#!/bin/bash # VARIABLES SECTION source /app/libexec/global.sh source /app/libexec/functions.sh # DIALOG SECTION # Configurator Option Tree # Welcome # - RetroArch Presets # - Change Rewind Setting # - Enable/Disable Rewind # - RetroAchivement Login # - Login prompt # - Emulator Options (Behind one-time power user warning dialog) # - Launch RetroArch # - Launch Citra # - Launch Dolphin # - Launch Duckstation # - Launch MelonDS # - Launch PCSX2 # - Launch PPSSPP # - Launch Primehack # - Launch RPCS3 # - Launch XEMU # - Launch Yuzu # - Tools and Troubleshooting # - Move RetroDECK # - Multi-file game check # - Basic BIOS file check # - Advanced BIOS file check # - Compress Games # - Manual single-game selection # - Multi-file compression (CHD) # - Reset # - Reset Specific Emulator # - Reset RetroArch # - Reset Citra # - Reset Dolphin # - Reset Duckstation # - Reset MelonDS # - Reset PCSX2 # - Reset PPSSPP # - Reset Primehack # - Reset RPCS3 # - Reset XEMU # - Reset Yuzu # - Reset All Emulators # - Reset RetroDECK # DIALOG TREE FUNCTIONS configurator_reset_dialog() { choice=$(zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Reset Options" --cancel-label="Back" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \ --column="Choice" --column="Action" \ "Reset Specific Emulator" "Reset only one specific emulator to default settings" \ "Reset All Emulators" "Reset all emulators to default settings" \ "Reset RetroDECK" "Reset RetroDECK to default settings" ) case $choice in "Reset Specific Emulator" ) emulator_to_reset=$(zenity --list \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Reset Specific Standalone Emulator" --cancel-label="Back" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \ --text="Which emulator do you want to reset to default?" \ --column="Emulator" --column="Action" \ "RetroArch" "Reset RetroArch to default settings" \ "Citra" "Reset Citra to default settings" \ "Dolphin" "Reset Dolphin to default settings" \ "Duckstation" "Reset Duckstation to default settings" \ "MelonDS" "Reset MelonDS to default settings" \ "PCSX2" "Reset PCSX2 to default settings" \ "PPSSPP" "Reset PPSSPP to default settings" \ "Primehack" "Reset Primehack to default settings" \ "RPCS3" "Reset RPCS3 to default settings" \ "XEMU" "Reset XEMU to default settings" \ "Yuzu" "Reset Yuzu to default settings" ) case $emulator_to_reset in "RetroArch" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "RetroArch" "Are you sure you want to reset the RetroArch emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then if [[ check_network_connectivity == "true" ]]; then ra_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "You do not appear to be connected to a network with internet access.\n\nThe RetroArch reset process requires some files from the internet to function properly.\n\nPlease retry this process once a network connection is available." configurator_reset_dialog fi else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "Citra" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "Citra" "Are you sure you want to reset the Citra emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then citra_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "Dolphin" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "Dolphin" "Are you sure you want to reset the Dolphin emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then dolphin_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "Duckstation" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "Duckstation" "Are you sure you want to reset the Duckstation emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then duckstation_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "MelonDS" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "MelonDS" "Are you sure you want to reset the MelonDS emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then melonds_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "PCSX2" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "PCSX2" "Are you sure you want to reset the PCSX2 emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then pcsx2_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "PPSSPP" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "PPSSPP" "Are you sure you want to reset the PPSSPP emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then ppssppsdl_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "Primehack" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "Primehack" "Are you sure you want to reset the Primehack emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then primehack_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "RPCS3" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "RPCS3" "Are you sure you want to reset the RPCS3 emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then rpcs3_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "XEMU" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "XEMU" "Are you sure you want to reset the XEMU emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then if [[ check_network_connectivity == "true" ]]; then xemu_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "You do not appear to be connected to a network with internet access.