } }' $rd_conf | sed '/^$/d') while IFS= read -r config_line do system_name=$(get_setting_name "$config_line" "retrodeck") all_systems=("${all_systems[@]}" "$system_name") system_value=$(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$system_name" "retrodeck" "$preset") if [[ "$system_value" == "true" ]]; then current_enabled_systems=("${current_enabled_systems[@]}" "$system_name") elif [[ "$system_value" == "false" ]]; then current_disabled_systems=("${current_disabled_systems[@]}" "$system_name") fi current_preset_settings=("${current_preset_settings[@]}" "$system_value" "$(make_name_pretty $system_name)" "$system_name") echo "$system_value"^"$(make_name_pretty $system_name)"^"$system_name" >> "$godot_current_preset_settings" done < <(printf '%s\n' "$section_results") } make_preset_changes() { # This function will take an array $choices, which contains the names of systems that have been enabled for this preset and enable them in the backend # Fetch incompatible presets from JSON and create a lookup list incompatible_presets=$(jq -r ' .incompatible_presets | to_entries[] | [ "\(.key):\(.value)", "\(.value):\(.key)" ] | join("\n") ' $features) choice="$1" preset="$2" build_preset_list_options "$preset" IFS="," read -ra choices <<< "$choice" for emulator in "${all_systems[@]}"; do if [[ " ${choices[*]} " =~ " ${emulator} " && ! " ${current_enabled_systems[*]} " =~ " ${emulator} " ]]; then changed_systems=("${changed_systems[@]}" "$emulator") if [[ ! " ${changed_presets[*]} " =~ " ${preset} " ]]; then changed_presets=("${changed_presets[@]}" "$preset") fi set_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$emulator" "true" "retrodeck" "$preset" # Check for conflicting presets for this system while IFS=: read -r preset_being_checked known_incompatible_preset || [[ -n "$preset_being_checked" ]]; do if [[ ! $preset_being_checked == "#"* ]] && [[ ! -z "$preset_being_checked" ]]; then if [[ "$preset" == "$preset_being_checked" ]]; then if [[ $(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$emulator" "retrodeck" "$known_incompatible_preset") == "true" ]]; then changed_presets=("${changed_presets[@]}" "$known_incompatible_preset") set_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$emulator" "false" "retrodeck" "$known_incompatible_preset" fi fi fi done < <(echo "$incompatible_presets") fi if [[ ! " ${choices[*]} " =~ " ${emulator} " && ! " ${current_disabled_systems[*]} " =~ " ${emulator} " ]]; then changed_systems=("${changed_systems[@]}" "$emulator") if [[ ! " ${changed_presets[*]} " =~ " ${preset} " ]]; then changed_presets=("${changed_presets[@]}" "$preset") fi set_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$emulator" "false" "retrodeck" "$preset" fi done for emulator in "${changed_systems[@]}"; do build_preset_config $emulator ${changed_presets[*]} done } build_preset_config() { # This function will apply one or more presets for a given system, as listed in retrodeck.cfg # USAGE: build_preset_config "system name" "preset class 1" "preset class 2" "preset class 3" local system_being_changed="$1" shift local presets_being_changed="$*" for current_preset in $presets_being_changed do local preset_section=$(sed -n '/\['"$current_preset"'\]/, /\[/{ /\['"$current_preset"'\]/! { /\[/! p } }' $rd_conf | sed '/^$/d') while IFS= read -r system_line do local read_system_name=$(get_setting_name "$system_line") if [[ "$read_system_name" == "$system_being_changed" ]]; then local read_system_enabled=$(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$read_system_name" "retrodeck" "$current_preset") while IFS='^' read -r action read_preset read_setting_name new_setting_value section target_file defaults_file || [[ -n "$action" ]]; do if [[ ! $action == "#"* ]] && [[ ! -z "$action" ]]; then case "$action" in "config_file_format" ) if [[ "$read_preset" == "retroarch-all" ]]; then local retroarch_all="true" local