\n\nThe Xemu reset process requires some files from the internet to function properly.\n\nPlease retry this process once a network connection is available." configurator_reset_dialog fi else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "Yuzu" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "Yuzu" "Are you sure you want to reset the Yuzu emulator to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then yuzu_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting $emulator_to_reset" else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "" ) # No selection made or Back button clicked configurator_reset_dialog ;; esac ;; "Reset All Emulators" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "all emulators" "Are you sure you want to reset all emulators to default settings?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then if [[ check_network_connectivity == "true" ]]; then ra_init standalones_init configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting all emulators" else configurator_generic_dialog "You do not appear to be connected to a network with internet access.\n\nThe all-emulator reset process requires some files from the internet to function properly.\n\nPlease retry this process once a network connection is available." configurator_reset_dialog fi else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "Reset RetroDECK" ) if [[ $(configurator_reset_confirmation_dialog "RetroDECK" "Are you sure you want to reset RetroDECK entirely?\n\nThis process cannot be undone.") == "true" ]]; then zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Reset RetroDECK" \ --text="You are resetting RetroDECK to its default state.\n\nAfter the process is complete you will need to exit RetroDECK and run it again, where you will go through the initial setup process." rm -f "$lockfile" rm -f "$rd_conf" configurator_process_complete_dialog "resetting RetroDECK" else configurator_generic_dialog "Reset process cancelled." configurator_reset_dialog fi ;; "" ) # No selection made or Back button clicked configurator_welcome_dialog ;; esac } configurator_retroachivement_dialog() { login=$(zenity --forms --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - RetroArch RetroAchievements Login" --cancel-label="Back" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \ --text="Enter your RetroAchievements Account details.\n\nBe aware that this tool cannot verify your login details and currently only supports logging in with RetroArch.\nFor registration and more info visit\nhttps://retroachievements.org/\n" \ --separator="=SEP=" \ --add-entry="Username" \ --add-password="Password") if [ $? == 0 ]; then # OK button clicked arrIN=(${login//=SEP=/ }) user=${arrIN[0]} pass=${arrIN[1]} set_setting_value $raconf cheevos_enable true retroarch set_setting_value $raconf cheevos_username $user retroarch set_setting_value $raconf cheevos_password $pass retroarch configurator_process_complete_dialog "logging in to RetroArch RetroAchievements" else configurator_welcome_dialog fi } configurator_power_user_warning_dialog() { if [[ $power_user_warning == "true" ]]; then choice=$(zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap --ok-label="Yes" --extra-button="No" --extra-button="Never show this again" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Desktop Mode Warning" \ --text="Making manual changes to an emulators configuration may create serious issues,\nand some settings may be overwitten during RetroDECK updates.\n\nSome standalone emulator functions may not work properly outside of Desktop mode.\n\nPlease continue only if you know what you're doing.\n\nDo you want to continue?") fi rc=$? # Capture return code, as "Yes" button has no text value if [[ $rc == "0" ]]; then # If user clicked "Yes" configurator_power_user_changes_dialog else # If any button other than "Yes" was clicked if [[ $choice == "No" ]]; then configurator_welcome_dialog elif [[ $choice == "Never show this again" ]]; then set_setting_value $rd_conf "power_user_warning" "false" retrodeck # Store desktop mode warning variable for future checks source $rd_conf configurator_power_user_changes_dialog fi fi } configurator_power_user_changes_dialog() { emulator=$(zenity --list \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Emulator Options" --cancel-label="Back" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \ --text="Which emulator do you want to launch?" \ --hide-header \ --column=emulator \ "RetroArch" \ "Citra" \ "Dolphin" \ "Duckstation" \ "MelonDS" \ "PCSX2" \ "PPSSPP" \ "Primehack" \ "RPCS3" \ "XEMU" \ "Yuzu") case $emulator in "RetroArch" ) retroarch ;; "Citra" ) citra-qt ;; "Dolphin" ) dolphin-emu ;; "Duckstation" ) duckstation-qt ;; "MelonDS" ) melonDS ;; "PCSX2" ) pcsx2-qt ;; "PPSSPP" ) PPSSPPSDL ;; "Primehack" ) primehack-wrapper ;; "RPCS3" ) rpcs3 ;; "XEMU" ) xemu ;; "Yuzu" ) yuzu ;; "" ) # No selection made or Back button clicked configurator_welcome_dialog ;; esac } configurator_retroarch_rewind_dialog() { if [[ $(get_setting_value $raconf rewind_enable retroarch) == "true" ]]; then zenity --question \ --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator - RetroArch Rewind" \ --text="Rewind is currently enabled. Do you want to disable it?." if [ $? == 0 ] then set_setting_value $raconf "rewind_enable" "false" retroarch configurator_process_complete_dialog "disabling Rewind" else configurator_retroarch_options_dialog fi else zenity --question \ --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator - RetroArch Rewind" \ --text="Rewind is currently disabled, do you want to enable it?\n\nNOTE:\nThis may impact performance on some more demanding systems." if [ $? == 0 ] then set_setting_value $raconf "rewind_enable" "true" retroarch configurator_process_complete_dialog "enabling Rewind" else configurator_retroarch_options_dialog fi fi } configurator_retroarch_options_dialog() { choice=$(zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - RetroArch Options" --cancel-label="Back" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \ --column="Choice" --column="Action" \ "Change Rewind Setting" "Enable or disable the Rewind function in RetroArch." \ "RetroAchievements Login" "Log into the RetroAchievements service in RetroArch." ) case $choice in "Change Rewind Setting" ) configurator_retroarch_rewind_dialog ;; "RetroAchievements Login" ) configurator_retroachivement_dialog ;; "" ) # No selection made or Back button clicked configurator_welcome_dialog ;; esac } configurator_compress_single_game_dialog() { local file=$(file_browse "Game to compress") if [[ ! -z "$file" ]]; then local compatible_compression_format=$(find_compatible_compression_format "$file") if [[ ! $compatible_compression_format == "none" ]]; then local post_compression_cleanup=$(configurator_compression_cleanup_dialog) ( if [[ $compatible_compression_format == "chd" ]]; then if [[ $(validate_for_chd "$file") == "true" ]]; then echo "# Compressing $(basename "$file") to $compatible_compression_format format" compress_game "chd" "$file" if [[ $post_compression_cleanup == "true" ]]; then # Remove file(s) if requested if [[ "$file" == *".cue" ]]; then local cue_bin_files=$(grep -o -P "(?<=FILE \").*(?=\".*$)" "$file") local file_path=$(dirname "$(realpath "$file")") while IFS= read -r line do rm -f "$file_path/$line" done < <(printf '%s\n' "$cue_bin_files") rm -f "$file" else rm -f "$file" fi fi fi else echo "# Compressing $(basename "$file") to $compatible_compression_format format" compress_game "$compatible_compression_format" "$file" if [[ $post_compression_cleanup == "true" ]]; then # Remove file(s) if requested rm -f "$file" fi fi ) | zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Compression in Progress" configurator_generic_dialog "The compression process is complete!" configurator_compress_games_dialog else configurator_generic_dialog "The selected file does not have any compatible compressed format." configurator_compress_games_dialog fi else configurator_generic_dialog "No file selected, returning to main menu" configurator_welcome_dialog fi } configurator_compress_some_games_dialog() { # This dialog will display any games it finds to be compressable, from the systems listed under each compression type in compression_targets.cfg local compressable_games_list=() local all_compressable_games=() local games_to_compress=() if [[ ! -z "$1" ]]; then local compression_format="$1" else local compression_format="all" fi if [[ $compression_format == "all" ]]; then local compressable_systems_list=$(cat $compression_targets | sed '/^$/d' | sed '/^\[/d') else local compressable_systems_list=$(sed -n '/\['"$compression_format"'\]/, /\[/{ /\['"$compression_format"'\]/! { /\[/! p } }' $compression_targets | sed '/^$/d') fi while IFS= read -r system # Find and validate all games that are able to be compressed with this compression type do compression_candidates=$(find "$roms_folder/$system" -type f -not -iname "*.txt") if [[ ! -z $compression_candidates ]]; then while IFS= read -r game do local compatible_compression_format=$(find_compatible_compression_format "$game") if [[ $compression_format == "chd" ]]; then if [[ $compatible_compression_format == "chd" ]]; then all_compressable_games=("${all_compressable_games[@]}" "$game") compressable_games_list=("${compressable_games_list[@]}" "false" "${game#$roms_folder}" "$game") fi elif [[ $compression_format == "zip" ]]; then