read_config_format="retroarch" else local read_config_format="$read_preset" fi ;; "change" ) if [[ "$read_preset" == "$current_preset" ]]; then if [[ "$target_file" = \$* ]]; then # Read current target file and resolve if it is a variable eval target_file=$target_file fi local read_target_file="$target_file" if [[ "$defaults_file" = \$* ]]; then #Read current defaults file and resolve if it is a variable eval defaults_file=$defaults_file fi local read_defaults_file="$defaults_file" if [[ "$read_system_enabled" == "true" ]]; then if [[ "$new_setting_value" = \$* ]]; then eval new_setting_value=$new_setting_value fi if [[ "$read_config_format" == "retroarch" && ! "$retroarch_all" == "true" ]]; then # If this is a RetroArch core, generate the override file if [[ ! -f "$read_target_file" ]]; then create_dir "$(realpath "$(dirname "$read_target_file")")" echo "$read_setting_name = \""$new_setting_value"\"" > "$read_target_file" else if [[ -z $(grep -o -P "^$read_setting_name\b" "$read_target_file") ]]; then add_setting "$read_target_file" "$read_setting_name" "$new_setting_value" "$read_config_format" "$section" else set_setting_value "$read_target_file" "$read_setting_name" "$new_setting_value" "$read_config_format" "$section" fi fi else set_setting_value "$read_target_file" "$read_setting_name" "$new_setting_value" "$read_config_format" "$section" fi else if [[ "$read_config_format" == "retroarch" && ! "$retroarch_all" == "true" ]]; then if [[ -f "$read_target_file" ]]; then delete_setting "$read_target_file" "$read_setting_name" "$read_config_format" "$section" if [[ -z $(cat "$read_target_file") ]]; then # If the override file is empty rm -f "$read_target_file" fi if [[ -z $(ls -1 "$(dirname "$read_target_file")") ]]; then # If the override folder is empty rmdir "$(realpath "$(dirname "$read_target_file")")" fi fi else local default_setting_value=$(get_setting_value "$read_defaults_file" "$read_setting_name" "$read_config_format" "$section") set_setting_value "$read_target_file" "$read_setting_name" "$default_setting_value" "$read_config_format" "$section" fi fi fi ;; "enable" ) if [[ "$read_preset" == "$current_preset" ]]; then if [[ "$read_system_enabled" == "true" ]]; then enable_file "$read_setting_name" else disable_file "$read_setting_name" fi fi ;; * ) log d "Other data: $action $read_preset $read_setting_name $new_setting_value $section" # DEBUG ;; esac fi done < <(cat "$presets_dir/$read_system_name"_presets.cfg) fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$preset_section") done } build_retrodeck_current_presets() { # This function will read the presets sections of the retrodeck.cfg file and build the default state # This can also be used to build the "current" state post-update after adding new systems # USAGE: build_retrodeck_current_presets while IFS= read -r current_setting_line || [[ -n "$current_setting_line" ]]; # Read the existing retrodeck.cfg do if [[ (! -z "$current_setting_line") && (! "$current_setting_line" == "#"*) && (! "$current_setting_line" == "[]") ]]; then # If the line has a valid entry in it if [[ ! -z $(grep -o -P "^\[.+?\]$" <<< "$current_setting_line") ]]; then # If the line is a section header local current_section=$(sed 's^[][]^^g' <<< $current_setting_line) # Remove brackets from section name else if [[ ! ("$current_section" == "" || "$current_section" == "paths" || "$current_section" == "options" || "$current_section" == "cheevos" || "$current_section" == "cheevos_hardcore") ]]; then local system_name=$(get_setting_name "$current_setting_line" "retrodeck") # Read the variable name from the current line local system_enabled=$(get_setting_value "$rd_conf" "$system_name" "retrodeck" "$current_section") # Read the variables value from active retrodeck.cfg if [[ "$system_enabled" == "true" ]]; then build_preset_config "$system_name" "$current_section" fi fi fi fi done < $rd_conf }