if [[ $compatible_compression_format == "zip" ]]; then all_compressable_games=("${all_compressable_games[@]}" "$game") compressable_games_list=("${compressable_games_list[@]}" "false" "${game#$roms_folder}" "$game") fi elif [[ $compression_format == "rvz" ]]; then if [[ $compatible_compression_format == "rvz" ]]; then all_compressable_games=("${all_compressable_games[@]}" "$game") compressable_games_list=("${compressable_games_list[@]}" "false" "${game#$roms_folder}" "$game") fi elif [[ $compression_format == "all" ]]; then if [[ ! $compatible_compression_format == "none" ]]; then all_compressable_games=("${all_compressable_games[@]}" "$game") compressable_games_list=("${compressable_games_list[@]}" "false" "${game#$roms_folder}" "$game") fi fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$compression_candidates") fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$compressable_systems_list") choice=$(zenity \ --list --width=1200 --height=720 \ --checklist --hide-column=3 --ok-label="Compress Selected" --extra-button="Compress All" \ --separator="," --print-column=3 \ --text="Choose which games to compress:" \ --column "Compress?" \ --column "Game" \ --column "Game Full Path" \ "${compressable_games_list[@]}") local rc=$? if [[ $rc == "0" && ! -z $choice ]]; then # User clicked "Compress Selected" with at least one game selected IFS="," read -ra games_to_compress <<< "$choice" local total_games_to_compress=${#games_to_compress[@]} local games_left_to_compress=$total_games_to_compress elif [[ ! -z $choice ]]; then # User clicked "Compress All" games_to_compress=("${all_compressable_games[@]}") local total_games_to_compress=${#all_compressable_games[@]} local games_left_to_compress=$total_games_to_compress fi if [[ ! $(echo "${#games_to_compress[@]}") == "0" ]]; then local post_compression_cleanup=$(configurator_compression_cleanup_dialog) ( for file in "${games_to_compress[@]}"; do local compression_format=$(find_compatible_compression_format "$file") echo "# Compressing $(basename "$file") into $compression_format format" # Update Zenity dialog text progress=$(( 100 - (( 100 / "$total_games_to_compress" ) * "$games_left_to_compress" ))) echo $progress games_left_to_compress=$((games_left_to_compress-1)) compress_game "$compression_format" "$file" if [[ $post_compression_cleanup == "true" ]]; then # Remove file(s) if requested if [[ "$file" == *".cue" ]]; then local cue_bin_files=$(grep -o -P "(?<=FILE \").*(?=\".*$)" "$file") local file_path=$(dirname "$(realpath "$file")") while IFS= read -r line do rm -f "$file_path/$line" done < <(printf '%s\n' "$cue_bin_files") rm -f $(realpath "$file") else rm -f "$(realpath "$file")" fi fi done ) | zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --auto-close \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Compression in Progress" configurator_generic_dialog "The compression process is complete!" configurator_compress_games_dialog else configurator_compress_games_dialog fi } configurator_compress_all_games_dialog() { # This dialog compress all games found in all compatible roms folders into compatible formats local all_compressable_games=() local compressable_systems_list=$(cat $compression_targets | sed '/^$/d' | sed '/^\[/d') while IFS= read -r system # Find and validate all games that are able to be compressed with this compression type do compression_candidates=$(find "$roms_folder/$system" -type f -not -iname "*.txt") if [[ ! -z $compression_candidates ]]; then while IFS= read -r game do local compatible_compression_format=$(find_compatible_compression_format "$game") if [[ ! $compatible_compression_format == "none" ]]; then all_compressable_games=("${all_compressable_games[@]}" "$game") fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$compression_candidates") fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "$compressable_systems_list") if [[ ! $(echo ${all_compressable_games[@]}) == "0" ]]; then local post_compression_cleanup=$(configurator_compression_cleanup_dialog) total_games_to_compress=${#all_compressable_games[@]} games_left_to_compress=$total_games_to_compress ( for file in "${all_compressable_games[@]}"; do local compression_format=$(find_compatible_compression_format "$file") echo "# Compressing $(basename "$file") into $compression_format format" # Update Zenity dialog text progress=$(( 100 - (( 100 / "$total_games_to_compress" ) * "$games_left_to_compress" ))) echo $progress games_left_to_compress=$((games_left_to_compress-1)) compress_game "$compression_format" "$file" if [[ $post_compression_cleanup == "true" ]]; then # Remove file(s) if requested if [[ "$file" == *".cue" ]]; then local cue_bin_files=$(grep -o -P "(?<=FILE \").*(?=\".*$)" "$file") local file_path=$(dirname "$(realpath "$file")") while IFS= read -r line do rm -f "$file_path/$line" done < <(printf '%s\n' "$cue_bin_files") rm -f $(realpath "$file") else rm -f $(realpath "$file") fi fi done ) | zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --auto-close \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Compression in Progress" configurator_generic_dialog "The compression process is complete!" configurator_compress_games_dialog else configurator_generic_dialog "There were no games found that could be compressed." fi } configurator_compression_cleanup_dialog() { zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --question --no-wrap --cancel-label="No" --ok-label="Yes" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Compression Cleanup" \ --text="Do you want to remove old files after they are compressed?\n\nClicking \"No\" will leave all files behind which will need to be cleaned up manually and may result in game duplicates showing in the RetroDECK library." local rc=$? # Capture return code, as "Yes" button has no text value if [[ $rc == "0" ]]; then # If user clicked "Yes" echo "true" else # If "No" was clicked echo "false" fi } configurator_compress_games_dialog() { choice=$(zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Change Options" --cancel-label="Back" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \ --column="Choice" --column="Action" \ "Compress Single Game" "Compress a single game into a compatible format" \ "Compress Multiple Games - CHD" "Compress one or more games compatible with the CHD format" \ "Compress Multiple Games - ZIP" "Compress one or more games compatible with the ZIP format" \ "Compress Multiple Games - RVZ" "Compress one or more games compatible with the RVZ format" \ "Compress Multiple Games - All Formats" "Compress one or more games compatible with any format" \ "Compress All Games" "Compress all games into compatible formats" ) case $choice in "Compress Single Game" ) configurator_compress_single_game_dialog ;; "Compress Multiple Games - CHD" ) configurator_compress_some_games_dialog "chd" ;; "Compress Multiple Games - ZIP" ) configurator_compress_some_games_dialog "zip" ;; "Compress Multiple Games - RVZ" ) configurator_compress_some_games_dialog "rvz" ;; "Compress Multiple Games - All Formats" ) configurator_compress_some_games_dialog "all" ;; "Compress All Games" ) configurator_compress_all_games_dialog ;; "" ) # No selection made or Back button clicked configurator_welcome_dialog ;; esac } configurator_check_multifile_game_structure() { local folder_games=($(find $roms_folder -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d ! -name "*.m3u" ! -name "*.ps3")) if [[ ${#folder_games[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then echo "$(find $roms_folder -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d ! -name "*.m3u" ! -name "*.ps3")" > $logs_folder/multi_file_games_"$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%I_%M_%p").log" zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --info --no-wrap \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK" \ --text="The following games were found to have the incorrect folder structure:\n\n$(find $roms_folder -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d ! -name "*.m3u" ! -name "*.ps3")\n\nIncorrect folder structure can result in failure to launch games or saves being in the incorrect location.\n\nPlease see the RetroDECK wiki for more details!\n\nYou can find this list of games in ~/retrodeck/.logs" else configurator_generic_dialog "No incorrect multi-file game folder structures found." fi configurator_tools_and_troubleshooting_dialog } configurator_check_bios_files_basic() { configurator_generic_dialog "This check will look for BIOS files that RetroDECK has identified as working.\n\nThere may be additional BIOS files that will function with the emulators that are not checked.\n\nSome more advanced emulators such as Yuzu will have additional methods for verifiying the BIOS files are in working order." bios_checked_list=() while IFS="^" read -r bios_file bios_subdir bios_hash bios_system bios_desc do bios_file_found="No" bios_hash_matched="No" if [[ -f "$bios_folder/$bios_subdir$bios_file" ]]; then bios_file_found="Yes" if [[ $bios_hash == "Unknown" ]]; then bios_hash_matched="Unknown" elif [[ $(md5sum "$bios_folder/$bios_subdir$bios_file" | awk '{ print $1 }') == "$bios_hash" ]]; then bios_hash_matched="Yes" fi fi if [[ $bios_file_found == "Yes" && ($bios_hash_matched == "Yes" || $bios_hash_matched == "Unknown") && ! " ${bios_checked_list[*]} " =~ " ${bios_system} " ]]; then bios_checked_list=("${bios_checked_list[@]}" "$bios_system" ) fi done < $bios_checklist systems_with_bios=${bios_checked_list[@]} configurator_generic_dialog "The following systems have been found to have at least one valid BIOS file.\n\n$systems_with_bios\n\nFor more information on the BIOS files found please use the Advanced check tool." configurator_tools_and_troubleshooting_dialog } configurator_check_bios_files_advanced() { configurator_generic_dialog "This check will look for BIOS files that RetroDECK has identified as working.\n\nThere may be additional BIOS files that will function with the emulators that are not checked.\n\nSome more advanced emulators such as Yuzu will have additional methods for verifiying the BIOS files are in working order." bios_checked_list=() while IFS="^" read -r bios_file bios_subdir bios_hash bios_system bios_desc do bios_file_found="No" bios_hash_matched="No" if [[ -f "$bios_folder/$bios_subdir$bios_file" ]]; then bios_file_found="Yes" if [[ $bios_hash == "Unknown" ]]; then bios_hash_matched="Unknown" elif [[ $(md5sum "$bios_folder/$bios_subdir$bios_file" | awk '{ print $1 }') == "$bios_hash" ]]; then bios_hash_matched="Yes" fi fi bios_checked_list=("${bios_checked_list[@]}" "$bios_file" "$bios_system" "$bios_file_found" "$bios_hash_matched" "$bios_desc") done < $bios_checklist zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Verify BIOS Files" --cancel-label="Back" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \ --column "BIOS File Name" \ --column "System" \ --column "BIOS File Found" \ --column "BIOS Hash Match" \ --column "BIOS File Description" \ "${bios_checked_list[@]}" configurator_tools_and_troubleshooting_dialog } configurator_tools_and_troubleshooting_dialog() { choice=$(zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Change Options" --cancel-label="Back" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \ --column="Choice" --column="Action" \ "Move RetroDECK" "Move RetroDECK files between internal/SD card or to a custom location" \ "Multi-file game structure check" "Verify the proper structure of multi-file or multi-disc games" \ "Basic BIOS file check" "Show a list of systems that BIOS files are found for" \ "Advanced BIOS file check" "Show advanced information about common BIOS files" \ "Compress Games" "Compress games to CHD format for systems that support it" ) case $choice in "Move RetroDECK" ) configurator_generic_dialog "This option will move the RetroDECK data folder (ROMs, saves, BIOS etc.) to a new location.\n\nPlease choose where to move the RetroDECK data folder." configurator_move_dialog ;; "Multi-file game structure check" ) configurator_check_multifile_game_structure ;; "Basic BIOS file check" ) configurator_check_bios_files_basic ;; "Advanced BIOS file check" ) configurator_check_bios_files_advanced ;; "Compress Games" ) configurator_compress_games_dialog ;; "" ) # No selection made or Back button clicked configurator_welcome_dialog ;; esac } configurator_move_dialog() { if [[ -d $rdhome ]]; then destination=$(configurator_destination_choice_dialog "RetroDECK Data" "Please choose a destination for the RetroDECK data folder.") case $destination in "Back" ) configurator_move_dialog ;; "Internal Storage" ) if [[ ! -L "$HOME/retrodeck" && -d "$HOME/retrodeck" ]]; then configurator_generic_dialog "The RetroDECK data folder is already at that location, please pick a new one." configurator_move_dialog else configurator_generic_dialog "Moving RetroDECK data folder to $destination" unlink $HOME/retrodeck # Remove symlink for $rdhome move $rdhome "$HOME" if [[ ! -d $rdhome && -d $HOME/retrodeck ]]; then # If the move succeeded rdhome="$HOME/retrodeck" roms_folder="$rdhome/roms" saves_folder="$rdhome/saves" states_folder="$rdhome/states" bios_folder="$rdhome/bios" media_folder="$rdhome/downloaded_media" themes_folder="$rdhome/themes" emulators_post_move conf_write configurator_process_complete_dialog "moving the RetroDECK data directory to internal storage" else configurator_generic_dialog "The moving process was not completed, please try again." fi fi ;; "SD Card" ) if [[ -L "$HOME/retrodeck" && -d "$sdcard/retrodeck" && "$rdhome" == "$sdcard/retrodeck" ]]; then configurator_generic_dialog "The RetroDECK data folder is already configured to that location, please pick a new one." configurator_move_dialog else if [[ ! -w $sdcard ]]; then configurator_generic_dialog "The SD card was found but is not writable\nThis can happen with cards formatted on PC or for other reasons.\nPlease format the SD card through the Steam Deck's Game Mode and try the moving process again." configurator_welcome_dialog else if [[ $(verify_space $rdhome $sdcard) == "true" ]]; then configurator_generic_dialog "Moving RetroDECK data folder to $destination" if [[ -L "$HOME/retrodeck/roms" ]]; then # Check for ROMs symlink user may have created unlink "$HOME/retrodeck/roms" fi unlink $HOME/retrodeck # Remove symlink for $rdhome ( dir_prep "$sdcard/retrodeck" "$rdhome" ) | zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Move in Progress" \ --text="Moving directory $rdhome to new location of $sdcard/retrodeck, please wait." if [[ -L $rdhome && ! $rdhome == "$HOME/retrodeck" ]]; then # Clean up extraneus symlinks from previous moves unlink $rdhome fi if [[ ! -L "$HOME/retrodeck" ]]; then # Always link back to original directory ln -svf "$sdcard/retrodeck" "$HOME" fi rdhome="$sdcard/retrodeck" roms_folder="$rdhome/roms" saves_folder="$rdhome/saves" states_folder="$rdhome/states" bios_folder="$rdhome/bios" media_folder="$rdhome/downloaded_media" themes_folder="$rdhome/themes" emulators_post_move conf_write configurator_process_complete_dialog "moving the RetroDECK data directory to SD card" else zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --error --no-wrap \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Move Directories" \ --text="The destination directory you have selected does not have enough free space for the files you are trying to move.\n\nPlease select a new destination or free up some space." fi fi fi ;; "Custom Location" ) configurator_generic_dialog "Select the root folder you would like to store the RetroDECK data folder in.\n\nA new folder \"retrodeck\" will be created in the destination chosen." custom_dest=$(directory_browse "RetroDECK directory location") if [[ ! -w $custom_dest ]]; then configurator_generic_dialog "The destination was found but is not writable\n\nThis can happen if RetroDECK does not have permission to write to this location.\n\nThis can typically be solved through the utility Flatseal, please make the needed changes and try the moving process again." configurator_welcome_dialog else if [[ $(verify_space $rdhome $custom_dest) ]];then configurator_generic_dialog "Moving RetroDECK data folder to $custom_dest/retrodeck" if [[ -L $rdhome/roms ]]; then # Check for ROMs symlink user may have created unlink $rdhome/roms fi unlink $HOME/retrodeck # Remove symlink for $rdhome if the previous location was not internal ( dir_prep "$custom_dest/retrodeck" "$rdhome" ) | zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --progress --no-cancel --pulsate --auto-close \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Move in Progress" \ --text="Moving directory $rdhome to new location of $custom_dest/retrodeck, please wait." if [[ ! -L "$HOME/retrodeck" ]]; then ln -svf "$custom_dest/retrodeck" "$HOME" fi if [[ -L $rdhome && ! $rdhome == "$HOME/retrodeck" ]]; then # Clean up extraneus symlinks from previous moves unlink $rdhome fi rdhome="$custom_dest/retrodeck" roms_folder="$rdhome/roms" saves_folder="$rdhome/saves" states_folder="$rdhome/states" bios_folder="$rdhome/bios" media_folder="$rdhome/downloaded_media" themes_folder="$rdhome/themes" emulators_post_move conf_write configurator_process_complete_dialog "moving the RetroDECK data directory to SD card" else zenity --icon-name=net.retrodeck.retrodeck --error --no-wrap \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Move Directories" \ --text="The destination directory you have selected does not have enough free space for the files you are trying to move.\n\nPlease select a new destination or free up some space." fi fi ;; esac else configurator_generic_dialog "The RetroDECK data folder was not found at the expected location.\n\nThis may have happened if the folder was moved manually.\n\nPlease select the current location of the RetroDECK data folder." rdhome=$(directory_browse "RetroDECK directory location") roms_folder="$rdhome/roms" saves_folder="$rdhome/saves" states_folder="$rdhome/states" bios_folder="$rdhome/bios" media_folder="$rdhome/downloaded_media" themes_folder="$rdhome/themes" emulator_post_move conf_write configurator_generic_dialog "RetroDECK data folder now configured at $rdhome. Please start the moving process again." configurator_move_dialog fi } configurator_online_update_setting_dialog() { if [[ $(get_setting_value $rd_conf "update_check" retrodeck) == "true" ]]; then zenity --question \ --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator - RetroDECK Online Update Check" \ --text="Online update checks for RetroDECK are currently enabled.\n\nDo you want to disable them?" if [ $? == 0 ] # User clicked "Yes" then set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_check" "false" retrodeck else # User clicked "Cancel" configurator_developer_dialog fi else zenity --question \ --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator - RetroDECK Online Update Check" \ --text="Online update checks for RetroDECK are currently disabled.\n\nDo you want to enable them?" if [ $? == 0 ] # User clicked "Yes" then set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_check" "true" retrodeck else # User clicked "Cancel" configurator_developer_dialog fi fi } configurator_online_update_channel_dialog() { if [[ $(get_setting_value $rd_conf "update_repo" retrodeck) == "RetroDECK" ]]; then zenity --question \ --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator - RetroDECK Change Update Branch" \ --text="You are currently on the production branch of RetroDECK updates. Would you like to switch to the cooker branch?\n\nAfter installing a cooker build, you may need to remove the \"stable\" branch install of RetroDECK to avoid overlap." if [ $? == 0 ] # User clicked "Yes" then set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_repo" "RetroDECK-cooker" retrodeck else # User clicked "Cancel" configurator_developer_dialog fi else zenity --question \ --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator - RetroDECK Change Update Branch" \ --text="You are currently on the cooker branch of RetroDECK updates. Would you like to switch to the production branch?\n\nAfter installing a production build, you may need to remove the \"cooker\" branch install of RetroDECK to avoid overlap." if [ $? == 0 ] # User clicked "Yes" then set_setting_value $rd_conf "update_repo" "RetroDECK" retrodeck else # User clicked "Cancel" configurator_developer_dialog fi fi } configurator_retrodeck_multiuser_dialog() { if [[ $(get_setting_value $rd_conf "multi_user_mode" retrodeck) == "true" ]]; then zenity --question \ --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator - RetroDECK Multi-user Support" \ --text="Multi-user support is current enabled. Do you want to disable it?\n\nIf there are more than one user configured,\nyou will be given a choice of which to use as the single RetroDECK user.\n\nThis users files will be moved to the default locations.\n\nOther users files will remain in the mutli-user-data folder.\n" if [ $? == 0 ] # User clicked "Yes" then multi_user_disable_multi_user_mode else # User clicked "Cancel" configurator_developer_dialog fi else zenity --question \ --no-wrap --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" \ --title "RetroDECK Configurator - RetroDECK Multi-user support" \ --text="Multi-user support is current disabled. Do you want to enable it?\n\nThe current users saves and states will be backed up and then moved to the \"retrodeck/multi-user-data\" folder.\nAdditional users will automatically be stored in their own folder here as they are added." if [ $? == 0 ] then multi_user_enable_multi_user_mode else configurator_developer_dialog fi fi } configurator_developer_dialog() { choice=$(zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility - Change Options" --cancel-label="Back" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \ --column="Choice" --column="Action" \ "Change Multi-user mode" "Enable or disable multi-user support" \ "Change Update Channel" "Change between normal and cooker builds" \ "Change Update Check Setting" "Enable or disable online checks for new versions of RetroDECK" \ "Browse the Wiki" "Browse the RetroDECK wiki online" ) case $choice in "Change Multi-user mode" ) configurator_retrodeck_multiuser_dialog ;; "Change Update Channel" ) configurator_online_update_channel_dialog ;; "Change Update Check Setting" ) configurator_online_update_setting_dialog ;; "Browse the Wiki" ) xdg-open "https://github.com/XargonWan/RetroDECK/wiki" ;; "" ) # No selection made or Back button clicked configurator_welcome_dialog ;; esac } configurator_welcome_dialog() { if [[ $developer_options == "true" ]]; then welcome_menu_options=("RetroArch Presets" "Change RetroArch presets, log into RetroAchievements etc." \ "Emulator Options" "Launch and configure each emulators settings (for advanced users)" \ "Tools and Troubleshooting" "Move RetroDECK to a new location, compress games and perform basic troubleshooting" \ "Reset" "Reset specific parts or all of RetroDECK" \ "Developer Options" "Welcome to the DANGER ZONE") else welcome_menu_options=("RetroArch Presets" "Change RetroArch presets, log into RetroAchievements etc." \ "Emulator Options" "Launch and configure each emulators settings (for advanced users)" \ "Tools and Troubleshooting" "Move RetroDECK to a new location, compress games and perform basic troubleshooting" \ "Reset" "Reset specific parts or all of RetroDECK" ) fi choice=$(zenity --list --title="RetroDECK Configurator Utility" --cancel-label="Quit" \ --window-icon="/app/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/net.retrodeck.retrodeck.svg" --width=1200 --height=720 \ --column="Choice" --column="Action" \ "${welcome_menu_options[@]}") case $choice in "RetroArch Presets" ) configurator_retroarch_options_dialog ;; "Emulator Options" ) configurator_power_user_warning_dialog ;; "Tools and Troubleshooting" ) configurator_tools_and_troubleshooting_dialog ;; "Reset" ) configurator_reset_dialog ;; "Developer Options" ) configurator_generic_dialog "The following features and options are potentially VERY DANGEROUS for your RetroDECK install!\n\nThey should be considered the bleeding-edge of upcoming RetroDECK features, and never used when you have important saves/states/roms that are not backed up!\n\nYOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!" configurator_developer_dialog ;; esac } # START THE CONFIGURATOR configurator_welcome_dialog